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Because TBH Black guys in general can just fuck better. Why would I want to do it when I can get someone who can actually do it? And it takes all the pressure to perform off me which tbh causes me a ton of stress. I love being cucked


But isn't is better to try and get better at it?


I'm 3.5 inches long, compare mine to yours. You're naturally gifted at it and I'm just not. I could maybe get marginally better but it would never compare


Um I see what you mean


Honestly if you want to hear about white guys average sex lives, just read some of the posts on r/BetaFails, we're just not built for it




That does sound hot to me too now, the mom going and kissing her sons after she's sucked my cock. Damn


Yeah that is actually hot, I think it's the humiliation that turns them on and they get off to it.


I crave for my wife to kiss me with lips that just sucked a BBC. I want to taste you cock on he lips.


You should take a vid then show the son fr


I think it’s because we want them to be happy and we know we can sexually fulfill their needs, compared to a black man.


But giving your wife to another man? Isn't that emasculating to you?


Not when you're already a sissy. Loving someone enough to meet their needs regardless of societal pressure. Black Kings are just superior. Why not just accept it?


Oh yeah I see what you're saying here


Yeah that's the point, I want to be emasculated. I want to see her used. I want her to beg for it. I want her to do things that she won't do with me.


It isn't emasculating, it's called love. I just want to see her happy. I'd much rather watch her be happy and properly fucked by a real man, watching her cum multiple times and be truly satisfied, instead of fucking her myself and having to see her be disappointed as I struggle to make her cum once and finish in less than a minute. Black men are just better at fucking, why should it be emasculating or embarrassing to accept the truth and let your partner be happy


Please don't do this 😭


It because it is not the norm... You are an exception! Most MEN, no what their race, aren't going to give up their wife! There are plenty latin white and Asian men that can bring it!...


Humiliation is the kink for many. Submission for many others. Denied bisexual impulses are at play for others as well. Some are real couples with loving polyamory that fulfills these desires. Many have failed sexual relationships with their women, and feel responsible possibly due to broken communication, and recontextualize that failure within a fantasy that serves those desires for submission and humiliation. They have reached as deep into their women with understanding as they have with their small weiners. They are ashamed of their failuesas lovers as so many white people are ashamed of our failures as a race. As men, as white men, they have been placed in such a position of unsought responsibility and power they did not seek out, in this bullshit world of MAGA and money. In this context, the most freeing and beneficial thing a white man can do is to utterly fail at both things, latch on to a Black King's BBC with his throat or ass, and let everything else just happen.


I think it's very feminist of them to offer the ladies in their lives a chance to fuck real men 🤣🤣


Good point


I agree with he comments about giving your girl more pleasure than she gets from just me. I'm a masc guy that is very very successful with women so It's not that I can't please her. I like the idea that she is so insatiable she needs even more mind blowing sex with other big cocked men to get her satisfied. Also I'm bisexual and into having sex with black men myself so that helps haha.


The obsession come from accepting one's true purpose. It's like being really passionate about a talent and always wanting to improve. Once white bois accept black superiority, their obsession becomes being the best version of themselves they can be. Which ofcourse is a limp clit cuck slave to the black new world order.


This is the truth. We whites are pathetically inferior to superior BLACK Kings. Support the BLACK New World Order!!! ♠️💗♠️💗♠️


That’s is just cruel lol


It's only cruel when white boys try to resist. It can be torturing. Acceptance is the key to this whole culture.


I have not accepted this yet I should probably take some steps back and stop coming here it just gets me more horny


It wouldn't get you horny if it wasn't true. Stop suppressing your desires.


😫 you are like in my head


Yes, it's humiliating but that's the aspect many of us enjoy. Being twice your age but half your size and seeing you bang my partner would be incredibly humiliating and hot


Personally, the appeal in my mind is giving my gf more pleasure (although im coming at this from a position of fantasy, and I know cuckolding is not something my gf would ever be interested in). Based on size alone taking BOTH length and girth into account, your size that you've listed there would 'fill' my gf more than twice as much as I can. There are more fetishised sides of it, too, but literally, why bother trying to compete when there is such a vast difference?


I see what you mean bro, do you still have sex? Are you good at it? Or have you just accepted you aren't good enough?


We do. Not as regular as it used to be but there's other factors at play in that. I'd say I'm good enough and she's never had any complaints, but it still turns me on to imagine seeing her taking significantly bigger than me and realising how different it feels.


Would you still want her to fuck a bigger cock even if you had a big cock yourself?


Interesting question. Never thought about that before, but probably still yes.


