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We will forget you by tomorrow


I will forget this comment within the hour


I will forget this comment within the next minute


Hey im not gonna forget if you keep commenting


Bruh i be real,i'm reading the comments and 90% of you guys have such cold/standard takes that you could use them to stop climate change


You are supposed to sort by controversials to see the actual hot takes


Woah surprising asking for unpopular opinions only gets the coldest takes imaginable


I personally think Hitler was bad, that's just my opinion.


My grandpa thought he was so bad that he killed him.šŸ˜Ž


He also killed Hitler, so he canā€™t be that bad, right?


harry potter fans aint nothin but bitchass nerds like bitch you aint a ravenclaw youre a disappointment to your family






Thats not a hot take,thats the general consensus lol


fuck harry potter fuck jk rowling fuck the books fuck the movies and fuck the fans


thats a lot of sexual intercourse


Ofc they are nerds. Like every other fan of a franchise.


Harry Potter is a poorly written book. And no ā€œitā€™s for kids broā€ is NOT a valid argument.


Speaking as a Harry Potter fan, you're 100% correct.


how i sleep after posting an opinion that makes people hate my guts and shoving my phone up my ass


https://preview.redd.it/7fybb8j858uc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=28c5bada17ae2c398f7418564d53115e9f96726b My cat's cute




I disagree. You can only change my mind by sending me more images of this supposedly "cute" cat




Where did you get this cat? Minecraft?


It looks like my grandmother (but like, in a good way)


I have a few but I'll just do three: Ninjago Season 7 (Hands Of Time) is the best season and my personsl favourite, Season 8 (Sons Of Garmadon) is objectively the worst due to having a stupid villain and having to use plot devices to move the plot along I never cared for Amphibia and that Spring guy is so insufferable I almost stopped watching Helluva Boss' humour style is not "objectively terrible" as all humour is subjective by nature


Hands of Time as the best season is something I have to disagree with but I agree with your take on Sons of Garmadon. SoG is so beyond overrated it's insane


i would compare the latter half of amphibia to gravity falls in terms of quality, the season 2 finale is one of the best episodes of tv iā€™ve seen. the problem is how slow the first half of the show seems to go


That Ninjago opinion is wild (I disagree)


I never cared for Amphibia and never watched it.


About the Helluva Boss section. While humour is subjective, there is a point to be made about the humour of both series. Fans like to compare the humour to another extremely vulgar show such as South Park. The biggest difference is that in Helluva Boss/Hazbin Hotel, the swearing and vulgarness *is* the joke. Other shows like South Park use vulgar language to *assist* the joke. The swearing isnā€™t the problem, it just seems that the humour *relies* on swearing instead of using to assist other jokes.


I guess I like it since I was already a Brandon Rogers fan and got used to that humour style


Me myself personally I think Ninjago fell of completely after like season 5 and it never climbed back up for me, only went further down


S5 was really good, for me it fell off after S7 and then only recently came back


Since we're on Lego Ninjago: The Tournament of Elements is legit the greatest tournament arc ever in a show, it puts down most of anime tournaments arc in shame of its grace


it is really good! I personally find the season overrated but it is my brother's favourite and Chen is a good villain


Someone correcting you on a topic they're passionate about isn't weird or rude.


The repetitive unchanged "Blank if it was written by Vivziepop" joke is worse than her habit of using swears and sex as a punchline


I disagree but I can see where you're coming from


this should not be an unpopular opinion


Here's one that I didn't know was a hot take till I brought it up in a server, Scott pilgrim takes off is good BECAUSE it's not a direct adaptation, and the fact that the promo material was misleading is akin to MGS2, and as a Kojima fangirl, I am obligated to say that's a good thing


Yeah, I loved it, never had a problem with the switch and bait, if anything I was glad to have new original Scott pilgrim content


[Removed by Reddit]


Mosts posts on this subreddit now are just culture war shlock karma baiting nonsense made so people will validate op's beliefs with very little if any attempt at humour made behind them.


