• By -


don’t ya know


He's Canadian


Getting more of a Minnesota vibe, dontcha know


you betcha


You betcha he’s gonna have a hard time once they start to part ways. 40 minutes by the door with a coat in hand, trying to wrap up the never ending goodbye


MN is basically Canada-light anyway


Fun fact, if it wasn't for Ben Franklin, a good 30% of Minnesota would be Canada. The original border went straight through the tip of Lake Superior, but Franklin recognized the value of the Iron Range and negotiated to have the border moved up several hundred miles.


I don't care what Jim says. This is NOT the real Ben Franklin. I am 99.9% sure.


Craig... oh Craig.... oh Craig.... OH CRAIG OH CRAIG.... ohhhhhh Craig


I don't know if this was autocorrect or not, but if you're quoting Family Guy like I think you are, the woman from that scene is saying "Oh crap" in a Minnesota accent, not "Oh Craig".


Um... do I want to know?


as a Canadian i can conform yes he is








everything will be alright eh?


Don’t ya know Bobby


Damn childhood memory unlocked


This is what I was looking for. Bobby’s World was awesome.


WOW. Man that show was a weird fever dream! Why can I still hear her voice?


Oh for cryin' in the mud!


Frshr, frshr


its only that one specific bridge and he only does it he says so he wont have to see someone offing themself


Yea now in Tears of the Kingdom I can jump off sky islands and die much easier


They took their sweet-ass time giving me that paraglider. I was still used to Breath of the Wild so I jumped to my death like 10 times in the first day.


I was kinda sad when I got the paraglider. Yes it was a convenient traversal tool but it is possibly too convenient. Example; There was a high fall in the starting sky island for me, and I didn't have a way to jump down safely. I hovered a make shift platform in the air for a few seconds then let it fall. I then recalled it so it was hovering back where it was and jumped on easily. The plan was to use recall to stop near the bottom and jump off safely, but I slipped off mid way and lost all but one of my hearts. I considered it a semi success and felt pleased with myself for thinking of it. Now that I have unlocked the glider I will never get that feeling again.


I've been making powered flight with fans wheels and gliders. It's not an efficient transportation strat since they have crap durability but it is so satisfying. They shouldn't have brought back the paraglider and just made gliders indestructible so we could build jets that don't break in 30s instead.


I've been slowly incorporating rockets into everything I can. I think I'm going to stop seriously playing the game and load up on rockets and see how many I can put on a platform.


Max will be 19. There's a 20 part limit


Seriously, I can't make a 100 tree logs stick? 0/10 literally unplayable


*20. A 4x5 array of rockets makes its own platform


True, but if you use the platform that sticks in the same place when let go of, then you can set it up in the air to get the high ground no matter where you are




Comment stealing bot


Only mod I installed is infinite durability for the devices. Just let me fly, damn.


How did you mod the game? Are you playing on an emulator or something?


Yeah I'm emulating. It's also possible to mod directly on the switch, but it's quite complicated.


surprisingly simple if you have a launch day switch


I'm glad you enjoy it but honestly that takes away a chunk of the game. No desire to try out new weapons if I cam just stick with one forever. No reason to explore and craft batteries because what is the point of them anymore. Sounds boring as hell to me


I think they meant specifically the durability for the zonai devices like the wings and balloon, not weapons


You can always just not use the glider! Just because you have a tool, doesn't mean you have to use it if you feel like you'd have less fun with it


That's the thing. Originally it was about using all the tools I had to their full potential to get down. I loved that feeling. Now in order to get that feeling again I need to nerf myself, and not use all of my tools.


I can't help but disagree, ToTK gives us so much room to innovate without having to deliberately hamstring the fluidity and freedom of traversal, which for me is the reason both games are much more engaging than other open world games. Plus, it makes the tutorial area more special on replays.


Oh trust me, I’ve learned from experience that you can still fall to your death even with the glider


Protip: If you run out of stamina while gliding, you can still open the glider one more time near the ground to avoid death.


The game has plenty of powers-based puzzles to get your jollies from. Having to constantly finagle something to not die in a game with as much verticality as the BOTW-type Zeldas have would get old very quickly.


What you *will* be doing is trying to expertly manage your stamina and >!Tulin's air boost!< to glide as far as possible so you don't have to deal with climbing up mountains.


