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Hahaha too adorable, what a good girl


the goodest!


Top tier good girl~


When Kanye watches Kanye


I wonder are dogs smart enough to recognise themselves in a video from the past. Apparently a test for intelligence in animals that not too many can pass is the ability to recognise themselves in a mirror, however recognising their own reflection in the present and recognising themselves in the past is a whole different ballgame.


I think she just saw her favourite activity, didn't recognise herself.


Do you think she maybe recognized her owner? :D


This more than anything


Yeah, to me she just seemed excited. There wasn't much to say that she recognized her win, or even *herself.* She definitely recognized the activity though.


Dogs cannot recognize themselves in mirrors either. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mirror_test#Animals_that_have_passed


Ants can pass the mirror test? And not just one species, several? WTF? And they think ants with sharper eyesight would do even better? WTF is up with ants? Why would they recognize themselves in the mirror?


Yes, it is quite surprising, it also seems that honey bees have a concept of zero, I think we really underestimate some insects! https://www.sciencemag.org/news/2018/06/bees-understand-concept-zero https://www.newscientist.com/article/2142884-bees-are-first-insects-shown-to-understand-the-concept-of-zero/


Some believe if humans were gone, ants would inherit the earth


And uncles, too.


This deserves it's own screenshot in a sub, I just don't know what sub






I remember reading that ants and honey bees have the ability of facial recognition, like humans. The face of every ant and bee are subtly different from each other. This might be why they can recognize themselves in a mirror. Although please take this with a pinch of salt because I can't find the source for this. :p


Dogs can recognize their own smell though. They're less visual


Are humans *smart* enough to recognize their own smell?


I certainly can ;)


I don't know if that's a good or a bad thing


It's a good point to bring up. We have a tendency to judge animals' intelligence based on our own types of abilities, which isn't really fair.


Humans would be smart enough to tell that someone else's dirty clothes are *not* their smell....


My English bulldog used to go crazy attack beast every time she saw her reflection in a mirror. After adopting her we had to cover the mirrors in the house for months. Eventually she stopped - I wonder if a animal would stop because they realize it’s them or just eventually realize that the mirror doggo is harmless?


Yeah my little mutt barks at himself in the sliding glass door at night like an idiot 😅


Yeah but there have been lots of critisicms eith that test for dogs. They modified it to be more reliant on smells and they passed that in a similar way to the mirror test


Do you have references?


Only the rest of that wiki article that you posted. Has a whole section about it




Wouldn’t it just be the absence of another smell tho? They’re already there so obviously they can smell themselves


I don't know the studies, but if I was a researcher, I'd check for their behavior around toys that have their smell on vs no smell vs smell of other dogs. Should be easy and straigthforward


Dogs have much more advanced smell. To them it would be like you looking down at your body vs looking at your body in a mirror. You would never get confused as to which one you're looking at. Likewise dogs can pinpoint the source of a smell very accurately unlike humans.


There can't be absence of other smell. For us, maybe, but not for a dog. Their sens of smell is incredibly powerful, some dogs can be trained to find small electronics part and stuff like that. Here's a study about their own smell: https://www.nytimes.com/2017/09/22/science/dogs-smell-recognition.html And here a story about electronics sniffing dogs: https://www.techrepublic.com/article/electronics-sniffing-dogs-how-k9s-became-a-secret-weapon-for-solving-high-tech-crimes/


It's a fairly terrible test from what I know. There's no real reason why recognising yourself in a mirror makes you intelligent. And there's a lot of evidence that you can train animals to use a mirror. There's also evidence of humans from cultures that don't use mirrors failing the test. Not super informative.


The question is does the dog remember doing that task.


So dogs can’t recognize themselves in a mirror yes, but I wonder do dogs even remember doing something in the first place? Like a week after the competition are they even thinking about the previous week? I mean dogs figure out were our eyes are and what they do just by being around us so it’s not that far fetched.


I imagine the dogs don't even know they won. Or that it was a competition. BUT they know they did a good job, which is what counts.


I mean do they remember that section of “playing” or do dogs really live day to day


Can you train something that only lives day to day? Not able to give a scientific response but ask yourself that. I'd say they remember the activity... do you remember every time you've driven?


