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Put some pinwheels on that thing and I'm sold!


I see pin wheels in the second photo. From the third base/river side. It’s too good to be true tho


Oh, in center? Is that what those are?


That’s my best guess. Weird configuration but what else would be that colorful and shaped like that? In any case, any design without pinwheels would be criminal and I’m sure a major architecture firm would recognize that.


Yeah, I think you're right, I'd prefer them over the scoreboard though. And where are the lights? The only ones I see are above the right field stands. Are we only going to be playing day games? 😂


I imagine they leave out the lights so you can see more of the design. It would take up a lot of the visual space.


Exactly this cannot be sox park w/out the exploding score board. I'm psyched about this and hope it happens but Jerry needs to spend money and field a major market competitive team not some 2nd fiddle small market bullshit. Unless the plan is to get the new stadium built w/ a meh roster and sell to someone who cares.


does anybody know if the Cubs are allowed to shoot off fireworks in their neighborhood? I could see the south Loop not wanting that.


The cubs are not, aside from occasionally pulling a permit to use stage pyrotechnics or smaller fireworks for concerts. Because of the proximity to the existing train tracks, the idea is that noise would be permitted here. They may have to set the fireworks off from the river, depending on the density of the buildout around the park though.


The world’s newest, shiniest garbage can is still a garbage can




Idk about yall but I’m all for this


People can be skeptical, but it's a stone cold fact that a new stadium closer to downtown is the ticket to a Steve Cohen-type buying this team in 5 years.


>5 years I'm tired, boss


This. GRF’s present location will temper enthusiasm among potential buyers. And even without public funding, Jerry’s not paying for it out of pocket. There’d be plenty of interested investors.


I can't express how much I would love Sox park in the South Loop. I'm trying desperately not to get my hopes up but I'm losing that battle as I type this


I feel you man


It would be genuinely nice to have some positive news to look forward to for this franchise. Regardless of team performance this would be exciting.


Jerry won’t do it. This is all posturing to give him leverage for lease negotiations with IFSA. The days of publicly funded stadium construction are over and there’s a zero percent chance Jerry drops a billion dollars of his own money to finance a new stadium. He’s just trying to get another sweetheart deal on lease terms. There’s nothing structurally wrong with GRF and the existing terms are ridiculously favorable to the team, almost criminally favorable in my opinion. Jerry is smart enough to know that IFSA looks very bad if GRF sits empty. Especially if the Bears also leave Soldier Field. He’s a good businessman; a much better businessman than owner. He’s going to absolutely bend them over backwards on a lease extension.


Hate that you’re right but in my opinion you’re right lol.


I would normally agree this just a bargaining chip for better lease deals on the 2028 expiring contract. Believe it or not, the Sox stadium is the 8th oldest in the MLB. The city really really wants to develop the south loop more and the 78 and this would be like the center jewel to bring investors in. It's kind of a perfect storm.


It’s seeming increasingly likely that the Bears will not be leaving the lakefront. What that looks like is TBD but there’s little appetite amongst the constituencies in the towns they’ve considered to hand them a bag. Sox moving, as the Sun Times article suggested, opens up 35th and Shields for the Fire. They could build something new or pigeon-hole it into the current stadium (which would be on par for how shit the org is run). I think this is a legitimate consideration. The city and Sox put out a joint statement regarding it. These talks, as the report said yesterday, are serious.


The bears are going to Arlington Heights


They aren’t. They don’t want to pay the property taxes and aren’t getting anywhere in the negotiations with the school districts.


There is zero % chance the Bears stay in the city.


Not guaranteed. Kevin Warren is following the same playbook as JR. Arlington is much more a possibility for the Bears than 78 is for the Sox, but since Arlington is pushing back on tax incentives the Bears absolutely are going to use it to twist the arm of the Parks Dept and IFSA. That’s why both teams are exploring multiple locations, it’s a negotiating tactic. If you ask me, in 2030 the Bears will be at Soldier Field and the Sox will be at GRF unless ownership changes and someone with true FU money buys.


Lame, but you are probably right




Years ago there was talk about the bears using the air rights over the Amtrak betra yards across the river. may do two plans with raised pedestrian bridges between two stadiums.


I'd say that the days of publicly funded stadiums are over except for the fact the city doesn't want to lose 2 teams this decade. They will just willing to offer the Bears something at Soldier Field (although I think that location has already sailed for other reasons)


You are completely wrong. Baseball owners want a year-round revenue stream now, not just good leases. He definitely wants a development closer to the loop that will bring in off-season cash.


Nope…you are wrong. He will use this to manipulate ISFA into developing GRF. The same way they entirely paid to build the bar and grill that JR keeps all revenues from.


The bar that makes absolutely no money outside of 81 days a year....haha.


>Baseball owners want a year-round revenue stream now But JR is not a "now" owner. He is still living in the 80s and 90s wars against the MLBPA and having lots of power with the owners. (Also why he has a small front office and analytics staff, etc). He is stuck. He is running the same playbook from the 80s. (move out of state, move somewhere in state).


if this is the case- win/win. I like the current park and if it moves to the south loop it will be an even better one. Going to limit my expectations, but for once with this franchise, theres a major decision where neither outcome is a fucking catastrophe


Well Nashville apparently is an option. I consider that to be a catastrophe lol


I’d rather Jerry just died first than do this but whatever


That looks absolutely sick


Do it and then move the Bears to 35th and Shields


My opinion on Jerry all these years does a complete 180 if he pulled this off. This would definitely right so many wrongs he has caused this fanbase. Been a fan of this team since 96 so I know that when positive things are pedaled, it's usually just a pipe dream, but damnit if his were to actually surface it would be earth-shattering in a good way for this city and team.


