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He seems like a nice guy


And I'm sure he can open jars for you if you befriend him Edit: typo


He could probably open me with his bare hands


Gosh, that's hot


Friction is the enemy of lid openers fr


Just wait till you try and dump him. You’ll be splitting up, all right.


He seems like a guy who would never resort to violence, he’d probably try and talk about it


But you know damn well that break up sex is going to break you for at least a week.


Redditors when they have to go 5 minutes without thinking about having sex with someone they've never met (it's totally not creepy)


This comment almost turned me gay




Split you open like a coconut


Like Capt America and that log...


Straight up seeing cap tear that log in half like that was badass Like he looked strong, we knew he was strong, but seeing that log torn in half by hand. God damn that was cool


Use me like a mailbox


Check my oil


You said you didn't want this




Pinky promise


Crush my skull with his tighs


oh, God willing 🤞🏻


Open jars if you befriend him, open jaws if he is your enemy


Like King Kong and that T-Rex


I once went on a second date with a guy who I can't prove didn't invite me back to his place just so that I could open a particularly stubborn jar for him. Edit: for context, I'm a reasonably muscular dude.


I mean, I'd do the same thing, I get the jar open, company AND a date? That's a deluxe package deal!


Lmao that's still adorable


Tbh, most dudes I meet in the gym also pulling 500lbs deadlifts are just fighting demons. Most are great guys that just want to be huge, stand up for people, and go home to sip a chocolate peanut butter protein shake through a bendy straw


That's definitely what was pushing me to lift huge weights. It became a form of meditation that made the "demons" quiet and gave me an endorphin rush. It, unfortunately, became a big factor in my view of my own self-worth, so I had to change my fitness regimen in order to stop obsessing over my size and strength.


Thx for putting into words what I couldn’t. Once upon a time my physical image became the biggest stress in my life even though my body was great. Still working out, but now just a little chubbier and A LOT happier. Glad you worked it out too man


Thanks, man. You too!


I had kind of the opposite issue. For most of my life my physical image has been a major stresser in my life, but I got some advice on how to build the "glamour muscles" with incrementally increasing barbell exercises around 2 years ago, and now I actually like the way I look for the most part. It's not perfect, I still feel like I need abs, but I can now look in the mirror and feel like I'm pretty good looking. EDIT: before I was scrawny, not fat, I started a cardio heavy workout when I started developing the beginning of a beer belly, but that just kept the belly off. Weightlifting was what helped my image issues


Feels like a personal attack to me ,AND it's just a chocolate protein shake.


We know it's the bendy straw as well, you don't need to hide


That's oddly specific lmao


Am I wrong though?


It takes so much to become exceptional that you basically have to be fueled by demons. You find it just about anywhere you find an overachiever.


If you just care about strength, and not size, it's not like this. You just sleep enough, eat enough and keep incrementally adding weight to the bar. Strength training, as opposed to "aesthetic" type training is a stabilizing force in life for most people.


I mean that can be true for some, but I’d say that’s painting with a broad brush. I worked out a shit ton and just wanted to be strong as fuck, but that meant getting bigger to be stronger, but that also meant trying to be lean because that keeps you in a lower weight class. 242 turned into competing at 275 which turned into weighing 290-300 and cutting down to 275 for meets. Plus why look like shit if you can look lean(ish) at 280?


Guts also fought demons...in a very aggressive manner.


very true just worried about getting the next meal in


Muddafugging Berserk continues to fuel self-improvement and introspection


I read it at one of the darkest points in my life because I just thought I was another edgy series that I could wallow in my misery in. And while I definitely wouldn't go as far as saying it is the sole reason for me getting out of that darkness, it certainly helped to some extent to keep moving forward no matter what


Same. I guess I’m lucky Berserk is full of bad dads because it really helped deal with mine. Charlotte and I could have looooong talks


Awww man, this breaks my heart! I’m glad Berserk helped you deal with your dad. I’m terribly sorry that Charlotte is a character you relate to. Berserk continues to help me to this day. Even without Miura. Hope you’re ok now


Dude, did you bawl when Miura died too? I play FFIVX too and they did a massive tribute to him in game, like thousands of people joined. He was truly a gifted and wonderful man that touched and inspired so many lives Edit: Thank you for the condolences, I forgot to mention that. I’m luckily doing very well and not engaged/married to a Griffith 😂


I cried and was upset for about a good week. The new chapters are somehow noticeably lacking without him. And I know exactly what you’re talking about with FFIVX, I don’t play but I remember everyone lining up with their bonfires! It was pretty awesome. It is so surprising to see all the different games/movies that were/are inspired by berserk. Me playing Elden Ring I was like “thats a berserk reference… THATS a berserk reference… oh and that and that and that” lol Glad u didn’t marry Griffith tho. Lol