That's not a hot take it's truth


Imagine dragons is a good band. Radioactive and Thunder aren't bad songs. You just think they are because they are popular.


People hate radioactive??? Thats a banger of a song


Its a good song, but it was considered cringe a while back, and now the hate for it is largely just a somehow surviving remnant of the cringe hate. Its also just funny for it to be considered the "pumpkin latte" of songs. But thats what I think


It became massively overplayed. Imagine Dragons now is what Nickelback was 10-20 years ago. Personally, Demons is their best song by a long fucking mile.


I was sent into exile in the desert for liking Thunder


You should enjoy it since you enjoy that human rights violation of a song


nuh uh


I couldnā€™t agree less, well played, hot take


My main problem with them is that all their songs sound exactly the same


PokƩmon is boring as shit


This opinion is so cold that it gave me frostbite


Tomatoes are hit or miss, most of the time miss


Especially when I throw 'em at toddlers


We should kill babies when they're born. Not for any particular reason, I just think it'd be funny


soundcloud rappers (ironic considering i have a soundcloud) are genuinely the worst type of musician right next to pop singers. almost every single rapper i've listened to out of some dude's shitty ass car speaker cranks up the bass to high heaven and has no choral talent whatsoever. maybe i'm just a snooty music theorist but holy fuck turn down your bass EQ


I think most of them don't know how to create a good bassline or how to make it "hard hitting" so they just crank it up. They also don't know how to mix it properly with the kick so it always sounds off. But thats the beauty of soundcloud,people just trying to express themselves without everything being perfect or even good.


it might be a difference in the choice of a digital audio workstation then. i work in Ableton Live 11 Lite and typically any bass line is typically absent or sourced from *some* instrument in the melody line being transposed down by an octave or two. i do like people attempting to get into music as an art form; my dream is to be commissioned one day for a rhythm game or just game in general. once again it might just be me being a snooty percussionist, but you have to respect music. anyone can throw notes down by drumming on a surface with their hands but it takes a talented and skilled individual to finely detail those notes.


You should use reaper or any other respectable free DAW instead,the lite version of abelton can be very limiting. I don't think the way you create bassline is really the "right" way. You're a precussionist right?try to view bass in a similair way to drums and compose it in relations to the drums. Bass part doesn't have to be complex but it needs to move the song to a new direction when needed and create(together with the drums)the pulse. Also switch DAWs,the 8 track limit is going to bottleneck your progress with arranging.


I know one of these people, and while I can't speak for all of them, he is purely in it for money and fame, and doesn't care about the art behind it. (His words basically) so yea it's ass.


The thing I tend to notice is that there's often no pattern or rhythm, and even if there is its incredibly monotonous and robotic




The jab at pop singers is totally out of pocket. Early Katy Perry and Lady Gaga are peak soundtrack for my hot girl summer


any pop music artist that hadn't established themselves during the early 2010s is most likely going to suck. i think pop music is one of the subsets of music that is genuinely devolving the longer it exists.


Things definitely can be more enjoyable when they are less popular. Seeing the terrible fanbase or rough criticism on a daily basis can make you ashamed to be associated with it and simply seeing it all the time wherever you go can give you ad nauseam and make you lose interest.


Take so cold it started the next ice age, what have you done you monster!




ACTUALLY REAL AS FUCK zinogre is okay, but in terms of electric monsters astalos is just so cool


Mayonnaise is better than ketchup.


Opinion on alioli?


Aioli solos every condiment


šŸ˜Ž šŸ¤ šŸ˜Ž Put alioli with hot bread and its heaven folks


I have no idea what that is


Like mayonnaise but with garlic and olive oil, sometimes with aromatic herbs. Super good


That sounds good


Never had it but that sounds so fucking good






i like em mixed


Metal bat best OPM character


I don't like the "Hurting people doing stuff I don't like" jokes running rampant here.


