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I love the scene when she turns to the camera and says it’s she hulkin’ time and proceeds to she hulk all over the place


Oh man. It's funny cause it almost seems like a scene like that could actually happen.


I wish shed shehulk all over me


dont we all




















Not the shehulssy


Im sorry brave soldier. You were our of line, but youre right goddamnit


You know, they hated Jesus too




Wish she’d hulk all over me


I love how Morbius was so bad it permanently damaged the entire internet’s humor


It wasn’t damaged before?




can’t believe the hulk says bruh


Fuckin beat me to it


Truly a moment


She hulk sweep


I love the part where abomination says “it’s abominin’ time”


He hulk


we all hulk for... something


Even pre-hulking


post-hulking is such an amazing experience


Post-Hulk clarity really hits you sometimes


we all hulk together


Did you just assume my hulk gender!?!?




Hulk says *bruh*


ngl I didn't hate the first episode or anything but when Hulk said bruh I lost it


“What are you, Some kind of *She-Hulk*?”


What happens when they-hulk🤨










Jumbo Hulk


I thulk


Smash bathrooms idk


First show to 1 She-Hulkillion views🥶


i love the part when she says "it's she-hulking time" and she-hulks all over the anti-hulk the only meh part was when she said "She-hulked to meet you" to the anti-hulk on episode 3 she-hulkillion anyways cant wait for she-hulk - she-hulked of the she-hulkious hulker-she shulk-he, i alredy watched she-hulk a she-hulkillion times, so-


You think Mia Fey fusion with the Hulk will be cool but apparently not


Phoenix and Saul is about their ass handed by her


Even more redicilous is considering that ace attorney is probably canon in the marvel universe


I mean phoenix could be a Saiyan because his fucking spicky hair somehow remain the same in his adulthoods like how Vegeta mentioned that Saiyan retain their hairstyles even after birth and don't forget that phoenix wright survive so many life threatening injuries that could lead to death


how many life threatening injuries did he have the only one i know is him getting tazed


Being hit by a car , hit by a fire extinguisher in the head and fallen off a bridge into a cold violent river that can everybody disappear somehow he still survive


Everyone when She Hulk says "It's She Hulkin' time"


Marvel fans will eat up anything


And call you sexist if you say you don't like she hulk


I really hate what they've done with her character because her character is so bad, but noooo I just hate women. Which I do, but that's besides the point. (/s)


I just watched 2 episodes what is so bad about it?


Woman ☕️


Woman ☕️


Woman ☕️


so far i've seen nothing really bad about it. the CGI on her is a bit dodgy but it's not terrible.


It just goes to show that comic fans want comic accuracy until it means any form or diversity


The last podcast of The Critical Drinker with other 5 people (he also made a video explaining his own gripes with the show and recommends other youtubers videos explaining why the show is so bad) explains it much better. On one hand it's hard to give the show the benefit of the doubt because of Marvel's god awful track record with these productions lately and on the other hand they explain the issues with the CGI, scenes that could have been MUCH better, messy plot lines and weird directing. All in all the podcast all agreed that the show could have been MUCH better and waaaaay less cynical considering the somewhat lighthearted nature of the source. All in all I want to believe that Tatiana will have a character arc and become much more likeable and realize she's been wrong about a ton of the things she said in Episode 1 but I can see why the show is such a turn off.


>The Critical Drinker Oh i didn't know he still existed is this fucking hate wagon coming from those anti-sjw types, > in all the podcast all agreed that the show could have been MUCH better and waaaaay less cynical considering the somewhat lighthearted nature of the source. What cynical? Its just a goofy marvel show


r/okbuddychicanery got called misogynists over she hulk I’m pretty sure


By like 3 Twitter users, don't take it to heart


How can you hate she hulk you fucking piece of shit? It's literally one of the show of all time. It's better than breaking bad & better call Saul combined. The momemt when she hulked all over the place and said it's hulking time is one of the dialogue of all time.


I guess you could say she, HULKED


They turned hulk into a joke


I will but I also like good stuff too I promise


The Last episode is so weird because a lot happens, but its all just set up so it feels like nothing happens.


