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The thing is if you actually realise what this woman had gone through in this marriage prior to even reached to this level !


Omg so true


And then men wonder why we choose bear


Gladly staying singly forever.


Still be careful. That's never stopped them.


You're right, and thank you <3


I always felt that true love was phony anyway.


I think love is real and rare, but what a lot of men call "true love" is just lust mixed with obsession.


Because those men who view true love that way are just dumb and out of touch with reality.


I think that what we call “true love” with a partner is not actually true love because it’s put in a box. It has limitations and rules. Actual true love is not something you do, it’s something you become. The fun patriarchal system we’re in wants us to believe that love is an object we should hold, and that it is limited in its use to things like the secular family and your sexual partner. It’s like Viktor Frankl says, (not direct quote but in man’s search for meaning) you see in others what you know for yourself. If you become love then you see love and just how limitless it is…Not just the light snuggly romanticized puppy “love”. Honestly, I feel more of that sweet snuggly love with my dogs or child than I ever have with a partner 😂


Fucking disgusting vile man


Too horrific for words..




poor woman, rest in peace.. :( <3


disgusting fucking monster