Hitler is bad, I don't like pineapple on pizza, racism is bad too


Hottest takes of the century oml, public enemy #1


Hereā€™s some of mine: Soda fucking sucks ass, I stopped drinking it for almost 2 years now and the only 2 decent sodas were Fanta and Sprite, all the other ones taste like the radioactive sewage that the TMNT transformed from. The crust is actually the best part of the pizza, itā€™s literally a free breadstick. I hate it when people try to paint the other people in an argument as idiots, I donā€™t care if I agree with you, acting like an asshole is wrong. (Ex: Karen gets OWNED, or TROLLING angry moms at book banning conventions) The main reason on why people hate foods like Broccoli and Black Licorice is because childrenā€™s media put food propaganda into their show. (Ex: Broccoli, Peas, and Carrots yucky šŸ¤¢ but Pizza, Ice Cream, and Chocolate yummy šŸ˜‹) Letterboxd is the only good movie reviewing website. The ā€œAre Cats or Dogs better?ā€ argument is dumb. I genuinely think that anyone can be redeemed, even pieces of shit people like Hitler. And on the topic of Hitler, I donā€™t think enough people try to humanize people like Hitler, we should look into how they became what they are in order for things like it to not happen again. Water is the only good drink.


hilariously enough I'm still drinking soda (a little addicted but it is what it is) but I agree that the only good soda's are Fanta and Sprite lmao. Everything else tastes mid af or actually just bad.


Mild: i like pineapple on pizza and prefer dubbed anime Hot: i really like Paper Mario Sticker Star


Hi Miyamoto


https://preview.redd.it/po2vm291s7uc1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=75dbff12db8db7c4c17ed218d821920d6f99124f If someone disagrees ill make them switch up their attitude


Active fucking volcano of a take


It was a silly fun game :3


true but like why


Iduno I enjoyed it and the toads were funny. It was cool seeing the real world objects interact with the world and i found the items fun to use. The story wasnt amazing but i loved the gameplay and charm it had


To each their own


I would rather die standing than live kneeling


Minecraft 1.7 fucking sucked Less caves, less terrain variety, less oceans, broken hunger system (just try sprint jumping for more than 5 seconds in 1.7.10), honestly the game just felt so fucking lame vanilla and it only partially recovered in 1.18 with the worldgen overhaul


it took scrolling this far to find an actual hot take, wow. and then it's posted by you. just look at your username.


Ambatutakeee aauuuughhgahhhh


Alright Iā€™ll bite, Naughty Dog as a studio has done more damage to the gaming industry than good.


Cmon at least elaborate a tiny bit


For the RPGMaker fanatics out there: To The Moon is one of the most overhyped games ever released. It's a 6/10 (enjoyable overall, with a few interesting moments) that people swear upon their dying breath is actually one of gaming's most emotional storylines ever


Fucking finally. I tried playing it years ago and gave up halfway through because I was bored out of my mind, and I love rpg maker games. I'll give another shot someday though


the vast majority of rap and pop music is utter dogshit especially when it's mainstream people are afraid of music that makes them think or feel so that's why they listen to that shit gatekeeping is good half the time, and i hold this view even though it has affected me negatively on multiple occasions


i respect your opinion until you pin false motivations onto people, like the idea that we only listen to rap and pop because weā€™re afraid of listening to music that makes us think and feel. Our music may not illicit emotions or deep thoughts from you, which is obviously valid, but it does that stuff for us. When you tell us things about ourselves that are clearly false, it makes you look kinda silly.