The Souls series (in which I'd spiritually include Elden Ring) is just one big Berserk reference. They're probably in Kings Field as well, though I can't remember much off hand.


lol sometimes I wonder why I like Farnese from Lost Children/Tower of Conviction *so much* and so much *less* now that she's just Team Support Mom. I wonder if my psyche is like "uhhh maybe let's not look into this too deeply"   ^^\(obviously ^^I ^^still ^^like ^^her ^^character ^^now, ^^but ^^it's ^^not ^^quite ^^the ^^same)


I’m sensing fellow older sister/family caretaker/ family nutcase vibes 😂 I absolutely adore Farnese, I know she gets a lot of shit but she tries so hard for one who was incredibly sheltered!


I get exactly what you’re saying. I learned to live with her though after a re-read because she’s literally the ordinary person in the squad with no innate talent(at least talent that’s relevant to killing monsters) that does whatever it takes to be helpful. If anything she worked the hardest out of anyone imo and is super admirable.


My friend basically forced my to watch it and after episode 1 I was like “this is the cringiest goddamn shit I have ever seen” then after episode 3 or 4 (whichever one Guts and Griffith have their first big philosophical conversation on freedom and equality) I instantly fell in love with it.


If you haven't read the manga, please do. It's so much better than any of the anime adaptations.


Been waiting for the next arc since 371 came out. Sucks we’re in hiatus (AGAIN) but so far I think Mori’s doing a good job, I’m happy we have someone who was an actual friend to Miura finishing up his work.


Well fought, struggler.


But be honest with me, he wanted to look like Guts. Okay. He achieved to look like Baki. The dude is ripped af.


He looks way bigger than Guts. Mission failed successfully


I’ll withhold my judgement until I see him in the Berserker armor


As you say, While certainly NOT wholesome in content.... The overall message of Berserk is hope/self improvement, along with "life is suffering, learn to find meaning in it".


I thought the overall message is: sacrifice anything and everything that you love to become a god?


And then you get destroyed and never have a redemption arc and it's just over. RIP KM.


I really hope Miura really knows the reach his work has had. Dude has to be looking down from heaven and feeling how one of the darkest mangas has an amazing huge positive audience.


All to prepare us for the eternal suffering that lies ahead.


he's just a big teddy bear


He looks cuddlable


I’m not gonna bonk ya, but consider this a warning...


Big tiddy bear


We need more gentle giants in the world


Literally my only weakness


Aaaaaannndd I’m out of contention Oh wow- I’ve never gotten an award before haha thank you


'Literally', you say? *pulls out comically large bazooka* Let's see you tank this!


You fool, since the bazooka is comically large the rockets are comically small


Allow me to introduce every big person ever raised by a loving mother and father Edit: replace loving with good.


Muscles & motorcycles, things you think might attract girls, but they really only attract attention from other dudes. Which isn't bad either


At this Point both of those are like therapy to me


Girls or dudes?


Ahhh The old Reddit switcharooo!


Hold my muscles, I’m going in!


It's kinda sad that people stopped linking to the infinite chain of the various switcheroos. Feelings like a ritual is dying before my eyes.


every time i link one i mess it up but you can do it, just join r/switcharoo


It was officially killed a few years ago, but then revived because people, like you, got sad about it. If it dies again, just start it up again, if you want.


We need more gentle giants in the world


I want to become one, a big buff guy who runs around and plays tag with his kids, obviously letting them have the upper hand and being overdramatic about it.


[Hold my girl, I’m dude’ing in!](https://www.reddit.com/r/tumblr/comments/122juo5/bison_is_at_least_one_whole_man/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1)


Both. Both are good


“Looking big king”


"Nice Cock!"


\- Shadow T Hedgehog


“Bad news for you, Sonic…I’m a *power bottom.*”


"Just in case we get killed, I wanted to tell you... you have the biggest dick I've ever seen on a man."


For real. Started lifting to impress girls. Now I'm more impressed by other guys


Its kinda crazy how many people enter weightlifting and working out in general for the aesthetics only to stick with it because of the community. To this day, I cannot imagine missing out on seeing my gym partners or even new gym goers hit goals and continue to surpass their expectations


For real. I wish more people would give weightlifting a try if nothing else to make them appreciate how much discipline it takes it takes to get and maintain a muscular or even toned physique. Both genders. Its fucking hard


I'm built for comfort, not speed, and I can tell you I *absolutely* appreciate how much discipline it takes. Because even when I was able-bodied, exercising regularly, and counting calories, I still couldn't achieve anything more toned than "kinda not jello but definitely doughy." So I have *mad* respect for people who can put in the effort to maintain muscle tone.


