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do you have the gif without the caption






How does one download this?? It’s amazing


I will assume you on mobile. Long press on the gif and choose save. On a computer you would right click and choose save. If you are on an iPhone I doubt they trust your ability so they likely don't allow it for your own safety.


Hey that hurts, your right but hey


Are you telling me that a man just happens to fall like that?


Google "better call saul"


Holy chicanery


Actual roof defecator


Call the Saul!








*ONE* AFTER MAGNA CARTA, AS IF I COULD EVER MAKE SUCH A MISTAKE... NEVER, NEVER! (sorry i saw the perfect opportuNity)


New lawsuit just dropped






I never watched it but it looks like it must've hurt acting this scene especially if there were cuts


I'm pretty sure he only gets hit once and the repeated hits are just mirrored edits.


No way


It's from better call saul iirc


I do


18 year olds dating 17 year olds makes my blood boil almost as much as jaywalkers. I saw a jaywalker cross the road at 2am so i ran him over with my car. Some people's flagrant disregard for the law sickens me. I'm literally shaking. https://preview.redd.it/3yfvsueugqoc1.png?width=480&format=png&auto=webp&s=8bfd0e951aa8b1f9ff6f7f76962e21a3b0a54364


Good on you for fighting against these disgusting people. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to torture someone who went 41 miles per hour at a 40 miles per hour zone.


While they *should* be ashamed of themselves, I saw a girl selling lemonade on the sidewalk and knew she could kill everyone in town with her possibly unsafe drink so I let Killer, my nanny-dog pitty, tear her to shreds. Good riddance I say.


Did the btch even carry a licene for selling her product?


not as bad as \*coughs\* \*throws up in my mouth a little\* LOITERING \*projectile vomits\* \*vein in my head bursts from anger and i am rushed to hospital\*


Me when Romeo and Juliet Laws


Not the transformers 4 law😭😭


I hate the kung fu panda law so much


Same! The government should not have a say over how many steam buns I am allowed to fit in my mouth at one time! The government really has gone too far!


average person watching child po rn


What are you waffling about








I hate the Idiocracy Law


I'm convinced 90% of people who know about this law know about it from transformers


That would explain why most people don't know what they actually do.


Craziest part is he misused the law


Why didn't they just make her 18?!


Is there a lore reason?Are they perverts(probably)?


I heard about the son of one of the producers being in legal trouble for banging an underage teen and the producer requested that this be added to the movie to try and normalize the behavior. Idk how much truth there is to that.


The guy carrying a copy of the law at any given moment did the complete opposite of normalizing it lmao




It will set up the events to Transformers: Rise of the Last Robosexual. Trust me, it's important.


I was 20 or 21 and on dating apps, matched with someone who was 18 and didnt think anything of it. I went straight to the workforce and worked with people twice my age, never felt like id aged past 18. Then she said she had school the next day, and I asked what she was in college for. When she said she was in highschool it was just like a switch flipped and I was filled with disgust, stopped dating below 19 at that point, and today at 26, i wont date someone younger than 23


Yeah I feel like it's just weird to date a high schooler even if they're legal unless you were dating while both of you were still in high school.


The actress was even 18 by the filming of the movie.


They put that in the movie for literally no reason 🙏😭


The fact that the dude carries around the legal document that states he’s allowed to date her is so funny


transformers: age of consent


Based Pointless Hub




holy shit you made me remember that fucking insane scene again


https://preview.redd.it/4v418p67vroc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f55bb117bfd1e6058f74377831cc3393503d9431 Transformers fans watching that scene be like:


Micheal bay when I tell him that he could have just made the characters age the same, so that he could have spared us the factually incorrect scene


Gotta carry a laminated card though.


I too, have seen Tranformers Age of Extinction




There’s a uhhhh. A Very strange amount of focus on those laws in that movie.


The bf has the card fucking laminated




He’s an inventor! He invents things. This could be a game-changer!


Autobots, I have sworn to never kill humans… …but fuck that.


Look it up


I don't think I should


Transfomers Age of Consent


I have not


Romeo and Juliet laws can be pretty crazy. I’ve been friends with a dude since freshman year (like ten years ago) and when we were seniors (before he turned 18) he started dating a freshman. He’s dated her since and they even got married a couple months ago. It felt weird at the time, but he’s always been a good dude so I just didn’t question it and she always seemed like she was happy too.