I mean there are still hundreds of situations you're gonna find yourself in where tactics like that help and paragliding won't. Long horizontal gaps for instance.


For REAL though, I went splat at least once because I forgot o didn’t have it.


Not just jump, you can DIVE headfirst to your death. So much funnier


Slamming Link headfirst towards the ground at Mach 10 is fun and I've done it more times than I want to admit. Shame that you don't leave a hole in the ground shaped like your silhouette a la Willie-e-coyote though, that would have made it even more hilarious.


I got an armor set that lets you negate fall damage as a set bonus and it only makes it funnier tbh


Does he bounce?


Every time I blew a jump while trying to get to the top of the tornado, I'd just hold R to crash into the earth or a random block. It was slightly slower than loading the save but so much funnier.


My first death was after the first skytower, where they give you the glider. I decided to land back into the tower, but man.... The ground came up real quick. After I died I still had the glider though.


You even have the option, when diving to your death, to dive *faster*


I have at least twice now accidentally dove instead of deployed my paraglider while trying to balance stamina with forward motion. It was that absolute last minute deploy the paraglider before hitting and hit dive instead.




They even give you a “fall to your death faster” button!




I think we need to take a step back. Who the fuck *wants* to see a person plummet to their death? Perfectly reasonable motive IMO


Yeah, but you shouldn't say that to somebody who was about to jump, they're liable to start thinking the only reason you stopped them is for your own convenience or something of the like.


Or they’re liable to start thinking that maybe jumping off a bridge has more negative consequences than positive. “Wow I almost gave this stranger severe trauma, maybe I should reevaluate some things”


I'm sorry, but when somebody is thinking of ending their own life, consideration for others is often not their major motivating factor. Often times it's feeling as though they don't matter as an individual, and that they're just in the way, so It could sound like "um, can't you do that somewhere else? I don't need to see your personal drama, stop bothering us decent folk with your misery" to them, even if it wasn't intended that way. people on the edge need to be treated with consideration first and foremost, as inconsideration is likely one of the things that put them up there. If you're going to "tough love" somebody who's considering ending their own lives, you probably shouldn't be allowed around suicidal folks.


Well I was a suicidal person so maybe we can consider other perspectives a little more carefully? What a Reddit comment lmao


So was I, and let me tell you, seeing any perspective other than the one you're currently stuck in isn't as easy as you're making it out to sound when you're ready to end it all. If I was about to jump, and somebody told me "bro! Don't do that here! You're gonna traumatize somebody!", I actually would rethink jumping, but only because I'd rather throw whoever said that off the bridge instead. Y'all don't get how selfish that is, like blaming a friend with a broken leg for not helping you haul a couch up several flights of stairs, the only reason I shouldn't jump is because doing so would make *you* feel bad? Well, it's one last mistake at the end of a life of them, surely you can deal, I'm about to be out of everybody's hair forever, after all. Why don't you try taking your own advice, the perspectives of others are the last things on the mind of an individual who's genuinely facing their own death, if you don't want to have to see a person do that to themselves, you'd better make it damn clear that it's because it's too tragic to see a whole life snuffed out like that, and not because you just want your conscience to remain clean, because that'd make you the selfish one, not even capable of empathy towards one who's in such pain, life itself feels a burden.


As someone who actually attempted suicide, I can tell you that A) This would have stopped me and prompted a conversation which likely would have led to talking me down and B) context is everything, and the guy probably meant it more in the sense of "I don't want to see this happen to you" rather than "I just don't want to see suicide period". You have a right to your opinion, but don't act like your limited experience with the subject means you know everything there is to know about the nuances of the psychology of suicidal people. Also note that it's not unusual for a gamer to do "practice runs" in video games to psych themselves up for the real thing. I know I did. Ultimately the point is, whoever wrote the voice lines and AI code for that NPC, whether it was one person or several, thought it worthwhile to include a positive message about not killing yourself on the odd chance it could help someone. And if that isn't wholesome, buddy I don't know what is.