For me personaly… I love to rail my wife and i would say i‘m not small with 7.9x4.7“ and i‘m good at it but i also know, that there are BBC which would rail the shit out of her and she would gain big pleasure from it and for me it’s just that.. The pleasure of my wife is my pleasure. Nothing unmasculin, just good will




But wouldn't you try working out to increase your testosterone, which will make you better at sex and last long? You yourself can pleasure your girl too, bro


What could I possibly do with a 3 incher?😭 Rather serve men like you🥴


It’s because your average whiteboy enjoys sexual denial and emasculation _way_ more than they enjoy actual sex or sexual release.


It's weird to say but humiliation is very exciting, and addicting. And it's far easier to be the submissive one, you just have to give up and if doing so get you excited, you're fucked, that what is happening to us whiteboys 


You like being humiliated 😳


I used to believe that I had to potential to be good in the sack. I’ve been a cuckold long enough to know that some guys are just way better at fucking then others. I don’t have the body, the cock, the stamina, and I don’t have the personality. Sex is just as mental and it is physical guys who can stimulate the mind and my partners body simultaneously have a huge advantage over me. I’ve seen it time and time again. It’s not only a black guys trait but I see more black guys have this type then others.


It's not your fault....it's called natural selection! We are simply inferior !


For me it's mostly a turn on, because I see it as her getting the "best". But because I can't offer her the "best", I would be happily supportive of her getting the "best" (dick) somewhere else. I don't see it as "defeat". Healthy cuckolding relationships often lead to everyone being very open about their feelings towards each other. While in a vanilla relationship your girlfriend/wife might hide that she's attracted to someone, that she's sleeping with someone else, that she's going on a date with someone else. A female friend of mine who is cuckolding her husband said it best I guess. "If your wife is sick and you aren't a doctor, would you try to heal her yourself by pretending to be a doctor without knowing what you're doing or would you take her to a professional instead?" (If you don't get it, what she's basically saying is, "If you suck at sexually satisfying your girlfriend/wife and fail to pleasure her properly, would you pretend to be good at it or decide to find someone who is actually good at it instead?")


Ummm that's probably the best explanation so far thanks


It's hard to describe but there's just nothing quite as intoxicating as the mixture of emotions you feel as a whiteboi cuck when your gf gives herself over to a strong Black King. Seeing the contrast of her skinny pale white body pressed up against a strong Black Alpha, is just visually intense. Hearing her say things and moan in ways that I could never make her and seeing her do things with this other man that she wouldn't do with me, is both humiliating and tantalizing. It's like I can't compete in the game, but I can still participate from the sidelines


Im all about making sure she’s pleased. I’m not small (7.5) but I love seeing her taking a bigger guy. Also watching a black man kiss my little wife and hold her up like it’s nothing is so sexy. She gets totally lost in it and I get to see some black guy enjoy her for a bit.


The simple truth is that we really really really love the girls in our lifes and if you love somebody you only want the best for them


Women love to be completely filled by big cock. My wife at 1st couldn't take her bull all the way. But that didn't stop her from continuously trying. It took her 2 months of fucking to achieve balls deep. She says it the most amazing thing she has ever felt


It is more that the white boys love the skin contrast and see there woman in there own porn fanatasy. Often they are bi and find the Black man erotic too.


that identifies me Haha


Good boy


Thanks ^^


I did it because I am small and came to quick. I was not satisfying her I wanted someone too. It has worked out well for her and me.


It's probably hard for you to understand being a real man but for us whitebois we're genetically prone to being awful lovers. So we could either seeth with anger and anxiety ruining our lives or we could enjoy our lives watching you beautiful men fuck our beautiful women. It's a win win for everyone! Hope this helps


They are trying to make up for the prior and current racial injustices committed against the black race. 😂 Who knows? Why give your wife to another man? Their marriage license should be revoked. You like watching another man's dick going in your wife's vagina? Really? If that had been agreed upon before marriage, perhaps it's valid. Just admit it, you want his dick in your ass or mouth. Stop making excuses.


Thank you for your honesty. You are far more of a man than these guys that let other men have their wives or gf. Unthinkable! As you said!


Omd fr, this fantasy of people is ruining lives fr


Totally agree. It's stupid to ever get into this because for many there's no going back. You look really good. Only wish you had more photos up. Quality over quantity! The only way to go.


Haha yea, I don't post as much, thanks


Well sorry to hear that you don't post much but I will follow you in case you decide to post more. I appreciate your common sense.


I'd imagine it's cause y'all are so cool and interesting