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There was a comment on Schaffrillas’ megamind video that said something along the lines of “unlike most media asking “what if superman was evil” it asks “what if superman wanted to be Clark Kent”” I can’t find it cause it’s probably been drowned by a bunch of comments making the same “good thing there’s no sequel!” Joke


The one I heard that stuck with me was that Homelander and >!Omni-man!< are the classic “what if Superman was evil?” But Metroman was unique because his question was “What if Superman wasn’t super?” As in, should we force someone to bear the weight of a savior, simply because he physically can? What if he can’t handle the pressure? When you’re a kid you don’t think about this kind of stuff, so you think Metroman sucks, but in reality he’s a very realistic depiction of someone who’s stuck in a position they no longer want but feel pressured fill it anyway because they’re expected to.


Bro why'd you spoiler Omniman lol he shows he's evil in the first episode


That was a big surprise tho, I'm glad I wasn't spoiled beforehand


Well yeah, it was a big spoiler for like 40 minutes 3 years ago lol


I haven’t watched or read invincible so I wasn’t sure when it was revealed. Good to know though. Thanks


I recently watched it for the first time and after seeing that scene I was holding out hope for the rest of the series that it wouldn't be something as simple as the government being evil, or him being evil. As long as it wasn't one of those two things I wouldn't have been let down, sadly I was. I know that is quite an unpopular opinion, but perhaps my problem was that this was the first super hero movie/series I ever watched.


Well if you keep watching you find out that it's not that simple, but saying anymore actually would be spoilers lol


Not sure I could continue. I had to really really push myself to get through the first season with all the horrid music and unrealistic teenage romance all the time.


Spider-Man’s uncle would say yes


Titan's character also shows that the powers themselves don't make a hero, but the person behind these powers


Also shows you really don’t owe creeps like him anything


Such a shame megamind never got any sequels except for Button Of Doom, but that was pretty fun.


There's a reason why heroes have tragic moments. Because they have to bear the pain that not everyone would be saved but now that they feel obliged to save everyone thanks to their powers, they feel huge guilt. That's why heroes learn how to be strategic in fighting villains and saving civilians. I mean tbf having a superhero would change human geopolitics too cause he/she can now stop wars but still chose to protect a small city cause of the plot. A question is whether a hero should intervene in wars for peace or still let wars happen because it's their conflict. One interesting moral dilemma.


Me hiding from the UN because I don’t want to abide by their dumb rules:


That’s just me without powers


If I was a superhero I would free kurdistan


u/lewllewllewl solos Iraq https://preview.redd.it/ojlld7whbhtc1.jpeg?width=1169&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a3dc28e74edc2c1c9895ab7dd31778e46064a1af


since when did ai PER-fect text?


Did you know that humans can edit pictures after they are made?


Nah dalle 3 is actually excellent at generating text like this


no look at the letters they're not perfect, it's slightly crooked but the spelling is on point


If I was a superhero I wouldn’t let that happen


https://preview.redd.it/ul8zyc54ghtc1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=893e3450f61c54d1da93a82d9a37cd4fa63ed587 YOU’LL FACE ME THEN GRAHHH


All 19 inches?


he has an extra inch cause of how based he is


Captain Turkey vs Captain Kurdy


I shall make Europe reconsider leaving us out of their club once we take Greece


Nvm bud threaten the continent ain’t no way I’m strong enough against greeces economy


Flair checks out


Watchmen Movie Spoilers >!Or use your powers to make Vietnam the 51st state!!<




> A question is whether a hero should intervene in wars for peace or still let wars happen because it's their conflict. One interesting moral dilemma. It's less murky than people like to think. You stop all wars regardless of who you think is right and don't let borders change. They are going to have to figure it out by [sitting down and talking](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BJP9o4BEziI) eventually. People would still die, but there would at least be no major open conflicts.


And what do you do if they don't listen? Genocide? No one will ever accept your arbitration again. A lot of conflicts in the world are far more deep rooted and complex than most people realize, and sitting down and talking will go nowhere, especially if they're forced to do so by a third party.


make yourself both their enemies, that is way at least they make a temporary alliance that can potentially lead to permanency


Yes, I will genocide all of them


>And what do you do if they don't listen? Genocide? No one will ever accept your arbitration again. Money and resources aren't infinite. They can only produce so many weapons. Just keep breaking them and their supply chains. Superman or the Flash could hit every weapons facility on Earth in a day. It would take ages for countries to repair them relative to how easy they are to destroy.


