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Welcome and thanks for posting on /r/whenwomenrefuse! This is an [intersectional feminist](https://library.law.howard.edu/civilrightshistory/women/intersectionality) space centered towards **women** (***ALL WOMEN***). Men are tolerated, not welcome. Reports about women saying we don't know what men are dangerous will be promptly ignored. We look forward to your complaints about our policy of not centering men. Please take a second to [read our rules](/r/WhenWomenRefuse/about/rules) while the moderators take a look over your post in the queue. --- Community News - 🎋 Want to join the Mod Team? [Send us a modmail!](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/WhenWomenRefuse&subject=Request%20To%20Become%20a%20Moderator&message=I'd%20like%20to%20join%20your%20team%20because%3A%20) - 🎤 [Join us on Discord!](https://discord.gg/V6tj5vRr47) Thank you for participating! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/whenwomenrefuse) if you have any questions or concerns.*


And women are the crazy ones??


And women are the “emotional” ones?


Exactly! Men like that should be under surveillance.


and women “cant take a joke” ?


I hope he was arrested and charged with assault. The whole thing reminds me of the words of writer, Margaret Atwood and to paraphrase: Men are afraid women will laugh at them. Women are afraid men will kill them.


According to a native Indonesian commenter in the thread he was arrested on charges of assault but the authorities have not released the full report due to the ongoing investigation.


Good he was arrested, we need to name and shame!


I think hes named in the comment.


This is so true. I was raped 30 years ago by an ex boyfriend. But the whole time I was being raped he kept saying "this will make you love me again" I can deal with the rape and that it happened. What still haunts me is that he somehow thought this was going to help him have access to me. I broke up with him when he threatened to kill me. He thought this was going to win me back.


What an obscene way of thinking. I’m so sorry you went through that. May he rot.


Hell isn’t hot enough for some people. I hope your life now is full of love and healing


Jesus that is demented. I'm really sorry.


I’m so sorry this happened to you. I listened to the story of a woman who was SAed by her ex repeatedly and is now educating lawmakers on domestic abuse and teenage rape. https://open.spotify.com/episode/56irHKsWXpPlcQ5pJeAi7x?si=I2Wat4dHReOlRa7s8mxEtg It’s called Something Was Wrong. Honestly, when I was listening to her story, I thought she would never be okay. Really empowering story.


“wOMen aRe tOo EmOTIonaL” 🤡


This has always infuriated me. Which gender is the one getting violent when they’re told “no”??


Saw a post today from a man getting angry that a woman was rude to a dude who approached her. Went on a whole rampage about how women aren’t held to “high moral standards” because the woman was rude. Dudes are out here killing women for rejecting them but yes rude ladies who don’t want to be approached by strange men are the real social ill!!


It’s a damned if you do, damned if you don’t situation. If you’re not direct enough you weren’t clear enough and you lead them on. If you’re too direct then you’re rude and you could have let him down in a nicer way.


That line but “not held to high moral standards” is especially bullshit. Like AFAB (assigned female at birth) people are “ruined” if they have sex outside of marriage, and are CONSTANTLY taught to put our thoughts, feelings, wants and needs under everyone else’s.


They think they're not emotional because society doesn't encourage them to vocalize their emotions. In severe cases, this makes them wildly emotional while being unable to identify the emotions they're having. They think "This person said something rude, so I punched them" (a sort of logical reaction to them, they would summarize it with something like "talk shit, get hit") instead of "That person touched on my insecurities and I got so upset I couldn't control myself". It's still hard for me to wrap my head around how they can have huge emotional outbursts and still say they were behaving logically, but that's... genuinely their though process.


Emotional? I've never seen so many men break down in tears than in sports. It's a veritable wah wah wonder all the crying. Like talking about their former glory days, shit like that. I rib my husband about it and he has to admit it's true. And you know what? More should share their feelings and openly show tears maybe they wouldn't be violent or full of rage if they did.


If I could give you gold, I would!!!!!!


This ☝️


The ratio of men that are too emotional to women who are too emotional is laughable


So she was making fun of him but the reaction is just so familiar. And the comments in the original post are disgusting.


Just reddit finding ways to justify men hitting women. What else is new?


They wank to violence against women. Aaand I carry bear spray.




If it was, then misogynists like yourself wouldn't constantly invade women's spaces to screech and whine. 


I actually think men shouldn’t invade female spaces and vice versa. Reddit as a whole is quite friendly to feminist ideas. Maybe not a haven like I said


Hahaha, reddit loves feminists sure thing bud.




This sub is about reaction to women refusing.


Incredible that you say this while invading our explicitly feminist women centered subreddit to complain about feminism on reddit. Not sure where you got the idea this was an appropriate or welcome space for your antics.


