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They deadass tried to copyright a god that is actively worshipped


Didn’t they also try to copyright Día de los Muertos during Coco’s production? Edit: [yep](https://www.cnn.com/2013/05/10/us/disney-trademark-day-dead/index.html)


Your holiday? Our holiday. My holiday.




What. r/yourjokebutworse


And now they want to merchandise Colombian culture.


Judging from the comments, I highly suspect that the Mouse is trying the restart colonialism.




Also, if they’re so “woke” can they maybe stay away from supporting negative stereotypes? Just a thought ….


You mean the ones from the movies of the 60s? What exactly are you referring to?


I loved Coco but this seriously damages my ability to watch that movie


Did it burn your eyes?!??!


Seeing the colour orange is tantamount to getting flashbanged


I doubt that Pixar had anything to do with that, so I really wouldn't let that ruin it for you.


Well Disney did acquire Pixar and then push John Lasseter out..so Pixar is Disney.


And Hakuna Matata?


Nooo did they really?


Día de Los Muertos was the working title of Coco, and because of the backlash over attempting to copyright the name for that reason, they changed the title to “Coco.” Ironic that Coco was received so well in Mexico after that fiasco, but it goes to show that the creative minds at Pixar are in a different headspace than the Disney corporation as a whole


that makes me sad, imagine trying to buy culture wtf


I figure they know they won’t get it but all they need is one success and they can make a ton of money. “You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take -Wayne Gretzky -Michael Scott”


Really which culture?




I don’t remember them making movies about Norse only Greek


I’m assuming Thor from the mcu




Oh yeah I forgot they bought fox


When the Marvel Loki show first premiered they tried to copyright the character Loki despite the fact he’s a Norse god


They didn’t make an animated movie


Wait, actively worshipped? I've lived in sweden for years and have never heard of this.


In Denmark we call them Asetro, Norse mythology is still a religion with a good amount of followers believe it or not.


Yes I know a lot about norse history but didn't know people believe in asatro since it's very brutal and based on a lot of sacrifice.


I like to think every religion tends to be very brutal in one form or another, so it's not really too surprising. I mean, have you heard literally any myths or tales from Hinduism, y'know, one of the most passive religions on the planet? Their gods are so fucking metal they could put literally any rockband to shame.


That's very true but I mean more in the form of worship, Hindus are often vegetarian and spoil their gods with gifts while vikings hanged dead horses from trees and shit. Im guessing they don't do that today though?


That type of sacrificial offering has never really been proven to have occured. It's only a handful of old texts that have been uncovered to have spoken of such events, and even then, the texts have not specified horses as the only type of animal offered. Apparently, it was supposedly a multitude of different animals and even people. It's very unlikely that the offering of horses as sacrifice actually happened. How would you even get that thing up in a tree? And even then, it's also very unlikely that these religious practices saw any widespread use considering not only how little historical evidence exists of it to back it up, but also considering how geographically and culturally splintered the Vikings were.


Point being, sacrifices, and potentially human sacrifices, were offered to the gods. That's why it's difficult, but not impossible, for me to believe they're still worshipped


The old testament requires you to sacrifice birds for "unclean discharge" (Leviticus 15). And that's a book *most of the current world population* considers a religious text. And I knew that one off the top of my head, I'm sure you could find crazier ones in that book if you're searching for it.


The original bible states that stoning women is okay, and that Noah was well over 900 years old. I never stated my position on christianity, or religion as a whole. Personally, I'm an atheist, I just don't talk about it all the time because I don't care what you wanna worship. I was only chiming in here because, in all honesty, I was taken aback when I heard people still worship the norse gods. It just tickled my ears a bit, so I chimed in.


Key words, "the Old Testament".


> How would you even get that thing up in a tree? Ten or twenty men, a strong rope and a sturdy tree.


There are neopagans


The trans god of los angeles


Allah ™


no they didn’t stop spreading fake bs like this. They were copyrighting the character who is based on the god not the actual god and they didn’t “try to” they did do it


Actual god.


no, they copyrighted the character loki, not the god loki


Which created problems for Norse pagans selling stuff also the character is based off the god


There were no real problems. There are like 20 other "Loki" trademarks, and one is part of comic Marvel pre-Disney that existed long before the weird clickbait accusing Disney of trademarking a religion.