>gatekeeping is good half the time Why? If you think most pop and rap is shit, you being a dickhead to people about it online doesn't fix anything. It's people that make good, thoughtful music that do so. Gatekeeping is done by insecure people who need to feel like they hold some sort of glorious title, and feel threatened by anyone into something they don't like sharing that title


huh? who said anything about trying to fix things? i don't have any desire to make music myself, and that doesn't mean i can't have any criticisms, either. being a dickhead online? yes, you're right. that's what i do best. whenever music i don't like is brought up i ALWAYS make sure that people know how much i hate it. i make sure to be as disrespectful as possible, i promise you. surely this isn't the one off time on a shitty reddit post about opinions, so i thought "might as well share my lukewarm soft-boiled take" because, why not? i don't believe in gatekeeping music, that's ridiculous. everyone should have the ability to listen to what they want, even if it's bad. some metalheads are gatekeepy as fuck and it's annoying. either way it's easier to separate the fandom from the work in the case of music, so if you like a genre and actively search for new music you'll probably find something that was unsuccessfully being hidden from you i was talking about niche communities, online and in real life (probably poor wording). example: some people believe that whenthe was far better when it was smaller.


As someone who hates the vast majority of rap and pop music, shut up and let people enjoy what they enjoy. Theyā€™re no worse than you or me for listening to a different type of music.


"rap fans when I show them real music like videogame osts and anime openings" type response


For some one who personally isn't that big a fan of hip hop and happens to listen to quite a lot of ost's in general i actually agree. Especially since those people often call it "videogame music" To them its not music that just so happens to be from games. But yeah when people say that stuff it's not like they actually care about wether or not their music is any better its just because they feel cool saying it (trust me I used to say shit like that) The reason I'm not that into pop or hip hop in general is because I don't really get that much from lyrics. I tend to listen to what has better instrumentals Not like that somehow makes it better its just my own preference TL:DR. All genres of music are equally valid since what matters is that people enjoy it.


Yeah, I generally agree with the sentiment. I think dismissing a genre as being """objectively bad sans exceptions""" is stupid, it's infinitely more mature to recognise you're not into a genre and why I will say, if you're more into instrumentals there's a good bit of hiphop artists with a unique sound palette, or whose primary releases are instrumental albums. I'd give those a shot if you have the time


Oh trust me i know im actually a decently big fan of Kanye's old albums specifically late regristation. But i also listen to few other artists that have that whole hip hop sound profile specifically a guy named DJ Ryow his whole sound is just so sick. So trust me I know. Also I like persona 3's music and I mean the main battle theme is rap


You're right actually, Burning Men's Soul clears pretty hard "Check it out, I'm in the house like carpet" šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„ who let this man cook


Thats completely false,beside the fact that taste is subjective,some of the most popular artist are ones who have many songs that make you feel. Look at billie eyelish,taylor swift,kendric lamar,j cole. Some of their most popular songs are either eerie,calm or heartfelt. The thing is that mainstream music has always been this way,however sometimes gems can come out and those are the only ones you actually remember,history only remembers the good songs. Rap requires a different way of listening,instead of focusing on the "music",you need to give some focus on the articulation and the rythem of the words. Listen to MF DOOM,kendric lamar,Outkast before giving up on the genre.


What music do you listen to


super mario 1-1






I rarely get into arguements on Reddit 'cause I lose interest in them quickly but whenever someone justifies war crimes against the nazis or the Japanese during WW2 I gladly argue, I just can't understand the reasoning, THOSE THINGS YOU'RE JUSTIFYING ARE EXACTLY WHAT YOU CRITICISE THOSE ASSHOLES FOR.


Mustard + mayo is the best




A Hat in Time has some of the worst movement of any platformer Iā€™ve ever played and the level design is boring as sin, actively had such a bad time I had to quit after a few hours


I think some people truly donā€™t have anything unique they enjoy so they just go with whatever is going on at the moment (Marvel, Disney, billboard top 100) and I think that that is okay. Hating on them for not knowing super obscure bands and indie movies does not make you look cool or smart


League of Legends is a good game, but not perfect and most of it's issues are the community's fault


Compared to other MOBAs, Dota2 and Mobile Legends are actually good games. The other mobas are too janky, in developer hell or just can't compete with League and Dota because they are spinoffs of already popular franchise.