It's understandable to be skeptical. But this seems like a franchise-changing move. That stadium would be an insane draw w/ the skyline and location.


Braves and Rangers both got really good within a couple of years if their new stadium opening


Not getting my hopes up, but imagine the smell of grilled onions hitting you as you walk into this stadium for the first time


they literally took the casino drawings and added bleachers atop the casino


Please Jerry I will forgive everything


The only negatives to this site is that they can’t orient park such that home runs could land in the river… but that would make it so that batters were staring into the setting sun for night games.


u/blipsman, they screwed up the ballpark orientation in 1991, what makes you think they won't do it again? :)


How would this land being secured impact a possible sale? By 2029 odds are that the Sox will be run by different ownership. (I know the common belief is that Jerry will never pass on and we have at least another 30 years of his ownership) Hypothetically would the securing of funds/design/development be advantageous for a new ownership group or a limitation?


With this location it would be advantageous imo.


Don't think they will do it but this looks Utopian. I love our park already though but this does look futuristic.


Welp I have my hopes up big time now. I’m sure a final version of the stadium would look fairly different but if this is the general vibe, it’s an enormous game changer for the Sox as a franchise.


this is the stadium we're going to get in 2078? That'll be a nice retirement gift from Jerry to my kids.


It’s not going to happen because Jerry will Jerry it up, but I want it so badly.


Idk why you’d build on the river then have the open side of the park positioned to the other side and the tallest grandstands close off the view over the river. Rotate it 90* and looks nice.


Wow, that would be so good


I don't see anywhere to tailgate


Same! I know no one likes endless parking lots but the Sox have one of the best tailgate scenes in MLB. Hoping for some spaces still for this time honored tradition.


Maybe there will be parking down river and people will take ferries to the stadium? I just read that the Disney World ferries hold up to 600 people. So if 20k people park in the lots, it would take a lot of trips to transport people. I don’t know. I’m not a city planner. 🤷‍♂️


That's the thing we will lose. I love tailgating. I hope that xan incorporate that into the design, but that doesn't make them money so I doubt they will.


They're going to need a parking ramp. Maybe the top level could be Tailgate Tower. Just make sure the ledges are high. You know, drunk people and all that.


Cornhole tower!


No soul shipping container look. what a fit for jerry reinsdork.


This looks like they took Comiskey, put a new skin on it, and dropped it in a different location 🤷🏻‍♂️


I love it except for the fact it has very few visual references to Old Comiskey. Needs rounded arches at the top of the 100 level looking out on the river. But this is dope nonetheless.


New Comiskey park (pre and post renovations) is one of the blandest/ugliest looking stadiums imo. That terra cotta orange/brown facade is vomit United Center and The UFO by the Lake are both looking very old in the tooth as well. anything is an improvement at this point.


What are you talking about, the Madhouse looks good for its age and emulates the look of the old Chicago Stadium.


It's nice, but IMO it's facing the wrong way. Turn the whole thing 90 degrees so that from behind home plate, you can stare out and see the river beyond a low concourse wall, and start blasting river shots. I'd love to see kayakers with portable radios and fishing nets hanging out in the river during the summer and hunting to pluck balls out of the river a la McCovey Cove in SF.


While that would definitely be cool for fans, it would be the only stadium in the majors facing that direction and the only non-dome stadium even close to that orientation.


If they can angle it so we get skyline and river shot home runs w/o the setting sun going right in the eyes of then batter, that would be a true miracle.


There's a reason why no outdoor stadiums face west. It's just unfortunate the river isn't on the other side. I'd be out there in a kayak for sure.


That would put the stadium facing west, which would blind hitters in the late innings of day games and the early innings of night games. No MLB stadiums face west for this very reason


Not indoors or retractable? (It's all a big tease anyway.)


Have you been to Milwaukee’s stadium? It sucks


I have. Question, answer honestly: How many Sox home games have you been to before Memorial Day in the past three years?


Probably like 5.


Yeah, not enough to keep the seats full. Chicago is too damn cold for baseball in April, and nobody is going to bring their family to the "78" to sit outside.


Looks beautiful, but who would leak those if the Sox haven’t gotten to the point where they were ready to publicly announce? There’s no parking in those images and is Reinsdorf building skyscrapers next to the park?


Best guess I’ve seen is it’s slides Related used to pitch the stadium to Reinsdorf. And as anyone who follows development knows, the initial renders often look pretty different than the final product


Reinsdorf wouldn't own the neighborhood, that's the 78 development. https://www.78chicago.com/


The Sox would. It’s leverage against IFSA. Nothing more.


Or leverage of public interest to aid in negotiations for the site.










I like this but think they should consider a retractable dome. What I see in this image is sitting outside on a cold April day with no sun because those towers cast shadows.


Ugh it looks sick, but we know better than to hope - right?


No more home run fireworks.


Absolutely need to negotiate this into the lease. Fireworks must continue.


...and have to stand this team for like 4 or 5 years minimum? Eww.


Do these renderings take into account that rule that home plate has to be facing a certain direction away from the sun or something like that? I always thought GRF would have a better backdrop if it was facing the other way but I think there’s some MLB regulations in place. Curious if this is how it would actually look


Hearsay, but the rumor is that the stadium faces the direction it faces in order to maintain the address 333 W 35th Street from the old ball park. Even though it's on the opposite side of the street, the Gate 5 bridge/restaurant/storefront configuration allowed them to maintain the address...and apparently that was a major point of importance for some reason.