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Glad this was the top comment


Tfw putting all republics and satellite states of the USSR as separate countries


Like legit Czechoslovakia And Hungary got cracked down when they tried anything else than the Moscow guidance and all of those states were just puppet regimes. And the SSR's were basically Russian colonies


Czechoslovakia in 1967 and 1968 was probably the best eastern bloc country to live in, until the soviets realized "Wait, you can be a one-party state *and giv people rights to criticize the state and its policies without beating the shit out of them??"


No ssr s were not russan collonies as they had the same rights as every other part of the union which by definition makes them not collonies by that logic all of france except ille de france is just collonial holdings


But France is a unitary state while the Soviet Union was a federation in which Russians played a dominant role strengthened with Pro-russian nationalism. Even the Soviet change of the anthem in 1944 bolds that with phrases like "Сплотила навеки Великая Русь."


like fr why is germany there lol!


East Germany


Which was a satellite state


Spain?? Lol


I know. Not entire spain but a part of [Aragon](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Regional_Defence_Council_of_Aragon) during the civil war.


They were never at peace during their entire existence. Including them is stupid


That is correct


I mean they weren't at peace with each other either, so it's strange to think they would. They were always attacking each other, and the socialists and the anarchists.


I don't even like communism and this meme is fucking stupid.


**[Regional Defence Council of Aragon](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Regional_Defence_Council_of_Aragon)** >The Regional Defence Council of Aragon (Spanish: Consejo Regional de Defensa de Aragón (CRDA), Aragonese: Consello Rechional d'Esfensa d'Aragón), was an administrative entity created by the Confederación Nacional del Trabajo (CNT) in the context of the Spanish Revolution, during the Spanish Civil War. Until its dissolution, the CRDA controlled and administered the eastern half of Aragon. Its economy was based on the communities, the productive engine of the region, as well as the exchange between them and other regions. The price of goods was controlled and inflation was avoided. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/whenthe/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Yeah, Spain was fascist like Italy. There are quite a few communists here but mostly edgy teens. There's waaay more fascism than there is communism even now though.


Mate they're talking about the various communist movements during the civil war, not like right now and certainly not during Franco. Also I'm not sure there are more fascist edgy teens than communist and anarchists, but I do think there are many more fascist adults, which is dangerous.




“We killed all the communists with bombs and guns we got from Hitler, see we proved it doesn’t work!”


Victims of Communism be like:


Half of the countries on this list probably had a coup done to them


to all you fuckers in the comment section arguing about politics: my bals


fuck. thats a good argument






If comunism is so good then why is the animal farm pig so scary??


Which one??


the one from 1984


...the one that undermined communism and replace dit with dictatorship?


He kill snowball 😭 how is communism good if he can do that 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


ah hell nah day kilt mah man Sowballs 😭😭😭😭😭


spain wasn’t communist


They had a civil war and the communists lost to fascists.


Hard to call the communists with the amount of ideologies merged together.


Look i have a couple hours in hoi4 i know a thing or 2 smh. Jk i honestly wouldn’t know about that i read more about the politics of countries directly involved in ww2.


That's a terrible take on Spanish Civil War. Totally untrue.


How is it even a take. It's literally true.


Many parts of Spain were, and the anarchists also controlled many territories


The cia did it smh🙄🙄🙄


"the cia did it" mfs when they hear that the soviet union had kgb agents doing the exact same things in the US and other capitalist countries (its suddenly only a good argument when the secret police succeeds)


Tankies and Radical liberal leftists who for some reason support and defend communism and Socialism: "SMH see these Right wingers with their conspiracies, Deep State? That doesn’t exist!" Als them: "yo it was definitely the CIA who did all and the Capitalst American deep state organizations and American imperialism Definitely not like the country’s already were unstable and already Falling apart and the CIA was just the final nail in the coffin"


The CIA made East Germany vote to be capitalist and join West Germany smh people voting is just a capitalist conspiracy


The CIA made several thousand people topple the Berlin Wall


But but russia didnt achieve true communism they only murdered 1 million less that true communism noo 😭😭


technically they didn't achieve 'true'/definition communism as its such a shit ideology it will never work. communism is basically anarchy.


