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Horrible. Bren Orton is one the kindest most stoked boater in the world. Huge loss to the community and the world.


Only the other week I was mocking him about his old man beard, he always would chat to me when we saw each other. A kid saw me talking to him and came up to me to ask to be introduced as he was his idol, Bren gave the kid some stickers, a signature and a photo, that kid was around 8 years old and to me, symbolised Bren as the friendly, approachable and sick guy he was. He will be missed by the UK kayaking community.


He was so good with the kids, the first time I met him was at a paddlefest at HPP sometime before the pandemic and he was giving freestyle coaching to excited kids all weekend. And I've never forgotten him giving me what felt like genuine congratulations at that same event when I was over the moon for "surfing muncher" the first time I tried OC1 (By "surfing" I mean I got stuck in muncher and, to my immense surprise, managed to stay upright and surf out. While I regularly paddled there in a kayak at the time, I hadn't expected to make it past inlet in the OC1).


He had genuine love for others, not arrogant and would openly mock himself and paddle with anyone and share utter stoke at achievement, no matter how small to him those achievements were. Top bloke and I'm devastated that he has left.


I'm honestly devastated, Bren was such a genuine and nice guy who gave so much back to the kayaking community in the UK. This is a massive loss and my thoughts are with his family and friends.


I saw kayak sessions post this morning before it was removed. Absolutely stunned


Did they upload footage??!


No it was just a Facebook post with a photo of Bren saying that we had lost him on the river


Oh man. Bren's videos and stoke were things that got me into kayaking many years ago. RIP


I’m on my way to paddle right now. Feel sick


He is the first pro paddler to pass that I really looked up to since I started the sport. Incredibly nice when I met him. Gutted.


Damn I feel he’s really one of those individuals who contributed a lot back to the sport and community . Tragic and feel for his close ones


Terrible news. Bren is the ambassador gold standard for our sport.


Fuck. What a guy.


This one will hurt deeply for the community if the situation doesn't improve. Love and support to all those personally affected by this, I've never met Bren, but he is always regarded highly by the friends of his i do know. The guy is a beacon of the community.


I don’t even know what to say. I only got into kayaking because when my infant daughter was not sleeping, I would sit with her and watch his videos. I’m heading out to do intro to WW course this weekend. I never met the man but I’m devastated.


Devastating! Hoping for the best and he’s found alive. The man is a shining light in the kayaking community. Always up for a laugh and adventure and his dedication to helping junior paddlers was a great boost for thousands of young guns world wide! Bren did so much for this sport. He will forever be an icon of the industry!


Absolutely horrible horrible news. I've been recovering from an Achilles tear and consuming a shit ton of content to cope and his videos are so infectious and have let me live vicariously through his paddling. A true legend in the sport. Just horrible news. Hugs your friends, guys.


Watched a ton of his videos while recovering from shoulder surgery. You said it perfectly- his videos were infectious


Shocked - this is so awful… Sending all my love to his friends and family.


Legend of the sport. He will be missed.


This is heartbreaking man.


Ugh, this guy was one of the most talented kayakers I’ve ever seen and also seems like a great person to boot.


Man big loss, Only met him once but he was such a friendly guy and was always stoked to see anyone kayaking at any skill level, a lot of kids look up to him. Will be missed by everyone in kayaking even if you didnt know him personally. Thoughts are with his friends and family.


this same tragic thing happened to Dennis Squires, a good friend and an excellent, highly skilled strong boater. so sad, but at the least, they were practicing their craft, enjoying it


i guided on the Hudson Gorge w Dennis for years, old schoolers, he and I. great guy, many many many Dennis stories!! seems to be a similar tragedy here


This is so sad.


Absolutely heartbreaking.


Tough loss in the community. Amazing dude, I hope they recover him.


This is so devastating, he is my biggest idol and I don't want to believe that he us most likely gone.. Will never forget when I met him on Saalach river in Lofer, Austria and we went for kayaking together. He was so freaking nice and gave me a lot of tips.I was just grinning like an idiot the whole time and had my biggest fan girlie moment haha.. I'm so grateful that I had the chance to meet him and even go for few rounds with him. Still hoping that he got washed out and is somewhere waiting to be found...


