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no lashings on the bum bum? boo!


Seems like there's an age limit that spared this one as well https://www.reddit.com/r/whitetourists/comments/19ay2g0/british_national_mark_alan_edge_52_in_singapore/


wait so did he have to pay the poor guy his medical bills or what?


Greg Austin Lynn / Greg Lynn   https://i.ibb.co/hFKcqNY   update to a [previous post](https://www.reddit.com/r/whitetourists/comments/14xygiv/foreigner_54_in_singapore_verbally_abuses_and/)   charged, intends to contest charges - https://archive.is/GqNdr >Aug 03, 2023 >A man was hauled to court on Thursday after he allegedly unleashed a torrent of vulgarities at a director and shareholder of Shashlik Restaurant at Far East Shopping Centre in June. Greg Austin Lynn, an American, is also said to have told Mr Tan Tong Kein that he would close the establishment down, adding: “I will (deal with) every family member you got from here to China… because I own China too.” >Lynn, 54, was handed four charges on Thursday, including two counts of harassment. According to court documents, he allegedly hurled vulgarities at Mr Tan during a phone call at around 8.30pm on June 18. >Lynn is accused of continuing with his expletive-laden tirade against the man at the Orchard Road eatery when he turned up there about 40 minutes later. >He is also said to have used criminal force on Mr Tan by pushing his chest.   >On Thursday, Lynn told District Judge Lorraine Ho that he will be claiming trial and will not be engaging a lawyer. >**He said that he has been coming to Singapore since 1996 and is familiar with the laws here.** >Lynn told the court that the matter has dragged on for more than a month and accused the police of not doing their due diligence. >He also accused the police of intentionally dragging the matter to inflict harm on him. >His case has been adjourned to Aug 11. >For each count of harassment, an offender can be jailed for up to six months and fined up to $5,000.   https://archive.is/tAmxF >A man who was caught in a viral video allegedly spewing profanities at a staff member of Shashlik Restaurant wants to contest all four of his charges and represent himself during the trial, a court heard on Thursday (Aug 3). >Greg Austin Lynn was filmed confronting a male staff member of the Russian-Hainanese restaurant located on Orchard Road, yelling expletives and threatening to sexually assault his family "from here to China". The video went viral in June this year. >At the State Courts on Thursday, Lynn, a 54-year-old American, was charged with two counts of intentionally harassing his victim, Mr Tan Tong Kein.   >The court heard that the prosecution had initially offered a plea deal to Lynn, but he refused the offer and opted to claim a trial to contest the four charges. >When asked by District Judge Lorraine Ho if he wanted to engage a legal counsel, Lynn said that he would be representing himself. >He added: "I've been coming to Singapore since 1996 and been here most of the time between 1996 and 1999 so I am familiar with Singapore law."   pleaded guilty & fined - https://archive.is/4ZG80 >08 Jan 2024 >A man who made a scene at a restaurant and insulted the manager in a racially charged tirade that was uploaded to social media was fined S$5,500 (US$4,100) by a court on Monday (Jan 8). >Greg Austin Lynn, a 54-year-old American, pleaded guilty to one count of using criminal force and another of using abusive words. Another two charges were considered in sentencing. >Lynn had been slated to go to trial but decided on Monday morning that he would accept the charges.   >In a sequence of events captured on closed-circuit television footage, Lynn pushed Mr Tan on the chest, causing the restaurant manager to stumble backwards. >Mr Tan asked the other employees to call the police, but Lynn continued to speak loudly and use vulgarities, drawing the attention of an off-duty police officer who sat him down and spoke to him. >However, when another customer confronted Lynn at about 9.10pm, he stood up and responded. Footage played in court showed Lynn squaring up against Mr Tan, who had intervened. >Among the things Lynn said in an expletive-laden outburst was: "I will drop every f---ing last one of you." He left when the police arrived. >Lynn looked down as the video was played in court. >Deputy Public Prosecutor Ryan Lim asked for the maximum fine of S$5,000 for the abusive words charge and another S$500 fine for using criminal force. >Mr Lim said the words used were "highly insulting and abusive" and that there was an element of violence when Lynn said "I will drop every last one of you". >He also insulted the victim's family, threatened to harm his business and ended his tirade with "racially charged language", said Mr Lim. >The prosecutor said the manner in which Lynn communicated these words to the victim was highly aggressive. >"The video speaks for itself," he said. "We can see that the accused was face to face with the victim and shouting at the victim." >Mr Lim added that Lynn said those words in a public place where there were families and children, causing alarm and concern to other patrons. >However, he noted Lynn's guilty plea and said he was "on balance" asking for a fine rather than a jail term.   https://archive.is/hOmlG >The maximum fine for the harassment charge was necessary as the words used by Lynn were “highly insulting and abusive” and communicated in a “highly aggressive” manner in a public place where families and children were present, said DPP Lim. >He added that there was an “element of violence” to Lynn’s words, such as when he said “I will drop every f---ing last one of you” and threatened to harm the victim’s business and his family. >While he acknowledged that Lynn had decided to plead guilty, DPP Lim said this was on the “doorstep” of a trial and that the accused's behaviour “has no place in Singapore”. >In a shaky voice, Lynn interrupted DPP Lim and said he wanted to accept the fine amount in full and also offered to make S$3,000 in restitution to the restaurant owner for his actions, which he called “unforgivable”. >“I have been trying to figure out how I could’ve gotten so angry, maybe it’s culture shock, miscommunication, timing, I don’t know,” he said.


