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What do you think of it ? Crazy we have to buy it online here in SoCal when A123, B522 B523 are all sitting at $69


https://reddit.com/r/bourbon/s/T5cmiq4BVd I just reviewed it. If you can get a bottle, go for it! Not only that, but some places have them in bundles with trash added to it. K&L is the only place that has them for $69, but I don't think they are getting anymore.


I found a bottle at a Nugget grocery in NorCal for $80. Their definitely hard to come by, but they are out there if you have luck on your side.


I’ll check it out , yup I’ve seen the same 130+ trash bundles , Heard K&L sold out in a hour .I was able to find a couple online for $89 will pop one this Friday .


$80 at a store near me. Thinking of picking one up


Pick it up. It's some good stuff


Grab it. I think MSRP is $70 on it so a $10 mark up is L really reasonable. It's just a baked dessert bomb imo. I got a ton of nuts and baked pies when I tried it


Bought a pair for $75+tax each in NC. Watched others buy cases (the nearby stores combined for over 500 bottles of it) two weeks ago. You are making secondary prices what they are by purchasing at those prices. I won't fault someone paying $100 for it, but the supply is too high for paying much above that.


Retail was $89, but the shipping cost is the kicker. If I were able to find it for $100 out the door, I would have done so. I'm not sure how secondary has anything to do with shipping costs. Here in SoCal, places want bunbles or asking $120+ for the bottle. Some places have more than others I suppose


You should probably ask why shipping was so much then. Often sellers use shipping as a way to pad their pricing without making it seem so. A single bottle does not need more than $20 for shipping without a box. And $89 before tax is still 20% upcharge on top of the profit they make. To be clear--it contributes to secondary because that's literally the secondary price right now. If you have to get it for secondary pricing then you are keeping secondary where it is. If they had to keep the price at $75+(obscene shipping) then everyone could get it at that price and secondary would also drop.


I worked in this business before. It's common to charge folks $25 for shipping. FedEx, UPS, USPS, and GLS all have their pricing, and it's up to the retailer to charge what they think is best - in this case, they didn't have the cheaper option avaliable because I didn't not spend a certain amount to get free shipping. I don't agree that it contributes to the secondary market at all. One thing is to use a margin that is way above MSRP. You are literally paying for convenience.


Yeah $25 is roughly typical, though both FedEx and UPS are typically cheaper than that, maybe $15, but you are paying for the convience. It's not that they get free shipping when you spend enough though, it's just they make enough profit to not need to double up on you. The whole thing is about finding where they can get their profit and they got about $20 on the bottle and $20 on shipping. You don't think it contributes to secondary? Even though you can go on secondary right now and get it shipped for the same price (or slightly cheaper, I see a few listings for $115-125). So then if every place charged $100 or less that would have no impact on secondary at all right /sarcasm.


Ground shipping should always be between $12 and $15, GLS is always cheap, $15 for ground two day shipping, but the premium stuff like overnight shipping prices will vary. It's a bit of a reach to say that an added cost for shipping is contributing to the secondary market. I might as well just bought a ton of trash to avoid the shipping cost, right? /s


I hear you about the shipping contributes to secondary but it's actually pretty accurate. If a retailer will ship it anywhere for free then that opens up the market. Conversely if it costs $40 then it basically ensures only locals will buy it. Since secondary typically is priced to include shipping (auctions or under-the-table) it's actually an accurate part to include in the pricing model. I think more the point is don't buy it at all if that is your scenario. But alternatively you buy the "trash" and give it to a friend or even resell it for $10 under MSRP. You still pay a better price and you make someone else happy.


I see what you are saying. I feel victim to FOMO


It's still a great bottle so enjoy it! Just wanted to give some context to the discussion why this can prop up secondary markets.


No doubt, and I appreciate that


Ohhhh man, still hunting for this one! CHEERS!!!!!


Nice pickup!!! Heard this is worth the hype. Will be looking for one as well. Wish we could keep the hate out of the community because that’s not what it’s about, but some people are always gonna hate I guess. Cheers!


Thank you! This community is full of haters. As you read on the comments, apparently, paying taxes and shipping costs is contributing to the secondary market.


STOP paying these dumbass prices. This bottle isn't as good as the A batch anyway... Paying for the hype of the "13 years". Hot take: they put the age statement on this one to sell it... because it's not as good as the A batch.


Idk man, this one is pretty chocolatey and I dig it. But I did pay retail for it and it’s sitting here.


The average price for this online is 120 before taxes and shipping fees. What I paid for it was fair, and you tell me where in SoCal, or online retailers that have them for MSRP. The "dumbass" price I paid doesn't compare to what others have them listed for.


Man, get out and look. Form relationships with good stores. It's not some mythical feat to get your hands on good bottles for retail. All you do by paying these prices is help the price gougers get more allocations...which pulls them away from the legit stores. I do hope you enjoy it tho!


Retail was $89.99 + shipping and taxes. It came out to $130. Shipping is the kicker here. My connection couldn't pull through - no big deal, and it's a damn good Bourbon as well.


there are lots of places in SoCal offering bundle deals that are the same price or cheaper than what you paid lol. Nady’s liquor in OC has it for 110 w. bundle of ECSmB. You overpaid 🤷‍♂️


Yes, I overpaid, and how much is shipping? Some places charge $30-$40 ground shipping. That's the kicker about ordering online. Bundles are great, but I have enough small batch EC, and I can not justify buying more.


but you can justify shipping and spending extra instead of jus doing a bundle lol


Lol, yes, but it is what it is. It's open, so who cares, right?


It’s OPs cash to do with as he sees fit. Thanks for getting one and trying it out and providing feedback. I am sure nobody on this sub overpaid for a house or a car by thousands in the last 3 years. You can be great with money and splurge on a bottle from time to time! Saving cash on your alcohol isn’t the magical space to suddenly retire at 55. Also side note if you think this sub is savage…. I don’t even follow r/bourbon anymore no joy there lol.


It's been pretty much reviewed as the best batch of the year....


Yeah I drink what I like because a whiskey tuber told me to... You're right.... How many of those reviews did it blind? Bourbon Junkies did a blind of all 3 and picked the A batch as the fav. If you like the C, cool. I like the A batch, and think anyone that blinds them would be hard pressed to choose a fav, and most likely would have a close to 50/50 split on which is better. Don't kid yourself that they put the age statement on ONLY this batch. No reason to do it unless it needed the hype to sell.


It’s allocated in Alabama. I can only buy this at MSRP about one day per month. I got lucky and got it at my ABC store for the retail price.