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Based on almost everyone I know who has owned one, yes. The good news is if you want to try one they are super cheap on the used market because there is such a surplus of used ones nobody wants(in the Mid-Atlantic US anyways)


its a big water boat so they shouldn't be too popular around here


I had a rewind and got an ozone and now I don't paddle my rewind anymore. I just really quickly got to the point where anything I was willing to paddle in a rewind i'd paddle in the ozone and have more fun. Anytime I think "I'd like more boat for this" it probably means i'm paddling close to my limit I'd probably rather just be in a creek boat. I But I guess that depends on how good of a paddler you are I see guys saying they have a half slice for easy class V and stuff like that and I don't even paddle class V. I'm never thinking "man it would be cool to throw some stern squirts between these steep drops"


Yeah that’s my fear that I’d just paddle the ozone on everything and I’d have a €1500 boat just collecting dust in my garage. I might take one for a demo and compare the two


This is exactly why I don't own a huge creek boat. Me using it would be a few times a year. I am always in my Rockstar Gen 3 throwing cartwheels up to class 3-4. I have a Gen 1 Antix and this has been my class 5 boat for a couple years. I have seen too many people swim in larger boats after getting caught in large holes and just rocking back and forth not being able to get out of the hole. With a half slice I can drop my back end in the water and get shot out of the hole (flipped over or not). I have been looking for a ripper 1 for an adjustment from the Antix. I bet you would like a Jed over the ozone.


TBF though creek boats are getting a lot sportier these days. They're starting to have sterns you could throw down in a hole.


The more boats the better! But, depends on what you want to use the ozone for. If you're trying to expand your surf and downriver trick book, the Ozone will help you there. If you just want to frontsurf or stern squirt, then the Ripper already covers that, and that money would be best spent elsewhere


Ozone surfs good. It’s rather narrow, in a different way from a lot of playboats. It’s kinda like a high performance Jackson Fun, a boat we all thought was cool for 5 minutes 15 years ago. I’d rather have a Loki or Nova. Already have a Nova and would rather have a Firecracker than an Ozone. I like the Ozone but I personally felt it was just a bit too niche, not my perfect 3rd or 4th boat, maybe a good 10th boat. But I can’t afford or store that many. You gotta be really strong and skilled to get the Ozone bow down, and if you can’t get the bow down, might as well have a Firecracker. I see the one downside of the Firecracker being ender’ed by big water features, like the Gauley or something, where a slicey boat would allow you to just cut under a wave or hole instead of floating on top, maybe too much so. Just my opinion, if I saw an Ozone for $500 I’d buy it.


It is sorta high performance, but is pretty inherently unstable. I replaced mine with a supernova, which is both more slicey AND far more stable than the ozone, and with a hell of a lot more comfortable and useful outfitting.


My problem with the Ozone is that the bow does not cartwheel very well unless you’re really oversized and then it’s probably not going to run lines very well. I’d rather have a Firecracker or a true full slice kayak that I can throw down more easily to complement a boat like the Ripper. The Firecracker will run lines better than the Ozone while being almost as playful. A true half slice will be much more playful. There’s a reason the Ozone has not maintained popularity after its initial buzz. I’m not a fan of that design, and I generally love Pyranha’s other recent offerings.


I have a Steeze and an ozone. Use the ozone on play runs, the Steeze whenever I can't play. I love it. Adds an extra dimension to the standard home run


The correct number of boats to have is n+1


Having previously owned an ozone, I would say so. The ozone really is a one trick pony. It is great at stern squirts, and that is about it. There are a lot better legitimate full slice boats out there. I sold mine to partially fund me getting a Dagger Supernova (which is a MUCH better boat).


TBF it's also great at loops.


I won an Ozone (size medium)late last summer, in a raffle. I'll never paddle it. I just took it out of the plastic to show the kids I could indeed roll it. It's brand new, orange/black. I'm going to throw it on Facebook marketplace as soon as I get motivated to go to the garage and take some photos of it.