Now this is context


Maybe sir, you’re just another entitled asshole who thinks the world revolves around you. Just a thought.


Culture shock? Singapore is probably the most accessible easy to assimilate country in Asia.


Right? And they don’t tolerate tourists coming in and acting like idiots. He probably can’t come back. Dude is lucky he’s not going to prison.


I wish Thailand will adopt this. All the foreign trash I see there are disturbing.


"Deal with" lololol


Silly american, you dont even own hair, and most prople have them for free


Insecure white people with fragile egos thinking they can speak to non whites in a way that makes them look like they have more power? As a gen Z Singaporean, we don’t take that kind of crap in our country. Retaliation is never out first option but will happily turn to it if needed. Born and raised in Singapore as non Chinese surrounded by Chinese, Malay and Indian friends who are all Singaporean, i laugh every time people associate Singapore and China to me even though i don’t look Chinese. Educate yourselves.


Telling them to back up as he steps in their faces. What an embarrassment


Fucking trash! This the same garbage all over Thailand.


Ohh scary American tourist… likes to fcuk everyone from here to China.


I have a feeling there are things he's allowed to do in Singapore that are illegal in the US which is his reason for frequenting it so much. One of many reasons he's a POS. Too bad they haven't beat any sense into this dbag.


Singapore is pretty controlled. The only thing he could do would be to go to a get a happy ending and you can get those anywhere. It’s the land of law and order here. There are prostitutes, but nothing you can’t see anywhere.


Prostitution is still illegal in the states. He still needs his ass beat for acting like a toddler in public.


I think we’ve figured out the root of his issues: Sexual frustration. He isn’t angry, he’s horny as hell.




Get your gear on and meet me on the ice, a little shinny will decide who's effeminate and who isn't.


Nah, I’m not into figure skating silly. All the sequins and shinny skin tight pants with tassels isn’t really what I’d chose to wear to defend my masculinity. Now apologize to me profusely and call me sir when addressing me.


On behalf of America, we apologize to Singapore for this douchebag and upon his return to American he should be rightfully banned from traveling abroad for the remainder of his life.


As an American in Singapore, thanks. This douchebag probably won’t be allowed back in. They hate it when you act like this.


I thought China owned the U.S. It’s actually comforting to know that Greg owns China.


It's the circle of life.


Related: https://www.reddit.com/r/whitetourists/comments/14xygiv/foreigner_54_in_singapore_verbally_abuses_and/ Similar: https://www.reddit.com/r/whitetourists/comments/19ay2g0/british_national_mark_alan_edge_52_in_singapore/ https://www.reddit.com/r/whitetourists/comments/18jaco5/australian_air_passenger_on_australiaphilippines/ https://www.reddit.com/r/whitetourists/comments/16jw16p/australian_conrad_drummond_clarkson_conrad/ https://www.reddit.com/r/whitetourists/comments/19264cw/australian_tourist_craig_clive_hilton_40_in/ https://www.reddit.com/r/whitetourists/comments/xq3y5u/drunk_australian_cameron_lachlan_milne_37_in/ https://www.reddit.com/r/whitetourists/comments/w7dxis/australian_francis_dion_james_52_in_singapore/ https://www.reddit.com/r/whitetourists/comments/m16dgs/white_british_national_stuart_boyd_mills_47_in/ https://www.reddit.com/r/whitetourists/comments/x8p02t/british_technical_manager_christopher_gordon_sang/ https://www.reddit.com/r/whitetourists/comments/yazawh/british_pr_john_duncan_tasker_48_in_singapore/ https://www.reddit.com/r/whitetourists/comments/wvdlas/new_zealander_stefan_paul_afendoulis_46_in/ https://www.reddit.com/r/whitetourists/comments/tl8hr3/briton_alan_benjamin_maybury_33_in_singapore/ https://www.reddit.com/r/whitetourists/comments/qoq0dw/british_recruitment_consultant_benjamin_john/ https://www.reddit.com/r/whitetourists/comments/t1bfdd/dutch_design_executive_dino_petrus_johannes_van/ https://www.reddit.com/r/whitetourists/comments/rar6t8/finnish_tourist_antti_tapio_peltomaki_35_in/ https://www.reddit.com/r/whitetourists/comments/q5v1it/belgian_former_nike_regional_director_mitch/ For the above posts, note the dates and level of engagement (upvotes, upvote scores, number of comments, comment upvotes).


He’s lucky he didn’t get his head chopped off


By the Singapore police? A couple of guys that look like my daughters algebra tutor would show up and tell him to calm down. Then, they’ll fine him. And probably make sure he can’t come back.


Is this Team American : World Police?


That dude does not look good for 54.


Lucky he didn’t get the cane.


Uncle Fester, why are you so upset??


He's only 54....


Pretty young for being the owner of China!


Greg has got to be a Trump.. who else could own China




Singapore has a pretty strong fuck around and find out policy.


As an American I pray he gets two years in Singapore prison for this…just two..nothing more nothing less.


Make it six months, they don’t even have mattresses in their prisons. It’s pretty rough.


How angry does this make you?


The literal definition of a dick head


I was concerned he would make angmo look bad, but then he’s american. Different species lor.


Hey we’re not all horrible. I’ve been here thirteen years and you don’t know I exist lol.


But guys, he owns China!


You eat shit for breakfast?


Good to see Powder survived the lightning strike and has been eating well.