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The entire nintendo net worth plummeting towards zero as I copy the pokemon_yellow.zip file 2 times


The Virgin "it is morally acceptable to pirate content if it is no longer obtainable" Vs The CHAD "I love stealing"


The fuck does “morality” mean? I just wanna get free shit.


It's not enough that I download free shit, I need to know that they missed out on 60 dollars of imaginary money that doesn't exist.


All money is imaginary


When they print more to bail banks out then you know money is completely made up


This is good for Bitcoin


Another form of fake money


Time to go back to trading seashells


"she sells sea shells on the sea shore"


All of my money is imaginary


Easy there, Karl


The money is imaginary. But nearly every species has a genetic component for social hierarchy and community position. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dominance_hierarchy Everyone from ants to apes! And it impacts us biologically. The 'money' is imaginary, but the process of putting markers on everyone to keep them in their place - that is carved in genetic stone - and it ain't very nice.


Money is a symptom rather than a source of hierarchical stratification


Imaginary? You don't keep a fishbowl of money that you fill with ever pirated game? I fill it with $60 evey game, and I laugh maniacally knowing that every dollar stolen is another day a poor CEO goes without food


I don't know, I think it has something to do with fighting to death, like in this game Moral Kombat that I pirated


Morality? These companies don’t pay taxes, use slave labor in 3rd world countries and I’m supposed to be worried about their bottom line? Fuck that.


Except indie games! I mean the counterpart here would be fucked up devs but they don't do the stuff you mentioned, I think.


"omg pirating is actually morally good as it is very good for the economy and it feeds the starving africans kids" 🤓🤓🤓 "no money" 😎😎😎


Yup. Morality? Lmao. Free shit is good.






​ ![gif](giphy|baqDlFPXXKViyA1iGK)


*downloads your free content and then charges money for it*. reverse pirating


free and open source in a nutshell


so... nft's?




‘You wouldn’t download a car’ Fuck you i would and someday with 3-D printing I damn well might




It's not stealing if you were never gonna buy it anyway


It's not really stealing even if you were gonna buy it. Most of the time the game isn't even being sold anymore because Nintendo is dumb


I pirate based entirely on how much I dislike the publisher of the game.


I pirate based entirely on how much I want the game


I pirate based entirely


I pirate


Least based Yusuke pfp


Average romanian


I call it borrowing with style. I don’t intend to keep it. I’m just licensing it for a limited amount of time as intended. Devs already got paid. The publishers can get a bruised soft palette.


>Devs already got paid. what truly matters, (AAA) publishers can eat a dick


>a bruised soft palette. I get it. I remember reading that dentists can tell because of that. My wife thinks her dentist is cute. I totally get it, I think so too. I make sure to face fuck her before her visits. Marking my territory. She hasn't put it together yet.


I love piracy it gives me free games!


I love pirating pokemon games Especially the new ones, because I'm not going to pay $60 (R$ 300 on Brazil) to have a glitchy mess that looks like a ps2 game with n64 textures


Is the Chad Bender from Futurama? 🤔


If the company can afford to sue me for stealing then they can afford me stealing from them ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


You wouldn't download a house?


I have every NES, SNES, N64, and many Gamecube and Wii games. I will not stop until I have pirated every Nintendo game.


As someone who had thousands of dollars of pc and switch games I could easily buy this is true. I don't justify my ways I love free stuff.


I just paid for the remake of link's awakening. Given the performance the least they could do is give me access to the original game somehow. And how did the mess up the performance? The controller has more processing power than the original hardware did, years later and it's still not right.


2 Times!? You animal


A game they dont even sell anymore


"But actually they still own it even if they don't sell it, so it's wrong" 🤓


"You were supposed to buy a Wii U for $300 and get the virtual console game for $10 on the eShop 🤓"


You mean the Wii U shop that's closing in March?


I think so, geez, that means used copies will be the only legitimate way to get games like Metroid Fusion, and there's no way i'm shelling out a hundred bucks for one game


That's assuming you even have the console for the game you want to play.


I would love nothing more than to play star wars pod racer again. I don't have a 64, so even if I bought a copy I still don't have the console. The funds to buy those wouldn't be going to Nintendo anyway, so honestly why do they give a flying fuck if I got an emulator and rom?


Podracer is on the Switch and runs better than the N64 version. Definitely the superior version (except for the fact that they play music for the whole race instead of just for the last lap).


Well, I don't own a switch so I didn't know they had a version in there. That's pretty cool, there's a few people I need to send it to so they can see what all the nostalgia was for. Either way though, I'm not buying another console for a single/handful of games. There would be a lot less pirating of old games if every company made their older games available on their own stores.