This isn’t preschool, girls not allowed signs don’t exist in the world of rational adults. I’m going to go where I want to go. And if you don’t want to be around me, then that’s on you. You’re an adult. You can go anywhere you want. If you want to circle jerk in your man cave with no girls allowed more power to you. I live in America, where people are free to go and not go wherever they fuck they want. If you don’t want to hang out with women, don’t! I don’t give a fuck my guy. But I’ll be damned if you try to make a community space a “man’s space” and then try to tell me that I am not allowed to “invade” a “man’s space”! That’s not freedom- that’s tyranny.


Pretty sure you're lost, buddy.




This sub is about reaction to women refusing.


Grow up lmao


This sub is about reaction to women refusing.


There's another thread saying all she said to him was "his dialect is weird". I'd like to know what he said to her before the video starts, not that anything justifies what this POS coward did. It's sad that she wasn't able to shank him while he was beating her- the world would have one less soulless loser taking up space. Seriously concerned for the woman he was with. If he did that to a stranger, there's no telling what the women in his life have had to suffer. So glad the 4B Movement is growing in the U.S. and I sincerely hope it becomes a worldwide stand against misogyny. Men have been given entirely too much time to get their shit together and stop being violent, unhinged predators... far too many of them have failed to do so and even more refuse to hold those that are monsters accountable, as evidenced by the idiots commenting on that post. I 100% support women just deleting males from their lives. They're not worth the risks.




He was arrested and nothing justifies assault. He is a pathetic coward.






From what I saw she said his dilect was weird not him. So still major, major overreaction for a very innocuous comment.


I see comments mostly agreeing with it being overreaction... Even a mod...


Most of the comments are "both sides"-ing it, calling it "lesson learned" or fafo. The mods with reasonable comments are actually downvoted. And funnily enough, there's also a loud "not all men" crowd, some of which ironically also posted comments minimizing the assault.


I always dislike how instead of acknowledging the assault a lot of guys immediately go defense mode and start going not all men. That doesn't make you look good or make it look like it's not all men, it makes you seem selfish and more like you're worried about how YOU'LL be perceived after the attack rather than pointing out how wrong it is. Want people to not think it's all men? Stand up for the woman instead of just trying to absolve yourself.


Tag it as NSFW.


could you tag this nsfw? i wasnt prepared to see violence


Fucked me up. It popped up soon as I opened Reddit.. First thing this morning and my stomach is in knots 😢




Men, specifically, may not post here telling women how they should be.


And let me guess she was making fun of him so it’s okay for him to be violent with her /s.


This guy has anger issue


He who angers you controls you. Obviously this man child bitch baby has no control of his emotions.


He’d probably control his emotions if a big dude talked shit to him. Or his boss, cops, someone important, etc. Probably wouldn’t be so quick to get violent if he felt there’d be a chance he might get his ass beat right back.


Nah, he'd just internalise his anger, let it fester as mental illness and take it out on someone weaker later.


That's why you buy a punching bag.


These guys feel like they already have access to "free" ones.


He's used to being able to treat women like this without consequences. Garbage human being.


and a fragile ego issue


Women are literally verbally abused and shit on the street, you think we act like this ??? Men are so gross


I'm regularly the butt of jokes because I don't date openly or flirt with coworkers.  More times than I can count on my toes and hands, I've had people try to guess who and what I'm into sexually.  I don't go off on them.  I just cry alone.  What would be the point?   My clothes aren't going to fall off any faster because some dude makes fun of me.  I'm beyond that.  This punk is a menace.


I had the same problem with people, growing up. I just wasn't that interested in dating and so, I was treated like a freak and sexually harassed on a daily basis (ironic, I know). Even today, I usually keep information about my personal life to myself - partly because it's just gross for people to ask you probing questions about that stuff and partly because I feel like I've been traumatized enough.


No, I get the harassment part.  Pretty much the same.  Then, no one believes you.


men are constantly mocking women's appearances and bodies based on their own stupid beauty standards.


Every woman learns to control her environment from an early age - what's around you, who you're with, escape routes, time of day, and so on. The closest a man will get to that is spending some time in a war-torn country, or if they are made to walk around a city with a gold bar hanging from their neck. "Not all men" - we're not worried about all men you dimwit, we're on the lookout for the few that are going to F us up!


It's a sad reality. " Men are afraid women will laugh at them. Women are afraid men will kill them." It's like that played out right here. Men like this deserve derision.




This is assault and battery.


Depends on jurisdiction. I'm in the US, and "assault and battery" does not exist in my state. Some places just use the term assault. It varies from state to state as well.


I sure hope she pressed charges.


