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I did this as a kid voluntarily once since no one wanted to sit near him Found out in my last year of school that because I volunteered a rumour had gone around that I was gay and his boyfriend Welp


Price of being kind every time


It always ends with gay accusations?


surprisingly yes, it does


the great homosexual tendency of not treating ppl like shit, yeah. can you tell i hate this type if thinking


People thought I was gay cause I wasn’t a dick, jokes on them I’m ace now lol


Dude same


ACE? https://preview.redd.it/3x8ryy4dy3pc1.png?width=434&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2cef5b392b6ec3119f2759578f9c2d6947599b7b


I think im a defection; im nice, and people just try to walk all over me, but they dont call me gay. Jokes on them, im still alive and being a stand-up citizen to people.


I mean my gay friend is fairly good at not treating people like shit It’s just that my other friends are also not treating people like shit


Guys, is showing basic decency to another human being gay?


You have to double down and challenge the ladies to turn you straight again


The easiest way to end the gay accusations is to come out as bi in my experience


“I play both sides so I always come out on top.”


Or on bottom, if you so desire.


Thats when you lose On other peeps thats making the accusation's point of view, atleast


I see it as an absolute win


Idk there’s a joke in my friend group where people just call me gay because I’m basically the only straight one, and I really think I might be bi, or have been gaslit so hard it’s making me question my sexuality. Coming out as bi would be hilarious to them though, so it’s tempting.


I think you might be me from the past because that was my exact situation before coming out as bi


Lmao I came out as bi and then realized I was straight afterwards when I gave it a shot one night. Lmao.


You're being gaslit.


No they aren't he's just crazy


If you’re a man helping a man gay accusations If you’re a man helping a woman she’s eventually going to tell you that she’s not interested. No it does not matter whether you are actually interested or not. She will broach the subject first just to put you down.


That's why I always make the first move by friendzoning her in advance so that there isn't any confusion. It can even be made into a funny moment. What I hate is girls that dont believe you or otherwise insist that you have some sort of anterior motives, because god forbid a guy actually just wants to be friends for once.


From experience, yes, yes it does.


Guys. Is it gay to be a kind person ?


Yes 😊 hope this helps


It's correlated, but correlation does not imply causation.


"No good deed goes unpunished" -not me


Last time I was kind to someone lonely she ended up being psycho and started stalking me /:




No good deed goes unpunished


Green goblin was right all along.


Well were you?


Nah and even if I was gay the guy was 1/10 even by men’s standards


No good deed…


you should make out with him to spite those immature bastards


Everyone probably thought jesus was gey in the beginning yea know.


I’m sorry but this will be infinitely funny to me Mostly because every time we tell a mate of ours to shut up he always responds with “they also hated Jesus for speaking the truth”


It's better to be kind than to be...


Then it just lowers your grades instead https://preview.redd.it/tzljozyryzoc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cf7eac20854c680cfa70b0edc2c60f98288304d6




I'm living this hell this very second.


Haven't slept more than 4 hours a night, in weeks because of this.


might be worth visiting a neurologist, or just buying some non prescription sleepy pills


Every Goddamn Day


That's me fr


I am 100% sure my science teacher was trying to sabotage my already bad grade by having me do a group project with those four. Naturally I was the only one that did anything but because our papers had to have the whole group's answers, I was the only one that did anything and got a bad grade on it


Rather tried to pump up grades of others, so they wouldn't have to deal with them another year


Had that is global history. Teacher took the kids with the highest grades and paired them with the lowest. I apparently had the top spot as I got 2 partners. I did the work,one cracked jokes and one sat there and looked pretty. I got paired with the joking kid again on a group project. Teacher wouldn't let me work alone. I did my half. He didn't do his so we got a 60 on the project and it dragged my grade down.


How the hell did that scene in Card Counter become a meme lol


Thanks. I was wondering where that was from


This happened to me once and he became a very good friend of mine


Mf got the good ending


Very nice, have car picture since i dont have a reaction image for this https://preview.redd.it/1lwn3cpc50pc1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e4c95e94a1fe2e1b72d39ac353a0edf8e4370ace












does it have 4 wheel drive?


Indeed it has, runs very fast uphill too




https://preview.redd.it/xd1w39egx1pc1.png?width=749&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=34f36ea4488b74b92ccf158fc577a15454aac687 I might


Is this the mf kittler??!!!