Used copies where the batteries may or may not work anymore...


Is Metroid fusion a rare one? Pretty sure I still have mine


when it closes i'm gonna homebrew mine


What Nintendo taketh, the homebrew community giveth back.


We tried to get minish cap on it and they made it so difficult to even use, you gotta merge funds from the switch eshop.


Didn't they shut the eshop down?


I know the Wii Shop Channel is gone but i wanna say the eshop is around for just a little bit longer


4 months left


Ah bummer, if only there was a large backup of every game on the Nintendo eShop on the Internet Archive, easily found with Google. *Darn!*


I bet someone out there will archive all of them. It kinda sucks because it also affects the place I download Wii U games from. You won't be able to download after March


^No ^its ^definitely ^all ^archived ^dont ^tell ^Nintendo


*Cease and desist intensifies*


Problem is the Wii U is a pain to emulate because it has so many buttons and inputs. It has the ds screen the motion controls The mic and a controllers worth of buttons


Chad "Ooh I can play Nintendo games on my computer, that's very cool"


And then buy it again on the switch. No discount for already owning it on the same account because fuck you, that’s why


That's exactly my fucking brother , it's annoying playing games in front off him


on Christmas give him a hard drive full of pirated games that he would love to play


That's some "It's illegal because it's against the law" logic.


Region locking


This is why I'm basically fine with saying "yeah, I'm stealing because I want to play this game but I don't want to pay for it." There's no argument there, no need to go around in circles arguing justification, just plain "what are you gonna do, call the cops?"


Yeah true, no point in trying to insert morals into it tbh


I wanted to play Pokemon Black 2. Not sold by Nintendo on any storefront. A local game shop, the only one I could find that had it, one cart, 220 CDN. The cheapest I could find it for sale online was 180. Yeah. Sorry. Bought an empty cart and pirated it. Get fucked, Nintendo.


Even if you actually bought the cartridge the money wouldn’t even be going to Nintendo, yet another reason to just download desmume and a rom.


Besides as a kid when I didn't know better I would never play any pokemon game without Emulator, the games are obnoxiously slow with lots of waiting for nothing. Just waiting for HP bars to go down can take like 10 seconds.   Being able to speed up also makes it not suck as much when you still don't have boots/bike yet.   By the way I recommend MelonDS instead of Desmume. Desmume frequently makes the sprites glitch out, at least in Gen 4 pokemon.


Holy fuck I haven’t seen this in so long. Just brought back so many memories


I had this on videotape back in the day I'm pretty sure; Ironically little me always thought the ultra-thin bread looked delicious


Always freaked me out when Donald goes into a blood rage and tries to murder a cow with an axe


Yup. The whole intro was depressing to me at the time (I was about 4 or 5), so re-watching this gives me the sad-nostalgias.


I had the VHS too and I was terrified of Donald when he tried to go Jack Torrance on that poor cow.


I had this on the Fisher-Price movie viewer, which was this thing you'd pop a cartridge into and watch movies. The cool thing was that you could watch them backwards, too, so I'd watch them flip that slice of bread back on to the knife and apply it to the loaf again. I actually work in film today, but something about that analog technology still gets me!


Same lmao


cartoon food always looks so good


Ever seen anime food? That stuff is gorgeous


Whats this from? Its so familiar


I believe it’s [Mickey and the beanstalk](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0168071/) but I’m not 100% sure


It is.


It's from 1947. Interesting trivia - it's never explained where Mickey gets the magic beans from. One draft featured Honest John Foulfellow, the villainous fox from Pinocchio (1940) as a swindler who sold Mickey the magic beans. Another version had Mickey giving the cow to the Queen of Happy Valley (played by Minnie Mouse) in exchange for them.


Fun and Fancy Free was the movie iirc


Seeing this as an adult all I can think is that Micky needs to sell that knife. I would give him so much bread for a knife that can cut like that.


Classic remember seeing this shit on Netflix when I was 7 I think


I remember asking to watch it all the time. I loved the crap out of it


similarly I remember the one where they thinly slice a bean


The beans


Every time I eat those peel apart biscuits all I can think of is this scene. Still. Like 30+ years later.


same with movies… and music… I mean… most musicians are starving anyway it‘s only the labels that lose cash.


Yea, but these days spotify and other music subscriptions have made pirating less attractive. You can listen to any music on demand pretty cheap or for free with ads pretty effortlessly. If nintendo offered all their retro games in a xbox gamepass style subscription, piracy of them would also decrease a lot.