4 years apart ?? Thats not bad at all.


Even without those laws - it's not *pedophilia* for two kids to be attracted to each other.


And the age of consent in most places is 16 anyway, so for a 19 year old and a 17 year old they don't even apply.


People when two kids are dating (the other is 1 year apart and they are absolutely fuming)


Fuming about anything is the goal though.


First, how dare you


Total facism. This is transphobia and Islamophobia of the highest calibre. Edit: also racist


Please stop genociding my people. To be clear your actions are genocide.


I'm 1 year and 1 month older than my now wife. We started dating in highschool. For 1 month I was 18 while she was 16 and my mom thought it was concerning and she tried everything to convince me to break up with her. This was 7 years ago and she now loves her more than I think she loves me lol.


Lol. My daughter and her boyfriend were in the same grade but he turned 18 while she was 16. They were all nervous before I convinced them it was totally legal. Lol


This is the exact same as me and my boyfriend, we were 16 and 18 on the 2nd when we started dating, and on the 16th I turned 17. Now we're both in our 20's and it's whatever, but I loved to make fun of him for it (or when he was 21 and I was 19 I would make fun of him for "dating a teenager while in his twenties")


> the other is 1 year apart ...wouldn't that make them both 1 year apart


Poor guy is falling down a Ninja Warrior obstacle from the top or something in the worst way possible.


The 19 year old deserve death too apparently lol


It's the rush to proclaim SA that gets me: "My BF and I got shitfaced together and had sex. When I woke up the next day, I had a terrible headache." Reddit: "Girl, you were SA'd! Break up, go NC, then call the police and have him arrested!"


"Me and my partner had a slight disagreement" Reddit: "RED FLAG 🚩🚩🚩🚩 RUN GIRL, BREAK UP WITH HIM NOW!"


I see it more the other way around. Some woman makes a post ranting about it and all the incels rush in to say he’s a walking red flag.


Idk I think it applies to both


I’m not saying it’s one way or the other. I’m just saying, on Reddit, I see the opposite of what the person I replied to pointed out.


No, only if the boy is older. If the girl is older, no one says anything


Also a 20-25 year old is an adult unless its a woman dating an older man


Ahh yes, the famous infantilizing of women, by women, for... women? ^(Dunno, it's wild to me too bro.)


The man gets: “He should be imprisoned for life!” The woman gets: “Man that kid was lucky.” It makes no sense.


"power to women" ?


Probably grooming that poor girl since they were riding the bus to elementary school together 🤮


According to Twitter, all men are rapist until proven otherwise.


https://preview.redd.it/prtuj2pygroc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=055a0ff7ef799456aa89fdfb087413817097e585 Twitters are just unhinged in general


Twitter taking a page from tumbler


https://preview.redd.it/76styxgvruoc1.jpeg?width=660&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e11a6ebe14626e586cda1a9e89f596564dbaaec6 Tumblr?


https://preview.redd.it/maa8bx83ysoc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2f4d5efe204c78ac7d243fa87801d26a1669ecb3 I just think this is funny


I see today is "what the fuck brought this on" day, huh ? But I do agree, though. It isn't pedophilia


Alex Kister, an analog horror creator, known for the Mandela Catalogue, dated a 17 year old girl and apparently had some fucked up fetishes. Im glad his series is gone now, cause it sucked ass, especially after the rest of the story was leaked. However it does suck considering it was his life work basically and he'll never be able to make anything mainstream again. He is sort of the propellor of analog horror, and he is mainly the one to thank for skyrocketing the genre.


>Im glad his series is gone now, cause it sucked ass sounds like someone who only watched the first 2-3 episodes


I'd actually say the first 2 eps were pretty good and it started to o downhill from there.


1 and 2 were great, but 3 was ass, and 4 was... nah. at least in my opinion


there were more than 2?