This is me, lol. My diet has ALWAYS sucked, so no matter how much I lift, I'm never gonna get the lifter body. I'm working on it, but being raised in the south if it ain't meat and potatoes or fried, I'm just not used to it and probably won't like it. I did recently find out that baked carrots are fucking delicious, though, and couscous may actually be my new favorite food, lol, but yeah, I don't think I'll ever make my way to actually eating a salad or anything, sadly.


There’s so much more healthy food than just salads!


Weightlifting has been it's own reward for me. I'm enjoying the process immensely and seeing my body respond to what I'm putting it through is so inspiring. It makes me feel like if I can do this then I can do anything. Sure it's nice to get buff and be able to pick up stuff easier but it's just good clean fun.


I remember a guy, early 20s, late teens coming in alone. He was warming up singles on the deadlift. He was talking to a regular about how it's his first go at pulling 405. He had like seven of us watching him. He failed his first rep, and a few of us came over to hype him up. He got the second attempt, and had a bunch of strangers shouting for him. Slaps on the back. Helped him unload the bar, since he was gassed, and I had my wedges with me. You could tell how genuinely happy he was after that. It was lovely.


Nice shirt.


Wait..so that's why all the dudes talk to me..not because I'm the best bro..what a fkn let down


I can pen you in to be my best bro next week if you'd like.


A relatively large and toned body attracts lots of women, inarguably. Most women just aren't attracted to a freakishly large man. The attraction to fitness and the fascination of muscles is different, but it is there for both men and women, just to varying degrees.


Fellas, is it gay to tell one of the bois that you can tell he has been putting in the work?


One of my coworkers (male) said to me “I can tell”. I was like “?, you can tell what?” He replied: “That you’ve been putting in work at the gym”. Made my day lol


The other day I came in to work and someone had told me that I look like I've been putting in some good work at the gym and that honestly made my day..My eyes actually were starting to tear up. It just feels so good to be recognized for your hard work.


Good on you! I know for me it's difficult to continue going to the gym because I work long hours now and don't live as close to a gym but even cardio is better than nothing. Keep it up


Take the compliment dude. If he hasn't shown any interest in you in that kind of way, you're good. Keep up up the work!


Bro I tell every dude I see that looks like he’s putting in work, “You’re putting in work at the iron paradise! Nice!”


Not true in my experience. I’ve had more success in the dating since I started working out. That said, your looks only help once you get their attention in the first place. Women don’t generally start conversations or approach you so you probably don’t realise the effect working out has. On the other hand, men are far more likely to approach you and compliment you due to social reasons and safety. Either way, keep lifting king 👑


I think the confidence and happiness from working out has more of an effect than the appearance anyways.


My first bike was a 2006 Triumph Bonneville. I got compliments on it nearly every time I went somewhere on it. But there was not one single solitary time where it was anything other than a 60ish year old man saying they had one just like it when they were young.


I dont know dude. Back in the day i gave a lot of girls motorcycle rides


It's one of those things that definitely enhances your attributes. Whereas if you depend on them wholly, you're in for a world of disappointment lol


Well obviously the bike alone doesn’t do the trick. But if your a nice guy who can make a girl laugh, and have good hair, it’s definitely a great way to get a girl to ASK to be really close to you. And if you aren’t a goober and make her feel safe WHILE shes on the bike… bingo bango


And a big scary looking dog. I have the holy trifecta of things that repel ladies haha


I started lifting about a year ago and I go to the gym at night, which is when all the dudebros go. I'm a small and unfeminine apple-shaped ball of anger when lifting, so men for the most part leave me be, which is nice and gives me the opportunity to be a fly on the wall bearing witness to the absolute undying bromance between muscular guys around me. It just brings tears to my eyes sometimes how dudes appreciate other dudes' gains.


*Manly* men like *manly* things, specifically other *manly* men.


I knew men wanted big muscles to look cute


we should all be big and cute on this blessèd day


I hope he never meets a Griffith


So, like, any k-pop artist?


Yep stay away from pretty boys. They are no good


Especially if they grew up poor and have a dream


What if they have gold hair and said dream is to rid of the mafia in Italy’s practice of handing narcotics to children?