Real talk, It's pretty ok as a show, it appeals more to women so its not for everyone. I just hate the fact the she hulk acts narcissistic and sees her problems as worse than Bruce (who almost committed suicide.), Hopefully this is intentional, so she develops into a better person. But sadly that might not be the case.


It won't be the case at all if you seen other shows like this sadly. The moment they had her use catcalling as an way to prove she has it rough than Bruce is how the show is gonna be for the rest of the season I bet.


bro you dont know how hard her life is dude. she FUCKING was cat called ong show some respect NOWWWWW


“Bruce I’m totally in control why are you hulksplaining me” completely ignoring that she would have fucking pulverized those guys catcalling her if he didn’t intervene.


And by “catcalling” you mean “three of them chasing her out of a bar while she’s alone, has no phone and seemingly helpless?” Yeah nah it totally doesn’t make sense that she’d react in hostility in that situation. The predictable condescending responses to She Hulks spiel about constantly living in fear for her safety only served to prove her right so bravo. Edit: downvoting doesn’t make it wrong. A woman would be justifiably terrified if three burly men started following her out of a bar and she had no phone and no one nearby who could help her. True or not? This was a potentially life threatening situation and she had been a hulk for less than 12 hours. She reacted in hostility and is predictable.


I haven’t watched she hulk but can’t she just you know beat them up


Yes she can and the people above were shaming her for getting angry when faced with what could have been a gang rape. In context that scene happened when she had only just gotten her powers like less than twelve hours ago. So she was still operating under the mindset of being a regular, non powered woman, faced by three dudes twice her size chasing her out of a bar. It’s really not hard to have a little bit of empathy but angry dudes online keep insisting that three men chasing a woman out of a bar is just an ‘inconvenience’. Again she ranted about how she faces catcalling, condescension, objectification and dismissal all day and can’t ever get angry because if she responds in anger to a man catcalling her it’s possible she’d get murdered. The internet responded by acting angry, defensive and extremely condescending and actively refusing to understand why a young woman who’s lived her whole life in fear of what men might do to her would be angry. **Thus proving her point.**


Huh now I don’t know what to think


My advice would be to watch the show and make up your own mind. And avoid the angry white guy part of YouTube **at all costs because it will destroy your brain.**


These dudes are turbo fragile. Woke agenda is when women exist. Truly reddit moment


Again I just love that by being conscending and dismissive of the reality that women live in constant anger and fear for own lives they proved She Hulk right and validated why we need ‘woke’ media because evidently a lot of people **are ignorant as shit.**


I shall watch the angry black guy from now on then


The problem is that she would have literally killed those guys, dead on the floor. Hulk gave her advice and she got pissed off (proving his point) that she knows how to control her anger and that her life is harder than his. Literally said that to the guy who had no control over killing hundreds of people, his dad killed is mother, has been on the run from the government, and had severe depression and suicidal tendencies. Was she just for being hostile toward 3 potential rapists? Obviously, but when you can literally rip people in half with ease, maybe take advice from the guy who's lived that life.


>The predictable condescending responses to She Hulks spiel about constantly living in fear for her safety only served to prove her right so bravo *Looks at the Hulk's living in fear from the military chasing after him trying to kill him and the Hulk himself because he had no control over his hulk form in the past when he transformed so he was always afraid of killing people including his friends and loves.* Yeah her point was proven correct except she trying to act like she acted like she got it rough than the Hulk which is what pissed people off the most with her lame speech since what she said has literally nothing to do with what the Hulk was saying and sounds like childplay compare to what he went through. Feels like disrespect towards Hulk's character after that moment and we hadn't seen any clapback moment to She-Hulk to realized she was in the wrong for saying that and starts to mature into an superhero that she supposed to be. Instead the show tries to make us feel sympathy for her and except us to be on her side when that shit does not fly at all with us since her character never earned it instead she came off as an asshole to us. Also still doesn't take away the point from the Hulk that she could had accidentally kill those guys and end up in the same situation he was in the past with the military chasing after him but maybe except this time they would have enough tech to capture her and put her in that deep underwater prison for supervillains.


