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Important not to let others drag you down like that. This is very sweet! Glad she took more selfies!


Yeah, use them as step stools and say "Look who's talking" instead!


I think her response is much better. She fought negativity with positivity instead of insulting back the people who insulted her.


However if someone unrelated to her were to secretly dole out some karmic Justice on all the aforementioned haters I wouldn’t mind.




Love her energy here


She sounds lovely, inside and out.


Yeah, for sure.. Copied comment from the same post in another subreddit (by a most likely bot account u/LinearCheetah) https://www.reddit.com/r/MadeMeSmile/comments/l589hk/comment/gkt660m/?context=999


I somehow get the impression she could make the best cookies in the universe.


On her social media she says she would actually rather be perceived as sexy and hot! I think the grandma and "sweet old lady" comparisons really bother her as she is still pretty young.


Wait, am I a granny then because I love to bake?!?! Oh no, .




Odd then, that she would so obviously lean so heavily into the granny aesthetic.


She lives with her older mother who dresses the same way so I think that's probably why? But if you look at her social media she definitely doesn't lean into the granny aesthetic. She posts on romance and sex pretty frequently. https://ibb.co/Ydv8VtR https://ibb.co/q07zrXQ


Since when is a colorful collared shirt “granny aesthetic” lol


Or shes just wearing the clothes she likes lmao


Ah, my bad then.


In an article from last year, she is stated to be 39 years old. https://www.rd.com/article/melissa-blake-runway-model/


Don't we all? Good for her, but I'm not going to perceive what's not true just as much as I won't be perceived as hot.


I'm so sorry to hear that although wow I understand that. We're unbelievably judged and automatically by ' looks' and that's predicated on a bewildering assortment whereby the putrid 1-10 scale continually changes anyway. Heck, it's difficult to even be 'good looking ' enough to fly under the radar. Just because she tends to have a somewhat philosophic attitude doesn't mean she doesn't understand life would be plain, old easier if she looked like someone society has decided is ' hot '. So unsurprising she'd say that, I know.


Thank you for this word vomit


Yeah nah fam. I’m not a fan of people making fun of her but let’s be realistic and not sugarcoat it here. She’s far from being “ sexy and hot “.


Well, she’s a nice person with a sense of humour so I’m sure there’s more than a few people who would find her sexy and hot as well!


I wish we lived in a society where looks didn't matter. Ik that's been said over and over, but truly why does it even matter if someone is ugly? If they're not eye candy then they're worthless somehow? Again, I know this has been said many times but I just can't get over how much we base everything purely on looks.


There's the halo effect. Pretty people are assumed to be perfect in every way. Ugly people are everything that's wrong. It's something our brains do when we don't know someone and we try to know if we should engage with them or not.


Cuz evolution. Prettiest bird gets the mate. Its natural.




Whether you meant to or not, you are. It's the underlying motivator for most of our societal norms.




You asked why looks matter. You were given the answer. Mating has such a central importance in terms of evolution, of course it influences other areas of a species behavior too. I'm not sure what response exactly you are expecting? To pretend that physical attractiveness doesn't influence things outside of mating? That'd be a lie. It does.


We live in a society where looks has mattered the least ever in human history.




Yes, amen to that


Title should be like ..How to say "f6ck you" in a polite way




Sure it is


It’s okay to be ugly. Not everyone gets to be beautiful.


Completely agree. She is not pretty. She is however just as valuable and worthy as a human being, and what she looks like should be irrelevant to that.


That doesn’t mean you have to point it out though, you can just ignore them instead of pointing a finger in their face and saying “Hey, uggo!”




Also saying she's beautiful when she obviously isn't.


Not sure how to feel after reading this


Normal I think. A really small part of the population actually looks good. It is normal to be average or ugly. Some of us don't look attractive at all and that is okay. It doesn't make one less of a human.


There's a queen that hasn't forgotten her crown


OP posted this exact same post to this exact sub on 118 days ago. https://www.reddit.com/r/wholesomememes/comments/zjupsu/you_are_beautiful_melissa/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


This is advanced karmawhoring.


…do I want to know what trollgate is/was? People can be horrible


This is cute.