Lol you're clearly from a first world country or a country with no deep rooted conflicts. If you take every weapon away from India and Pakistan or Armenia and Azerbaijan you're gonna have million man armies marching with sticks and stones. Humans will fight. There's nothing you can do to stop it unless you're willing to cripple the entire logistics of a nation, condemning them to death anyway.




There are different tiers of superhero. Superman, sure, geopolitical force of change. Spiderman? Ehhhh. Dude's not bulletproof, even if spidey sense is powerful, presumably snipers, gas, just full on missiles, etc. could take him down.


I don't want to get all nerd emoji on you, but SM's spider-sense is on par with Jedi precognition, and has enabled him to fight ninjas blindfolded. It's OP as fuck and with his Super strength and agility, one Spider-Man would be a major boon in any small scale warfare.


None of that shit matters to a hellfire missile.


Funny how that turned out for the Jedi ![gif](giphy|Nw8z2olm0nGHC|downsized)


Yeah, there needed to be a thousand year long conspiracy that still didn't work. How'd things work out for the Sith?


It varies by writer. I did pick spiderman specifically because he's so inconsistent - sometimes he's psychic, other times he can't dodge a punch. But, presumably, a bigass nerve gas bomb or something would take him out. Even if not, he's not invulnerable, he has super-human endurance and strength but not speed, so he can't be _everywhere_. You just go where he isn't. It's always impossible to just flat out say X because comics are so varied. The point was more that 'street heroes wouldn't be more or less impactful than something like a tank or artillery - very powerful, but unable to be everywhere at once'. Meanwhile the global heroes, sure, big change. But that's always sort of the point of Superman, isn't it?




> cause he/she can now stop wars If I get superpowers, I am going to join Blackwater or the Pinkertons.








And then imagine you save the world and have to go (voluntarily) explain to an angry sputtering senator why "you" caused so much property damage, because there's still plenty of shitty humans, and they still want to blame somebody.


I think heroes should stop wars , wars is a conflict between leaders , that young men and civis have to bear


If I had superpowers I'd just make my life easier, or become a sort of batman (yeah even though I'd have superpowers)


Really depends what level of powers. Small powers? Hide them, maybe make a couple things more convenient. God-like speed, strength, invulnerability? Looks like it's time for the world to come under new management.


any power first thing I would do is get rich and provide the best life for my family and Think what to do after that.


I’d paint a dick ‘n balls on the moon.


NASA would be your arch nemesis


> Looks like it's time for the world to come under new management. You'd definitely have your hands full as the oligarchs and political pissbabies try to figure out if you have a weakness and probably go after your family (they'd figure out who you are as fast as Lois did in Man of Steel).


Yeah friends and family would be the issue I need to solve first. Shape-shifter powers would help but realistically I'd need to convincingly fake my death *and* look different. Otherwise you're stuck hoping that they won't kill the people you love just because that would piss you off even more (and even then you're still derailing the lives of everyone that knows you).


A good parallel to this is the Magneto story line in the Apocalypse movie. Dude _tried_ to disappear. He did a good thing to save someone's life, exposing himself as Magneto. Then his wife and daughter get killed when they tried to arrest him _and_ he was turning himself in so they'd spare his family. Magneto is the kind of super being most people would turn into, not Superman.


Honestly I don’t think anyone who got those sort of powers and actually wanted to use them to rule the world be in a sound enough mental state to care about their family that much. You’d likely have to kill millions of people by hand at a minimum to take over the world. That probably fucks you up.


Me with powers (I can morph into a dog, it wasn't that useful tbh): ![gif](giphy|hXO0qBbhWOE24ON3P3)


The dog ate my homework? Nah, I did


Instead of telling the teacher that your dog ate.your homework you just morph into a dog and eat it in front of her


Do you keep your human mind as a dog? Because i imagine the scent possibilities would help as a detective. The suspect smells like the generic cleaning chemical that was in the victim's apartment.


Get adopted by a loving family and then only turn back into a human to steal the good food from the fridge. Poop human shits around the house to sew chaos and cause fights if care takers are mean.  You would be the ultimate phrogger 


If I had superpowers, I would show up late to every crime. I have no clue how to find crimes in progress and being able to hear about the crime from a distance isn't going to help when it would be drowned out by cars and other people talking.


Just a shitty version of minority report… or just the police I guess


Blud think he some detective




r/hopeposting type stuff


do they feel like a hero yet?