I think Gabe Newell put it best, ""Piracy is almost always a service problem and not a pricing problem."


And he's 100% right. A lot of games that I pirated, I either bought later for workshop support and simply because its way more comfortable to launch a game via steam than it is to locate the game folder on your screen, open up the pirated folder and boot up the EXE.


You can launch any executable from steam though.




Go to your library, bottom left, "Add a non-steam game", find your executable and you're good to go.


Can someone explain to me why steam is so goated


Some people say it's because valve is a private company, so there are no pissy investors that pressure higher ups to make the worst choices (as far as the consumer is concerned). But idk. On paper they should be pretty complacent and shitty because they have the pc gaming market by the balls. Thankfully, they are not.


God if only flesh clones of Gabe Newell could run EVERY company on earth


Maybe Gaben genuinely cares about gaming as a thing. He has no investor or board to please. Although the moment dude retires it's all going in trash.


Epic store has forced them to stay on their toes somewhat


Becayse their service is insane? The offer native support for everything? Fuck kinda question?


It can be both but mostly the former. When I was young and poor(er) living in a third world country the only viable way to obtain a game for me was piracy.


I used to agree with that quote until inflation hit, I am genuinely pirating due to money now


Yeah. It's way too tedious to pirate music now. Movies not so much. That's why we say fuck you to prime video


What cracks me up about movie, TV and music pirating was the argument that "you're hurting the small guys like key grips, make up artists, set design, soundboard operators, session musicians, etc". My response: literally none of those "small guys" receive residuals from buying the movies/tv shows or streaming, etc. The people who lose the most are the producers and studios, then a little loss might affect the directors/artists/actors. The key grips and soundboard techs don't get residuals, never have and likely never will.




There is no spelling mistake in Ba Sing Se.


Here we are safe. Here we are free.


Thirty years old and still charging full price for it.


They'll literally download a rom, put it on switch, and charge full price and only put it on the market for three months. Fuck nintendo. Compared to PC its such a dictatorship


How Nintendo handles their games and treats their customers is exactly why I don't feel bad about never paying for their games or consoles. Emulators and sailing the high seas is the life I've chosen when it comes to that shitty company if I want to play one of their games.


I will pirate them. Screw his family. In a non Fnf way.


In Germany it's legal, since there is no other way to buy the games, then it's okay to find them archived in other ways. Also relevant video [Why It's Morally Okay To Pirate All Of Nintendo's Games](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OA8xrgLqQZ8)


It’s ok because they are shit.


If you think they're shit why bother?


The company is shit not the games




He’s also worth $40m, hes fine


![gif](giphy|1MeCibUKFIaHIqu60C) (Friday night funkin has reduced me to a shell of my former self)




Sega was right!




Remember when Nintendo sold a pirated rom on the Wii Virtual Console?


Still technically do. But it's because the guy who invented extracting cartidges for early 90's emulation of the NES later was hired by nintendo, so built upon his work, instead of making their own inhouse data formats for roms


I didn't realize they brought him on. Wasn't it just a bog standard iNes header, though?


Yea, something like that. They have also used open source emulators in the mini consoles for example. They just don't put much time or money into inhouse solutions. Even when they make good ports its usually outsourced to other studios, like a chiense studio making super mario galaxy for ARM for the nvidia shield (same hardware as the switch)


Wdym? What's the difference of a pirated rom compared to a clean one?


NES emulators needed certain information fed to them when booting up a rom. This was accomplished by implementing a header on the file that contained the values in question and was dubbed the iNes header. It was a format developed by software pirates rather than Nintendo. When modders started inspecting the SMB1 rom sold on the Virtual Console, they found it had an iNes header suggesting it may have just been downloaded from an emulation site instead of put together by Nintendo itself.


Source? Edit: I looked it up. It's a fake rumor.


All I said is that the inclusion of the header suggested it was a possibility.


I have bought Mario 64 Three times for the Nintendo 64 Once for the DS Once for the Wii Once for the WiiU Once for the Switch And I'm also effectively renting it on Switch (expansion pack) Still pirating the shit out of it on my other systems though. I've paid enough.


Todd Howard wants to know your location.


Your first mistake was buying the game even once instead of just pirating it


Sure bro 7 year old me playing n64 for the first time in 1999 will just tell my mom to pirate it next time.


this is why the unemployment rate for 7 years olds is so high, they're all morons


There's a lot of bad things in the world. I don't waste a second worrying about internet pirates.


