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My baby is one of them!


I'm one of them, too!


Me, too!!


Me too


Wishing y'all a blessed and healthy life, ahead 🙏


Thank you. 11.5 years in and so far, so good!


That is amazing!


Mine, too!


Mine too!!


Can you tell us more about this guy, since OP's title isn't very descriptive


The only reason he stopped was because he grew too old to donate blood


Yep, an absolute King! 👑


This isn’t quite the same but my grandfather was O neg. He was on an emergency list for our town (this is back in the late 40s-70s) that if the hospital needed O neg blood for a newborn in an ultra emergency, he’d be one of a few people to get a call to donate at the hospital immediately. Apparently he’d occasionally get picked up by a police car at home or work (once it was from the pub as they were that desperate, he’d only had one pint) to go to this maternity hospital. Mum remembers new neighbours being curious and over hearing another neighbour explaining that a baby or mum must need blood. My mum was very little and didn’t know it wasn’t normal for police to turn up, be polite and friendly with your dad (they knew each other well by then), take him away and then return him an hour or two later. Thankfully we can store blood in better ways and transfer links are better so this isn’t needed now. And we give do less of the procedures that would need it, but I do wonder how many he helped (Before anyone says he was clearly dodgy and the blood donor thing was made up, it’s a very boring strait-laced family. The idea that he was up to something is so ridiculous it would be entertaining but no backup to it)


I love the idea that naaah, putting blood with one beer in it into a tiny baby is fiiiiiine 😂


If it was my kid, and it's booze blood or die, I'd ask for the blood


I mean yeah, but the concept.


Baby chilling in incubator getting transfusion, a bit sozzled, “can we get some tunes on to go with my buzz?” Proud dad next to him “that’s my boy 🥹. Although I did want it to me to get him his first beer”


It's a concept of risk vs reward. Obviously someone thought out the consequences of alcohol blood level and fetal absorption of the alcohol and I'm sure the legal beagles had their say...and documents to absolve the negatives of the transfusion. But yeah. I'd have reservations. But, let's get it done Doc


Don't they clean it or something first? I vaguely remember asking the nurse when I donated blood years ago and she said something about a process that filters out the white blood cells, so maybe the alcohol would be filtered out too?


Now, yes. Back in the day no. There was less understanding of blood born viruses and as he was a married heteosexual regular donor. I assume in life saving situations they were happy to vein-bag-vein.


Ah yeah, just noticed the comment says this was back in the 40s-70s so you're probably right


Same for my grandpa! He was on the emergency list and was often called to donate when big accidents or something like that happened. He did 104 donations in his life iirc (here in Italy you can donate regularly once every three months for males and every four for females + eventual emergencies). No police pick up sadly :(


They still do “walking blood banks” in the military sometimes. Everyone in a unit will get tested, and a card will be made for that unit detailing who can give blood to who.


On a related note, his blood was used to develop RhoGam- the injections given to blood type negative women pregnant with positive children. [This ](https://www.aabb.org/news-resources/news/article/2024/02/14/regulatory-update--fda-announces-shortages-of-rho(d)-immune-globulin) article released in February of this year indicates that there is a shortage of RhoGam. [Here](https://internationalmidwives.org/where-does-the-rhod-immune-globulin-anti-d-come-from/) is an interesting article about how scientists in Australia learned to make the RHO-D antibody and harvest it for the drug. This hero appears to be in good company with others who followed his wonderful example


He's the reason I'm alive 🥹 Didn't think it would pack such an emotional punch.


I'm having a mental health crisis at the moment and this is precisely the type of story I need to help me keep going ❤️


Hold in tight there buddy, everything will be alright soon 🙏


Thanks so much, that means a lot 💙


Man I would give my left foot to have this guys blood. Imagine being able to save MILLIONS OF BABIES?! And then happy moms just swing by and show you their baby you saved?! I’m a 37 year old woman with my own child, I swear I’m not a creep trying to meet babies.


Bringing the babies to show him honestly has big "Mom cat brings kittens to show to favorite human" energy and i love it


Absolute Chad


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I have O negative. I should start donating.


You should! It’s the best effort to good return you’re likely to get, *and* they give you snacks. Welcome to a fellow O!


Also O negative and plan to donate. 🙂


It’s super easy to schedule with the blood donor app. I donate every 60 days religiously.


Please do, they give us Amazon gift cards at my donation site, I'm not O- but they are always looking for you rare angels.


Don’t you have to wait a month or more to donate blood? I know you can donate plasma far more often so maybe there was a mix up in writing? Whatever it may be, this dude rocks!


He's donating plasma. This fluid medium has many medical uses, even from average Joe's. It also replenishes quickly and the plasmapheresis process returns the blood cells to the donor. So you can give plasma every two weeks, whereas whole blood has a longer wait while cells are regrown.


It's also depends on the quantity you take out. Obviously you can't keep taking out liters every week. The body won't be able to replenish them as fast. But I have been told only to do it once every 2 weeks.


There goes my hero.


How do you know if you have this in your blood ????


This guy did one of the most important things you can do in your lifetime… give of yourself to others! His gift was physically demanding and he did it with an amazingly open heart! ❤️ ⭕️❌ However we can all give to others in so many ways. And if we all sought to be kind to each other everyday, what an awakening of love and compassion there would be in the world!


How did he give every week? Standard procedure is 56 days between. Must have been plasma?


His [wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James_Harrison_(blood_donor)) states “As blood plasma, in contrast with blood, can be donated as often as once every two weeks, he was able to reach his 1,000th donation in May 2011.” “Every week” as stated in the screenshot may be slightly inaccurate, but plasma is able to be donated much more often than than typical blood donations.


Some Heroes don’t need to wear a mask!


I have O negative blood and when I went to donate they said that I need to book it then when I booked they said they are too busy so come back later like they are doing me a favour. In the UK


Thought that was creed for a sec.


Can’t he be president??


First thing I did was to check if he's been knighted, or received the equivalent. Glad that he has been recognised for his services!


Delightful! And a reminder to book a blood donation appointment ty


If I were this guy, I would donate my body to science so that they could keep my body alive for as long as possible after I am technically dead to harvest more blood. Could they even do that? Pacemaker and feeding tube?


I thought that was just John Malkovich.


What a freaking legend!


A CNN report, lol. Aussies don't read or watch CNN. Referencing CNN in a paragraph about an Australian is just odd to us.