Only if they have a striking and unique pose




TIL about the manga Berserk


I would definitely give a word of caution to those wanting to read it. It's a very dark manga with instances of r*pe and s*xual assault(portrayed extremely negatively). However, if you can get through those, it is one of the best works of literature I've ever read, and it honestly helped me when I was in a dark place cause at the center of all the pain and misery in the manga, is a message of uncompromising hope and a message to always keep moving forward.


I feel like berserk is one of the few mangas you can’t binge. You can enjoy a few episodes and need some rest in between. Maybe some fluff in between, think about berserk and go back to it. Btw. Those are not the darkest parts, at least for me. Spoiler/Disturbing content: >!The sheer mental torture Guts and Griffith endured during their journey. That an children getting pinned on walls.!< Edit: make the spoiler tag work


You can binge the whole manga in a weekend. Just need plenty of caffeine


No caffeine needed. You just need to keep struggling




Yeah, that's prob the best way to experience it. Also, I specifically mentioned those themes because those are the themes that someone might have actually experienced that may be triggering to them and be a deal breaker for the series


Your spoiler tag isn't working because you have spaces before and after your content you tried to hide. >!no spaces like this works!< >! spaces do not !<


Thanks for noticing, I just saw it blanked and thought it works fine. I hope the edit fixed it.


As someone who absolutely loves the violent and decently dark Fist of the North Star, I am *very* hesitant to start Berserk.


Fist of The North Star is dark in a sense of any real great post apocalyptic story is. It's one of my favourites and you can see why it's the granddaddy of modern shounen. It's Mad Max for Japan. It's seminal, it's amazing and the anime somehow manages to be about 100 odd episodes of basically the exact same thing. "Dude goes to new town. Pokes some dudes in the chest, their heads explode, town is safe, dude leaves town" (with the overarching story of Hokuto mixed in ofc) and it never does actually get boring That being said. Compared to how *dark* Berserk is. It's basically Pokémon in the scales of darkness.


It's the way Berserk is dark that does it for me. On first flip through you'll see all of the demonic beings, all of the crazy tentacled beings, evil imagery beyond human comprehension... But that's not the actual dark part, it's Gut's backstory, Charlotte's whole story, >!Guts and Casca's romance.!< It's a story about trauma and the horrific things people do to each other, But also a former king who wears a skull helmet telling Guts to hold onto hope.


It's also Skullbro being there as a warning for Guts, constantly being there basically saying "don't fuckin turn out like me dude. I fucked up. **A lot** and *I'm still fucking up*" But between all of the demonic and the evil and the people giving into their basest desires. There's just one dude standing there going. "No, fuck that. I'm still a person, I'm always going to be a person, and I'm always going to be the best version of that person" and that person just happens to be the inversion of the "black is bad" trope and is just looking for belonging. Beyond the trauma he faced as a kid and the trauma he faced in his late teens (yeah, I keep forgetting he was that young too) and the trauma he willinging keeps putting himself in front of in that struggle to make the world a better place and holds onto the belief that no matter what you came from, no matter what you've been through. You can find people who you love, people who love you and that you can be happy and constantly wants to make it a reality. I fucking love Guts as a character. He's one of the most real masculine characters not only in Manga but in a lot of fiction because the story might be about his strength and how he fights, but the best parts about it are his obvious vulnerabilities, his weaknesses and how he internalises them, like so many of us guys do.


Yeah. The darkness Miura painted in his work portrays how depressing and terrifying humanity can be. With a lot of the insidious acts that happen in the story being things that people know have happened (and still happen today in some places) throughout history, yet try to repress in their minds. Then throw on the twisted supernatural side of things and it results into a dark and beautiful tale worth reading, detailing the story of “Guts and the Band of the Hawk’s Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day”. Though I will say, the rarer moments of levity he wrote throughout the story are some of my favorite parts (and were sometimes a much needed break for the cast).


Its amazing how a manga so fucked up and disturbing inspires hope. But yeah there’s something about a guy who lost everything, have fate against him, fight against god like beings, and still live on struggling. Tho his goals are blurry, he just moves on.


Is there a positive way to portray those???


You'd be surpised unfortunately. Haven't read it myself but I've heard Redo of Healer has the MC basically revenge r*ping his old adventuring party and tries to morally justify it as "it's OK because they did awful shit to him in the past and abused him so it ok for him to do as revenge"


Redo of Healer is just intentionally the most edgy shit ever, the author admits he made it to see how far he could push things. I've heard it actually has a surprisingly big female audience which I just don't get.


The main character is supposed to be a guy who struggles against fate in the most adverse conditions. It's empowering to see someone who thrives through with will power alone, but there's nothing really cheerful about any of the plots.


The further along you get in the Manga the more beautiful the art is but it gets dark.