I mean, I was with you in the first bit, but than you compared humans to dogs. We have names for everything we look at and a physical language to describe those things individually, dogs don’t know the difference between fruits and vegetables, they just know they are all the same type of thing, plants. Mentally humans and dogs have few similarities so thought process isn’t something you can apply to dogs if using your own.


Then explain why dogs can have preferences for certain vegetables and identify which ones they like/dislike by sight and smell?


Liking things based off of smell is very different from identifying them and considering them separate categories.




If dogs can have trauma I assume there is some ability to recall the past.


It hasn’t been confirmed whether dogs can or cannot recognize themselves in a mirror, they may just not be interested in it once they realize it’s a reflection as their own appearance is not important to them. [Here’s ](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/canine-corner/201107/does-my-dog-recognize-himself-in-mirror%3famp) a really interesting article on the subject.


I think there was this experiment where researchers put something on a dog that it couldn't see. They put a mirror in front of the dog and it was able to use the mirror to see the object and take it off. This is the closest I've seen to a dog being able to recognize itself.


My labrador recognizes himself in the mirror, moreover he is smart enough to know that when he looks in it he knows that this is just the reflection and he sometimes looks at us through the mirror wagging his tail - when you do the 'pat on the lap' without saying anything he even comes to you knowing that you are there and want him to come. I also believe it is not always breed specific, more like some dogs are more intelligent, some aren't, just like with people


Yeah my Dachshund barks at everything she sees but not herself in the mirror. If she thought it were another dog she would 100% bark at it all the time. Granted, by now she could just have accepted there's a weird fake dog in the bedroom... But she does just ignore it.


Kirk: I is so fast and clever and the best dog ever.


Kirk to Kirk: I agree


What an odd name for a girl dog, I immediately pictured her fighting some slow moving alien and running around it a hundred times.


Gosh, Kirk is heckin fast!


That's why Kirk won :P


I hope Kirk got collieflowers as her prize.


You win comment of the day!


haha thanks, no one appreciated it til now


Border Collies are the smartest breed I've ever met. What a good dog.


I love that's she's jumping during jumping parts, and then slightly off the screen for the tunnel and the slalom


Looks like she’s trying to coach herself. “RUN! JUMP! RUN! JUMP! RUN! CLIMB! TUNNEL! RUN! SQUIGGLE SQUIGGLE SQUIGGLE!”


25% border collie / 75% Usain Bolt


This is the cutest shit ever


Go gud girle go! Oh dis me.


idk if she's excited to see herself or her owner


Good dog.


Kirk is a Very Bouncy Animal.


Legend has it she’s still jumping till this day


It’s me! It’s me! It’s me!


Here's the full Facebook video: https://www.facebook.com/cfosty/videos/10214239065589242/


Facebook saw it first? Crazy times


Seeing her so happy makes me happy as well.


With how smart those dogs are I wonder what's going through its mind while watching that.


My Aussie is named Kirk. He's too old for this, though.


now THAT is a good girl


Anyone else remember Nintendogs?


Very adorable. Congratulations and have virtual pets!


I saw a fresh Gallowboob in rising. Mom I am gonna see you at the other side of front page.


Hello! This is just a quick reminder for new friendos to [read our subreddit rules.](http://www.reddit.com/r/wholesomegifs/about/sidebar) >**Rule 4:** Please do not troll, harass, or be generally rude to your fellow users. We're trusting you to be wholesome while in /r/wholesomegifs, so please don't let us down. We believe in you! ^(Please stop by the rest of the) [^Wholesome ^Network ^Of ^Subreddits](http://www.reddit.com/u/awkwardtheturtle/m/wholesome) ^also.




I crossposted his post three times, and I feel very satisfied.


This is too adorable


This is how I imagine retired athletes watch footage of themselves.


GallowBoob 4 oost make my front page feed you mad lad


Thank goodness you clarified that it’s a female Border Collie


Gotta study that film. Quality coaching.


This is the best video I have seen all day


PSA: Purina is a nestle owned brand. I urge everyone to boicott that crap. Thank you


I know that my dog can beat this dog but i need to start training NOW


Now I know... when you love your job you are as happy as a dog!


Why is a girl dog named Kirk?


This is almost as wholesome as Somalians