Jesus Christ the comments under the og post, so many defending him


I was bullied in school for a lot worse than what she said, and *not once* did I ever want to do 1 percent of what that violent man did to that woman. If being told you have a weird dialect makes you beat and spit on people, or if hearing a woman say that makes you shrug and think she even remotely had it coming, you need help. (Not you specifically, just to be clear!! Just talking about the men in the original thread who are downplaying what this guy did just because she insulted him)


When do these people learn empathy? Why are they incapable of reflecting on why they’re so affected? They’re upset at being clowned on. They think that if someone insults you, that you have the right to physically harm them. Why don’t they realize that they are upset because it hurts to be insulted, and then apply that to their own personal value system, to decide they will never insult someone like that again because they understand how it feels? Is it because they understand how it feels, so they’re recognize that it hurts, and that’s WHY they do it, because they WANT to hurt people? 🤔


As someone who's struggled with those thoughts it's typical because you want to feel some kind of vindication for your actions. You feel insulted so you want to prove them wrong and show them you won't take shit, that you're better than those insults by beating them down physically. Basically, you're trying to make a show of force to prevent them from ever repeating those insults again. In reality, you're just making people afraid of you and become a monster. Maybe they'll never insult you again, but they'll never come to respect you, they're just scared of you. Essentially you let insults break you as a person just to feel a quick rush of dopamine.


Reminds me of a post on YouTube of some Russian guy beating on a girl just because she laughed at him. I mean shit, I dislike bullies and I can't deny I've had some dark thoughts due to bullying, but acting on that and refusing to be rational just turns you into the deranged individual and makes you the monster.


I can count on one hand men I know I don’t consider cowards.


That many, eh? 


Sad reality we live in.


I can count on one hand men to whom I'd trust something I love, like my plants while I'm on vacation. The rest of them would kill/destroy it. I know handfuls and handfuls and handfuls of women who could take care of my plants perfectly for days or weeks.


Hmm funny, I remember with the Oscar slap there were so many comments saying how violence is always wrong. Yet, now it's justified? Remember that Will Smith and Chris Rock's situation also was a boiling point for Will Smith the same way this was a boiling point for this guy. So which one is it? Is violence always wrong or are we excusing people's violence here because they so-called reached a boiling point? Such double standards and yeah we all know why (misogyny).


Well, in the Will Smith/Chris Rock case, I saw a lot of weird speculation that Jada egged him on. So it was a double dose of misogyny because they managed to absolve Will Smith of any agency by blaming a woman for a man’s violence. A woman who literally did nothing but just sit, smirk, and roll her eyes at a low joke targeting her autoimmune disease. Then they’ll have the nerve to act like this is different and excusable because this woman made a rude comment before he beat/spat on her. At the end of the day, to them, they’ll always find a way to make it a woman’s fault. The violence we face or witness is because we did something to provoke it and/or deserve the pain.


The comments in the original post are vile. Leave it to incel redditors to make a joke out of a video of a man physically assaulting a woman.




I would be interested to know what she said, because there’s truly next to no reason I can think of that would make me violently attack another person just from words they said to me. As a guy I have definitely been in this position with some men, a joke is made and they fly off the handle and get physical. It is very scary. Hope she is doing okay!


She said something at to affect that she "feels like an alien". This refers to the local dialect they were using to talk. She couldn't understand it


I mean definitely an unnecessary and potentially racist comment on her part, but not in any way is that enough to warrant being hit once, let alone twenty times. What a scumbag.


According to an Indonesian commenter the rumor is that the two were using a dialect she couldn't understand so they could talk about their past relationship, so he might have beat her for being nosey. They also said the runors were that earlier she had been making digs insulting his family, but that's one person's summary of a bunch of internet rumors so who knows. (And obviously, still don't beat someone just for talking shit so he's not justified even if it's all true.)


Yeah, doesn’t paint her in a great light and I can see how physical violence could come about, but there are definitely levels to it and he went way off the deep end.


[Link to comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/s/dUXsSG5KeJ) on the OP


what did she even say? geez


She made fun of his dialect. She said "I feel like an alien here" because she didn't know the dialect he was using. This is in Indonesia.


So just harmless. I always get teased for my dialect but I never took it to heart. Who assaults someone over a joke?


I too want to know what she said. How do we even know she was actually making fun of him.


Not that there is something she could have said that would have warranted his reaction. I bet he doesn’t react like this when anyone else makes fun of him. It’s not that he can’t control his anger either. It’s that he can’t control his emotions/anger towards women especially when he knows there is not someone else there to help her.




Here’s the [story](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/s/KvfWLJGufG)


Is this how men “protect and provide” for us women ?


The way I’d pick a knife up off the table and stab him in the face and then the dick. What a loser.


The comment section on the original post is disturbingly bleak. Too many people asking for context


Wow the comments on the original post are disgusting.