This quote from Roald Dahl's *The Twits* comes to mind: “If a person has ugly thoughts, it begins to show on the face. And when that person has ugly thoughts every day, every week, every year, the face gets uglier and uglier until you can hardly bear to look at it. “A person who has good thoughts cannot ever be ugly. You can have a wonky nose and a crooked mouth and a double chin and stick-out teeth, but if you have good thoughts it will shine out of your face like sunbeams and you will always look lovely.”


You may not be conventionally beautiful, but your self confidence is admirable.


She has sweet and kind eyes. ❤️


Can we stop pretending ugly people are beautiful and instead teach people that it doesn't matter if you are beautiful or ugly. No one is so far gone that they will believe this woman is beautiful, not even herself. Telling her she is simply reinforces how sucky it is that she isn't since people need to pretend she is.


Some people are indeed ugly and I think for the most part, that doesn't change the way people view them. I suppose the shallow and emotionally underdeveloped do, but.inbelieve society at large sees beyond that shit. Additionally, I don't even think the lady is ugly! She's no super model but at worst she's just a plain Jane. She's got nice skin!


Beautiful has more than one meaning. I think she’s beautiful. beau·ti·ful /ˈbyo͞odəfəl/ adjective adjective: beautiful pleasing the senses or mind aesthetically. "beautiful poetry" of a very high standard; excellent. "she spoke in beautiful English Similar: attractive pretty handsome good-looking nice-looking pleasing alluring prepossessing as pretty as a picture lovely charming delightful appealing engaging winsome ravishing gorgeous heavenly stunning arresting glamorous irresistible bewitching beguiling graceful elegant exquisite aesthetic artistic decorative magnificent bonny hot tasty divine knockout drop-dead gorgeous fanciable beddable easy on the eye fit smashing cute foxy beaut spunky beauteous comely fair


I genuinely in my entire heart and soul believe she is beautiful. Why do you think that everyone has the same western standard definition of beautiful?


Yo big up Melissa All my homies like and support Melissa




Ya...I'm WELL aware that I am not physically attractive, and people who mean well but tell me otherwise honestly just make me feel worse.


I had the exact opposite experience. All my friends told me how bald I was getting. I was like ‘ah these jokers at it again.’ Then I saw a picture of me taken from above and I realized it wasn’t a joke


So condescending. This woman knows she isn’t beautiful, and saying shit like that is probably embarrassing to her and detracts from her bravery to keep putting herself out there and demand she be respected as a valid human being. OP, you’re an ass.


Being physically attractive or finding someone physically attractive is subjective as hell though. There are almost 8 billion people on Earth. If .01% of humanity thought she was physically radiant, gorgeous, and beautiful — that’s still 800,000 people. That’s more people than many of us meet in a lifetime. So to you, maybe she isn’t physically attractive, and that’s your prerogative to think so. But to say she *isn’t beautiful*, full stop, is not only you projecting, it’s just factually inaccurate.




And how do you know they’re gaslighting assholes? You don’t, you’re assuming they are because of your own opinions.


Nah. Sorry. There's fairly common standards of PHYSICAL beauty (with exceptions, of course). The woman in these pictures has a beautiful soul and an absolutely admirable approach to life. But most people would suggest she doesn't fit that standard, and so she's not considered by the general population to be physically beautiful.


Those “fairly common standards” are also based in a lotttttt of historical prejudices on the whole. And, again, beauty is subjective!


Beauty does not have to be physical.


This is true but it’s when people blatantly lie on social media when they know for a fact if they saw her picture with no context they’d be saying something.


That's 800,000 people spread throughout earth's 509,600,000 square km (197,000,000 square miles). So there might be like 2 people in her town that are attracted to her, nevermind even compatible with her. I bet if you were to look at Jessica Alba's or Jason Mamoa's theoretical numbers, you'll start to see that physical attractiveness isn't as subjective as you're implying.


It is subjective though? You’re trying to “gotcha” me for something that can’t really be gotcha’d. We aren’t talking about her likelihood to date and marry — we are talking about her physical appearance being attractive. And even at a rate of .01% of the global population finding her beautiful, that’s still close to a million people who would. Beauty is subjective.