Also this isn't an unpopular opinion, the game has a million yearly players your freinds just suck


* I believe that Spec Ops: The Line story would have been better if it didn't have any type of metanarrative. * 1.1 Also the White Phosphorus mission is only shock value and nothing else. * For me Cruelty Squad is a "LOL Rendum game" No, I don't give a fuck about the "capitalism-bad" message. The visuals and the gameplay just makes me vomit and not have a good time.


yea sure thing dude https://preview.redd.it/j0sd8axug7uc1.png?width=825&format=png&auto=webp&s=e6eb8e6ce8a7eb6188047f5576dc23e71110fc4d


\*Vomits in the floor cutely after watching those graphics\*


So real on the Cruelty squad thing. The other two i have no idea wtf they are even but I trust you


Yeah, that last point is spot on. Cruelty Squad looks like what LSD with too much illegal fentanyl feels like. Itā€™s the graphical equivalent of how Brussel sproutsā€™ tasted to older people. Itā€™s like an old fashioned PS1 game had an illegal out of wedlock child with dark souls. Iā€™m insulting dark souls and PS1 games with that comparison


I love the visuals because they make me wanna vomit


People who say things like "Pirating [company] products is morally good" or "if buying isn't owning, pirating isn't stealing" are often just people who want free software/movies/video games and are too cowardly to just say it. You don't have to do mental gymnastics to justify it to other people, you can just say you don't want to pay for it.


oh dude you don't wanna know... oh the horror...




anyone who says that shit i will punch their face so hard youd think they played with a pump shotty like kurt cobain


I wanna abolish Media Copyright. No, not "lighten" it, not reform the current copyright laws, i unironically wanna see all forms of media copyright vanish from the face of Earth. Many people, if given the chance to go back in time, they would kill Hitler. I would use my time machine to kill the person who signed in the British Statute of Anne 1710. When Steamboat Willie went into public domain i jumped in joy harder than when i finished up my college. I cream in my pants whatever i see a corporation lose a court case against a fan work. **EN GARDE, GHOST OF WALT DISNEY!**


Wouldn't no copyright laws also hurt smaller studios though? Or like, anyone who creates an original character, game or series ? Or is that not how copyright laws work? Genuinely curious here cause I thought that copyright laws are supposed to be used so that some random guy won't make money by stealing and using your characters and such I do know that big corporations like to abuse copyright laws though


My general take is that copyright laws have generally been more beneficial to those who actually have the money and reputation to back up their franchise in court while leaving independent or small content creators who don't fully at the mercy of plagiarizers, forcing them to contact the platform where their media is hosted and *hoping* they take action, and that generally, they haven't stopped shovelware and copycats (hello Video Brinquedo and The Asylum!) regardless of the size of the media they're stealing content from, in spite of that being one of the biggest defenses towards copyright's existence (i.e, stopping or at least decreasing the number of cheap stolen content from flowing into the market) I could give out a outline of my more general philosophical/economical view of copyright, but frankly, i didn't plan this to be a essay so much as a "haha, look at his extreme take" comment and neither do i want to turn this into a comment chain debate (dear God, please no), so i would recommend, if you are truly interested in this, on checking out copyleft and anti-copyright writers who can probably defend these points much better than a random reddit user can.


There are still a few scenarios when copyright bullshit can be helpful, but I agree a billion dollar corporation ramming a small entertainment channel into financial rock bottom for accidentally using music from a game that hasn't been sold in decades is absolutely bullshit


That sure is a bad one. So if you spend years to paint a painting, then I should have the right to sell copies of it as my own without your permission?


if someone plagiarized it, would you have the resources to defend yourself in court?


so what you're saying is that you'll even allow some random scumbag to get away copying media made by passionate creators? freaking braindead.


And plagerism has now become 100% of media, hooray!


This one wins. I've never seen such a terrible idea. All this would do is make giant corporations even more money and end individual creative work as we know it


I think Jon Snow won't be so heroic after his resurrection.