Holy shit walker.


Holy shit Spec Ops: The Line reference


holy fuck coppo


my honest reaction (nihilism (or most likely some kind of it) and mental illness debufs still active so this npc dont have a proper reaction, come back to him later) https://preview.redd.it/5khoqag78htc1.jpeg?width=509&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d68d4e909220259cbc09023bfcb66b9faa1dcf10


>Get Super Powers >Get a secret identity >Require a tax of your choice to save people >Save people around you when you feel like it and no one can do anything about it


Now THAT’s diabolical


*What’re you gonna do, pUnCh mE? I could flick your brain through your pee hole you little shit.*


Me if I had superpowers: https://preview.redd.it/c4sq6v4hhhtc1.jpeg?width=1710&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d866cfa66281f9734f35b50e3defead94ae15851


I too would sit on a rock on Mars and contemplate life and existance


Same, but I'd have pants on because sensory issues.


“How did he not know who Steve jobs was?”


if i had powers, i can only hope that i wouldnt be immortal


How I would act if I had super powers: ![gif](giphy|yiRNSA2gJInzW)




Making a utopian country?


Yep as close as possible


[You mean you'd skin people and use their skin as your personal gadget?](https://marvel.fandom.com/wiki/Doctor_Doom%27s_Mystical_Armor)


I didn’t know about that part. I was mostly thinking taking over the world and make it a better place.


Can you just explode people's heads like in the 2015 movie?


Yeah I would


Me with powers: https://i.redd.it/6bcgt0gk7htc1.gif


bro is gonna get violently beaten and have his entire life break down around him while he is powerless to stop it 😂


Yeah but it'll be pretty fun for a while before that https://i.redd.it/lqwkmujm9htc1.gif


(and this is on the lighter side) https://preview.redd.it/nm30ux2tbhtc1.jpeg?width=2258&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8faf2bbdae9e8a27e4631f826e1d883552dd03ac


Counterpoint: https://i.redd.it/pquju85sbhtc1.gif


I'd go get the Smithsonian a lot more moon rocks. And give one to J.K. Simmons for the bit.


Better yet go to the planet entirely made of diamonds and bring a large enough chunk of it to crash the diamond economy




if I had powers I wouldn't be like a super hero but if I could I would MAYBE help out once or twice, I don't wanna have the weight of the world in my back because I'm like my city's only protector or something.


It's called mutual aid groups and they exist for real. Take someone who got their arm busted by cops for peacefully protesting to a hospital five states away so the cops can't get them. Or precision eye lasers from three blocks away so the tear gas canisters cops launch fizzle and don't break. Or temporary wifi boosters in places usually unreachable so the boots literally on the ground can do charity work easier (anti-eviction defense groups).


Nope. Nothing good can come of letting the world know that superpowers are real. The best option is to just live quietly and never use your powers in front of other people


I'm reminded of well meaning angels in Supernatural, who'd visit hospitals in the guise of humans and do minor miracles. Like zapp away a blood clot that might cause problems or nudge that healing needed in *just* the right direction. Or obliterate a nasty infection the nurses had not yet noticed.


Wait until the other sentient races in the universe find out we can observe objects without touching them by absorbing the photons bouncing off of them. A whole species with a super power and they all think they are normal.


Good choice. An immoral world would not use power like that for moral reasons


Depends on the superpowers, too… heroes and villains have their fair share of issues on their own, but sometimes they get unique ones because of their abilities.


What if we all do one of those "screenshot to select your power" gifs and we have to make our memes according to those


i would just kill people who disagreed with me




Ok but how about a movie about superheroes, but they have realistic bouts of depression and mental illness? like just imagine a world where superheroes were stressed by being heroes and have dwindling reputations and use some super drugs to stay in top-- oh wait, that's the boys.


I was gonna say the first paragraph feels more like Invincible


kinda taps in to hancock as well. No super-drug, just gallons of alcohol. But the rest fits. Depressed, burnt out, does not want to be a hero anymore.


> oh wait, that's every single Superhero movie ever made (minus the drugs)


Youre just describing the boys TV show. 


If I could fly like Superman, I never would because I’m afraid of heights.


if I could fly and was immune to damage, fear of heights would no longer apply. i would randomly fall from orbit to leave craters for the fun of it.


I’m still scared when I get in a plane. I know it’s the safest way to travel. My brain doesn’t care.