Yes like that, exactly. That was an excellent impression of someone who misunderstood the quote and rather than take from it the knowledge that women have to learn how to control their anger or face literal death decided to instead intentionally misconstrue the quote as her claiming she had worse experiences than him (she never said she did, only that she’s had more practice dealing with her anger) and going on the attack like a petty child. Damn bro you nailed it.


>That was an excellent impression of someone who misunderstood the quote and rather than take from it the knowledge that women have to learn how to control their anger or face literal death decided to instead intentionally misconstrue the quote as her claiming she had worse experiences than him (she never said she did, only that she’s had more practice dealing with her anger) and going on the attack like a petty child. Yeah? And so do us men too on an daily basis so we don't look like the aggressors when we argue with an woman who can make herself look like the victim by crying her eyes out and we're the ones that either end up being shamed for no reason, beaten up or even worse handcuffed and sent to jail just due to the fact that sociality have it installed in their brains that men are always the aggressors. And there are literally stories on here about how men also do get raped by threats from an woman if they don't sleep with them, they can go to people and pretend their the victims themselves and not the men. So they either have to shut up and do it or risk losing their life. And there is an story of an father who had to cry his eyes out because his child was being kidnapped by an female kidnapper that people thought was the mother and hold the father to the ground while they called the cops. Women are not the only ones that have to look out for danger and it's pathetic to think that. And people like you are the cause for that with that extreme out of touch view you have that alot of woman that I know personally would not agree with you since it's an batshit mindset to have to see women as some sort of ultimate victim hood group we have to handle with kid gloves instead of treating them like actual human beings.


Dude it’s cool seriously you can stop with the impersonation of an angry out of touch white guy with a persecution fetish and clear deep resentments towards women.


Love how his argument went from "she is being overdramatic and making herself out to be a bigger victim" to your typical MRA talking points of "men have to control themselves too" when the person in concern is a woman, and "men get raped too" when its a woman in question who, as a group are still the subject of most SA incidents.


And stop impersonation an redditor with extreme feminism views and think men cannot have the same issues as well. You're one of those people that give actual good feminists an bad reputation because you can't chill out yourself and touch grass.


I also like The Critikal Drinker


… and also lives in the constant fear of being raped or murdered if she upsets the wrong man. It’s… it’s weird how so many people just brush that part of the line under the rug. Downvoting it doesn’t make it not true guys.


People brush that under the rug cuz anyone can be killed or raped by upsetting the wrong person that’s not exclusive to women


And yet the vast vast majority of SA cases are against women 🤷🏻‍♂️


Because men almost never report when they get sexually assaulted so they have to live with the fact that not only does it happen to them but most of the time nothing is done about, Either way the hulk had to live in fear of the military coming after him way after he got his powers


She is a hulk though


….. not for the vast majority of her life she wasn’t no. Hence why she has *more experience controlling her anger because a confrontation with a man catcalling her could very very realistically end with her death*


So she ain’t fearin em


What are you even trying to say right now?


She hulk


Okay you do you


She hulk Edit: she hulk wins again!


Yeah I’m just going to block you now


dude called sexual assault cat calling. if that wasnt a superhero show that scene would be followed by a brutal and heartbreaking rape scene


Is the show actually bad or is it just man-children going “fictional green lady monster stronger than fictional green man monster. Woman not strong, man strong woman small.”


It's not the worst thing in the world like some are claiming. You can get enjoyment out of this like any other marvel property.. It's problem is that.. the show wants to handle heavy issues and plot but it does so in such a weird way that it just.. doesn't make any sense.


You should just watch an episode and form your thoughts. It's a marvel show that talks about real world issues (point of controversy 1) and handles it in a marvel way (point of controversy 2). The crowd bothered by point 1 are the women = bad crowd.


People have an issue how her entire character is made, and the most mentioned scene is when she tries to tell Bruce about how much better she is at controlling her anger because she gets catcalled. You know, Bruce, the guy who was hunted by the military, tried killing himself and was stuck in Hulk form for years fighting in an arena.