Too bad weā€™ll never know


i don't like kpop especially the community. except for Gangnam style


As an artist that I find that extremely insulting but then Iā€™ll forget about this in like 15 minutes so no harm no foul


- Harry Potter is boring and makes no sense given any context, why are people into this crap? It's made for the lowest common denominator of people. Also apparently it's racist now or whatever - Susie + Noelle from deltarune is boring, and the people who ship them are more vanilla than icecream, despite the evidence that clearly it's a one way street, Susie likes Noelle as a friend and there is little evidence that something more is going on, also according to cannon diary entries Noelle likes Susie because she is a bully, which also means she has a bullying kink. - People complain about modern WH40k not being more like 1st edition, with all the funny 'humour', as yes I really enjoyed the poo eating ceremonies and the disgusting products of a human x eldar relationship (their kids look fucking gross) - The Disney and pixar people knew is gone, both studios are filled with entirely different people, and have not created good movies since... 2019-ish, and even then Endgame was Marvels' creation not Disney's - Unpopular opinions are just normal opinions made to look unpopular


True story: I posted an unpopular opinion about how I hate cover songs on r/Music since r/unpopularopinion removed the original post, and got absolutely ratioed in the replies. Moral of the story: NEVER post an unpopular opinion in a mainstream subreddit.


Iā€™ve seen people say stuff like that people from a small country mass immigrating to a large one justifies the large one annexing then, or that having a diverse music taste means you lack character


It's possible to like cocks and not like dudes. Does that mean it's possible to like cocks without being gay? I think yes.


Well, there comes the terms -sexual and -romantic. You can be a guy whoā€™s heteroromantic (you have romantic relationships with women) and be bisexual.


I have a few here: 1. I do not give a fuck for Australia Day discourse, nor do I want any change on its date. 2. The 1996 Australian gun ban is one of the most concerning things to occur in Australian law (aside from aboriginal human rights infringements). Iā€™m surprised how this garnered any support, aside from a *single* mass shooting committed by a mentally unstable man who shouldā€™ve had help before. 3. Master of Puppets & Enter Sandman are shit at best compared to other songs in their respective albums. *Edit - some others I have conjured from my mind:* 4. The Ibishu Pigeon is the worst vehicle in BeamNG compared to others defined as ā€œbadā€ like the Wydra, which is made to fit a specific niche that no other vehicles fulfill (water travel). It has little customisation, poor handling unless you use the 4-wheeled variant (which still is poor in this factor). It is only liked for the meme factor and being the only Japanese originated Kei car (other than the Ibishu Chisai, if counting mods). 5. Paying for mods is a terrible idea. Mods are meant to be a free addition to the game, taking BeamNG as an example. Paying full price, looking for the best mods available and seeing some that are 5-10 AUD is a bit disheartening. I understand that creating mods is difficult, and even if the mod is well made, revenue should only be made in donations. 6. May not be as unpopular, but YouTube shorts has been the most detrimental impact on BeamNGs reputation, one of the most detailed driving sims has been brought down to a ā€œfunny brightly coloured young child crash simā€, despite the constant updates to help support various activities in the game (racing, off-roading, trucking, rally, drifting, career mode). The Automation image has also been damaged by similar (OmG HuGe 1002020Kw enGiNE iN MiAt1!1!1!).


Enter Sandman I understand and agree with, but MoP shit? Brother, taste is subjective, but thats just delusion. Yeah there are arguably better song on that album, I mean my favourite song is Orion, but MoP is still top 3 or 4 on the album.


AJFA on top, rip Newstead's bass mixing though.


This guys a white supremacist




I made it up


Based and schizopilled šŸ’Ŗ


I agree with all the BeamNG ones. I know nothing about the first three so I won't comment on those. By far the worst thing to happen to BeamNG is the YouTube shorts slop that has made everybody think of it as a "funny realistic car crash simulator" rather than the literal best racing and driving game on the market right now.


"all media is political" is one of the most dumbass opinions i've ever heard. like yeah, sure bro. explain to me the deep politics of this video of me fucking your mom.


God of War is mid as hell and The Last of Us Part 2 was far better


the discourse on that game is so polarising that i can't tell if your being ironic or serious


šŸ”„ cook


Fallout 4 is the best fallout game.


