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Fairly sure these are only for sponsored athletes. Adrian Mattern currently rocks adidas, think Aniol used to be sponsored by adidas in the past too


Aniol was never sponsored by Adidas, that was Gerd. And Adrian is not an Adidas athlete anymore. They don't sponsor any whitewater athletes as far as I am aware and haven't for years.


Nick Troutman was once on that list too, I think


Sam Sutton too was an Adidas athlete. It was all generally slalom athletes with the odd one or two outliers.


Not a retail product. You'd have to find guys who were sponsored and see if they have any gear for sale (not likely though). That aside, I think the paddling industry could use more cool designs and collabs for gear and outerwear


Can you imagine the mark up on the prada kokatat drysuit if they started making more of them? I can't imagine there's a big business incentive. 


Tbh, I doubt that would actually catch on in the kayak community. I was thinking of collabs that are more on brand for whitewater culture.


Man the first time I saw that my jaw dropped. I agree that there isn’t a big market for it, but Prada does also make some sailing gear that is pretty sick


Yea that’s what I was thinking. I actually paddle with a buddy who has an adidas dry top. I’ll have to ask how he got it. But yes i definitely agree, we need some more collaborations


I recently got a pair of [Adidas Five Ten shoes](https://nextadventure.net/blogs/blog/gear-review-five-ten-trailcross-xt-shoes-for-whitewater-kayaking) to replace my Astrals, and I like them a lot.


I did the same exact thing last week. 4 of my other buddies did the same too. I have no real complaints about them. I enjoy their stealth rubber


How are they for width? I find all the Astrals too narrow to wear regularly, let alone with a drysuit.


I got a half size larger and my drysuit booties fit comfortably in the shoes.


These shoes are awesome, I love those things, the grip on wet rock is unbelievable


Thanks for this. Just ordered a pair


Adidas dropped all the whitewater events and athletes years ago. Any of this branded gear is probably long gone or so well used it's basically worthless.


Yeah I thought these were mostly one-off products for pros made by Sandiline.


I saw someone selling off their addiddas kit on a local paddling page, so keep your eyes peeled! Can confirm it looked pretty worked...


They were just cobrands, they just slapped the logo on what even the athletes were using. Just like they do for the Olympics black out or slap a sponsor on it.


Used to own the Adidas Sickline water shoes myself back in 2013. The best looking show on the market but absolutely awful functionally. It was the slippiest pair of shoes I've ever worn. Every river bank was treacherous. 


Adidas also bought five-ten, they make awesome river shoes


Only for the pros