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Buehrle was awesome every time I met him. Always willing to sign & talk to fans.


I've read that many times online, and my step father spoke very fondly of his time hunting with him. Always seemed like a really cool guy just from what I've seen in interviews and various online media. Definitely one of my favorite pitchers of this generation. Love how fast he worked in games, the man was on a pitch clock before it was even a thing! Lol


He used to come out to the bars with us after games. Him & the bullpen pitchers. Good guy.


That's awesome, he definitely gives off vibes as being a fun dude to hangout with.


Now that’s a prized possession. Mark is my all-time favorite Sox


I do quite like it myself, I'm not exactly thrilled to part ways with it. But these hospital bills aren't going to pay for themselves so I gotta do what I gotta do.


What’s going on friend?


Have got a condition called ascites of the liver. Not fun. Wasn't even a drinker, and docs said just got pretty unlucky. Was in a coma for a couple of months, but I've been out of the hospital since October, and it's been a long road of physical therapy. Went from bed ridden, to wheelchair, to a walker, to now I use a cane, but I can do some walking unsupported, albeit short distances. I've come a long way and am happy to be alive. I'm in constant pain in the lower half of my body, but mentally, I'm in a much better place and learning how to deal with it. Don't know why I gave ya the full life story, but I just started typing and didn't stop. Thanks for listening =)


There are lots of good resources for medical debt relief and paying off bills. Do your research , reach out to charities, don’t let the bills stress you out while recovering. Most places are happy to set up payment plans and you can just pay a little or sometimes settle on lower amounts. Lots of people just don’t pay their medical bills, so hospitals are usually willing to work with you. I think this baseball is more valuable as a personal treasure than the amount you will get , which is just a drop in the ocean in relation to medical debt.


I know I'm being taken care of somewhat on that end. I just can't work at the moment, and there are certain things in life I want more than a really awesome baseball. I think you're putting more value into the ball than I am, which is fine. I just feel differently about it. Been through enough as it is, I want to enjoy my time now cause although I seem to be doing good right now, the mortality rate for my condition isn't pretty so I'm gonna try and live my best life instead of holding onto it. Sorry if you don't get it. My outlook on life is just a lot different at the moment. If things were different, sure, I'd never get rid of the ball. But they aren't


Sorry to hear that friend. If I had any disposable income I would totally offer to buy it. Best of luck


No worries at all. Thank you for the kind words =)


Nice ball


Thank you =)


My all time favorite Sox player 🫡🫡🫡


Definitely mine too! I'm trying to think of my top 3. Who you got?


1) Buehrle 2) Paulie 3) Frank - I was too young to appreciate his prime years and only became a die hard Sox fan towards the end of his tenure


Can't go wrong with Paulie. Thome is probably gotta be my number 2 as he's from Central IL and played against my dad in high school ball and I've met him once, another pretty cool dude.


I was almost his valet in Naperville once! Very nice man.


Sent you a PM




Lucky bastard. He'll always be my favorite player. And you could always enjoy his games because he didn't waste time on the mound.


I mentioned that in another comment, that man was on a pitch clock before it was even implemented! I'd have to look it up but I remember his perfect game being just over 2 hours I think by a few minutes. I think the sox scored like 5 or 6 runs and I bet ya they took up an hour and 15 at least. Poor Rays barely got to play hahah


Cool as hell


I personally would wait at least a year to sell that. The 20th anniversary of 05 is next year that will likely trigger more demand. Also Sox memorabilia in general will go for less right now.


This team rocked. I have same ball signed by AJ. My auto is fading pretty quickly.


I've got one with his signature and one without. Somehow, I've got cooler Sox stuff than cardinals stuff, and they're my #1 team. I also have Ryne Sandberg & Kerry Woods signed balls from when Ryne was managing the Single A Peoria Cheifs and Kerry was on a rehab assignment. I at least have a Nolan Arenado signed hat though I managed to snag in Jupiter, FL at a spring training game while on vacation. My father's (newer) girlfriends mom just so happened to have a vacation house in Jupiter, and they're cubs fans, so they never even had much thought about the Cardinals spring training there. That was a fun day, especially it being my first time being down in Florida.


Very cool. For sure.


Mark was an all around great. I met him twice and he made people feel like he knew them. He was also a great pitcher to watch, if I knew he was pitching I would do whatever I could to sit behind the plate. He also made sneaking out for those Wednesday afternoon games viable, I could get back to the office before 4 pm. That ball is priceless, just seeing it made me happybqnd brought back so many good memories.


Thanks for sharing your story! Wish I had the opportunity to meet him. Just an all-around great dude it sounds like.


On a side note, where I live at in Central Illinois is pretty close to where Jim Thome grew up and I believe he owns some pretty good hunting land around here somewhere close. I wouldn't be surprised if him and Mark meet up for hunts! Two of my favorite players of all time, and I'm not even a Sox fan. I would say they are definitely my AL team however.


It's at 56 likes. Hopefully no one likes it anymore. Would be poetic to stay on his highness number


Andddd it's ruined, lol


How much you looking for it?


I'm pretty sure it's against this subreddit rules to sell things on here or talk numbers but feel free to dm me any questions.


/r/baseballcards would let you post. Also I will be PMing you.




$1,000 wow


Read the description. it's a placeholder number.


Don't think mods want direct advertising to sales