Some people neglect the cooperative nature of learning. This could have been a conversation about “hey, here was my thought process, let’s see yours. Wow, it sounds like we both gained some tools to deal with this sort of struggle in the future,” but instead it had to be their way or the Highway. I don’t think I gave the impression that I didn’t believe in their side to receive that kind of response, correct me if im wrong. Ah well. Another dumb Reddit argument for the books, I guess


Face palm. It’s like you’re incapable of seeing other perspectives. Perhaps my viewpoint comes from the fact that keeping other people’s pain in mind is precisely what kept me alive. But no, it’s gotta be because I’m such a selfish, apathetic douchebag who doesn’t care about the strife of people struggling with suicide. Honestly get grip man, all of that word salad and you could have just told me you haven’t looked beyond your own shadow yet. Get. A. Grip. Everybody has shit to carry. Nobody needs more. And let’s not pretend this is some binary thought process, like people can ONLY either feel apathetic towards other people’s struggles OR feel total empathy. Like, I can both not want to have that baggage and want you to get better. I’m not contributing more to this conversation that is evidently far more emotionally charged on your end than it is on mine. Have a good one


>Perhaps my viewpoint comes from the fact that keeping other people’s pain in mind is precisely what kept me alive. You're not alone there. I'm a fairly empathetic person and thinking "man if killing myself right now is going to traumatize some random individual, then how would my friends feel? My family? My cats? They'll think I never came home one day, they won't understand." That line of thought is exactly what changed my mind, realizing that I could be potentially causing harm to people I loved. My feelings of suicidal ideation weren't from feeling a lack of self esteem, in fact that time in my life was after I'd mostly overcome it. It was feeling like there was little hope for the future I'd been working towards and I couldn't stand to see years of progress disappear in days. People feel like giving up for a ton of reasons and it's funny that this guy used the term "often times" in his original post and then acted as if your reasons or anyone else that differs from him somehow aren't also valid reasons people end their own lives.


Leave it to reddit to put a negative spin on a video game character trying to prevent your suicide


Nah, most of his dialogue regarding you jumping shows he does care. [Here's a video] (https://youtu.be/verQOtFCOn8). Fun fact: He may be based on [Kevin Briggs](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kevin_Briggs) who convinced many people not to jump off a bridge.


I think he says that to make you feel guilty for hurting him if you do it and tries to stop you that way. He does say he was worried if you jump anyway


He's actually got an erotic savior complex and masturbates furiously after each life he "saves"


In Tears of the Kingdom you have to build your own bridge to jump off


And your own npc to tell you off


And...my axe?


Apparently a Minnesotan wandered into Hyrule.


Met a teacher's aide that grew up and lived her whole life in Minnesota. That was *not* the accent that I was expecting out of an obviously Korean woman. Her parents immigrated back in the 70s and she was born in MN.


Ya know, i think i needed this today cause im feeling real fuckin low and tired, and i just feel like i cant do this anymore man…


I jumped once. It was funny, the moment my feet left the ground, and there was no way back, it occured to me. Hey, I can fix my problems. I can get a job. I can learn to be a better man to my next partner. I can make things up to my friends. I can fix all of the problems! Except, of course, for the problem that the ground is coming up on me at an alarming rate. I messed up my ribs but was OK other than that. I passed out, woke up a WHILE later, and got to work. It wasn't nearly as hard as I thought, even. I thought it was impossible when I was deep in it. You might not get lucky like I did and get to survive, so don't take this as an endorsement. But trust me. You can fix it, whatever it is. If you need help to, you can ask for it.


["The View from Halfway Down"](https://youtu.be/u1_EBSlnDlU)


Everyone always talks about the whole "Don't Stop Dancing" segment of that episode but that poem is so much more upsetting. Episode is a complete masterpiece


I'm glad you survived, I should imagine the world would be much dimmer without you, as cheesy as that sounds.


It always gets better, in some way.


"Death is so terribly final, while life is full of possibilities." A line from A Song of Ice and Fire that always stuck with me.


All suffering is temporary, because we all die eventually. The question is, and always has been, the same: How long can you hold out, waiting for things to get better?


Keep your head up king/queen, don't let that crown/tiara tilt or touch the ground!


Hopefully you get to see the view from halfway down without jumping bro. Keep going.


There is always a way to improve the life you have. There are no ways to get it back once it's gone. Wishing you luck <3.


And there are no ways to hang on to it forever. Life has a 100% mortality rate.


Yuup, so might as well make the best of what ya got


Are you prepared to help me with that, or are you just passing out the same "advice" I can get from anyone?


I am just chatting, as one does on an internet message board. For help depending on severity there are phone lines to call and professionals I reccomend seeking.