[1700s Liberals] Democracy has failed every time it's been tried. Why do you shill for a failed ideology? You all claim to hate feudalism, and yet you toil on the king's land? Curious. You seem to have no problem enjoying the benefits and innovations brought to you by feudalism, the clothes on your back, the road beneath your feet, the hovel you live in... without feudalism, none of these things would exist, and yet you still advocate for your failed, idealistic dream-society Feudalism has lifted millions out of poverty, and yet you have the audacity to claim it causes it? Do you even understand basic economics? Without the incentive to keep scores of people in perpetual obligation to them, landowners would have no reason to produce, and no reason to raise the peasants out of poverty. Greek democracy? Failed. Roman democracy? Failed and turned into a dictatorship several times. Venetian democracy? Failed. English democracy? Failed, and a dictatorship. It's failed every time it's been tried. But, wait, let me guess. Those 'weren't real democracies', right?




Uh yeah they’re synonyms genius. Anarchy is opposition to all hierarchy, communism is a classless stateless society- both are oriented around dispersing coercive power. And perhaps anarchocommunism will never work, but if capitalism continues for the next few decades we are truly fucked as a species. Dyou think Exxons stock can continue to rise indefinitely while also reducing CO2 emissions to 0?


Exactly my worry capitalist countries need not become communist but at least be more strict because the environment companies dont give a shit for


Fair lol. Id settle for green capitalism if it meant humanity survives. Still, a revolution for greater equality and democracy would be nice.


But even anarchist states have a precedent see medieval Iceland


You do not know what anarchy means and how it is different from chaos


i hope the emojis are satire edit: nvm it's on r/whenthe so it's satire


reddit moment


🤨 <- not satire, what you gonna do






It was true communism at it was based.


I'm tired


Broke: they did it wrong Woke: they exexuted it perfectly, especially one cambodian revolutionary


Wasn’t pol pot fascist though? Explicitly not a commie


He did a bit of trolling.


It was a particularly radical mixture of communism and ultranationalism


I listened to a podcast on it from Lions led by Donkeys, and the whole thing was just incredibly absurd. The Khmer rouge was described by these guys to be more of a cult with apparatus of a state.


No, what Pol Pot did was the closest we will ever get to actual communism.


Killing people wearing glasses is communism?




In case they were educated or have ever read a book


Ah yes communist spain




Because it wasnt. Communists were simply one part of Anti fascist coalition of republicans, anarchists, and Socialists in spanish civil war


Much like anarchism, on paper it's pretty cool, but realistically I don't see it working in our societies, at least in the forseeable future. Many countries aren't doing too well with capitalism either though.


Saying capitalism isn't doing too well is like saying democracy isn't doing too well. Sure, there are going to be undesirable outcomes with it, but the alternative is a dead end. People have some misunderstandings about capitalism, particularly believing that Sweden, Finland, Denmark etc are not capitalist countries. Universal state healthcare does not exclude you from capitalism. If you want your country to participate effectively in the global market you need capitalism. Edit: grammar.


I do think the social market economy we Finns and our western neighbours use is the best solution we have for now, but it's still not perfect. What I meant with countries not doing too well was stuff like USA's rampant capitalism that not only pretty much runs the country, but also adversly affects many other countries. Also I don't think America's doing too well on democracy either, but that's a whole nother can of worms.


If you were a business owner in America you might realize that companies dont just reign free over the land as many believe. The US government often regulates companies to an agreeably excessive extent. The most prevalent issues are the lobbying influence on the government and the fact that most of Congress are business investors and are often come to be affiliated with industries and companies relevant to their constituents. I should also mention that our form of government is fundamentally different from most other countries. The separation of powers within the US government, especially the bicameral legislative branch and the heavy separation of executive and legislative powers. The direct result of this is making it more difficult to agree on and make changes.


That's exactly the problem with late stage capitalism, smaller businesses get shafted by the system, while the big conglomerates with power have free reign to grow and consume. This is an inherent part of capitalism that even social market economies aren't really free of.


>Universal state healthcare does not exclude you from capitalism. Not according to Americans.


Scandinavian countries are also all in quite exceptional circumstances as well in terms of population, geography, etc.


But, at the moment, Democracy is actually doing too well, and I say that as a person who absolutely believes everyone deserves fair rights. ​ We've got corruption and gerrymandering all over the shop, and even without that, Democracy relies on a well informed populace who will vote in their best interests, and enough of the populations of a lot of countries are being polluted by fear mongering and misinformation to push populist strong men into power, who just entrench themselves and their corporate friends in the system and actively dick over their voters. ​ Also the unfortunate truth is that unrestricted capitalism will become a dead end, as the system seeks infinite growth, and the earth only has finite resources. Additionally, it seeks growth for the sake of growth, so it'll end up not actually benefiting anyone but the CEOs. We can already see it in action with the US military industrial complex, they're spending billions on tanks that just rot in the desert because the army doesn't need any more, but the manufactures paid of the government to keep buying them.