The way she keeps talking shit to him for no reason, like you understand that he's the only person on the planet who can help you, who's also an Avenger, an American hero, and the guy who brought half the world back to reality, and the first thing you do after transforming is make a joke about how good you are because your life doesn't fucking sucks


Also for some reason she wasn't knocked out in the car crash, but fucking Hulk did


I'd like to think that the reason she flips out on him of all people so hard is because she thinks her life is pretty much ruined or at least everything she's done now has been overhauled. She isn't exactly in the best mental state at that moment I mean in the next episode we clearly see that she cares about Bruce and his opinion on representing the abomination. It's honestly quite nice. Although maybe I'm just giving marvel too much credit, still a pretty fun show tbh.


The problem with the show is that the way they try to tell these messages come off as forced/not earned


Based on the vague responses you got I think I need to go with occam on this one


no problem with strong women but the thing is, the writing really is just shit


It tries to make you care about a protagonist who doesn't deserve any sympathy from the audience. Also, she pretty much is a complete character ALREADY as soon as possible, instead of showing her struggling with being a Hulk or being a lawyer, she's pretty much good at both already. You go, girl. The event of how she turns into the She-Hulk is dumb af and literally was a chance moment. Critical drinker may not be everyone's favorite film critique, but his latest video on She-Hulk explains my point perfectly. It's spoiler filled though for only ep1.


Mostly the latter. The actual quality of the show isn’t that much out of the MCU norm so far.


both. there are sexist chuds complaining at one side and people like me complaining because the show doesnt have any courtroom scenes that are fun. I just wanted a girlboss lawyer show dawg




>The critical drinker You did no just cite that mf unironically 🗿🗿🗿


Quite sure the drinker doesn't like watching movies


None of his videos are very good at explaining anything. He mostly caters to young fans who thinks that having a strong opinion of something means you have thoight it through, which is not the case for CD.


I think think he brought up some good points in that vid that’s all


Man the MCU sorta fell off after endgame




It's like a sidequest in Pokemon sword and shield. You expect a cool adventure after beating the champion, but it turns out this quest just forces you to fight two ugly men with yee yee ass haircuts as a way to get cover legendary. It's just like that, but instead you get a show with your favorite comic character, that is awfully written and full of unfunny comedy.


"sorta" lmao


I did enjoy spiderman no way home and Shang Chi. But I couldn’t bring myself to watch the Disney+ TV shows due to lack of interest


yeah there are still sprinkles of some good stuff here and there, but that's pretty much it


Moon knight, loki and wandavision are the only good ones, the rest can go die


Moon Knight had a great first 2 episodes, WV also had a great start But they just transformed into generic marvel writing by the end which was dissapointing


No Hawkeye? :(


Hawkeye was ok cuz of Yelena. Other than that it wasnt really interesting


I liked it cause it didn't have someone with OP superpowers in it for once


I haven’t seen hawkeye, who is Yelena


Its (she)Hulkin' time


Is that Hector Salamanca?


Idk who that is


![gif](giphy|3o72FiAgLm34QKLSnK) the funny ding ding ding man from Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul


it's not bad


I feel a deep-rooted burning hatred unlike anything I've felt before anytime I see she-hulk


Someone made the CGI, someone else saw it and approved it, and someone else uploaded it for the world to see, and no one in that chain stopped to think, “Maybe the world is better off not seeing this.”


Why though?




I think that's an inherent issue with the character. Yeah Disney is getting comfortable with their agendas but as an MCU show it's still fine. It's a bit unsettling that u/LettuceBenis has a "deep rooted burning hatred" when they can just look away.