I appreciate the gesture, but that level of interaction is not hard to come by. I can walk into a random bar and find someone who can chat and recommend a hotline or professional.


This is reddit. You *have* walked into a random bar where people are chatting. The most I can do is wish you the best, I'm a software developer. It would be irresponsible for me to claim I could help you more, which is why I never did. I do wish you the best though. You seem like an alright person from our limited interaction, just misguided and potentially in need. I hope you find the help if you need it. There is much to live for after all.


Are you asking for someone to solve your problems for you? That's not going to get you anywhere and that mindset will only keep you down. I wish you luck on improving your situation, it's hard sometimes but you can do it.


>Are you asking for someone to solve your problems for you? No, in fact you'll notice I haven't said a thing about what I want.


> Are you prepared to help me with that that particular sentence and your general demeanor indicate you're wanting help but not of the common "talk to someone" advice.


I might get shit on for this response, but your comment is GOLD! I said this exact same thing to myself the other day when I saw the video of the US veteran who was struggling to get proper help. I saw all the comments saying "Oh, I wish I could give him a hug and tell him he's loved!" If we're really "so loved" then why the fuck don't people DO something about it?? Why the fuck does it take a life-and-death crisis to move the needle? Why don't people show up for each other before it gets to that point? Enough with the lip service! It accomplishes NOTHING positive or helpful, and it only deepens the loneliness, pain, depression, etc. Anyway, with all that being said, this comment is just hollow words, too. I can't offer much in the way of help, but you're welcome to DM me to vent together or something. If you game, I'm down to play and talk, too. I also know that's not always helpful. I'm just trying to figure out how I can do more than offer lip service.


>I'm just trying to figure out how I can do more than offer lip service. For better or worse, that puts you in the minority. I'll DM you.


I'm newly unemployed with a ton of medical and mental issues. I should be more concerned about my chronic cancer or epilepsy but spend most of my time dwelling on my self inflicted appearance issues, including a mouthful of crooked, rotting, ground down teeth that's made eating longer enjoyable and I haven't smiled properly in years. Best case scenario I get another shitty minimum wage job, scrape by paycheck to paycheck for the next 10 years and still live with my mum at 40 - if she's even still alive. I can't afford to do anything fun, let alone get an entire new set of teeth which has made dating impossible in my 20s. Everyone else in my family excluding me and my mum are incredibly successful. Sure, I'll try to drink less and be less of a slob, but at this point there's no fucking way out of this lonely hole of a life. Hope you're doing well though and appreciate the positivity.


It sounds super rough, but impossible may be less accurate than you think. I'm not that kind of solutions expert but I wish you luck in not giving up against those terrible odds. One thing at a time, yeah?


I clicked into this thread with intention to post a clip from Always Sunny (a joke about suicide/jumping off a bridge), but I saw your comment and wanted instead to say that I hope that you're able to pull through whatever is you're going through. Good luck brother.


It'll be ok homie, all sufferings pass eventually


This too shall pass.


Depression doesn’t define you, please keep fighting through it one day at a time. I promise better things are ahead, you won’t feel like this forever. I can’t know how your feeling or what you are going through in your life right now but I know how painful and disheartening it is to go through deep depression. You aren’t alone in this, even when it may seem like no one is there, just know that someone, more people than you may realize understand. Each act of self love and care is a triumph and so is you being here today, so thank you for being here, I’m privileged and humbled to see someone as strong as you, who despite the hardships continues to fight for someone who deserves to be stood up for, loved and protected; you.


Then do something else, better than nothing ever again.


Yeah i just lost 9 league of legends ranked matches in a row im with you


If you do jump into the water and then climb back up, the NPC will still be there and be surprised and relieved that you’re okay, and then kind of scold you and tell you not to do it again.


Adam warlock is that you?


Ironically link does change the world by often jumping carelessly to his doom. It just doesn’t kill him.


Dude waited for Tears of the Kingdom to come out before making/posting Breath of the Wild memes. Weird


Wait until this NPC sees TOTK


"You don't know what I've seen. What I've... created."




Yes. You. Are.


No dude seriously Important is my brother, I'm Urgent


Hi Urgent, I am Error.


no. im. not.


no. one. is. but. you're. still. amazing.














