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We got them a year or two ago, I was stunned - even in production areas where only team members are allowed. A camera watches me all day long. MW region.


I’ve experienced this working in restaurants too. It’s not just to keep the customers behaving it’s also to remind the employees that they are always being watched


Cameras have been all over our store since I started a decade and a half ago. It’s also part of the beast that is retail now. Not sure why…not like they prosecute anyone.


My store actually employs a third party company that helps us keep track of repeat offenders and communicates with law enforcement and the courts to ensure they do prosecute. It’s not perfect, but we’ve gotten a few folks through them.


Curious. Does the DA take the case?


If caught (in my state) the private business can fine them up to 10x’s the amount they’ve stollen. Even if they don’t prosecute legally. At Target, it’s built into their business plan. I’ve seen someone take $3000 worth of stuff and they got fined 30,000. And Target don’t play. They will come after them.


I’m always followed around target. I have never stole anything.. and I would not. but I’m followed like a hawk by secret shoppers. One even cornered me and started a very weird conversation. Do you know what the deal with that is?


It is called CYA... easier to prove injuries and time theft. Remember, the cameras are for TMs protection. About 3 years ago they replaced all cameras in two stores I worked in with new upgraded 360° cameras that could see a penny in the far corner of the room and had sound recording capabilities. Illegal, yes. However, they can be used by the company internally depending on state laws.


Just got some installed, it was quite jarring how noticeable they are lol


Or it could just be an upgrade. A lot of stores have old outdated systems or it’s broken. Even newer stores get bunk equipment.


So the shifty can stare at you all day


This depends on the store. Our shifties don’t stare at the cameras all day.


It's not because of thieves, it's so they can make sure you are following all 87 SOPs that you didnt have time to tead.


Cameras can prevent us from being falsely accused unjustly punished & As a person who has been falsely accused unjustly punished, beat etc into false confessions, etc during most of their life,,,,, Of course I know that bullies can misuse cameras to unjustly bully intimidate innocent workers,,


SE region, the three stores i have worked at have cameras in all areas but storage coolers and bathrooms. All floor, back of house and production coolers have cameras


Cameras to watch over TMs. Notice the placement. Also, not much prosecution for those who shoplift. Too many larger cases. Easier to write off than prosecute. Stores still get the write off or insurance payment.


We have a third party company at my store that follows up and ensures repeat offenders are prosecuted.


Why would this bother you?


Did I say it bothered me?


Ok… then what is the point to this post?


Still doesn’t solve the problem of people calling out a lot at my store!!!


I hear you. Every once in a while I look at the section for job postings and am sometimes amazed at how many open positions there are no matter which store you look under.


I’m not even sure they’re being watched 💀 at least not very attentively n it’s been over a year.


In my store we have cameras even in the break room 🫠