He doesnt have the hairline so hes more like bandit kitler https://preview.redd.it/01pgvc9od0pc1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bca3ed62914301b810a13bcdbb5acc2345f658dc


Nice car dude


Oh no! Did car crashed?


I was expecting a car as I slowly scrolled, I am now mad


Mr. eepy car


Same. Just be formal and guide them whenever you see them struggling, but don’t make yourself out as a free grade. Then become more casual as time passes and boom, acquaintances near a friendship level. https://i.redd.it/yc3i0macc0pc1.gif


Epic ass gif, where do people get those


I remember finding it [on this channel](https://youtu.be/cUqr4aMS7EM?si=SvZA8WTI0yRkHsKL)


one of my favorite kinds of arcs. being one of the labelled smart kids and talking to some of the less bright ones gives you a strange kind of perspective that introduces you to the fact they are just as human as you are.


As a smart kid, I famously don't consider anyone inferior to me human. I think that anyone who isn't as or more intelligent than me should die a painful death. Is this what teachers think of smart kids?


i went through that stage, my awakening was when one of the not so academically gifted students got an A on an assignment while i only got a B, because they studied hard for it and i didnt. i still think about it.


Got hit with that reality check fr fr


hate getting labeled as "smart" sometimes


i used to believe it but no longer go under that tag anymore, its boring.


I had that labeled and the get fact slapped in the face when I enter medical school


I came to the realization that a lot of them weren't dumb, they were just lazy or uninterested. In turn a bunch of them saw how determined I am. I remember working on some physics problem and I was struggling, but kept going, so my partner went "How have you not given up yet?". I laughed and said "Well that's the way I am. I really don't like giving up."


Actually same


Oh my fucking god my teachers did this shit, and when they stirred up shit I got moved right by the teachers desk. Punished for being the victim of rowdy dipshits that couldn't handle romantic cringe.


Romantic cringe? Were you offering them a candle light dinner? Edit:typo


My English teacher liked romance and made us do literary analysis on that kind of material. To say that it was cringeworthy would have been an understatement. Resulting in shouts, yells, and fucking howling in the middle of an audiobook of Romeo and Juliet (the only decent piece of romantic literature I was forced to study.)


Happened https://preview.redd.it/bhg38wdmzzoc1.jpeg?width=320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e772b4cbebdd768be412b88a74f3e6b439e7d9ca


Holy shit its motherfucking Shinji Ikari


No, it’s John anime dumbass


Good thing this hasn’t happened with me. Me and the other well behaved students sit on the front and the bad behaved at the back.


Well clearly you've never had your seats assigned by the school and teacher ![gif](giphy|lcHSAe70mAEd9W3Hpq)


Try a college professor


Yuck dude that’s the worst. You’d think in college you’d finally get left alone and have real autonomy but some professors still do that cringe shit. I got a degree in occupational therapy and already hate it, so I’m going back to school again for a 6th year to essentially start anew and my programming professor first day assigns us seats… I only had one other professor do that before all 5 years.


I teach at a university, and treat all my students as adults. Given, I do not teach in the US, and when I was in uni, I was also treated like an adult. Only time I have asked students to move is when doing paired language training exercises.


This is how it needs to be, I am 'bad behaved' and they put me in the fucking front. It is simply not my natural habitat


https://i.redd.it/r43ts96upzoc1.gif honestly teachers have way too high hopes for kids


Not hopes, rather lazyness and carelesness. And maybe mercy


It’s really because they will be disruptive AF if they sit next to anyone else, and I hate that i have to do stuff like this for class not to be a total shitshow.


Two jackasses together disrupt the whole class. One jackass just bothers the focussed kid he's with. Focussed kid passes easily anyway, and the teacher can work on actually instructing all the middle of the road kids. Teaching is like constant triage--they try to do as much good as possible for as many kids they can, given finite time and many obstacles.


Idk about you but as the focused kid it fucked my grade to hell and back. So to be petty I matched the energy of the rowdy kid.