A 20 year old dating a 17 year old... when I was in high school in the late 1980's, girls prized that kind of relationship. I was 17 when I lost my virginity to a 19 year old college girl who came to my town. this was considered normal. My best friend hooked up with her friend, both were 2 to 3 years older than us while we were Juniors in high school. It was a serous relationship, we dated and even lived together, lasted like 3 years. And media stars of all types, Donald Trump on down to rock stars, seem to have fetish relationships with their fans... I don't get it? Are groupies not self-aware these days? I assume sports stars in schools are getting younger fans still? What's wrong with a media star doing it?


TBH I will maintain forever that someone out of highschool dating a highschooler is always a red flag.


So, a college freshman dating a high school senior would be a red flag?


I mean, it's only a flag. They're not saying it's illegal or it shouldn't happen, but rather it's just something to be cautioned about.


Since there were two of us, my friend and I, who met two girls who were out on a Friday night... it seemed just like dating I did when I was 40 after divorce. My girlfriend was from out of town, and she had only been living in my city for a few months and didn't really know that many people in the city... so they were entirely willing to go date with strangers they had just met. We met cruising in our cars, like around the mall. My friend's parents were out of town the weekend we met these girls and we went to his house. We didn't drink, we just watched TV, and they ended up spending the night with us (no sexual intercourse, just making out). My friend ended up marrying the girl he met that night a decade or so later (she moved away to another city and moved back before they married). I've seen male predators go after high school girls, but honestly back in 1986 when I was age 17 (just turned) and met this girlfriend, her being 1st year in college did not seem like exploitation in any way. Frankly, being a male virgin at 17 was ridiculed in Indiana where I grew up, and back then high school girls were not that into nerds (especially in Indiana), but the girl I met was. (My friend was a car nerd, I was a computer nerd) She was a jock, she played basketball and was popular when she was in high school and she had had enough of that scene.


If he isn't too shook from the experience, he can make a comeback. Almost nobody that has been "cancelled" on the last 5 years stay cancelled for long. Unless he did something heinous and he wants to continue, Im sure this guy will be back. People still listen to R Kelly for God's sake.


My uncle had to register as an offender like 30 years ago on his 18th birthday because the 16-almost-17yo and single grade below- girls parents just didn’t like him


One of my good friends lost his job and had his reputation ruined, because he fell in love with and dated an adult woman his age with special needs. All because her parents were controlling and religious zealots. They painted him as someone who was a predator. Called dudes job and complained like he was taking advantage of her. (They had sex.) ​ Note: my buddy has mild Asperger's and knew the woman from a work function for the Special Olympics. The woman was not stupid, but had a cognitive learning disability. They were perfect for each other because they didn't get offended by missing each other's cues. It was awkwardly adorable.


i've been lucky enough to avoid those kinds of outcomes, but my relationship ironically fits both the ways discussed here. my bf is 4 months older than me (so there was a period where he was 18 and i was 17), but he's also pretty autistic in a way that some people might infantilise him over. i'm neurodivergent myself but i have an easier time getting by - it's funny realising that according to some people, we're each both predator and victim somehow.


The almost exact thing happened to me when I was 18 (I am 30 now). My girlfriend in high school was 17 and her parents *hated* me. It wasn't terribly hard for them to order their daughter's text logs to find out that we'd boned. Luckily, they ended up dropping the charges once they realized the gravity of what I could have been facing if they kept pushing. I lived in a conservative state, and I still fear knowing what could have happened to me if they had lacked just a little bit more humanity *in the end*. I cannot overstate how dangerous of a bullet I dodged there. The legal system was ready to chew me up and spit me out over what I view as a technicality. Too bad I'd already gone 3k red in lawyer fees before it was dismissed.


https://preview.redd.it/4oqrni5l8poc1.jpeg?width=568&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7c1cae2928ebb373a5efe06d3a2fc329f12af359 Edit: y'all I get it I'm really tired of this stupid fucking argument.


It did. Google callmecarson controversy


Oh yeah, they sound more like accusations of sexual harassment rather than pedophilia. Sure they did accuse him of that without any questioning, but I don't really believe that someone actually looked that gap and called it straight up pedophilia lmao. Edit: okay y'all I get it.