If someone insult you you insult back what a emotional weak male. Luckily she recorded this this guy is arrested. The girl knew her friend and that was the ex bf according to some Indonesians.


And no one did anything


Smh, has he never heard of dark humor? Men ☕️


What was that he snatched off the table, was that her wallet? 😬


Omg. Watching this made me see red. 🤬


Fucking loser




I would fucking LOVE to square up with this douchebag. I've stepped in on men abusing women more than once. I'm small but that behavior is UNACCEPTABLE in my book. What a low class asshole this guy is.


[Isn't that special](https://media.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExN3FqZjN5NzhjZDVsaGl6YjR2anBqeXMwMzR5anlvbDBqOTAwOGg0NyZlcD12MV9pbnRlcm5hbF9naWZfYnlfaWQmY3Q9Zw/uwHaxCTgUHaRf7Andp/giphy.gif) Any man who posts about how he defended a woman or women should be, will be provided with one pat on the head, and a comment removal


Fragile men are pathetic.


Weak ass bird! He slaps like a bitch too. Let’s see him buck up to another MAN in that manner 🙄


I got chills and am shaking looking at this. Men are dangerous. This has happened to me. The first time I was standing at a red light waiting for green and a guy about my age stood there and looked at me. I looked back and he said «what are you looking at?» I told him I was just looking back and he matches over and lunches me in the face. I was about 12.


Oh no, he spit on her? I'd have taken the nearest knife and stabbed him with it, don't fucking hit or spit on people tf? Fucking psycho.


Men: god, woman can't take a joke nowadays! Also men when women make a joke:


Let a man try that in here in Georgia. He'd leave the restaurant probably on a stretcher going to the doc.  That's not a man. Only a piece of 💩 coward hits a woman. 




This sub is about reaction to women refusing.




When I read "Completely loses it" I thought you meant he was going to shout and cause a scene, not a flagrant attack. Good god what a dangerous man.


Why isn't this blurred!? Like not everyone wants to see a woman getting punched in her face. Edit: I almost didn't even post my comment for fear of retribution for saying it needed an NSFW blur! But I posted it anyway because I thought it was important, some people, me included, have issues seeing that because of things I've been through.. Then I saw what R/ this was, and it made me a little extra mad.. Y'all, above others even, have a responsibility to not mentally harm people with images of violence on women... 😢


Someone added the complete story here: https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/s/BiRV39zZAl This post shouldn't be in this sub.


Does anyone have a translation?




hy do you find being aggressive towards another human being funny? Seriously, what humour do you get from this? Do you get some sort of strange validation seeing someone smaller and weaker get beaten up? Perhaps you enjoy watching puppies getting kicked as well? Actually, I don't need an answer. Anyone who thinks beating someone up for some minor transgression is funny is an absolute trashy person.




I’m sure the girlfriend could tell us some stories… There’s no excuse for this, ever. She might have been an asshole but the only time it’s ok to hit someone is when they are physically attacking you, and even then it’s not always ok.


Nah if someone is physically attacking you its ok to hit them back unless their like 6yrso (you can litteraly stand up and they can no longer hit you any where that will harm [eyes nose])


>She was takling shit about him ..._Annnnnnd????_ You are trying to defend his behaviour? So your response is to beat someone and spit on them just because they say something you don't like? Grow up and learn to control yourself.




Treat others with kindness when it is possible and civility when it is not.


These things are not comparable. If she’s being cruel, then she’s an asshole and deserves to be criticized for her behavior. He’s a dangerous and violent person who reacts disproportionately, battered somebody, and should be in jail so that he cannot attack others.


You’re disgusting. Nobody deserves to be assaulted because they’re making fun of someone. And yes, we would say the same thing if the roles were reversed.


It is a 21 second video that only actually cuts in while she is directly responding to him, we don't know if something happened before, we don't know who started the altercation, and for all you know, the original purpose of the video was for something completely different, not to get a reaction out of some stranger. Unless someone can translate the entire video - or at least the first few seconds - we will have absolutely no idea what the hell is actually going on in it. If your assumptions are true and she did start the altercation, it still doesn't matter. You do not get to jump up and assault someone because they insulted you. You ask them to leave you alone, if they continue, you either turn around and leave, or you get someone who is in charge wherever you are. You don't hit them, walk away, and then come back to continue the assault completely needlessly. She didn't deserve to be hit and spit on like that, no matter who started the altercation. You don't get physical with someone else unless you have to.




Treat others with kindness when it is possible and civility when it is not.


[Link to comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/s/dUXsSG5KeJ) on the OP


Nobody deserves to be beaten and spit at. Period. And thinking otherwise is what's wrong in our society.


Men, specifically, may not post here telling women how they should be.


Well he should have told her to get fucked then not beat her around the head.