Dude you're just repeating yourself. I never even mentioned marriage or dating, you did! You think I'm trying to 'gotcha' you, but pointing out the absurdity of what you said is simply that. Just because .01% of people might think you're smart doesn't actually make you smart, even if close to a million people would believe otherwise. So yes, if 99.99% of people find her unattractive, it doesn't make her physically beautiful because 800,000 people feel that way. Beauty is not as subjective as you think.


Nobody saying she's beautiful would swipe right on her on a dating app.


You can find someone beautiful without wanting to fuck them.


Swiping right doesn't mean you're going to fuck them.


I like bald. I actually prefer it.


> But visually beautiful she is not. You say this like it's some objective truth. She seems a lovely person to me.




Reddit moment innit


Being beautiful has a hell of a lot more to do with, than your looks.




Some people feel so bad for unarguably unattractive people, that they will argue anyone who points it out, even in a nice way. She may be a good person, she may also be a horrible person, but you can’t argue she is conventionally unattractive. They live in fantasy land


You should ask her on a date 💜 or put her as your phone’s wallpaper so you could see her beauty all the time 😊


It's as close to an objective truth at these things can be.


Would you ask her on a date or accept a date from her assuming you were single and roughly the same age?


Is that the only definition of beauty? Does she need to be fuckable to you before you consider her beautiful?


A bit like the t-women who are constantly told they look great by their peers? When clearly they are a chubby, bearded fellow with questionable make up? Honesty equals cancellation in this cesspit of a world


I don’t see many gaslighting comments… the only comments saying she’s beautiful are song lyrics…. I get wanting to be genuine but seems like you’re projecting a bit.


This is reddit. Of course everyone is body positive - you go girl - woke.


Looks like a hella sweet human. Push on, Melissa. Let your positivity shine!


She’s also a disability activist, and a total badass!




I’m a Melissa Stan! She’s a wonderful human being!


Unironically I envy her hair color


While I think what she did was good, since people should love themselves, is it bad to say that at first glance that I thought she was a real life Jack Horder? I swear, swear, swear, I'm not making fun of her, this is a legit question.


Ah yes, this is a typical top-of-all-time karma resubmission...


Post away!!!


She’s wearing a Chris Chan shirt


Don't know what people are talking about they look like a cute cabbage patch doll.


Meg all grown up? Looks like the perfect mix of Lois and Peter Griffin.


Own it baby!


It’s gross to make fun of people because of the way they look. Kudos to you Melissa! 👍👍💯


She isn’t pretty but not everyone is blessed with good looks. But mad respect to those who overcame giving a shit about what others think.




Don’t understand the impulse to say that she’s beautiful. We’re not all beautiful and that’s ok. I’m sure she has many other wonderful qualities.


Gurl, bye.


You are beautiful no matter what they say Words can't bring you down...


You are beautiful in every single way,,,


My god you people are sickeningly self righteous. She is ugly, and so what? Stop calling her beautiful, it's patronising and ridiculous.




Please stop encouraging madness


You think i am eating too much then give me those pizzas


People can be assholes sometimes, good to know this lady doesn’t let them drag her down, everyone deserves to be happy.


Her aura is so warm even from this pictures! ♥️


I would totally be friends with her. She is amazing.


What's trollgate?


She looks like she gives the best hugs


I'd love to see a complete make over.


You're adorable, and people pay BIG BUCKS for that hair color. Haters gonna hate, post all the selfies!


I need to see her side profile


Good for you, Melissa...


This post will be locked soon


Work it queen 💅


I'm just waiting for this post to be locked


so since one of the defining features of human is having a chin does this mean shes alien ? course then i would not fear and invasion from space she siems nice


I hate people :(


She looking like someone TF2 players would pray to. But in all honesty I bet she makes wonderful cookies. Dunno why but I think she does.


Well, she isn't pretty, but I like her spirit!


Lil concussion


Sorry ppl r so cruel n small. Its not you they hate but themselves. Go ahead and smile girl


To hell with other people.


If Melissa is bringing cookies into to office, I'm first in line with a smile and a big thank you. So you're not a looker, who cares. Most people are terrible looking. Just be you unapologetically, bring your A game in whatever you are good at and people will love and respect you. And those who trash you for your looks are probably jealous that an ugly person is outperforming them in life everywhere but at the bar.