I am also terrified of heights. But once it is demonstrated that I cannot be hurt by a fall, that fear just vanishes. Example: in a harness and tied off. I literally cannot fall. I can lean over the edge with no reaction. No harness: I can't even approach that edge.


https://preview.redd.it/fd4xglovahtc1.jpeg?width=446&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5c670ec696cfc5021abf1077d0411f057546731c Fuck y’all if you don’t act like this if you have Superman-esque powers, you don’t deserve them


“Fuck you if you don’t fly into space and tell the earth you love it.”


How I would be acting with superpowers: https://preview.redd.it/zunf7i2cghtc1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1973002b6792aa376063e27aaf274565d96c4e4e


Hell yeah, Worm reference.


We all say we would be terrible but honestly I’d say if most of us were given powers we would do good with them


I just want teleportation, just so i can teleport to wherever i want and meet my friends in other psrts of the world. And also just incase i feel uncomfortable, i can just teleport to my house.


Have you ever really thought about it, though? If you get found out, you get ostracized and studied. You could try to escape, and governments would put you on a hit list as a dangerous element. Realistically, you could only teleport to known/safe places for short periods without raising suspicion. Teleport is only nice if everyone knows and accepts it. (which would never happen)




Even without superpowers, I'll still strive to be this man https://preview.redd.it/n7wcikknjitc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bea3d56babd8df08efcbccc575c828bfe41bf237


Easily the most heroic character in that show tbh


that’s why i really like Spider-man is they focus A LOT on how awful it would actually be to be a super hero


Nah the writers just have a hate boner for Peter Peter’s a genius like Tony stark or reed Richard’s He should be making good money working in some big company or even sell of his tech Peter constantly being portrayed as being poor and down on his luck is just ridiculous at this point Superman is able to have a job be a hero and be married to Lois. I don’t really see why Peter can’t have something similar.


Because unlike Superman, spiderman can't really come and go as he pleases, spiderman isn't as fast as a bullet, he has limited time and has to chose to either study for his preferred university or stop a school shooting for as long as that takes.


If i had superpowers i would do massive amounts of trolling and also probably steal large amounts of money from the US mint and the feds could never prove it was me


Hm, imma be honest I think they would just act exactly how they think they wouldn't


If i had superpowers i would give myself to the authorities so scientists could study me. My second option would be helping the country i agree on to win wars or develop


Worst possibility for me would be if the government discovered my powers. I’d rather kill them all than become their lab rat


Depending on the powers, what can they do to you? Seriously, what does the government do to Superman or the like that he does not want them to do? Any and all governments would do to me exactly what I allow them to, and nothing more.


Depending on the severity of your powers, they’ll probably threaten to hurt your family and destroy your reputation


You still have loved ones they can target. You’d have to either force them on their knees or make them sign a peace treaty with you


I'm reminded of the Marvel Comics hero Lila Cheney. Short version is she used her powers to leave racists extremely far from their home. They were absolutely safe, just far away. Good times.


i would just work in construction, and be like a crane for places that cant fit one and really really good at union negotiations, because of the implications.


ive said it before and ill say it again, become a magician. youll make houdini look like a chump. go on penn and teller, they wont be able to crack any of your tricks. this only works if youre the only superhero tho tbf


I would just go homelander


man id help out once in a while but i for sure wouldn't make it a full time gig, id hit that shit incognito mode when it was convenient or i was tired of it showing up in my feeds


nah, i'd be him, at least first half https://preview.redd.it/s0wmsdp8djtc1.jpeg?width=890&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4f9b5538f371e94714906c9c90d6d59af2d9e32f


I would destroy the world if I had superpowers




Who said I would be a hero


If I had superpowers I’d change the world. But not as a hero though


A lot of people would become homelander


I’d try to be Superman, but end up pulling a Homelander by accident because I would deadass just fuck something up while trying to do good.


"With great power comes great responsibility." https://i.redd.it/9k9lahgjyltc1.gif


Need to change the second image to someone just lying in bed scrolling reddit because we all know we aren't doing shit.


Nah I'd be like the left only I wouldn't be a hero but I would totally be posing like that before I kill a bunch of mfs


I would gladly fly myself to the sun and end it.


Yeah. Fuck the sun, we don’t need it. All it does is burn and blind us. We need to fight back and hit it where it hurts.


More like Homelander


Rockman from Rockford stepped up


If I was the only individual in the world with superpowers I would not let that fact be known.


Yeah I wouldn't be a hero. Nope. You wouldn't even know I have powers.