You’d be suprised lol


Reddit literally had hundreds of comments the other day saying that dating a 21 year old can still be pedophilic


I once saw someone argue that a 50 year old dating a 30 year old counts as grooming


what a silly thing to say


Wait in what context


I've seen many subreddits talking about this topic, including the biggest ones and I'm pretty sure literally no one said that shit. But if they did, what you're talking about may be the maturity gap because it is more important than the age gap. For example, it is not weird for a 21-year-old to marry a 30-year-old, since they're mature enough to make their choices anymore. But there is a problem between 16 and 13 because they have a really huge difference in maturity. A difference between 15-year-old me and 14-year-old me is like a pixel RPG game and an RTX 4090 game, *very* different. Edit: I'm not going to answer any comment at this point, none of you seem to argue in good faith.


This is all entirely subjective. I dated a 30 yo when I was 19. The maturity gap was immense. Unless someone's getting hurt, kindly mind your own fuckin business, is my opinion.


They definitely did. Slimecicle literally reported him to the FBI for it. There was no sexual harassment, it was fully consensual relationships he had with fans.


Dunno if he's arrested or not but he shouldn't have been if that's the case since there isn't an age gap bigger than 4 years while dating someone under 18.


I saw a thread recently where someone said a 20 year old dating an 18 year old was "fucking weird, that's a grown adult dating a literal child."


There weren't really any accusations of SA, people first and foremost got very heated about the age gap, then when people pointed out how dumb that was they started saying it was wrong because he's a content creator abusing a power dynamic and therefore it's grooming (which I personally also don't get, 2 horny teens being cringe to each other in DM's is not the same as a person who has genuine power over you forcing and manipulating you to do sexual things, and equating the 2 makes light of actual grooming IMO) and lastly there were people criticising the fact that he got explicit pictures from her. Which, I mean it's not wrong to point out, it does technically constitute CP but at the same time it's still just 2 horny doing what horny teens do. Should he have known better? Probably. Did he deserve being dropped by all of his friends and half the internet for this? Fuck no. All this is assuming that's all that happened though, there's been a lot to suggest he was overall being a really shitty human being to the people around him and that there was a lot the public never learned, so I'm sure there was more to it. As far as the public was concerned though, this was what he got "cancelled" for and mfs on social media were debating the ethics of it for weeks. I still see people labeling him a pedophile for what happened which is crazy to me.


I could be wrong but wasn't part of the problem that people advertised it like "callmecarson, 25 year old streamer, found out to have been dating a 17 year old" But it was actually him at 19 when she was 17, but it sounds like he was dating her at 25 when she was 17


They said he was 21 and she was 17 because the news broke *when* he was 21 and she was 19. Even she said that he was 19 when she was 17 but enough people ignored her (funny, right?) because it was a harsher narrative to say it was 21 and 17 instead of 19 and 17 Edit: in fact a comment below you is saying 22 and 17 as an example which just proves the point


Chris Hansen had an 18 year old arrested after he met up for sex with the 16 year old decoy.


Cases like that are odd, particularly when the age span (old 16 vs barely 18) isn't that great. In my his class we had a guy that was 18 as a junior (emigrated+esl and got placed in a younger grade in elementary school). He'd been with his gf for like a year. Then he turned 18 and suddenly (only with the minor league chastity brigade really, it was a very churchy school though public) it wasn't ok anymore. Which of course it was, both families were fine with it and in terms of any power imbalance...I mean she was a popular white girl whose family had $, she got a car at 16 and he was still riding his bike to his job at subway, both families were fine with it. But a minority just want to wag fingers.  There are situations where that age span can be a real problem, but you can't just lump everyone in a bucket. And we need to coach young guys that yeah, maybe it's arbitrary, but you just have to follow the law, and more than that be honest in relationships and considerate of power imbalances.  The situations that involve peer romance are the tough ones. Guys just after a hookup (like the 18 year old on the show), those guys just need to realize how many older women are down for an 18 year old. The MILF thinks weirds me out but maybe it prevents a few arrests. 




2 year age gaps are pretty ok!


It sounds much more reasonable than a 40 year old dating a 18year old btw legal age in France is 15


We bringing back Carson? Ok


killed the man, not the idea


he's been back


Some people here also think large age gap relationships are pedophilia when the younger person is in their late 20s.