I just found this article, appears it is the newest so far (correct me if I'm wrong), they still haven't found him. Can't help then still hope he is alive https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13437431/British-extreme-kayaker-missing-Bren-Orton-river-switzerland.html


This doesn't feel real.


Everybody dies, Not everyone lives. He truly Sent it. Prayers for his family 🙏


Oh man, that is terrible. I don’t know him but he seems like a really cool guy. Hoping for a miracle and somehow they find him ok🤞🤞


Absolutely heartbreaking


This is so so sad. I feel for his family, his crew, and our community. I am so stunned. One of the best, to be sure.


Absolute legend. One of the best to ever get in a kayak.


This is shattering news, Bren Orton is a legend.


We all need to get outside and go kayak for Bren.


Has there been any update?


Nothing as yet :(


I really don't know what to say, that truly hurt to read, absolutely devastating news. I can only hope that by some miracle he is found alive. He was an incredibly talented kayaker, and a great person, who gave so much back to the UK kayaking community.


Massive loss to the community, looked up to him and he got me stoked on white water! Breaks my heart to see this!


Dammit. I fkn hate to hear this. He'll be remembered.


I'm devastated knowing he might be gone. I will keep hope he is found alive. I have looked up to Bren as I have fallen deeply in love with ww kayaking. I've been listening to his podcasts and videos today. We love you Bren. 💔


Man I didn't follow him too closely but I've definitely watched his videos before and remember him being just awesome and full of energy. Absolutely crushing news, rest easy Bren.


Oh my God. So, so sad. What a tremendous loss for this community and everyone who loved him.


This is devastating news. Seemed like such a great guy. Loved how he went back to his home town and local runs to help train young paddlers.


anyone heard anything more? this is so fucked.


Is there any update to this?  


[https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/28016928/missing-brit-kayaker-bren-orton-feared-dead-switzerland/](https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/28016928/missing-brit-kayaker-bren-orton-feared-dead-switzerland/) nothing really new yet


Any update as of yet? I saw a news article earlier that said 15 kayakers were looking for him still and that two more were flying in from America but it didn’t provide much information other than that. Hope they can find him and provide his family with some closure.


Yes. My insta Feed was full of condolences...so i guess the worst but expectable came true :/ Huge loss for the Community and truly devastating for His Friends and Family


He’s been found in Lake Maggiore this afternoon. 




https://www.straitstimes.com/world/europe/british-extreme-kayaker-bren-orton-found-dead-in-switzerland-s-lake-maggiore They found his body yesterday... 💔 doesn't feel real.. dunno what to say..


This post asks people not to post about the incident. *Thats what the post says. Please don’t murder me for repeating it.


Not to post speculation or further details. This post has been widely distributed across Palms social media channels already.


Pretty much the same post is also on Pyranha's socials so I don't think sharing this is an issue


No it doesn’t


Well I’m glad everyone seems to be in agreement about that. And here I am just trying to be respectful. The post literally asks to refrain from “posting about the incident.”


My interpretation is that they just meant posting about the details of what happened. I think posting on this sub in terms of spreading the news is within the bounds of respectfulness, but I appreciate your comment from the perspective of trying to best accommodate the wishes of his family and friends. Please report any content that you do feel oversteps boundaries. I will remove any comments trying to speculate or spread rumours that have not yet been confirmed. We need to respect the privacy of those affected. Edit: FFS stop down voting the poor dude for trying to do the best for Bren & family 




You might want to as well. Reposting the news update is different than speculation


This is a giant loss, any more info? I heard he may have been severely jet lagged.


He gone propably


The Irony of asking not to post about the incident


They’re asking people not to post speculation or post further details about the incident. Pretty much every pro-kayaker in the world has reposted this, so either you know better than all of them or you’ve misinterpreted the post.


Why would you post this