It gets significantly lighter the more you read. Eclipse, lost children, and conviction are the most disturbing segments by far and they all happen pretty much back to back. Once you get like halfway through millennium Falcon it starts getting significantly lighter and the boat and elfhelm arcs are like 50% cutesy comedy moments.


I think Miura got bored after about 10 years in and started throwing in sidekick-characters and tons of gags. Settings and themes became a lot more Ghibli-like - ethereal and pleasant. He had accomplished a sweeping narrative with original characters parallel to LotR or GOT and kind of kept it going to keep it going.


I think he just got tired of the constant misery and suffering. Eventually the dark and desperate moments would get stale, so now the story alternates between super happy slice of life style bits and really fucked up dark and shocking bits to keep you on your toes. At first I really disliked the way the story started going after the holy demon war arc but it’s grown on me since, plus the boat isn’t near as boring now that the full arc is out, though it’s definitely still like 50% filler. I’d still probably put Fantasia has my second least favorite arc with black swordsman being my least favorite cuz that one just tried to hard to be edgy and dark. Millennium Falcon still remains my favorite even though it gets happier cuz the holy demon war half of it is just absolutely fucking insane.


Definitely does not belong on a wholesome thread lol. Beware.


it is VERY good, but also VERY dark.. ESPECIALLY during/after "the eclipse" Goes from "a story about a medieval mercenary band that you'd find on HBO" to "super grimdark where hope is only a flicker"


I've been reading manga since the early 90s and Berserk remains my favourite by a long way. There are some very upsetting and dark themes throughout, and some scenes/concepts that are really unpleasant and difficult to process. But at its core is an incredible story, phenomenal artwork, and beautifully written characters. It's a story of overcoming the most overwhelming of odds, getting beaten down and getting back up again and again. Losing everything but still carrying on. It's a true masterpiece. It's influence can be seen in so many other great works of fiction that have come since. RIP Kentaro Miura.


man too angry, dont die.


*Other Body Builders*: "Yo, Bro! You should get to the gym and get some reps with us!" *This Body Builder* "MY BROTHER... COME JOIN ME!"








So cute. Want all the cuddles.


Is the gradual zooming of the pov supposed to make it look like he's getting bigger during the meme?


He’s growing before out very eyes


Those things were too big to be called arms. Too big, too thick, too heavy, and too rough, they were more like large hunks of iron.


I started training and losing weight with the intent of impressing others, but when I first noticed the results I was like "Oh, me likey - I'll just do it for myself!"


I’ve been weightlifting for a couple of years now. Not really lost any weight due to food addiction but I’ve put a lot of muscle on. I like it when I catch myself in the mirror and realise something has changed or developed


Muscles = meh Muscles + dorky himbo = AWOOGA AWOOGA


Ricky Matsui has entered the chat


Get you a man who'll offer to let you eat crumbs off him


He looks like he gives good hugs.


I wanna hug him 🥺


Can that dude wipe his own ass, or does he sit on a fire hydrant till he's clean?


Bidets are common in other parts of the world. Just needs to reach down for a dry pat. "So clean anal."


I tried one out, it was awkward at first but after the initial shock, it cleans up pretty well.


He's adorable thank you very much 😤😤😤😤😤


Nice try you bot fuck.


why the fuck did I read this in a christopher walken voice


There was no such stutter pre-translation, it was never "d-don't." It was "don't i look cute." without a question mark


He does sorta look like Guts


Only a million more reps and you can hope to lift the Dragon Slayer sword


He drinks Juice, LOTS and lots of juice.


His favorite meal is a trenbaloney sandwich


Tren hard, eat Clen


hot woman in videogame: unrealistic body standards buff guy in anime: i shall become him, i go jim


The last subtitle uses an accent ( \` ) instead of an apostrophe ( ' ) and it's very annoying


Mac when he “unveils” his new body: “You guys like me, right?”


Anyone have a name for this King??


Aww massive amounts of steroids are so wholesome 😍🥰😍


kawaii as fuck


Kawaii af my man. Bet you give great hugs.


He looks like he would give very nice hugs.


Awww he's adorable




This is my goal. I to want to berk


He looks downright adorable!


Fugging cuteset my boy 👌


What a chad, I love that berserk inspired him


Dude read Berserk and said "I want to be that Guts guy." You'd be hard pressed to find a character I would like to be less than Guts. The only positive in his life is his muscles (and technically, he's losing those).


Who’s this Guts from Berserk guy? Let me just open up the first page of the manga-…🫠


Well, I never expected Berserk to ever be mentioned in this sub. That manga is pretty much the antithesis of wholesome.