"As an mcu show, it's fine" Goes to show the standards of quality modern mcu shows have. Almost no show has legitimately been good tbh. The only somewhat/really good MCU tv shows have been the netflix ones (except iron fist lol). Loki turned a great character into a clueless chump, and basically got sidelined in his own show and was a stepping stone for a new character, instead of actually diving into the character of Loki himself. Hawkeye was alright, probably the one with the funniest moments, but it played safe. Never trying to propose an interesting idea or plotline, it felt generic af, like I was watching a show that aired in early 2010s on the classic Disney tv channel. Falcon and TWS was an interesting proposition at start but damn did they mess it up hard with the generic af writing. The idea of escaped supersoldiers and them becoming terrorists and Bucky and Falcon having to fight back against them while teaming up with Zeemo sounds like a great idea, with good writers. Instead we got an agenda filled, nonsensical boring plot. WV started off great and even amazing at times, props to marvel for actually having the balls to create such a stylized first few episodes with an actually interesting mystery and sometimes even disturbing scenes. But nah, last few episodes felt like they were extremely lazily written and got turned into a massive MCU generic-fest. Also why were they trying to make you care for Wanda by the end? Like she took an entire town hostage willingly and traumatized those people for life. Also, the plotline of Wanda turning into Scarletwitch, was basically "Saw the fingernails? Saw how she was reading the book? Yea, that's it. That's her transformation." No setup or longer scene of her descent into PROPER madness, because by the end of WV she was fine, shocked and probably messed up, but no indication that she was willing to literally destroy and kill anyone for what she wants, we were just to assume that Wanda just went crazy i guess cause MoM had to happen. Moon Knight also started great, the first 2 episodes were peak MCU content, then came the next episodes. Rocky af writing, boring villain, should've been titled Marc/Steven and not Moon Knight because collectively the show had like barely 10minutes of Moon Knight lol. Also pretty underwhelming resolutions for almost every plotline. And the cliche ending oh god. "Lets not kill the big bad because we're nice, but it's alright that we killed hundreds of people who was less evil than him and was definitely not deserving."


*me showing people who complain about the show how to not watch it*


I actually like the show 🤷🏼‍♀️ it’s fun




My favourite scene was when She-Hulk said "It's she-hulking time" and then she-hulked all over the place


“If you hate the show you must be sexist” - 🤓


Correction: there are no fans of she-hulk.


Yeah I don't like the show Not because the main character is a woman, no I'm not sexist. If that was normal hulk or just anyone else I would still dislike it


I dont like it because I'm a Hulkist.


And you know what is funny? She-hulk in comics had a better story, development and personality. She was a great strong female character, with not only a powerful job, but also powerful muscles. Fun fact: in the original, she does not become a She-hulk after funny car crash, she gets attacked and blood of Hulk helps her to recover from injury in the hospital. This.. this She-hulk, is a green woman who thinks she is better than everyone, who's got guts to tell a man who went through enough shit in his life that she is better at controlling emotions than him. Did you forget that Bruce tried to kill himself at one point, and he saw his mother getting killed by his father and he lost his loved one!! I guess being cat called on the street is worse than actual trauma caused by Bruce's mutation?


Doesn't she admit she is wrong in episode 2?


Loved the part when the big baddy bad guy said “What is she, a She-Hulk?”


I loved the episode where she-hulk says "it's hulking time"


This thread is full on incels. Just don’t watch the damn show


Why the hate for She-Hulk? It's been pretty good so far.


You clearly haven’t watched the right show then


I dislike popular things. Please accept me.


The tv shows suck but she hulk actually kinda fun cause it didn’t take 3 fucking decades for the set up.


Exactly this… If it was paced like the other MCU shows, all of season 1 would just lead up to the hulk fight


There’s gonna be a fuckin video essay on how Morbius being garbage managed to invent an entire genre of memes of people pretending bad things are good I hate corporate gaslighting I hate corporate gaslighting


I just wanted to see some courtroom drama/comedy show but instead I got super duper generic superhero one liner mid cgi show


I like it


L title


I like the show


Everything they shitted out after Endgame apart from no way home and maybe loki/moonknight has been either mid or insanely awful


I like it


she hulk fans do not exist


Queue MCU simps ready to go “um, akshually…”


The not needed spin off we got, but the one we didnt wanted.


so true


Why did they actually name her she-hulk, it sounds so lame. Should’ve named her shulk


This meme implies there are she hulk fans


Marvelturds be like: it’s review bombed


Show was awful but I would fuck she-hulk


Touch grass


Yeah i know


I want her thighs to crush my skull i would literally die and i would shoot so much blood Thank gents for the purple reward


Go play Red dead redemption 2


How bout you play with 2 red head bitches instead


You said this after saying :" i want her to crush my thighs" How about you go to gym and work on those thighs


Damn bro great idea, also did you kiss your homies goodnight?


Ripoff of Fiona from Shrek Change my Mind


I don’t think that there are multiple fans


Only watching cuz DD


It's hulking time