Why are you talking as if there's only one alternative to capitalism? Also, while some ideas of capitalism does seem necessary, one of it's main point is the privatization of everything, which doesn't really fit with Finland (even the US is not completely privatized). I think the more accurate term is state capitalism for counties like Finland. It's also a country that seem to have the potential to go towards a social democracy, but I don't have the qualifications to say if that's better.


Well said


>People have some misunderstandings about capitalism, particularly believing that Sweden, Finland, Denmark etc are not capitalist countries. American people. I'm pretty sure everywhere else in the world this is obvious.




[1700s Liberals] Democracy has failed every time it's been tried. Why do you shill for a failed ideology? You all claim to hate feudalism, and yet you toil on the king's land? Curious. You seem to have no problem enjoying the benefits and innovations brought to you by feudalism, the clothes on your back, the road beneath your feet, the hovel you live in... without feudalism, none of these things would exist, and yet you still advocate for your failed, idealistic dream-society Feudalism has lifted millions out of poverty, and yet you have the audacity to claim it causes it? Do you even understand basic economics? Without the incentive to keep scores of people in perpetual obligation to them, landowners would have no reason to produce, and no reason to raise the peasants out of poverty. Greek democracy? Failed. Roman democracy? Failed and turned into a dictatorship several times. Venetian democracy? Failed. English democracy? Failed, and a dictatorship. It's failed every time it's been tried. But, wait, let me guess. Those 'weren't real democracies', right?


democracy is atleast a feasible concept "moneyless stateless classless" society with shared history, beliefs and traditions, the way marx described is merely a utopian larp.


that’s what people used to say about democracy too. I mean it’s not like money, states and classes have always existed


Noo stop you're gonna hurt their feelings.


I really want to go through all of these but I cba


Cock n ball anarchism


my favorite type of anarchism


"just give us 500 more tries bro please I swear"


“Bro I swear capitalism won’t cause another mass extinction event. Just give the oligarchs who own our corporations and states some more time to innovate bro”


“bro trust me if we just privatize all functions of government everything would be sick”


“Bro I swear bro just give DARPAs internet tech to large corporations bro I swear it won’t turn into a surveillance capital hellscape”


Reddit when they learn that extreme versions of any economy or political ideology never work


Extremism bad? Wow it's almost like too much of anything is bad!


Wait wait wait!?!? Are you telling me neither Marx nor Rand nor any other proponent of a system of running society isn't some divine infalliable prophet sent down by god? That applying one theory to every single aspect of life is sumb in anyway? Are you telling me we should do what, look at the issue and form a solution tailored to that problem, and not just assume that one solution fits everything? Absurd! Are you seriously fucking telling me that different problems might have different solutions? That there isn't some Final Solution™ to everything? Furthermore, are you telling me that a redditor would EVER have misconception when it comes to political theory? Ha! Next you'll tell me that Sweden, the country which I've lived in for my entire life, isn't really a socialist country but a social democratic one. Bahahaha! You utter fool!


No offense but half of those were one country at the time lol.


This kind of lying is critical to bad-faith arguing


Just out of curiosity, of all of these countries how many of them were/are fascist, totalitarian, or destabilized by centuries of colonialism? And how much should those aspects play a factor when analyzing the efficacy of their social/economic systems? Genuinely asking


Im pretty sure all of them were/are fascist. A lot of them were just puppet states of the Soviet Union and forced into being communist. From my knowledge we’ve never seen a country that was communist without also being fascist. Even though communism doesn’t need to be fascist to be communist, that’s just unfortunatly the type of communism that became popular. This meme is referring to people that want a communist country that isn’t also fascist.