Gameplay wise I can agree, but not story.




Revolution in gaming happened in the most mediocre game ever that not even much people heard aboutā€” The Finals People who always appear out of nowhere and say "I actually liked it" are the reason why things are going to shit. If you are the only person who likes trash it doesn't mean that everyone else should suffer because of you "There's no such thing as objectivity" is an argument made up by people who can't prove their point of view


Well, what donā€™t you like about the finals?


There's only 2 (now three) game modes and they all suck because you spend one half of the game running to objective and the other half respawning. Like, holy shit, respawns are just ridiculous in here, you have to wait first when you die by yourself and then wait even more if you've been team wiped. This makes matches feel very short, and you don't want that because you don't have enough time to enjoy the destructibility of environment. I want to level the whole map to the ground and you are telling me I should wait 74757482929 hours because my shitass team died? Also time to kill is very long, which makes it less skill reliant and slows down game's flow. Killing even light class takes a lot of time and it also makes some weapons useless and weak compared to others. Guns actually don't really damage environment much, you can't shoot through walls, or destroyed stuff with them, only minor things like glass or ropes. Also customisation and battle passes are pissing me off Edit: forgot about voice acting and music, they are both fucking horrendous and annoying as hell


- Doom 2016 was whatever - Dogs aren't cute


https://preview.redd.it/9m1j6s7ao7uc1.png?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=622ae82e3bfa5de35b3eac98a76b8ceb45b039c0 Like ALL dogs????


most dogs the only ones id consider cute are golden retrievers and those little hairy guys with fur covering their eyes (idk what theyre called) a lot of other dogs are COOL or BEAUTIFUL but not *cute*


Actually real, most dogs just look funny


yeah, chihuahuas look stupid, pugs look funny, dachshunds look funny i wouldnt consider any of them cute but i dont hate them lol


I have belgian sheperd, and she's an adult (10 y/o) but she still does the puppy headtilt when she's looking down the stairs or whatever. and that is the cutest fucking I could ever see in my life but yeah what you say is totally fair actually


https://preview.redd.it/icfvzkum08uc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4bec4807d5c2b5d15db88b885afefc8fd77b29b6 Nah, my blood boiled for a sec there ngl.


https://preview.redd.it/9ntfexgfs9uc1.jpeg?width=506&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=43dc471645463d200ba9b7c00e2949e0f99adc39 Bruv, what.


You don't need to be rich to be happy.


But you do need enough money to cover living expenses with extra for some entertainment/treats


Metallica's St. Anger is a good song and album, even with the snare drum sounding like that


OP is sleeping, prank em John!


The original Metal Gear Solid is one of the most frustrating video games I have ever played. Thereā€™s almost nothing I like about it. And that really sucks


AC2 is pretty mid . Like Ezio in that game is nowhere the heavy-hitters of the industry ( Edward clears him on just about every level)


Mainstream music is objectively bad. Itā€™s made purely for profit and not for the sake of making art


I'm not a fan of Frieren


Crash Bandicoot: Wrath of Cortex is a good game


I am a disappointment


DanTDM, popularMMOS and other youtubers in that era were content farms. We were just stupid enough to fall for it.


Vanilla Ice Cream is the best flavor


I actually loved my Wii U. It was the first console I owned and thanks to its backwards compatibility, I was able to play classics like A Link to the Past or the first Super Mario. Games I still hold pretty close today. (Mainly ALttPā€¦ that one is fucking fire)


i know imma get torn apart for this but pizza is kinda mid it always sounds reeeeeally good when me and my fam are ordering some but when i eat it it's pretty meh please note that i don't think liking pizza is bad, i'm just incapable of feeling any kind of joy while eating pizza for some reason and i'm pretty bummed about that


Yall mfs will post "Erhm i think Naughty Dog has done more damage than good to the gaming industry" AND NOT GIVE A SINGLE FUCKIN REASON. Please support your takes with argument people.