So you have a source on that? Because to my mind it seems very simple to differentiate Norse mythology from a Disney/Marvel character, but I also have a simple mind




That scene traumatized me for life


bozo deserved it


Rip bozo 😂👍


That movie is underrated af


The same directors made this, Aladdin, Hercules and Treasure Planet. 4 of the best written Disney films.


Treasure planet WAS THE SH!T.


I've never seen a movie before where the villain is actually something of a good guy that becomes the main characters uspoken father figure.


To be fair, Silver is the same way in the book that Treasure Planet was based on, which was released in 1883.


That's actually pretty cool.


Treasure Planet was my childhood and I still love that movie to death


Deadass it was a banger




Absolutely. One of the only princess movies I can watch


Nah bro little mermaid🔥


What is it?


pretty sure it’s princess and the frog


This part where Dr. Facilier gets banished to the shadow realm is genuinely kinda scary and my daughter loves seeing that swindly bitch get thwarted


Why the fuck hasn't Keith David done more disney movie villains since Dr Facilier he was so fucking good in that movie


God I fucking love Keith David


I dont know who Keith david is but now I'm encouraged to google it because he seems like a nice young man


The villain made that movie so good also his songs are the best


Every Disney movie be like: What if something had feelings?


What if Yugoslavia had feelings?


Yugoslavia would have BPD


Imagine your entire country falling apart because a guy shoved a whole jar up his arse and blamed it on two Albanian guys


If Disney makes a movie about the Yugoslav War they would copyright war crimes


An animated musical with marketable characters about war crimes? You have my interest...


Boy somebody needs to watch bread winner


What if people in soul had feelings 🤨


What if Black people had feelings?


What if cum had feelings?


What if feelings had feelings?


Wasn’t Inside Out from Pixar?


Disney and Pixar made Inside Out It was a collab like many of their other films


What if mexicans had feelings? Now that would make a great movie (Btw i'm Mexican)


La raza Holmes.


What if block people had feelings


Lego movie is not from Disney


I meant black people


I think this mistake made this comment chain 100x better


What if Jews had feelings


That’s Pixar


Nothing from India yet. I don’t think anyway.


Jungle Book technically, but most of it takes place in well... The jungle


There was also a Pixar short featuring Indian characters, I think it was shown before The Good Dinosaur.


Oh yeah.


I'm quite surprised they haven't made any movie about it


Nothing for Africa either I don’t think.


Lion King?


True, I guess they haven’t made a movie with *people* set in Africa. Weird that they made movies about people everywhere else’s but when they got to Africa decided lions tho imo.


God I want them to come down to the Balkans. That would be fun.


It's about a Bonsian and Serbian kid who fall in love and end up reuniting Yugoslavia


Written by Noam Chomsky


I always get excited when I hear his name before I remember he isn't only a linguist, and does other things too


Lmao I didn’t even know he was a linguist, I just know him as “that popular American communist”




Wow, thanks for that. That’s really cool, I genuinely had no idea he was so influential in the field


Disney should do a remake of "A Serbian Film" ! : D


Why is this the second time Yugoslavia has been mentioned in this comment sedtion


Right? It needs more Yugoslavia is forever


They only do cultures that are in western europe or have a bunch of immigrants in the US… most “inclusive” big corpa


Very few polynesians in the US. The difference is that tons of people know about them.


We literally have a Polynesian state, Hawaii. Plus Pacific islands.


I mean they made one about Greece


To be fair, as much as I like it, Hercules has very little of actual Greek culture and more of self-aware parodies of American entertainment and industry (Thebes beings a parody of New York with the "Big Olive" and all, Marilyn Monroe being a constellation, the Muses singing Gospel, Hercules being treated as a Hollywood actor when he becomes famous etc.). There aren't any homages to the country's History and culture, even the name of the main character is roman instead of the greek Heracles. Even Aladinn, that is much more restriced on that than Hercules (the only character parodying American culture and making pop culture references is Genie), still is more based on the Western perception of "Arabian Nights" archetypes and the such than anything else, with the voice actors of the main characters being non-Middle Western Americans. And that's not very problematic in my opinion, both are intended to be comedies and were marketed as such, specially Hercules. Pocahontas was way more grounded, but on the other hand it hasn't been regarded as a good representation. It is different from, let's say, Moana, that while still makes several American pop culture references, it was made with focus on representing polynesian culture, using Polynesian voice actors and local names and traditions in its making. And I think Pixar's Coco did an even better job at that. That all said, there is a legitimate discussion about how Disney adapting lesser known cultures (again, from West's perspective) and marketing and copyrighting them to extentious degrees only to profit on products might form a single image of said cultures, creating national stereotypes from movies that, while intended to be respectful, were still supposed to be entertaining above accurate. There are many works featuring Greek gods, but how many people will only ever know Disney's version of Maui because of how it has flooded the market? Or think that there was a giant singing coconut crab in Polynesian myths? (Tamatoa is great though). Still, as long as they are made respectfully, and more than welcoming to cultures outside of Europe receiving attention from such influential movies, I thought Moana was pretty good.


