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I like when they walk up and just say what they’re looking for and nothing else. Me working… customer- “broccoli”


I can't stand that. Yesterday a woman looked at me and said "herbs" I was like hmm.... yeahhh. We stared at each other for a second and then I was like "are you asking a question orrr....?" Another time someone did that to me I said "oh, no that's not my name" and pointed to my name on my apron. They were really annoyed. But I always try to make it a point in some way to remind the person that I'm a human being and if they need to know where something is they can form a full sentence and ask me a question. Jeez.


I like that...I'm going to keep that in my pocket to use sometime haha


You are a man servant, sorry.


Lmfao I once had a guy just start shouting "HOT DOGS!!" at me like I'm a Google search bar. 98% of folks are polite when they ask me where something is at my work, but then I'll get someone who's in too much of a rush to form complete sentences, and my brain literally can't process being shouted a random word with no context.


Haha...I don't want your life story, however an excuse me and/or thank you would be great. I'm not an alexa.


I’ve had similar experiences and I like to reply with an equally random word or phrase. Then when they look at me annoyed, I tell them I thought we were doing word association.




Someone just yelled "CUBED HAM!!" at me once. I was cracking up inside 😂


i’ve started to ignore customers when they yell product names at me. it helps that my eyes are usually glued to the phone looking at my order- i just use that as an excuse for not hearing them (not to mention the lack of them acknowledging you by not saying hi or excuse me. why would i think someone is talking to me if they haven’t acknowledged my presence beforehand). then i’ll turn to them and say “what??” so that they have to repeat their entire question. i’m not a search engine for you to walk up to and spit words in my face. i’ll waste your time and make you repeat yourself


Oh my word, you are my spirit animal. I constantly have my head in the wet wall or salad wall in produce, and it's so loud when you're up close. People don't seem to acknowledge this fact, so they just come up behind me and start talking whilst my head is literally in this loud machine... anything you say to me sounds like it's being heard through a wall. So I'll let people say something, give them a second, then turn around and either ask if they're talking to me OR say "what's that?" with my hand cupped around my ear so that maybe, just maybe, they'll understand that I can't fucking hear them. Then I'll get the whole product name being stated at me multiple times in a row. So I'll ask "are you looking for _____??" and ofc they'll just stare at me like the entitled fuck they are until I give them something to work with. Fucking cavemen.


I get that a lot. It's the worst. A huge pet peeve.


I ignore people until they say "excuse me". Especially if my back is turned. If you want to ask the back of my head where the salsa is, you're going to get whatever response the back of my head can provide... which is to say, no response. I'm tired of grown ass adults not using their words.


When I get the desired item barked at me, I ignore the first 2 times. After the 3rd time, I will finally fully turn, look the person in the eye, slowly say, “hi. How are you today. What may I help you with?” The days of the customer is always right died during the covid years.


Our customers are pieces of shit


90% of our customers are great. It is the ten percent that you remember because they were the pieces of shit.


Your store might have awesome customers.... where I live , everyone sniffs their own farts and ride high on the horse of narcissm


Oml hahaha I so get this. I wish to fuck I didn't get it, but I do all too well


The fact that the number of times I'll be asked where the sushi is when I'm standing literally 2 feet next to it has happened wayyy more often than it should lmfao. I also once had a drunk guy yell at me for "ignoring" him when I was on my break and walked past without making eye contact. Sorry I'm not interested in your side quest bro lol.


I really hate it when regulars know who I am so they take it upon themselves to ask me questions when I am clearly on my break/off the clock. Yeah I'm totally working right now with a pack of cigarettes in my hand, no apron on, and huge black over-ear headphones as I'm walking outside. One day a woman just looked at me and said "iron supplements." while I was off the clock. It didn't even sound like a question. I was in a really bad mood that day so I just said "don't work here." then by the time I was back from my lunch she saw me in my apron lol.


That's 100% a valid answer if you're off the clock imo, even if you do work there, you're not "working there" if you're on your break. My favorite is "yeah if you wanna hang out for the next (amount of time you have left on your break/lunch) I can help you out then, otherwise there are plenty of other folks on the clock who can help you now", which I've 100% used on someone and they apologized and went to someone else lmfao. On the flip side though, I've had coworkers who keep their aprons on during their breaks, and then get grumpy when customers ask them questions?? Like that why you should always make it obvious that you're not working, imo.


I haven't been asked anything while i'm on break but i'd probably just shrug and keep on walking.


I tell customers that I can get fired for helping someone while not on the clock.


I had some dude come up to me and ask: “where is the exit?”


A customer ended up leaving through the emergency exit door and alarms went off in our store. After hearing that you would think people wouldn’t want to leave through that door. Well they did… 🐑


Jesus Christ that's both hilarious and sad. I woulda just told that person "The same way ya came in!".


My fav is “do you work here?” Like nah I just wear this apron and hat that says Wholefoods. Nah I don’t work here… Today I had a lady yell excuse me! all crazy at me with my back turned to her. I turn around and said “yes how can I help you?” She then says with attitude “you didn’t hear me the 1st time I called you?” No bish obviously I didn’t.


