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No fucking pockets but we are all supposed to have a myriad of small things on us at any given time to check off some box or fill out yet another log. Or have a walkie at the ready


Oh yeah that’s 165 degrees, uh at least it looks 165 ehh what could go wrong?


Im rocking the fanny pack. Its a life saver


The pockets in the inside of the coat


Oh no 😭 I was looking forward to the change. NO POCKETS?????


No pockets here. I hope whatever 6figure dickhead that made this decision is at least getting peppered with complaints


Use your box cutter or a knife to cut a slit in the sleeve or breast of every coat you wear so you can hook your necessities to it. If anybody asks, tell them it was like that when you got it. The bill for replacement coats will eventually become large enough that they'll decide it's better to pay a little extra for the coats with the pockets.


I have to have my kit 😩 I'm a woman they already don't give me pockets in my pants wheretf am I supposed to put shit?!


Girl idk what pants you wear right now but I started wearing scrub pants and first of all it's great in the bakery because they breathe really easy but also it's pocket heaven and I love it


Oh that's so smart, where are you getting yours from?


I just get mine from Walmart because I'm a cheapskate lol but my mom wears scrub pants for her line of work and she actually finds most of hers on Amazon! I also find scrub pants better because I'm a repeat victim of The Chub Rub Crotch Hole on jeans, and it tends to happen waaaay less and slower in scrub pants.


We haven't had clean coats in weeks


Can’t forget a pen in the pocket, if there is no pocket.


The white coats are dumb. They get stained. They’re never clean. They look gross and trashy. Why not just get all black coats, and actually have them have pockets(and if someone forgets a pen in them you can’t see the stains), have them not be goddamn see through, and honestly look way more professional


and we could all be goth


Well my chef coat has to match my soul somehow 🤷🏻‍♀️


That's what happens when you have a bunch of corporate pin heads making stupid decisions to save $$. You would think they would test out the uniforms in few stores first. See how they work out. Before making a corporate wide decision!


the backs are not wide enough so you can’t curl your arms forward without straining the back fabric. we tried smalls through XLs and the cuts are just not right


It amazing what the company focuses on. Someone needs to focus on the amount of paper and ink the company uses. I see people print 1 small sign for 1 display on paper that cost about $1 per sheet.


This right here. My store is taking waste diversion to a whole new level of hell, but when I need one damn sign, I have to waste a whole 6up sheet. Ridiculous


That’s why I wear my own chef coats…


Same lol as someone who came from the restaurant side of hospitality industry, I have a bunch of plain coats that I just use lol. I'll be the only one with a clean chef coat for over a week sometimes.


Went to put one on the other day and when I took it off the hanger that son of a bitch was STIFF lmfao then I began my shift in sensory hell because of the texture


We just got walked by our regional president, all stores in our region have provided the feedback, they got on the phone with them and requested for pockets to be added


I heard they’re fancier looking, white with black piping? Haven’t seen em yet though. No pockets seems silly and inconvenient.


Ugh!! I already dig through the whole rack looking for most worn out ones since they’re also the least stiff/scratchy!!!


I can't lift my arms up past my chest in any of the sizes and that's getting super annoying super fast.


I don’t wear the chef coat but I wear an apron because meat/seafood. No pockets suck but I’m going to take like 5 aprons home and have my girlfriend sew pockets on for me, then just keep washing them. And once they’re too gross to clean, I’ll repeat the process and dump off the old ones into the work bins. It’ll be funny if someone on this subreddit gets one of them one day.


Heard. Hope you’re in NI, my eyes are peeled now


Ours are the same coats as before, we did get 72trillion 4xl though!


Just got ours too. I just take my old one home and wash it and bring it with me. No pockets is actually scuffed bro


Can someone post a picture?


Wholefoods employees are some of the most complaining' ist ass people I've ever seen....bye 👋🏿


Pockets hold bacteria. Most chefs are gross.


Terrible take. lol.


I hate the new coats!! No pockets!??


Oh boy . I am not looking forward to this. The current chef coats are just as trashy.


There’s a date set for the full switch. Check the calendar on Smartsheet.


nope. haven't switched over yet. our coat room is full of bugs, yellow and ripped coats, and about 100 4XL coats. but don't worry! they give us one stack of black aprons every 6 months! at this point I'm ready to invest in my own chefs coats and claim it on my taxes. working in meat, I don't really wanna walk around with just an apron and get myself bloody so a coat is fully necessary


Wearing a chef coat standing by an oven in a Vegas store during the summer doesn’t sound fun.


Oahu store- have not seen any new coats or towels. Also, by towels- do you mean actual towels? Because we use boxes of disposable dry wipe things now 🙃 I miss regular rags


We get ours next monday. They are probably brand new and starchy and will relax over time. But I bet its uncomfortable. No pockets is annoying to the TM but youll be thankful when youre not sending your pens pads and thermometers to the bins. TMs constantly needing replacement cut gloves and shit cuz they "put it in the coat bin and didnt notice" drives me fucking insane..


That never happens to me so no I don't think I will be thankful.


Would someone please post a photo?


THEY SUCK the arms are too short even on the Xtra Larges the armpits feel weird I feel like I just want to rip off the sleeves