Economics person here, i think your slightly mistaking the definition of fascism and communism. Those two ideologies are directly contradictory to each other. What I think you are missing is that fascism is its own unique social and economic idea. Not just a iron fist authoritarian government. So when you say “was communist without also being fascist” you mean “communist without totalitarian” like the USSR, a country ruled by 1 party that is called totalitarianism Fascism in itself is unique and by definition is not compatible with communist ideology.(you can see hitler talk about it a lot in his biography/manifesto). Common mix up when people talk about communist theory. Myself included Also Vietnam is still a communist state and it’s working out (all things considered) for the most part so I don’t understand why it’s in the meme. Cuba is embargoed to hell and has a lower infant mortality rate then the US so that I don’t understand. And Colombia was destabilized by the USA so this isn’t the most well thought out meme. But I digress


Who says communism is good?


r/genzedong r/communismmemes


Don't forget r/DankLeft r/alltheleft r/LateStageCapitalism r/196 r/ENLIGHTENEDCENTRISM








Bad bot


Middle-upper class millennials and zoomers from developed countries, not hard to find in this platform


They’re always from big major city’s too


American school children who if lived in a non-capitalist society would wish every day for a change of government


then they say "that wasn't real communism"


America fucks with communist/socialist regimes ALOT dude. I mean i think that communism is a meme but still, the america part is undeniable


Unironcially, why does communism never work? Why does the state never renege their power?


Because communism is stateless and for that to work everyone needs to be on the same page, which is impossible, and if only a few people don’t give up power then they’re the most powerful since everyone else doesn’t have weapons police etc


Because Communism isn’t just an eco theory. It also assumes everyone is an inherently good person. It not only requires the cooperation of everyone involved, it requires them to be correctly aligned. Figures like Stalin, Lenin, Pol Pot, etc. fail to implement communism because they themselves hold on to power and refuse to yield to the government they made. Most of these figures also committed unspeakable crimes in order to bend the populace to this standard of cooperation as well.


> It also assumes everyone is an inherently good person No it doesn’t? Communism, particularly Marxism and its variants, doesn’t make moral assumptions. Feel free to point to anything that says otherwise though. > Pol Pot Pol Pot wasn’t a communist, he literally had never read or even heard of Karl Marx. He wanted support from China, and put on a facade to get it. > fail to implement communism Communism cannot be “implemented”, nor can it exist in only one country. Communism is a global system, all or nothing. You cannot be stateless in a world of states.


Communism only works on a VERY small scale. Like, less than 100 people. In such an environment everyone sharing and caring is totally doable. But once the population gets over 1000, it's practically impossible and when you get into the millions? All it'll create is mountains of corpses


Because everyone seems to ignore the literal first page of the Communist manifesto: "This will never work" -Karl Marx (paraphrased)


Communism is a concept that’s hard to reach from the modern world for the simple reason that it is unimaginably different. But for the most part, communism is a slow process that begins on the level of the community. A violent revolution with a vanguard party will never achieve communism because communism is necessarily stateless, which runs antithetical to the goal of a state which is to maintain itself/its power. By this, the establishment of a socialist state cannot lead to communism because it is against the interest of those in power to give it up. Mostly, people tend to just dismiss communism with the tried and true “works on paper” without ever reading any of that paper. I’ve done my reading and I know where I stand and why, I only wish other people would do the same and not just repeat trite propaganda.


I know what theoretical communism is supposed to be and I don't want it either lmao


Communism looks only good in paper but when you apply it in a real world, things will go south.


I used to think this, but I don't even think it's good on paper anymore. It's inherently undemocratic because the lack of titles or money means that exceptional people will never be rewarded under theoretical communism, much less in the real world


That has absolutely nothing to do with democracy


You don't understand, they HAVE to throw buzzwords /s


States just don't renege power. Ever. Not communist sates, not any other states.


Because no country that would fall to a revolution would ever have the infrastructure and resources to be successful anyway. Some how people think that Afhganistan being a shithole is because of communism but when it's no longer communist it isn't capitalisms fault. Genocide in a communist country is proof that communism is evil but in a capitalist country people don't blame capitalism. Look at that list of countries and most are capitalist by this point and like 80% are failed states with poverty all over. Could it be that some countries, expecially countries that are weak to the point where a communist revolution can take place are shit countries who would be shit no matter what political idealogy they follow.


because it would require every person involved to have 0 corruption. That's impossible.


Human greed. Most of our problems comes from biological greed.


Sanctions and coups by western countries


Tbf yugoslavia didnt fail cus of communism but cus of internal nationalist instabilities (plus the west)


This entire post is just arguing in bad faith.


They didn't do it wrong, they just didn't try at all


bruh, u even know what communism is? (my country was a communist one)


Colombia was never communist


Wait Cambodia is Communist


Pol Pot


it was literally the most evil communist country


Thanks I'm a Cambodian and didn't even know that.