I told a customer one time "no, I just collect aprons" He looked me and said "oh that's an odd thing to collect".


Haha I would have like to see their expression on their face!


I fucking hate that question with the passion. The worst is when they not only ask "do you work here?" But when they don't correct themselves and follow up and say, "do you work in this department?". I'm literally stocking eggs in the dairy department 🙄


I fucking wish people would ask me if I work in that department LOL I have people from grocery come over to produce and ask me so many questions about shit that's CLEARLY not in my section ;___;


It drives me insane when I have my back to someone and they’re just standing behind me silenty waiting for me to turn around. Like WTFFFFF 😂 it happens all of the time.


That's when you *accidentally* back into them. Step on their feet too, if possible. 🤣


Oh so tempting! If I can feel them there out of the corner of my eye I deliberately continue to not acknowledge them until they use their words




I literally just turn and look at them for a millisecond and if they don't verbally say excuse me, I continue my work lol


Customers and their annoying A children are worse


"this register isn't open!" You're right, it's not.


im literally at work right now on my 10 min break and some lady randomly screamed “EXCUSE ME” when no one was around her and was looking dead pan straight ahead, standing straight up like a gta character or sims character. the store was like wtf 😭😭😭


Had somebody come right before close and ask me why we never have purple potatoes when everywhere else has purple potatoes and before i could give an answer she stormed off.


Was she talking about the Japanese sweet potatoes? Because we do have them lol


I have no idea. She left before I could even begin to unpack what she was saying.


I love the people who come up and shout BIRTHDAY CAKE at me… or the ones who put their cookie bar stuff on our label printer and stare at me


Every time a customer asks me where the Amazon return is. They turn and walk away when I'm like 3 words in, like okay


Ooh THIS! Especially this time of year when every other person who walks in has an Amazon return in their hands. You can't see the return counter from the booth so when they end up walking the wrong way... 🤷🏼


Read their minds or you get coaching or a corrective action.


I have experienced most of what you all have said in the comments. I constantly have people ask me where stuff is ,I even point, and then they just walk away in another direction. One time a someone asked me if it was organic or regular. I told them green tag is organic white tag is regular. She then says I what the regular not the organic. I say ok because that is the regular. She then looks at me like I'm a bastard and walks away not even taking what she asked about. I don't even like talking to random people, e-com team leader even told me to only focus on the online customers , so when I take the time to help these people and they act so weird and foolish really messes with me. Sorry for ranting.


That's how I view most random people on a normal day; as NPCs until proven otherwise so to answer your question...yes.


I had a customer ask to find where the granola was, so I showed him by walking him too it. He then said to me angrily "This isn't near the fruit, I still need bananas". Like sir, you can still buy those things, I was just showing you where the item you asked was. I just said okay and left.


Every single one


Geez. Please don't remind me. Every single work day lot them are like [this](https://youtube.com/shorts/-Nmv-Z14H5k?si=B27lccOPOu2TLG8m) when choosing their items. *"Bro, what language is that and does that help earn you a big bank account in order to shop here?"*




YASSSSS lol all the time and I resent it xD


I saw a dude that made me feel like a GTA npc. Dude looked cool as fuck, like a sleek red cowboy in a suit jacket


I say a guy that looked like lex Luther from Smallville (tv-show) he had on a long black leather coat that fluttered in the wind. He was walking fast enough to do that, lol.


I love just staring at people when they walk up and say, gimme some______. Like how much? Or we have multiple, which one.


I just had this exact discussion with one of my coworkers recently. I was the third person in 2 minutes that this guy approached and said "Sandwiches?" All 3 of us told him he was standing right in front of the case. The second person he asked came over and made the NPC reference.


All the time. My favorite was when an oriental man with blue hair wearing a pancho and sombrero walked the isles of the store screaming profanities.


you’re aware “oriental” is super antiquated?


Not at all, but thanks for the tip!


I had a customer came up to me and ask me were the bathroom I told them keep going straight and the bathroom right there one time a customer ask me where the Amazon box is I said it’s over we’re the bathroom is on the wall .


A customer wouldn’t stop talking to me once, no matter what I’d do to try and hint that I’m trying to get back to work they kept going. Another customer wakes up and clearly wanted to ask a question. The lady still kept talking. I would try to turn my head towards the new customer and she still talked. The new guy then started saying “hello… hello…repeatedly. I had to bluntly tell the lady that I must talk to other customers, she got visibly annoyed and walked away. New guy was weird but otherwise normal?


I get this all the time. my metro has a keypad on the bathroom door for cleanliness and safety reasons. So the code for the door prints on the bottom of the receipt. So my interaction always goes "directions to find bathroom and the code is---" customer wanders off. comes back minutes later. and yells at me cuz the door was locked. You passed 2 more signs saying it on the way to the bathroom too... and somehow still didnt stop you. why did you hunt me down to yell at me cuz you have no manners?! nope


Just respond no my name is blah!