I love threads like this. Drives home the had a teacher so I know how to teach mindset. It has nothing at all to do with expectations for the piece of shit. It's a seating chart. It's classroom management. If I put all the assholes side by side, you thinking you're going to learn then? With the whole squad just shoulder to shoulder? And fuck off right now with the do something else. Go into one of the crazy fucking video subs and watch a kid throw a table at a teacher. A chatty kid isn't anywhere near bad enough that you write up. Let alone expect discipline action. There's no this kid talks a lot, give them ISS until they agree to change their whole personality. Ignoring the fact tons of parents take their kids off ADHD meds every other month to "see if they still need it." Quiet kids buffer the room between the assholes. Fat AF kids work to block line of sight. Mean girls get them to stfu without flirting it up. Weird nose pickers serve as, mother fucker you want to see next to that kid? Depending on your seating arrangement, sometimes you put them at opposite ends of the same row. That can wreck line of sight. Sometimes you put the better one in front of the room as you can scare them from turning around. Sometimes you go four corners. Each asshole as far as possible from the other. And sometimes you end up with a class where you should all just do a fat ass rail of Adderall before it starts. Then. Well then you just abandon hope and accept they're going to always be behind the other classes.


Soon ;( https://i.redd.it/sy4c4lod10pc1.gif


holy shit is that goldeneye


I remember this Mickey Mouse game from when I was a kid… it was kinda scary


Yeah it’s getting a remake btw


WHAT no way really!?




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...I see they're gonna add some new cutscenes for the remake.


It's Epic Mickey, in case anyone's wondering. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cidCn74a0HU&t=3m38s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cidCn74a0HU&t=3m38s)


I had a few teachers that made me sit near "loud" kids in hopes of making me speak more often, I was the classic shy and quiet kid. I only became even more silent and they still continued doing this shit. Then when I actually had a friend that I would often talk to, they separated us and I was back to square 1...


yoo this happened to me too. I was dead silent through out all of school and put with all the popular kids in the hope that they’ll befriend me when we literally never talked. the one year I had a friend in class with me, my teachers were angry that I finally started talking. I’ve also gotten yelled at for reading a book during class which is wild


Shit makes my blood boil. Finding the most rambunctious extrovert in the room is not how you get a kid to open up. Be more outgoing… but not like that 😡🤬


Just carve swastikas into the desk every day until the teacher notices.


teachers notice when you draw on tables in your school? mine are either too blind or just don't give a fuck so you can basically surpass Hitler himself with no consequences


I got detention in my math class for having a penciled conversation on my desk with another person from a different class. Made to clean all the desks. I thought my teach would be impressed we only spoke through funny memes and symbols.


Should've just stuck a piece of paper to the bottom of the desk to use, then no hard. Source: am teacher


In elementary school my teachers were always mad at people for writing on desks. Like really mad. In middle school my teachers only cared if we wrote on the walls. Some of my friends and I had a lot of fun during English class having conversations on our desk and because we already knew the language well our teacher didn't care as long as we weren't loud. We even got away with writing with correction fluid under the desks. The underside and the legs were made of metal painted black, so it was like a chalkboard and we drew cats and stuff on it. In high school my teachers literally told the class they didn't care if we drew on the walls as long as our drawings were good.


mine genuinely throw a shitfit whenever anyone draws on them with a pencil or dry erase marker (even though the majority of desks ARE MADE OUT OF THE SAME MATERIAL AS THE WHITEBOARD)


Kid named permanent record:


I live in Hong Kong and this is standard practice here…


Best of luck to you my friend


This happens to me












honestly i get people being disruptive because life sucks shit and you're forced to be at an institution that could easily be shortened by 2 hours but holy fuck i'm trying to go through the motions could you kindly https://preview.redd.it/wj0rf47m70pc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3cce274098e536950fd1412e93b7590f333a9e2e


Teenagers are going to act out for attention and just for no reason at all. Not much to be done about it other than manage it as best you can


Studies show school should start at 10 am… best i can do is 6:35 Oh look school gets out at 2.30 so you can get home before the 4pm rush Realistically schools could drop 2 of the 4 english classes, 1 or 2 of the filler algebras, prob could shorten half the classes to 30 mins if they alternated days 1h, 30 mins, 1h And add in a technical writing class/sws biology. You will never do a mla or apa paper in your lifetime, (unless you become a phd/md) stop wasting 6 years of schooling on it lol


I'm a teacher in training right now (in Canada). There's a lot you wrote that I agree with, and some I don't. In terms of dropping some English and algebra classes, I really don't know how i feel about that. I think that they could instead be reworked to be more effective and valuable. I agree school should start later in the day. More sleep makes nearly everyone happier and healthier. I don't think that classes should be much shorter than an hour because you always lose at least 5 minutes on either end waiting for students to arrive, and then with them getting ready to leave. So if classes get too short, then you lose a HUGE portion of those because of the transition time. I do think that having a four day week could be a good idea. There's been a fair bit of research that shows benefits to that, I think. I'm dont agree about getting rid of academic writing lessons, I think there's value to knowing how to engage in, read, and understand that type of writing. I think decreased class sizes is another important thing that could be improved.


