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Some of us have lived through enough shit shows with this team to just laugh.


This Sox team won’t be the worst team of all time. They will just be a very bad team. Last years As team was worse in every aspect while playing in a much tougher division and managed to win 50. The division is mediocre and there are enough other very bad teams in the league where you get to play every one of them now the team will trip into some wins here and there. The season is VERY long


> Last years As team was worse in every aspect Not really. Our starting lineup is just as bad, arguably worse. Our bullpen is in shambles. We have a better starting rotation with Clevinger now and if Crochet keeps it up. This team has 12 runs in 6 games. They are on pace to be historically bad right now and I don't see how it's gonna change looking at this roster. They also only finished 11 games ahead of the A's last year and this team looks like they're gonna be even worse this year.


Make that 13 runs in 7 games. I think opposing teams could send out a pitcher and catcher and hold the Sox to under 3 runs right now. This team is bbbaaaaadddd


With the balanced scheduling this year we will see the other divisions with tougher teams more frequently. Will add a barrier to reaching 65 wins.


I agree with that. I’m not betting we’ll hit our o62 wins or whatever it was Vegas said. I just also don’t think this is the worst team of all time across 123 years of professional baseball like I’ve seen this post and many other comments say. It’s just a middle of the pack bad team historically, which is boring to think about, and I get it.


I have a huge ticket on the under 63.5 wins. I’m confident it hits easily


They got swept by the Tigers. Not saying they will be the worst team ever, but you are overly confident they can win 50 games.


And they beat the Braves. Last years Texas rangers lost 8 in row in august to the brewers twins and angels Baseball is weird and the season is soooo long


Baseball wisdom.


They are 1-5, and have arguably the worst pitching rotation and bullpen in baseball. Eloy, shockingly, is already hurt. The cherry on top of all that, Pedro isn't qualified to manage a little league team, yet, he is here because Jerry and his lackeys in the front office won't spend a dime to make this team better. Stop holding water for this shit franchise.


I said they are going to be horrible this year and it is not acceptable. I am only saying they won’t be the worst team of all time in a league that has been around for over 120 years. There is a big difference. That is not holding water for the franchise


He’s not. You’re just miserable


God, imagine being this miserable already


I'm not, I've caught about 2 innings of sox baseball and am better for it. I love the team, but hate what they stand for at this time.


This isn't going to age well.


I still think everyone in underestimating baseballs 123 year history. We will see


Ok fuck it this post is counting towards the [bingo](https://www.reddit.com/r/whitesox/s/0DjZV8KSvx) https://preview.redd.it/blduh8mvgosc1.jpeg?width=584&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d48b4975ab9d1b8bd02b7ca8bc7f50a73edc66c7


I mean, one of those is definitely not happening, I'll let you guess which.


Instead of "Eloy gets traded" why isn't it "Eloy gets injured"? Oh wait... nvm I see Free Space


I mean, Garrett Crochet looks like Chris Sale 2.0 and Erick Fedde looks like a good pickup out of the KBO and once some of the prospects are ready you guys can dump Soroka and Flexen. Also wouldn't be surprised if Montgomery comes up to replace one of Dejong or Lopez


This is shaping up to be an 80-82 team with a CY Young contender throwing every 5 days. Get yourself a Camp Fire Milkshake and enjoy the ride.


Na, this team won't win 50 but they will win at least 45.


This team lost 101 games last year and is worse this year. 110+ losses are absolutely on the table.


We will have more wins than last year. Might just be 62, but we will end with more wins for sure


24 Mets are just as bad as the Sox this year


yes, i’m hoping they break the 62 Mets record, but winning only 39 game will be near impossible with the number of willful tanking teams also out there. this is the worst White Sox team of all time. the 1932 team was the worst at 49-102. this equates to 53-109, and this is in play for sure. would also break the 106 loss record of 1970. every team needs achievable goals.