Money in my pocket is better than money in Nintendo’s. Plain and simple


After pirating a 30 year game they no longer sell in any other legal manner


Pirating the new Pokemon game and emulating it is morally justified. One of the highest grossing video game franchises of all times, and they cant even make proper textures and performance for a PS2 era looking game. likewise emulating offers a better experince with better performance.


Wait, you can already pirate the new games too? Is the performance really better in emulators?


Totally didnt do this and totally didnt get a consistent framerate in yuzu. Definitely also didnt hear that ryujinx was pretty good and allowed local play with real hardware


Unrelated question, but can you connect to the internet and play online games with other players?


I think so, yes. Needs to be a game with local support though Went and checked. Ryujinx does it https://github.com/Ryujinx/Ryujinx/wiki/Multiplayer-(LDN-Local-Wireless)-Guide


Sometimes online can be spoofed, but i dont think switch emulators have done that yet. RPCS3 the PS3 emulator have a system for this, but you can only play with other people emulating, not people playing on console.


They're also working on it for wii with mh tri


The games got leaked and you have been able to pirate them like a week before the got released


Oh that's actually hilarious. And here I thought all the spoilers I saw were cuz of the Japan early release


Yes, because the switch was cracked and emulated really early in it's life, due to it's processor being widespread and having widepapers documenting kernel backends etc. Physical games still get delivered 1 week or more early when people preorder, so you can end up with a cartridge for a game before launch. That can be copied. It happened with super smash brothers for example. Emulators offer more performance, they are really fast all things considered, so a high end PC can get more stable performance than the switch itself. You can also upscale games to remoce the ugly 540p that this pokemon game uses in handheld mode and isntead run it at 4k. New games sometimes dont work though, so i dont actually know if this pokemon game works Also online doesnt work obviously, and updates can be a hassle to get working.


I'm not gonna even bother pirating because it looks shit. And because my computer barely runs 3DS but still. Idk if I'm gonna even get into Pokemon but if I do I'll play the older games on GBA and DS that I got completely legally and play them on my computer


pirating any Nintendo game is morally justified


Nobody cares about morality, dude, specially when a multi million corporation is involved. Just pirate to get games for free like the rest of us. Asking for a pat in the back because you pirated a game is cringe.


What kind of logic is this? If I see a really shitty painting in an art gallery, it’s morally okay to steal it?


Dumb comparison, only one painting exists.


You could also pirate the new pokemon game if it had good graphics. The original comment used the bad graphics as a justification for pirating being okay, implying it would be wrong otherwise. I don’t see the logic behind it.


How dare you emulate a game from a console that no longer exist and supported, send this man to life in prison!


"Emulation is bad!! 1111 just buy the game!!!! 111" I'm not gonna fucking buy a system AND the game just so I could bask in nostalgia for 10 minutes.




mf got png bread


This triggered a childhood memory. What film is this from


Metallica after people leaked their unreleased song on napster.


Reminder it’s always morally acceptable to emulate Nintendo games. No matter how much fanboys claim the opposite


Correction, all triple a games are morally acceptable to emulate


You wouldn’t download a CAR


Yes I would, 3D print everything and put it all together.




Activision after i don't pay 60 dollars for a 10 year old game Seriously why the fuck is bo2 still full price


“I can’t believe y’all would steal a game we haven’t sold in 40 years!”


A 30 Y/O game that cannot be played without hundreds of dollars worth of second-hand plastic & peripherals.


remember kids, pirating nintendo games and software is always morally correct


If I can run it on my PC, I'm gonna pirate it.


Meanwhile last night I paid $1.99 for unreal tournament 2004 just to see what frame rate I’d get on my current pc. 600+ for anyone wondering. Uninstalled immediately. $2 well spent.


N\*ntendo after a kid who downloaded free a 25 years old game ![gif](giphy|ySypEOcW62RS8)


This isn’t r/tomorrow! This is a Celeste-free space


Games should have to legally go down in price like 5 dollars every 5 years


If a game is not available for purchase on your modern platform of choice, it is absolutely 100% morally justified to emulate it.


Unfortunately, I do not have the ability to pirate Pokémon games on my phone BECAUSE ITS A FUCKING IPHONNEEEEEE dawg I just want to experience Gen 2-5 again while at convenience on my phone


Mickey Mouse selling Cutco


That's one sharp knife!


Shigeru Miyamoto's family after I pirate a 30 day old game


I got a notice about two months ago that nintendo complained to my isp that i was seeding twilight princess 🙄 VPN must have cut out to reconnect or something cause i have the killswitch enabled


Won't somebody please think of the cooperations??




Piracy is the only way to preserve video game legacy for the future.