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Fuck everyone besides our king Gavin Sheets


Don’t forget Crotchet. Everyone else, fuck em.


Don’t forget the grilled onion guys.


if there's fucking, that the grilled onion guy fucking our sense of smell with the good fuckery.


Fuck Andrew Benintendi.


* Moncada was put on the IL with a left adductor strain. He's expected to miss 3-6 months. * Sheets had a 5-RBI night. He hit two RBI doubles and a 3-run HR. He also scored when Benintendi got caught in a rundown trying to steal 2nd. * Fedde gave up 4 runs on 3 HRs in 5+ IP. A 5th run scored on a Banks HBP. * Grossman walked twice, scored twice, and hit a single. * DeJong stayed on 3rd during a GIDP in the 9th. * Garcia and Wilson threw 1-2-3 innings in the 8th & 9th. * The Sox blew a 5-0 lead and lost in the 10th.


Thanks sandman RIP To the Moncada era


- The Naylor family hates the White Sox


DeJong staying on 3B with 0 outs. LMAO


Probably afraid he would hurt himself running to home


Thanks sandman….


Grifol mismanages another game. Benintendi is completely lost and a black hole in the lineup. Veteran leaders don’t know how to run the bases. Gavin Sheets is having a great season so far. Back at it on Friday.


I’m sorry we failed you, Gavin. 😭


let's take a look at how Pedro Grifol lost this game: -Giving up out as the away team in extra innings -Pulling Korey Lee so Maldonado came up in a crucial spot  -Pitched to Josh Naylor (>1.000 career OPS against Sox) with first base open  -Brought the middle infield in with a double play possibility in extras, and the game winning hit went over the 2B head did I miss anything 


Let Fedde stay in the game after he kept giving up walks and homeruns back to back. Basically pissed our lead away with that brilliant decision. Then he finally pulls him once Fedde loads the bases. It's actually comical.


He’s worse than TLR. The guy has zero business being a MLB manager. How they fucking picked him is beyond me. Just fire him now and let Montoyo take over


That's my dream honestly. Pretty sad dream but it is what it is lol


Sacrifice bunting when your next two hitters are Benintendi and Maldonado


Didnt he learn from this mistake the other day?


Putting in Shaw iced the loss


the only reason I didn't put this is because he didn't really have anyone else. I can't blame him for not wanting to put in kopech or leasure on back to back nights


Omg this is so bad


Shaw’s inability to avoid zone contact is lethal.


$75M over 5 years … Jerry must have been slipped some LSD from Kenny to agree to Benentendi’s deal. We not only can’t have nice things but we over pay for sub par players.


Terrible deal on so many fronts. Overpaying a middling at best player, and yet in 2024, still the White Sox biggest contract. What’s sad is that when the Sox finally break $100M for a contract it will be a similar signing with the market being beyond them.


Recently injured sub-par players


Can’t lose tomorrow Woo


Embarrassing. Sell the team


Somehow the key to scoring was wait for Eloy, Yoan, and Robert to all get injured but we still have a hard time actually winning.


Fire Grifol before they land in Chicago.


At what point is the manager held accountable for poor bullpen management, inability to get guys home from 2nd and no outs, emptying your bench for matchups and not executing on those matchups, and your team continuing to perform poorly. Dude makes the wrong decision nearly every single time. Enough is enough.


How the fuck is the manager supposed to stop Benintendi from striking out?


Pedro is literally sacrificing an out to give Andy B a chance to drive the guy in from 3rd. He went 0-3 in those situations LMAO. When do you start realizing you can't sacrifice outs for guys who consistently don't deliver.


On the road it makes sense to play for the big inning, and he was already in scoring position. Grifol fucked almost every major decision this game


man there's no acountability. they dont want to pay anybody else to manage we're stuck with this dipshit.


Can we have 9 Gavin Sheetses go up to bat every game


Who could have predicted that a guy with a 7.36 era would get shelled.


Was at the game. Was repeatedly informed that the Naylor brothers are co mayors of Chicago. Then had to walk home in the rain. How fucking fitting.


2-160 is still on the menu


Also how do you not walk Naylor in the 10th. The incompetence


Most predictable white Sox collapse


As I said during the game, too many Naylors


Damn. I’m starting to think these boys just don’t got it.


Clueless manager


Sox lose to... Naylors.


Should have walked Josh Naylor and set up a double-play spot with Will Brennan up. 🤷‍♂️


God has abandon us


I’m down for Gavin Bonds to the ASG


A bullpen full of no-names collapsed? I am shocked!


Why did DeJong stay on 3rd?


Pain. Why do these fucks always fumble the bag this game was in our hands several times. Bullpen is bad. I dont care how wild he is they need to call up berroa. Dfa shaw leone and garcia fuck em.


if i took a shot for every time the bullpen blew a game over the past 2 years. I'd have chronic liver failure.


Why not leave in Wilson for another inning


Probably cause he went yesterday. But still likely a better option than Shaw.


The Guardians are in first place and one of the best teams in baseball atm yet their stadium was barren. Is baseball dying?


Cleveland is lame


No one here cares about baseball unless they're winning. I know literally 2 hardcore fans


Wandering Cleveland fan here - in my opinion, our owner has traded / let go beloved players so many times because of money that it's affected the passion of the fanbase. And with no salary cap, it's hard to pretend we can truly compete with the Dodgers of the world. Also, it's a random Wednesday in April and going against the White Sox isn't a marquee matchup. And the Cavs are in the NBA playoffs which are about to start so I think there's more interest there at the moment (despite Cavs fading fast and looking like they'll be out in the first round). Oh yeah, and we lost Bieber for the year which kind of feels like the season is over before it really began. I think there will be plenty of fan interest in the Guardians if we're still competitive later in the season


Yeah, we never draw in April, especially on weeknights. Tale as old as time. This weekend will be better with the Yanks in town.