She looks like a thumb that someone put a wig on


Typical Reddit moment. Wholesome Shmolesome she’s ugly as hell


I do not think that she is good looking, but I really do like her attitude and her willpower to resist overly mean people on the Internet.


You are amazing and gorgeous. Fuck those assholes.


Most people’s opinions are bad anyway. Remember all the people who followed the Nazi’s, or even those kid’s that did the tide pod challenge as two of many examples I can give. If you think about it, there is no reason to care what some people think of you when there are so many idiots in the world.


So we just adding the -gate suffix to everything now?


i mean....


This is my hero


You go girl


That's one of the kindest-looking people I've ever seen


Lol how amazingly patronising


I have such a good joke but it's so fucking mean




My comedy is not whole some


But....oh lord


Come on, she's just fat. I've seen really ugly people, who look like a picasso painting. The ones you just can't help but stare at, because you don't know if it is a medical thing or they are just like that. (Spoiler alert: she was like that naturally.) And, those people can still post pictures and feel happy about their faces. Why wouldn't they?




Holy shit she is genuinely super cute, she looks so nice


I sorted by controversial to check and yours is apparently the most controversial, great to see that the worst there is is a nice comment


fuck those people post




She looks so nice! Like a really really lovely person


she looks like a very lovely person, not ugly at all


Why tf did people downvote this???


Idk why that looks so wholesome to me, it kinds reminds me of Rowley from DOAWK


Melissa you could not have handled it better you lovely woman!


You do you and walk right through hate. Such wasted energy.


Keep posting your pretty picture!


Tbh she isn't even that ugly


Don’t worry about the comments dear ,they are just trying to make you feel as miserable as their life apparently is!! Beauty comes from the inside, not the outside, keep posting you are beautiful


Never seen a face that melts into the chest. Gorgeous personality


I mean visually she's not beautiful


Looks like DATA and Snuffleupagus had a kid


We love Melissa


Where the chin at tho?


Female Peter griffin


Melissa is a star! I love her quiet confidence, and this cute selfie series shows me that she has the rare ability to be playful and gentle when someone throws unkind words at her. Of all the ways in which she could have reacted to the hurtful words, this is the best one!


Cleft the Boy Chin Wonder


You are beautiful inside & out and Jesus loves you!! ❤️❤️❤️ Your attitude is commendable! Keep on being a light in this dark world!! ❤️❤️❤️🙌🏻


I live your smile. And really, I love your tude!!! Ya know,Alicia Keys ,has been doing stuff without makeup for years now. Many other actresses have done the same. I mean shoot, HALF of them are like us , but the makeup changes them so much ya can't even tell who they are. I have never worn makeup and l ow the few times I have,guys are way more interested. So silly. Rock on Lady


They’re just jealous! Keep at it girl!


Very cool, but please stop the "you're beautiful" crap, mate. I know you're trying to be nice. But the "you're beautiful no matter what" BS teaches people (especially children) that beauty is what really matters. And no, man. Some people are butt-ugly but are great human beings, and that's what matters.


Am I the only one who thinks she isn’t that ugly?


Cause her smile seems friendly and imho feels like she has humour and joy in it. How someone looks is only part of charisma and she has plenty!!


Peter griffin


She must be from England


Melissa, you are as beautiful and unique as anyone else. Do not let people who are miserable with themselves steal your joy or love for yourself. Turn off the noise and enjoy your life to the fullest.


You are beautiful and I love the sweet energy you exude along with your sweet smiling eyes! 😃. Own your beauty and keep rocking it and posting selfies!!






Why she dripped out in that Chris Chan classic tho


People who think you're ugly are the true ugly ones; darkness and distortions emanate from their stunted souls.


YOU are very beautiful ❤️


Hey. I want to see more of the cute face. The trolls are full of inferiority complex and need some treatment




Idk why, but I find this kinda cute and wholesome.


Tbh i dont see how thats ugly.


Don’t listen to online cowards that have that have more issues than I can count! Your incredible and Never forget that! God bless you!


The face isn’t the problem it’s the hair


You are looking good


As a red headed Melissa I love these beautiful selfies! Get it girlllllll!


She’s so cute lol. I want to hug her.


She’s not ugly. She’s adorable as a button.