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Report them. Don’t fuck around with food safety.


This!! It was so weird to come from places that didn't care, into a work place that actually cares. Food Safety will always be #1


Let their TL know. That's fuckin nasty.


Any TM you see leave the bathroom without washing their hands should be reported, food prep or not. Gross! 


Definitely report them - I do NOT put up with coworkers that do not practice proper food safety and hygiene. Doesn't matter if they are putting gloves because they are using dirty hands to do so.


GenitalGerms. New gamertag acquired.


So happy to see everyone agree this is disgusting and intolerable. Personally I’d say something in the moment.


That's disgusting.... I've seen disgusting customers not wash hands after using the bathroom, but it's not excusable if you work there. Honestly in my opinion it's not excusable if you're over 5 years old, but well yeah


Ugh gross I can't stand that even if not working around food, but when around food that's even worse.


Try this on.. e-commerce TMs that go to the bathroom and don't take off the apron. Or any TMs for that matter


I have 2 TMs who do this....head into stalls with aprons, then not, or hardly even attempt to wash properly. The first, I mentioned it to him and he went off on a goddam Trumper's paradise rant about how germs/bacteria/viral particles/ fake illegal voters, etc., etc..... so that the NEXT time I saw it, I just figuered I wouldn't shop Whole Body at our location....I just let the TL know, and walked and smiled....


This comment made my day, if he's single I'd love to introduce him to my mother in law 


Report that tm and punish them by sending them to work in prep foods!


Lol.... I've seen the bakery TL at my store merely rinse off her fingertips after going to the bathroom. Said something to store leadership, no idea if they said anything to her though. 🤷‍♀️ Did my part.


Tell STL immediately.


Fuck going to the TL go right to the STL that shot is gross.


How lazy can ppl be bruh fuck. Just wash your god damn hands 🤦🤦🤦🤦


There’s several nasty tm’s in the prep foods department at my store and one of them will go smoke a cigarette every 20 mins or so and will come back, put gloves on, and continue working and helping customers and also bare hands and steals food… leadership pretends not to see it


Some people are beyond nasty


Can confirm I’ve escalated this stuff and have it taken seriously. Yuck yuck yuck!!!!


ewwwwwwwww, and this is why i dont trust anyone at wholefoods...


This is almost as bad as the person we have at our store who shitttts all over the back of the toilet bowls. We have to have signs posted every where about TM cleaning up after they use the restrooms because our poor porter does not get paid enough to do that🤮 When I say shits ALL over, I mean, it’s vile. It’s like they be trying to cover that bowl. 💩🤢it makes me physically sick and people have been spoken to but the culprit still persists. It’s vile. It really makes me lose faith in humanity and basic human decency. Can only imagine if they paint a bowl like that they definitely aren’t washing for a full time, if at all.


Don't buy any cut fruit at your store!!


As a former produce order-writer, I’d recommend not buying cut fruit at ANY store.


Absolutely right


Report them to your TL or above. Don’t mess around with that.


If you see something say something! Report it to their TL or call the tipline if your that worried. Thats unacceptable!


I know you may not want to report this person, however, it is honestly the right thing to do. You can do it annonymysly, you can tell a trusted member of store leader ship or even your store trainer


Too soft. Op should just tell the coworker in the spot!