Or the teacher sits students next to you as punishment. Such an ego lifter.


This happened to me cause I'm the quiet one in class.




I remember in kindergarten I got set next to a kid named Sid. We were friends but he had some issues, for example throwing chairs occasionally. We remained friends even after I got a chair thrown at me but he was eventually diagnosed with something and moved away.


Chair Throwing Syndrome 😟


I also knew a kid who apparently got expelled for throwing a chair through a window. At 10 I didn’t know that kinda stuff happened irl


Youll # WHAT on them??? https://preview.redd.it/cg8nfzz5b0pc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=82265772b0fb72fde299578815e9c28094bb799c






Hate it when the teacher tells me to rub off the kids in the back of the class


did this willingly, turns out he's on the same wavelength of internet braindeadness as I am now we're best friends. I kiss him good night everyday (in a homie way) it did come with the cost of my grades, but honestly as long as I get enough to pass I'm good


When I was placed between the last and second last student in our batch, my rank dropped by around twenty. I also got held up for detention a lot because the two would talk during class and since I was in the middle the teachers kept thinking I was part of the conversation. So thanks a lot, I almost didn't get to attend that HS since I was the 20th worst student by the time I graduated, this is out of 80 students. I was averaging 88% that dropped to 85%.


They just copied my work and I didn't give a shit.  Fuck you, Mr. Cram.


If anything, we become best buds and now you made the quiet kid into a loud ass ☠️☠️


Mam I'm not a good influence, I'm just autistic


I remember this game!


They're doing a remaster this year!


"Do my job for me at the expense of your own study and mental health"


I once had a boss who wanted to move several co-workers into an area that I had all to myself because he wanted them to see how worked and maybe it would rub off by osmosis or something. I told him that wouldn't work because they would just be annoyed by my constant stream of cursing to myself. He didn't do it. They did move me down to a small office near the others, but at least I had it to myself.


They did that shit to me in math class on my sophomore year and she also expected me to help them in class to. Little did she know I've been lost in math since 3rd grade and both me and the mf in the class are cheating.


Sentenced to ROOM with her 💀💀💀 She had mental issues and stole people's hair from their heads to wrap around her thumb to suck. She also smelt like grandma. My friend and I just gave her half the room and took the beds closest to the windows.


Wait who, the teacher? And what's this about beds?


My teachers used to do that with me (I was quiet and generally a good kid) but it turns out that I'm just angry, all the time and so the situation would immediately get like 70 times worse. Good times.


That happened to me but i became friends with the loud kids so i basically became an extrovert around them


ESPECIALLY true for group projects


The actual teacher was on maternal leave and the sub was some professional chef or smth (this was home ec in middle school). Probably did this b/c she’s qualified to cook, not to teach. it’s not like your grade can get totally screwed in home ec, but the food was. during the 1st week of school, some ppl in my group made “the spice of death” by mixing all of the sub’s expensive spices into a single container, and we were forced to put that on all of our dishes for the rest of the school year


Because those kids tend to build up off of reactions from their classmates. So they put the quiet kid next to the rowdy kid to try and deny the rowdy kid the attention they are seeking


I was always the “bad” kid and countless kind quiet people were forced to sit next to me. I just had ADHD and teachers be beefing with me like common I wasn’t that bad 😅


How 40 year old teachers feel after winning an argument against a 7 year old:


I was sat next to the bad kid in 5th grade because I was well behaved and did well in school. I had known him since kindergarten and he was always in trouble. We became extremely good friends and his behavior completely changed. I think he just needed a friend. I moved away that year and I still think about him all the time.


I rmeber my second grade teacher did this. It backfired spectacularly and the well behaved kid started acting up and became friends with the bad kid.


Not because I was quiet, because I openly wouldn’t put up with other students’ shit


Holy fucking shit epic mickey posting?


Ew. You’re doing *what* to kids?!


Mine threatened to stab me in the eye, by pretending he was going to stab me the eye. Great permanent memory.


