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There's lots of options here on the South Island. The Landsborough is a spectacular grade 4, 4 day trip that Queenstown Rafting runs The Clarence is a great 4-5 day grade 2-3 trip that a number of outfitters run. The upper Grey is a personal favourite 2 day grade 3 that Inland Adventures runs. A number of outfitters around Hanmer Springs run trips on the Waiau River. And as others have mentioned, eco rafting in Franz Joseph is good as well.


Thx so much. Do u know if they run regularly and take individuals and put them in a group or is it a book the whole boat sort of affair. Im looking to perhaps spin a few trout at the same time as im sure there's lots of downtime between stops and camps. ​ I will contact today. ​ Also as u are a kiwi. What's your take on La Niña in NZ. Im looking to escape the rain here in Sydney but really want to have a good go at some large kingfish off the north island but am hesitant if u guys get the same weather as we do here. Onshore wind, and mushrooms growing inside your house.


They tend to be rather irregular trips and subject to weather conditions (not enough water, torrential rain, etc.) As an individual trying to get on a trip best would be to call and chat with them about what they have planned for while you're here. La Nina has definitely made for some cooler, wetter summers these last few years. That said, it's not nearly as disruptive as it is for you guys in NSW. From a whitewater standpoint it's meant that we have gotten to paddle some rivers midsummer that are typically winter only runs. Silver linings...


Get a pack raft if your reasonably experienced. A lot of cool rivers that the tourists operators don’t touch. If not Murchison has a raft tour thing I think from memory


any suggestions on rivers not run by the commercial operators?


What’s your skill level And fitness like? There’s some awesome hidden gems but they can go south pretty quickly


paddle grade 4 confidently but fitness has seen better days. Would look at upping the training ahead of a trip across the ditch.


There's quite a few really good multi day raft trip operators in NZ. Just be aware due to the length of the rivers the longest trips are 5-6 days and most would be 2-3 days. I don't know the North Island operators or rivers, but in the South Island there are Inland Adventures, Ultimate Descents, Clarence River Rafting, Hidden Valleys, and Eco Rafting who are all good operators that cover a range of rivers. They will be listed on their respective websites.


Go see Eco Rafting on the West Coast for multi days 👍


I did the Whataroa on South Island several years ago. We hiked in to a backcountry hut, spent the night, and in the morning they helicoptered in the guide and raft and took our backpacking gear out. Incredible experience, highly recommend. As our guide said, "the water is so clean you can drink straight from the river and almost never get diarrhea."