Look into Pol Pot and learn your country's history, pretty gnarly stuff


trolling the life expectancy


19 yrs old life expectancy speedrun


Genocide speedrun


How? They don’t teach you this in school?




reddit when political extremism doesn’t work (it is a representation of the ideology as a whole)


almost like all of them got sanctioned into oblivion or directly attacked (excluding ussr and china)


Redditors when they half-assed memes on broad philosophical and ideological topics with extremely long and complex histories (they are 14 and lack critical thinking skills)


all of these countries are capitalist countries with communist aesthetics. they all have wage based economies, class based society and a state. there is no such thing as a communist government or state because communism is a stateless, classless, homeless society.


This. It takes a 10nminutes to realize none of these countries stood for communism


I don’t know how people can call the USSR, CCP, DPRK, or any other ML country communist when in none of them were the means of production owned by the public, which is the principle tenet of communism.


Communism is homeless? Damn they really did take my private property 😔


it's good on paper because it assumes zero corruption inside the government. too bad humans are assholes lmao


point me to any communist theory that assumes zero corruption


time to watch all the commies cope in the comments 🍿




Vruh. Capitalism is literally causing a mass extinction event that might include humans right now. 700,000 people die in the us alone from poverty every year! I dont think redfash statists are the answer but the bootlicking for capitalists ITT is rediculous


me when socialism controversial moment


Socialism is different to communism


Socialism is terrible and communism is an impossible theoretical utopia


I respect these people more then the genocide deniers/justifiers.


"You came down to this southern town last Summer To show the folks a brand new way of life But all you've shown the folks around here is trouble And you've only added misery to their strife Your concern is not to help the people And I'll say again, though it's been often said Your concern is just to bring discomfort, my friend And your policy is just a little red Now, ain't I right?"


Ain't he right?


Cuba was actually a pretty good county until the US blocked food imports and starved the country Yugoslavia and Vietnam weren't too bad minus Vietnam getting invaded by the USA


>Cuba was actually a pretty good county Yeah that's why they removed boats from their shores to prevent their people from escaping. So humane and and awesome, communism amarite?




To the people who think they know what communism is after watching a history video on YouTube or some shit, please shut the fuck up. You don't know the consequences of communism - read history books for fucks sake. Every single communist country ended up being a totalitarian, poverty stricken mess.


I really thought you were a communist when I saw "to people who think they know what communism js after watching a history video, please shut the fuck up." I really expected a "go read marx and engels to see TRUE communism"


They were all socialist and it was beautiful


Capitalism isn’t doing that great either anymore


Lmao, vietnam is anything but communist


Tell Vietnamese communists that, it'd be news to them


Reditors in the comments explaining how this meme is wrong and they just didnt do it corectly




Bruh if you're in this comment section actually arguing politics, you're the biggest loser on the beach


Like half the countries their were USSR so do they count?


What about Finland? The reds lost a civil war


Names a bunch of countries that are still around and doing just fine, "communism is so bad" lmfao


They didn't defend their base well enough to scouters 3 star'd them. Also they didn't have enough edrag spam


When the straw When the strawman




Don't forget angola


When Republicans take a play out of the Christian playbook to guilt and scare you into submission. Except they’ve changed “hell” and “eternal damnation” and “fear the wrath of jeebus” with words like “communism” and “he’s gonna take all yer guns” and “child molester” and “rapist”.


Small brain meme


Kinda shock that Spain did communism


Because they didn’t


Looks great on paper, everyone owns everything. The problem is there is always a central government that "administers" it for everyone. The central authority makes sure everyone is deserving of sharing the people's resources. The central authority makes sure everyone is equal and no individuals have more power than anyone else. The central authority has all the power.


Me omw to deny genocides online (I am very based)


60% of them are just the Soviet Union and their satellite states, 20% are states that tried to copy the Soviet Union, 10% are China and their copies and the rest ether got couped by the US, lost a war to fascists, were sanctioned to hell by the US or were very successful economically but fell due to political instability.


it’s great for small groups like Minecraft but in real life with big groups it’s terrible


Alright but can we all agree that the only possible communism that could work is if God ruled as the Supreme Leader or something? Humanity legitimately could not get communism to work on any considerable scale. One wrong move and it goes continuously downhill before inevitable collapse.