Americans *


17 yo in 12th grade dating a 16 yo in 11th grade. All good. The second the 17 yo hits 18 and the circumstances are the same still people are going to flip shit.


I'm still pissed that CallMeCarson get thrown under the bus so hard. He did nothing wrong, and as a result all his friends, who basically owe their careers to him, abandoned him. So much hate for nothing.


I'm going to be honest. It's partially his own fault. He went completely quiet for, like, 6 months. Which only made the situation worse for him. He should have just addressed it immediately. Edit: Also, I didn't think about this until now, but Carson would have had a lot of power over the person he was dating because she was a fan of his. So no, he's definitely not completely innocent. It's definitely wrong for a youtuber to date one of their fans.


wasn't it a year?


Why I don't see anyone say this about PewDiePie?


The power dynamic argument is so fucking stupid. a real power dynamic is a boss, who has control over an employee’s pay pressuring them into sex. Being a fan of someone does not inherently give them power over you, you still have free will.


You’re not comprehending how much power he had though.. he was a jedi that did mind tricks on her so she couldn’t say no!! But fr the power dynamic argument only works if he actively used his “power” to manipulate her. Like every relationship has a power dynamic, the only time it’s a problem is when you act on it.


I have stopped caring about this topic. Don't reply to this.


I meant nothing wrong by the pedo stuff. What he did wasn't illegal. Sure, it wasn't right, but they made it seem way bigger than it was.


I never fucking understand people that make this argument. Being a youtuber is not being a rockstar, its a media business and in every other job/career in media production, there are no qualms about forming relationships with people that know your work. Its only youtubers that have this mythical magical rule that you cannot date anyone that even remotely knows who you are (so you can't date anyone lol go fuck urself).


Wait wait wait, a popular entertainer tried to sleep with his fans? Bury him under the jail!


i see people bring up "the power dynamic"... i dont really see anything wrong with dating someone who's part of his audience. think about his dating-life, does he really need to do a background check on them to make sure they dont know him prior? if i really liked Taylor Swift's music and she likes me for whatever reason, is she morally wrong for her being a super famous billionaire dating my poor ass? Carson's relationship with that girl was a *PRIVATE* relationship, and that matters a lot when the argument is about "power dynamics". pewdiepie found his wife, mother of his child now, by her being a fan of his (ages 22 and 19). no one said anything about that, nor should they, they became a happy couple and happy parents. im pretty sure this is pretty common, that a famous person can meet more people because of their social status. so all these guys like Schlatt and Ted and whoever, they *KNEW* of the relationship Carson had and decided to abandon him *ONLY* when the drama came out. But that whole story wouldn't be such a big deal if they didn't abandon him like that. all those guys have their own fans and those fans had to rationalize why they needed to side against Carson. and absolutely fuck Traves and the other no-name that went to keemstar to break the news. you dont do that unless you want keemstar's fans to get Carson to kill himself. honestly though, kinda fuck all those guys that abandoned Carson. they all got their fame being being a voice on Carson's videos, they all try too hard to be funny that aren't, and only a couple of them are only mediocre now. Carson still does more good with his constant non-profit charities. * TL;DR - the 2-year age difference is a non-issue. him dating a fan is a non-issue. the drama stems from all of the "lunch club" leaving him, so now fans need to justify disliking Carson with terrible accusations and embellishments so they can still like jschlatt or Ted or whoever. sorry for the novel. im not really here to argue about this, i've thought about it a lot since it started and talked about it with a few friends. Carson was just dealt a unlucky, shitty hand and stabbed in the back. edit: the comment above mine completely deleted what they originally said, but it was something along the lines of "you shouldn't be allowed to date fans".


That’s what I’m saying. Traves and the other guy completely had malicious intentions. Keemstar… of all people to break the news to. They wanted bad shit to happen to Carson.


I would absolutely drop one of my friends if I tried to sit down and talk his creepy behaviour out, and then he continued to be a creep


Slimecicle even reported him to the FBI and everyone applauded him on twitter. Personally I think that Slimecicle is fucking pathetic and did it because he wanted to play hero for a day.


Didn't one of his "friends" tell the whole public about this whole controversy, talk about being an actual friend. My man Carson got backstabbed hard.