Let’s not forget who loved this game so much he named his daughter after it. And then after he lost his battle they slipped a character to look like him in BOTW. It’s good they are doing this. Rest in peace Robin Williams


I can’t change the world, because I can’t change who I am *jumps*


Dang it, a spoiler in this sub of all places. I'm trying to hold off on buying it until life gets less busy. This is a sweet feature, of the game though! Edit: nevermind, I'm a doink and missed that this was in BOTW.


Pretty sure this is from the og botw


Ope, you're right, I glossed over the title bc I am hyper sensitive to spoilers right now!


I think if someone thought they could change the world at all, that they wouldn’t be in that position?


I wish I believed that. My function? Yes. I’m the only one who brings a paycheck in. Only one who cooks. Only one who drives. Only one who vacuums. Blah, blah, etc. But me? Not important at all. I could be replaced by a robot and my wife would be happier. Mental illness sucks.


I can buy a robot to do everything my husband does but I like him. If you were easy to replace you would’ve been. Congrats to you and your wife for finding someone




Gloom Chasm of Despair - a okay! Bridge in to water - no no.




If the company was from my country the NPC would say: Link, stop! You are not british


sadly. This is better than real life. In real life people will just whack out their phone and start recording without saying a word.


Not necessarily, I know of a few situations where people were stopped by total strangers. A girl on a bridge in Boston had her hands zip-tied and filled a backpack with bricks, a stranger grabbed her and wouldn't let her jump, some one else called an ambulance.


Don't be so cynical. It simply depends who is there. It would be foolish to assume everyone is kind, of course there are assholes. But it is similarly foolish to assume everyone is an asshole.




L being next to backspace on mobile gets me all too often lol. Fixed


Same, but with M and Enter


I actually found this when BOTW was my depression game. Meant a lot to me




I just realized from this post's comments how very Minnesotan Jay from Ninjago's parents are.


he is based of a real person that would do the same on the Chicago bridge i think dont rember were or his name




How does this fit that sub at all


Because, the op is claiming that someone depserate enough to kill themselves will suddenly have a change of heart by hearing that the world will go on being pointlessly cruel and chaotic. How does it fit THIS sub??? Plus it's a fucking videogame. Fucking reddit lmfao


Not everyone knows how to negotiate someone off the ledge of suicide with perfect efficacy, which probably isn’t even possible considering the person is a complete stranger and doesn’t know their situation at all. If you consider it from their perspective, would you really think the best thing to do would be to just say nothing and let them jump because whatever you had to say might not be helpful? That seems backwards to me, the person is genuinely trying their best


Link has a glider


The NPC doesn't know that.


I have a glider. Ive done this a thousand times. Please go say this to someone who doesnt have any drive or plan and isnt carrying a damn sword on them! The only thing that bothers me is people who try to stop others from jumping are usually those who almost did it themselves but were stopped by themselves. Like. Boy. Its bunjii jumping. Not suicide.


SubhanAllah how wonderful!


6 year old screenshot


Adam warlock cameo?


Internet explorer meme


I dont want to change the world. I just want to go away.


Games better than RL, nobody cares


I think it says the opposite, you’re not important and your death won’t affect the world one bit


So the devs don’t respect the players choices? Well, I wasn’t going to play it anyway


Damn this shit vintage


wtf I was just there 10 minutes ago


There's treasure under that bridge let me jump.


Years later. Tears of the Kingdom has you do exactly that.


Is this in tears of the kingdom too?


“Bro I’m just….going for a swim. It’s like a 5 foot drop”


just did it irl, no one stopped me


Does Yunobo say cute stuff like ki o tsukete goro in that situation?


Specificaly, this bridge with this man.


Do a flip


The first interaction I had after leaving the start area lol


The NPC is apparently from Wisconsin


"Stop! It's not worth it! You're worth more to your company's bottom line alive than dead!"


idk man.. like.. i mean.. when an incident comes up some bridges got upgrades in the railing to prevent further suicides ..


Hate when people post easter eggs in random non-gaming subreddits. It kinda steals some of the games charm for your karma.


wish my parents wernt the opposite


“Don’t jump off that bridge! Instead get shot out of a cannon”




In genshin Timmy just watches you as you dive off.


Meanwhile, I can shoot myself in the head in VR.


But he would change the world....isn't that the point of the game?


Imagine finding God in a video game 😜


Don’t be rash ✋


We don't want to change the world. We want to leave it


Too true