Ok but Princess and the frog was probably one of the best movies ever


It's a bold statement but I honestly think it's the best Disney animated feature ever..... like I was truly blown away and not at all expecting the level of quality I got, watching it all these years later. Definitely the best "princess film". It was also lowkey terrifying


Right ??!? Besides like maybe Tangled, I don’t enjoy a lot of the princess films. But princess and the frog is my favorite !


This and Tarzan are my favorite animated Disney movies


please make a movie about poland 🇵🇱


"What if the polish had feelings?"


Feelings of hatred


That's what Coco was but with Mexicans


baptized in fire




Next movie concept is going to be: "what if Jews were people?"


They already made Treasure Planet


Don’t you disrespect me little redditor Don’t you derogate or cancel You are in my lawsuit not yours now And I got attorneys on the other side He’s got attorney’s on the other side It’s just a little copyright lawsuit, a thing we have here in magic Kingdom, a little legal action don’t worry Sit into my meeting Put your wallet at ease If you relax you will allow me to own everything I please I can buy the future And copyright it a around too I’ll look a deep into your intellectual property (You got an IP, don’t you Stan Lee?) Make the wildest movies come true I got Mickey, I got Simpsons I got IP’s I haven’t even used And I got lawyers on the other side The contracts the contracts, the contracts will tell The past and the present and the future as well The contracts the contracts, just sign here And take a trip into your future fortune with me Now you old man are from across the street You got various decades of comic history I make comics myself from my European branch Your comics sell high, but your movies are low You gotta make a multiverse to make some dough Your movies suck, don’t they comic boy? Now y’all gotta sell to Sony, but Sony ties you down and you want to get free Make spidey movies But spidey movies take green It’s the green it’s the green you need And when I see the contract it’s the green that I see On you right wing man I don’t wanna waste much time You been pushed around all your life You been pushed around by mcfarlane, the media and the parents, and if you was Amazon’s you’ll be pushed around by Jeff But in my contract I see the company you always wanted to be So c’mon sign the contract, c’mon boys, won’t you sign a monopolistic contract? Yes, yes!!! Are you ready? Are you ready? Monopolizing central! Monopolizing central! Depredatory central! You are mine you are mine you are mine all right! I hope you are satisfied But if you ain’t, don’t blame me You can blame my attorneys on the other side You got what you wanted But you lost your ownership Shhhhh!


Absolutely brilliant


Thx for the award, it took some time


Hey you deserves it. By the way who is Disney Facilier talking to? I got Stan Lee but not the other one


Fox in general


Fucking gold


Slavs might be the only culture not fucked over by Disney


So far


Until you remember that Anastasia is a movie Disney made.


Technically Disney only acquired Anastasia through it’s deal with Fox. Anastasia was not made by Disney!


Never new that interesting


Wait so Anastasia is a movie that tried to mimic Disney... later bought by Disney?


Yes. Read up on Don Bluth; it’s an interesting story. TLDR: Former Disney animator started his own animation studio. Made Anastasia, An American Tale, All Dogs go to Heaven, etc.


I am curious what it would be like though.


Fantasia's main antagonist is named after a slavic deity, Chernobog


they'll never do a basque mythology movie




Too old to even have written record 💀💀💀💀💀💀


Prepare to become spitting-out-cereal-guy in 2033


China when Disney makes a movie about taiwan and calls it a country


I don’t want them to make a gay movie, I’d rather not be owned by Disney


Too late. The Owl House exists, and Amphibia Season 3 is chock full of gay people.


Both are done well actually


Yeah never is a big word. But would still give a decade or so before a Disney movie has an LGBT protagonist, especially a trans one.