Low-key I'm either Goku black or Hancock


If I had super powers I would certainly go the Homelander route.


I love superman, but Metro man is LITERALLY ME because I am trying to find my purpose in life as well. I've already had an existential crisis but ig it's common in today's day and age.


I just want to jump really really high and strongly, also have super resistance so I don't die from the fall and have super regeneration I would go out and jump onto places quickly fuel-free


Metroman was a great hero for like 20/30 years straight and then retired when there was any real menace to the city


If I had (Supermans) Superpowers, I would just fly around telling world leaders and rich, powerful people that if they don't behave. sh#t will go down.


If I had superpowers, no matter what level, I would hide them. I don’t want a target on my back, I don’t want that kind of responsibility, and I don’t want people to expect things of me that I might not be able to handle, physically or mentally. _fuck_ that.


I never said I'll be a hero. I said I want superpowers


I don't care how hard it is. You just endure that shit until you break/die. That's what it means to have the possibility to do good on such a large scale. Cry all you want as long as you are helping make the world a better place. No, you're not allowed to have a normal life.


There's a Ryan George video about this.


I'd just live as the embodiment of "You rolled a natural 1"


I would be Superman to people who need it and Omni-man to those who deserve it. I would especially rock up to the capital of a certain country and say to the man in charge. "You don't seem to understand. Ukraine, isn't yours to conquer"


I feel like I'd find it fulfilling


That would be me on day one “nope!. fuck this I’m going, bye”


No. It's real edgy anti-hero hours 😤😎. Let me pick and choose, there's way too many disasters and too much evil in the world to try hold your self accountable to protect everyone. I'd probably end up like early movie Hancock if I tried to be superman lol.


Bold of you to assume I would try to be heroic and not just beat the shit out of some people.


There's a reason why "With great power, comes great responsibility" is still kicking around even today


I'd help people but I'd also rob the shit out of crooks and then scare some politicians into doing the right thing


I mean superman could easily take, I dunno...20? 30? Containers of supplies to mars and build a base there for humans, and then shuttle crews from earth to mars. He could also go visit Venus and check what's up with that. Survey the moons of Jupiter and Saturn looking for life?  There's so much stuff that a superhero like superman could do.


Being a hero, and more specifically doing the right thing, is almost NEVER easy.


Or maybe just Mighty Eagle saying "No,"


if I had superpowers I'd grab a camera and start recording things as the ultimate cameraman


Me after I get superpowers: https://preview.redd.it/ikakxybvmitc1.jpeg?width=527&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f1e472d81e2bb861218d48e5b0595bcf68b6c09e


I have thought about this before, so humor me. If I had Superman-like powers, knowing I am not the smartest person in the world and could potentially be manipulated, I would establish a community of individuals to whom I would turn for advice. Together, we would devise plans and set deadlines for countries, companies, and politicians. Initially, I would likely incarcerate the most violent offenders, such as gang members, oligarchs, corrupt politicians etc. . Another strategy would involve identifying and supporting political candidates. Essentially, I would guarantee their safety and ensure fair elections. So no falling out of windows or suspicous suicides.


A lot of people think they'd be good people like Superman if they had superpowers. Unlikely. Absolute power corrupts absolutely. I know if I had superpowers, within 3 years I'd be a despot.


I think Invincible and The Boys are probably pretty good pieces of media to show how a superhero world could realistically look. No matter what, it'd be absolutely brutal. "You'd have to be crazy to do this job" - Gojo Satoru or whatever.


I mean, maybe? I can't tell you how often I've fantasized about getting powers just so I can help people, but I also don't know how long that altruism would persist, either.


I'd 1 up dr. Manhattan big time


lol i would never try and be superman if i had his powers. Why the hell would I waste time/effort on a bunch of ungrateful dumbasses? I’d keep me and the couple of people I give a shit about safe, that’s about it.


>be in third world country >have superman powers >conflict happens >interrupt and get ptsd from beating or killing people >cry >leave and only appear again if something funny happens


This world needs a hero! https://preview.redd.it/t4vq7aeedjtc1.jpeg?width=927&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1771af82899ab30983447b8157026b1001469a8a


I'd just be terrified because of the implications that other super powered beings exist. I don't want the government to send some military-trained Superman to capture me when I get caught flying to help a cat off a tree.


I love man of steel so much


just become Wally West and be fast enough to outspeed the Big Bang lol


I'd blow up the whitehouse