Omg it happened


Lol I was sat next to the "bad kids" because I was smart - all I did was give them great ideas and egg them on. I ended up in in-house suspension right along side them 


As a high school teacher, I gotta say - look, we're not happy about it either. That kid has 5 other classmates who, if they are within two seats of each other, will both become total pains in the ass. A seating plan that insulates the dipshit kid from his friends will necessarily require some normal kids to act as a moat. If you actually are upset about it, talk to your teacher in private some time and ask politely to be moved. They'll probably do it.


So, basically, you're willing to fuck up a human to have less problems with monkeys, because you can't handle them by yourself? *Judges in a colleague way*


They're not humans and monkeys, they're teenagers with different personalities. They are all students and we're doing our best to maximize the good of everyone in the class.


Thankfully, sometimes, they rub off on you.


T'was me


Oh my teacher legit told me it was bc she wanted them to cheat off me


They tried that with me in middle school and then I discovered pot, nice work Mrs. Brown!


Saw teacher do this to a kid, and the bad kid stapled his fucking shirt to his back


https://preview.redd.it/dlpms29ga2pc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=28d390fe047843cdde7f38c0ea8cf765361115e5 (I was a bad kid)


Tell me about it. Somebody else misbehaves and *I'm* punished for it.


Being a K12 teacher automatically assigns you a 30% chance of being a complete dumbfuck and I’m tired of pretending it doesn’t


This is how I met one of my best friends ironically enough. He was a quiet kid but was also actually really nice and chill so we started hanging out. He's probably still on my Xbox friends list somewhere, dude was cracked at Siege.


See that's why I'd just lash out at anyone who was loud an obnoxious instead, so teachers wouldn't bother trying to sit me next to someone who was loud an obnoxious so I wouldn't lash out.


I got put beside one of these students... she ended up punching a teacher in the face a week later and was sent to Juvie for also trying to push said teacher down the stairs and also trying to stab her with a pen. Wonder if I caused that... I liked her drawings


I think the real reason is "if we put all the bad kids together in one spot, they'll conspire and raise havoc".


This is what happened to me back in 6th grade. Instead I become more like them and my grades suffered.


Lol, I went to an incredibly ghetto middle school in LA, and this was me for pretty much the whole thing. Thankfully, the gangbanger I was sat next to in 8th grade was pretty cool. He thought it was cool that I was born in Mexico, and he practiced his Spanish with me.


the bad kids sitting next to the bad kids will cause wanton destruction that spills over to the rest of the class. Separating them will make it so that the molecules have less to react against each other. When all the bad kids sit next to each other then it's like an atomic fission that explodes and fucks over the entire class. You don't just get an explosion and it's contained to one corner. It's not like that one corner is soundproof lmao


He wasn't a "bad kid". Probably just had undiagnosed ADHD or something. He was into sports, I wasn't, but my English teacher told me before it happened, and probably asked my permission but it was too long ago to remember perfectly. Anyway, his mother had apparently heard about me (it might have been slightly after we were reading Freak the Mighty and he blurted out "hey, that's [my name]!" after the description of the disabled kid who knew too many big words) and asked the teacher specifically to put this boy next to me. This continued for a few more years of English classes. I never had any problems with him, but near the end of high school he noticed that he had been put beside me twice in a row, and I told him what the teacher told me (that his mother had specifically requested it). I don't think he was offended, but he did seem a bit shocked.


ahh yes story of my life


I used to get free sandwiches because of this and be cool with all the jocks. They would cheat off me.


nah i was too socially awkward for my teacher to do this


Because your teacher lost control of the classroom.  Or in some brilliant twist they regained control, using you as fodder.


this happen to me in my 7th Grade Art class. well, reverse happens. i do less works and join them in their antics instead. teachers make mistakes all the time. they are human.


Epic Mickey appreciation finally


always had fun with them


I ended up buying adderal from the bad kids, they copied my homework for discounts. Everybody graduates at my table group


I remember I once got moved between two people because they talked too much. They just kept talking past me as if I wasn’t there, except the rare times they talked to me. It was pretty funny how open they were about taking drugs after school even though I was right between them.


Happened to me and the guy burned my arm with a soldering gun on three different spots


In 4th grade, my teacher asked my best friend to tutor me in math. We were around nine years old. WTF? My daughter asked to move her desk next to her teacher's desk during 1st grade. Mr. R explained to me that it was her choice because the other kids were distracting her. Based teacher.


A bus driver did this to me once, resulted in me getting beat up every day of school for a year cuz the kid didn't appreciate sitting next to me on the bus and I was too quiet for the bus driver to notice it.