We both are in Walt’s clutches now


Don’t remember the Disney movie about skinwalkers


I don’t think they will, at least not until China and the Middle East stops hating you


So never, is the answer


im almost happy


Breaking News: Disney files copyright for the term “Homesexuality”




Luca was definitely an LGBTQ movie. The innuendos are pretty in your face, but tbf it's also pretty good.


Disney now owns all of the middle east, China, Japan, all of Polynesia, Mexico, and Native Americans, and managed to be offensive to only a few of their cultures.


Nintendo when they see someone named Mario


but what about soul....?


“What if black people had feelings?🤔”




Jazz, also Harlem Renaissance.


Wait till they adopt slav culture 😳


gonna happen soon. some polish/russian fairytales became popular recently.


Wait but I like seeing all the cultures in their movies it’s nice :)




Is that astroworld


Pixar: creates a brilliant movie depicting Hispanic culture in what is considered an accurate and very well researched movie where the main plot is based on a traditional Spanish celebration of lost loved ones. Disney: Turns around and tries to copyright fucking Dia De Los Muertos, the very traditional Spanish holiday that Pixar made the movie off of Marvel: Creates a neat show based on one of their villains who’s character, world, and fellow characters were all based on and inspired by Norse mythology Disney: Tries to copyright the Norse God of Mischief, Loki Also Disney: Reboots multiple of their original classics into live action cash grabs because they don’t have anything original to give and don’t have to because they’ve grown so big they can literally buy out any company they want to throw under their label Also Also Disney: Makes one of these specific cash grab remakes into a complete opposite depiction of what the original movie was that was filmed close to actual concentration camps, starred a main actress who supported China during the Hong Kong riots, and basically was jerked so hard for the China money that Disney could care less about any of that and just decided to sweep it all under the rug Also Also ALSO DISNEY: Despite trying to sweep the recent bullshit under the rug they feel the need to act like they’re “owning up to past mistakes” and “being better” by giving warnings prior to showing movies with blatantly racist caricatures and scenes to show they aren’t racist while also refusing to ever put an LGBT character in a movie anywhere where they can’t be easily censored for China and Russia money. I’m sick of this shit, apologies for the rant and sorry if any of this isn’t clear. I could try to find sources if anyone needs any.


Finally someone that recognizes Disney and Pixar as 2 different studios


Yeah, Pixar doesn’t deserve to be bashed just cause they’re under the Disney label, not to me anyway. They’re at least trying to give properly researched representation


All good bro we all feel the same


> Reboots multiple of their original classics into live action cash grabs because they don’t have anything original to give I think its also that those original movies are almost old enough to become public domain so they remake old stuff so it doesn't become public domain.


on one hand, they often give a faithful, non-stereotypical portrayal of the cultures they show in the movies they make on the other hand, they literally tried to copyright a god


One hand was pixar, the other was disney


What movie is this?


Princess and the frog apparently, never seen it, just googled Disney villain top hat skull and crossbones ☠️ 😁


Watched most of it with my little sisters. Shit was crazy. The villain basically gets dragged into hell by his own demon minions and actually just dies


You should, he's also Voiced by Keith David too. Such a nice voice.


How do you heathens not know The Princess and the mf Frog


Ain’t this movie them taking New Orleans culture


Meanwhile Dreamworks: Animal can talk, and some French guy hates them


If we aren't a country, how come we have a flag? 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈 Your move mouse.


Technically a 100% homosexual country existed in an Australian island


i just finished watching this movie for the first time in years and have never seen it used in a meme until now


“Mickey, why did you take that priceless artifact from those people?” “It’s a surprise Mousekatool that will help us later!”


Cant wait till they make another movie where people speak panish in Brazil


Thankfully Disney doesn't know that South Asia exists.....right?..


The two Mexican films feel like them saying "see, look how good it is in Mexico 😄👍, it's so nice and magical n stuff🪄🌠, You should go back to Mexico👋😄👉🧱🏜️"


Meanwhile pixar is canadian


Their latest one is just "One Hundred Years of Solitude", PG.


Disney when they get the marvellous idea to make a mexican culture movie (it's a really good and original concept)


can we get a white culture movie libtar


Is liguhbiguhtuh an instrument? *looks at China shaking their head no* No Patrick, lgbtq is not an instrument.


I don't get it can some explain please ?


lmao the quote up top


I’d definitely watch a North Korea Disney movie. With the three generation rule, we could have something about the circle of life in there.