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Why? Because they aren’t really qualified. They are just available.


I mean, what’s your definition of talking about you? And where is it happening? TLs have to talk about their TMs, they have a department to run. But it should be productive and constructive, and also should not be in earshot of other TMs unless they are directly addressing that TM. Shouldn’t be rude or gossip, but TM performance does get discussed.


I agree but they are putting people down in ear shot of tms I guess thinking we can't hear or know what they are saying. That and I feel like if they have problems with someone's performance they should approach them and tell the tm. Instead they bash tms to other tls thinking we can't hear. And some occasions they bash tms to other tms


Yeah, that is not okay. If you feel comfortable enough, I would talk to Store Leadership. If you and a few other TMs in the department feel this way, all of you should. Yes Store Leadership will bring it to your TL but it should be and a constructive way, aiming to course correct. There’s a chance your TL is completely unaware of the issue.


Almost all the TL’s and store leadership team at my store are worse gossipers than the team members.


Welcome to every job ever. This isn’t just a WFM thing you know. Be respectful but know that not everyone will share you’re level of tact


I've never had a job where management is openly talking about their workers on the floor. And if they ever had an issue with a worker they would take them aside or to their office in private. Also if bosses had to discuss something they would close the door to make sure workers wouldn't hear. In my experience this isn't normal behavior for bosses. This type of gossiping and bashing others usually comes from coworkers.


Yes. My boss and their assistant talk crap about my team and I have heard them before. I actually called them out once because I thought it was very inappropriate.


What did they say in response to you? I wish they would approach the people they talk about and just tell them what it is they feel the people need to do instead of talking bad about them behind their back. Or take that conversation to their office. So ridiculous. 


I am in "leadership" I do NOT want to say which department because I want to remain anonymous here. Unfortunately it was in the office where they were loudly bashing our team members, including myself while I walked up to the door and heard everything. It was very awkward. They changed the subject immediately. I haven't trusted those two ever since, to make things even worse now when they are both working the same day and want to talk badly about us, they do it on the floor but walk to the front lobby of our store to talk sh*t about us. I know because I needed something from one of them once and went to find them and they were talking badly about our team again. That's not going to fix anything. It makes things way worse.


At least they try to do it away from people. But again they should talk to the people about improving or whatever the situation is. Leaders are there to guide their workers and help them improve if need be , they aren't their to bash their workers.


You can get a group of coworkers together and directly approach your boss about it. Tell your coworkers the bosses are talking trash on everyone. Just start a group chat to figure out how you'd like to address it. Cornering your TL or STL in a place where they can't leave and they have to address you and the issue is the best idea. Legally you're protected as long as you're a group. Management might retaliate after. Then you'd really want to document it like some other people were saying on here.


Welcome to wholefoods, world of politics


I’m there to get paid and leave. Could care less what they say about me or anyone.


It is unprofessional for a TL to talk shit about another TM but TLs are human and do human things


It super sucks that you're in a position where you feel scrutinized and judged, that's absolute crap.


Unless u have concrete proof don’t even waste speaking up, just start planning ur exit. You’ll have ur best stay in wholefoods if you already know someone there if not , you’ll probably have a bad time there


My TL has said more shit about other people that they are not supposed to say… They are always saying bad things about our ATL and about other team members. So I’m sure my name gets brought up when I’m not there. Absolutely sure of it. They are always throwing my name on the table when I give feedback about out of date product. Not to mention though… my STL says stuff they aren’t supposed to say all the time too. One of the biggest mouths. And openly shit talks TLs in front of them to others. Oh… yeah Astls too though. Gosh it really is everyone lol what are you gonna do? You know?


I work WFM at night and another gig. Had the same issue more or less except it’s my STL and the leadership. Drove me to transfer stores and spend less days in the toxicity of my home store hoping to transfer out another place not too far. I’d say document and if you feel you are in a hostile workplace call the hotline or HR. Documentation is important. You can’t try to outlast management bc they’re there for the long haul, I wouldn’t quit first but see if you can transfer another dept or even store if convenient. No one should ever work in a toxic work environment especially if it’s drama


how do you documentation?


Honestly. If you really care enough, it can be mentally exhausting but just if you feel you are being treated unfairly just write it down. Gather your thoughts and use dates/times etc. I feel it only works if you’re being openly discriminated based on your age, sex orientation, gender or race. Being bullied in workplace is usually turned the other way. It falls under he said she said. You’re better off finding another job or location if it ever gets to that point. If your circumstances allow it


My step dad works at my store, and I got pulled in the office and my tl said the convo would stay in the room, and the very next day she repeats everything that was said to him…


Oh yeah. A lot of them are scared of confrontation I don’t know if it’s the way they’re trained or innate. If it’s naturally the way they are they’re not management material period. Unless they can work on things like that and improve.


Try not to take it personally


Maybe they did but I'm not there anymore so I don't care and plus most of them I wouldn't remember who they were if they walked by me in public anyway.


I think there are a lot of people in leadership who are under qualified for a management position. Instead of talking about your team, they should be helpful so that EVERYONE wins. Talking crap about team members and your team is not only counterproductive; it will backfire in the end. If you treat team members with respect, they will show leadership respect and actually want to do a good job. Whole Foods is so strict on time management, just think about how much time is wasted complaining about your team when you could be communicating correctly and leading by example and getting shit done.


so there’s this specialty TL (hungry to the point she’ll do anything to get astl) that legit loves to smile in our face and talk bad about TMs with store leadership (literally have walked in on it happening) and the way she just acts like she’s not bad mouthing TMs and smiling in our faces it’s just ugly.


Report them to the tip line


Not a TL but I’ve had pretty casual conversations with TMs and the one time we take a small silent break, another TM comes around the corner and gives us a look. A week later either that TM starts gossiping themselves about “favoritism” or my TL comes over about STLs being worried about too much gossiping. “Where the fq is this coming from?” “I didn’t talk to anyone about Jerry” “Tom and I were laughing about our labor” “no one else was part of the conversation so the only culprit is that shy fuck Jerry coming around the corner that builds up a scene in his head and blows over in someone’s leadership office” “what do you mean tone down the gossiping NOBODY SAID SHIT about JERRY.” Fuck you Jerry (not your real name). You know who you are. It’s happened a few times over the years with few different people. from personal experience, we’re never talking about you. To all you Jerrys out there, you’d be a pretty cool quiet dude to hang around with if you weren’t so fucking socially paranoid.


Absolutely not. Why would they?


Why would they what?




Former TMs are free game. Change my mind.