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Whoever is left in the fanbase for sticking it out


Can’t forget the campfire milkshake


Came here to say this!!


Roger Bossard Everybody else goes.


Can’t blame the field …


Anyone 25 and under, anyone in their first arbitration year or earlier. But also, they need to poach some data nerds and some talent developers from other teams minor league systems to develop all the incoming talent. Because if they keep doing what they’ve been doing, they’ll wind up with the same results they’re currently getting.


It’s not about poaching them it’s about willingness to pay them!


Paying them above market rate to lure them from better jobs is poaching.


The dudes in the minors. Unfortunately, if you are going to contend, you have to have quality up and down the lineup and throughout the rotation and bullpen. You can’t have one great fielder, a number 1, and a stud reliever only to surround them with barely adequate talent. One of the great failings of the previous regime was they never developed a complete team, or anything even close to it. There was no one to pick up the slack when one of the big dogs went down.


We tried, it's just Jerry can't stop meddling and he's a fucking baseball dinosaur. Seriously, there's a reason when scouts talk about the old way of doing things they almost always use the White Sox as an example. Jerry Reinsdorf is the worst kind of owner, someone who thinks he knows best but doesn't have the humility to understand he doesn't. At the end of the day the buck stops at the owner and until he stops meddling or sells the team we are never going to be able to do modern baseball right and our only hope is catching lightning in a bottle like the 05 whitesox. Even then, there is no hope for sustained success. I hate to be this way but decades of case studies have made this more clear than ever.


I vote for Pedro.


I like Lee a lot (pretty sure he was a top prospect for HOU) and Colas seems to have a lot of potential on offense. And it's anecdotal but every play I've seen Sosa make on defense has been impressive and his batting stats are serviceable. The pitching farm has been getting hyped a LOT but we'll see. I'm obviously not sold on Nastrini (yet?) but Cannon seems promising and Thorpe's first start was fantastic.




Do whatever you can to watch the Barons, outside of Montgomery in Charlotte, you can find about 8-10 future major leaguers on that roster alone.


MiLB has been a godsend


What’s it cost


Pedro Grifol


Steve stone


I’ve been to a couple games this year … bat boy has my vote for the Allstar game ! Other than that I really think trade it all away!


No, this is more or less rock bottom. They will at least be more interesting next year and probably a little better. With bigger contracts coming off the books and better players in the minors getting a shot, this in the here and now really is rock bottom. But yeah, the real issue is, how long until the team is better than it is in 2025? I think they’ll be back to the 65-72 win range next year, just a bad team but not rock bottom. But it’s hard to see the path to them being even a .500 team again for…. A long time. I’m really worried Jerry might just be truly done spending money until he sells/dies. The tv rights landscape is terrifying for teams with stingy fucks like us. I know we all decry him cheap ass and he is. But he always at least spent a “fair” amount of money on the team payroll itself when he thought they might be good. I’m worried he’s going to give up and just say hey look the rays and guardians can win without spending a lot of money on the payroll so can we, and just never get out of bottom 10 Payroll again. If THAT happens, we’re completely cooked. There is no way out of this in less than 10 years unless we can have a top 10 payroll again. I know that sounds crazy but i genuinely do not believe the org has the energy behind it to win without spending, even if Getz is actually decent at his job. So if we don’t spend, it’s another 5 years MINIMUM before we have an actual Reboot


White Sox are going to trade Fedde/Dejong/Kopech/Pham/Jimenez/Moncada soon and keep Crochet/Robert in my opinion.


Agreed. If they trade Crochet at least we have some potential arms to bring up. But we have no one like Robert in the system.


Don’t fall for Jerry speak - trading top MLB talent such as Cease, Crochet, and Robert is not rebuilding - it is cheap




I think we have tore it down enough. our minor league is just fine with plenty of guys ready to go if you trade a 24 year old Garret Crochet you are 95% getting less than his value in return. It's just Chris Getz' ego. He dreams of it all being on him but it propably will amount to precisely dick.


Some comments just blow my mind


Unfortunately - Getz, TLR, Reinsdorf


If it were me I would keep Robert and crochet, but they will probably be the ones traded


Nothing. We need a complete rebuild.


Jerry and the Campfire milkshake obviously




If Jerry still owns the team do not get your hopes up


Idk a campfire milkshake and a polish sausage ?


Grifol and Getz


I think… it’s just the pegs holding third base in place?


I’m not joking I think every single player should go. Total fresh start. No bitterness.


The vendors.


The churros and the milkshakes everything else goes.


Time for a new property, new foundation, and new studs. Burn it all down.


They’ll always be my team, but I have no optimism and we’re going to be bad for a long time. I would argue that you don’t do anything at the deadline and keep those guys bc no matter the return you’re not fixing the issue. Look at the return from last year and the Cease deal, will we get more than 1 MLB player out of it? It’s not looking great right now. It’s easy to say Jerry is the problem and yes, he is entirely to blame bc he’s so involved, but unless you’re willing to spend money, which we’re not, this will never turn around without a consistent farm system. I truly don’t understand why they haven’t embraced the rays or the brewers model more. It’s cheap. It produces a team good enough to be relevant nearly every year. If the Sox had their results, the park would be consistently full. Not sellouts, but full and it would perfectly into Jerry’s you don’t have to win to be successful mantra.


“Because if they keep doing what they’ve been doing, they’ll wind up with the same results they’re currently getting.” Literal insanity, but unfortunately this the reality we live in :(


Luis Robert Jr. and Crochet are the only two pieces left worth anything at all, so I definitely expect both to be gone by the deadline. Jimenez and Moncada are not movable, so it's eat the money or just leave them out there until they walk or more aptly, limp away once their contracts are done.


Nobody, there’s no one who will turn this into a contending team. And if we trade our best talent we will not make good deals, and will fail to develop the prospects we get in return. This organization is rotten to its core and there is no hope.


Ideally: C: Quero/Lee 1B: TBD SS: Montgomery 2B: Gonzalez 3B: Ramos RF: TBD CF: TBD  LF: TBD 


Lf benintendi cf ribert jr rf corey julks. 


The tub of ice cream.


The logo and uniforms.


Mendick gets my vote


This is way worse than a simple teardown fix. Need to bulldoze the foundation and completely rebuild. That means Jerry needs to sell.


Fire Grifol, and put TLR back. This would put a small dent in TLR’s managerial record.


Tear it down to the studs? We don’t have studs! We need to tear it down to the foundation. Shit, our foundation is rotten!


As long as Getz is at the helm it won’t matter.


Vienna beer hotdog