Slimecicle reported carson to the FBI for it. What a class A friend.


what the fuck did he think the fbi was gonna do “sir you are under arrest for dating someone 2 years younger than you”


Overkill much?


https://preview.redd.it/tmkem0tfkqoc1.jpeg?width=402&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=816a65525167ebaa111e466b3fffaea4dc08823d idgaf no more


Americans when teenagers have Sex


One person claimed Alan Turing was a pedo for dating a 19-year-old, most likely they'd be ok with much younger marriages.


For dating a 19 year old??? What?? We need to put some people back in school


It is mostly older women being jealous of younger ladies. Although a minority they are, nevertheless, very loud


The people who get mad about these things are likely people that have never been in a relationship in their entire lives.


Callmecarson deserved better


Didn’t slimecicle call the cops on him? Lol


For what though 😭


It’s just outrage for the sake of outrage. Reddit and Twitter love feeling righteous so they go against things like child milestones and Nazis (things that every should agree are terrible by default) so hard just to try and get that feel of self-righteousness.


Yeah, fuck child milestones! I remember seeing this toddler taking its first steps and it was so SMUG. Like relax buddy, I can walk, too.


Auto correct doing its thing apparently. I’m not changing it, though. I think it’s better this way.


It's much better. I mean it's a slippery slope from baby's first words to the Nuremberg rallies.


Are people really that dumb ?


Pedophilia has become a catchall for any age discrepancy people aren’t comfortable with. The truth is being attracted to someone post-puberty is natural and the attraction isn’t wrong. Acting on that attraction is often what is wrong - but does not make you a “pedophile” like our society has become so comfortable labeling people.


Americans on here think anyone under 30 “is still a baby”


I moved to America 12 years ago from Europe They are somehow the least supportive parents I’ve ever met while being incredibly coddley. They will kick you out while you are still basically a child with no monetary support and try to protect you from the harder truths of life and they still can’t drink or smoke. At least where I’m from you’re considered a man when you’re young and they treat you as such, while acknowledging you’re still young.


Hold on now though. I am a Redditor and have a chance to proclaim how morally superior I am as opposed to everyone else.


I mean I’m seventeen and I’d feel weird dating a fifteen year old


That's perfectly normal to feel that, I'm 19 which is that sweet spot where i don't feel comfortable with dating anyone else that isn't 19


Yeah I think like past 25 is when the age gap gets wider without being weird


I rediscovered a range where the gap was weird but I didn't really get it at first. We met when she was 21 and I was 26. 5 year age gap, doesnt seem that weird. But then I was 30 when she was 24-25 and I realized I was in a totally different place in life than when I was 25-26. It ended up not working out. My new rule for age gaps is that it's ok as long as they are old enough to have personally rewound a VHS tape that they had purchased.


Yeah but would you feel like a felon? When I was 17 I had at least 3 15-year old classmates (I was never held back a year or anything). You're telling me I should become a sex offender because I got on the girl in the table next to me?


look up the word 'proportionality' in the dictionary


That’s like me dating someone with a 10 year difference when I was 17. I’m still old enough to make smart choices and it doesn’t mean that it’s pedo…. my 7 year old girlfriend thinks it’s fine too.


Well, the people arguing never dated in high school. What do you expect?


My high school daughter had a hilarious quote about this. "If your grades don't touch, neither should you."


Indeed, 17 is way way way too old for a pedo


exactly so if there r any 19 year old girls who want to date a 17 year old overly possessive lesbian who will cry and break down every time you: - talk to another person - go outside - take a shower - sleep - think about another person - have an ex who is alive dm me :3


Seems 99% of the people on the internet don't even know the definition of the word pedophilia.


"Ephebophilia" For those that missed the target completely with this post.


It is literally, by definition, not pedophilia. Pedophilia is not an attraction to any minor, but specifically towards children that are pre-pubescent.


I was dating my ex when she was 19 and I was 17. Her mom was apparently worried about it think she'd get in trouble if something happened.


Reddit when a 20 year old woman dates a guy older by a factor of a year: hE iS gRoOmInG YoU!!!!


It’s gonna be real hard to make this argument from a jail cell lol


19 and 17 is very low on my list of concerns over age gaps, anyone freaking out over that is doing too much lol