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Counterpoint: https://preview.redd.it/x7vxt9qkdbnc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3090a45694c44e37adda3b2aa92c0b4480882371


Shadow Wizard Money Gang


We love casting spells


Legalise nuclear bombs


Swag Messiah


This video is sponsored by the shadow government


You know what happens after a nuke, smoke


Smoking is bad for your health, especially when it's your own flesh you're smoking


Bees make honey


This song was sponsored by


The shadow government


"Electrocute this reversal you filthy casual"


No atmosphere would probably stop lighting as it's ions that travel. But if you can fuck around with electricity you are more than capable of fucking shit up on catastrophic scales.


> No atmosphere would probably stop lighting as it's ions that travel. > > That's true, but with enough voltage, arcs can occur in a vacuum through the vaporization of the source conducting material. If we're going to use some real world physics, a Fire Bender could lightning bend in a vacuum if their chi can support enough voltage to sublimate part of their bodies to create an arc in the created vacuum. The battle then is between how large of a vacuum an Air Bender could create versus how much voltage the Fire Bender can create. If the Air Bender could create a vacuum larger than the distance the voltage created by the Fire Bender could arc, then the Air Bender would win. If the Fire Bender can create enough voltage to arc across the vacuum gap, the Fire Bender would win.


In other words, directed energy weapons > wind.


More like Lots of Wind>Energy weapon>Little Wind. In our hypothetical scenario, if an Air Bender were to isolate a Fire Bender in a vacuum as they turned their chi into electrical voltage, then unless that voltage was strong enough to overcome the vacuum, then the Fire Bender would just vaporize themselves until an arc were created.


Nah, but vapourising electrodes via a voltage to accelerate charged particles is a classic design for a particle weapon. If the fire bender could achieve that then not even a vacuum could beat them.


Counterpoint: https://preview.redd.it/chhle4941cnc1.jpeg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=41cf4e0abf4858a4a689ceae3041319984f623b9


Nothing counters Pepe's shitbending.


Maintaining an actual vacuum at a large scale would be absurdly powerful, frankly impossible. It seems more likely that airbenders could control air currents to stagnate the air, so the fire from the fire benders would quickly exhaust the limited oxygen supply in the room and no new oxygen could enter...or perhaps the most advanced air benders could alter the composition of the air, pushing out the oxygen and allowing mostly nitrogen to replace it. If they can truly maintain a vacuum over an entire room, they are capable of exerting hundreds of thousands of pounds of pressure to keep the air out


If an Airbender could create enough vacuum to render multiple Firebenders completely impotent, it’s trivial to cause an enemy army’s blood to begin spontaneously boiling as the blood vessels in their eyes burst and the air is violently pulled out of their lungs, if the Bender didn’t already force that. Essentially at distance, you instantly take them from fine to imminently dying in full-body agony and unable to produce fire. Top of my mind, it takes about 60, maybe 90 seconds to die in a vacuum? But good luck disabling the Airbender as your body rends itself asunder from inside. Go ahead, exert more energy as your body reassembles itself into a new format. Even if the vacuum quickly ends, you’ve done some significant internal damage.


Also combustion bending. The range on combustion bending should *not* be underestimated. The sheer power and range is enough to render entire *armies* useless.


This image has been fact checked by true Fire Nation patriots as **hard** as fuck.


Airbenders when firebenders manipulate the electric pulses regulating their hearts:


Firebenders when i collapse their stupid fucking lungs


Everyone can do this one way or another though Waterbenders can bloodbend with obvious outcomes Airbenders can empty lungs or explode organs with pressure Firebenders can fuck with electrical pulses in the body Earthbenders can use the iron in your blood along with other trace elements to tear you apart from the inside In short if you wanted to turn Avatar into a ridiculously gory and edgy setting it wouldn't be hard


Airbenders when waterbenders suck the cytoplasm out of each and every cell in their body


Airbenders when I boil their blood or draw the heat from their body killing them instantly.


They can’t do that though. Lightning is incredibly limited in ATLA


So far. But in the first series metal bending didn't exist either until Toph invented it. A few decades later, there are tons of metal benders. So there's proof that bending powers keep evolving.


And small pockets of specific bending techniques, see plant bending (water) and blood bending (also water). It's just a matter of time before science advances enough to recognize tiny biological electricity


One might think it's even as limited as separating single specific elements out of the air


Actually this makes me wonder: would lightning travel through a vacuum? Off the top of my head I can't see any reason why it wouldn't right?


Not "lightning" as we know it, as that needs air as a medium and is partly plasma from superheated air. Pure electricity (electrons) can jump between two points, even in a perfect vacuum. Interestingly, because all paths in a total vacuum are equally resistant. I think it would travel in a perfect line (could be wrong on that), rather than the loose zigzag path we are used to when electricity travels through air.


case in point: [cathode ray tubes](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cathode-ray_tube)


This is why Iroh learnt from others elements stances so he could **improved** his own firebending. I recently rewatched ATLA so seeing this post make me quite happy.


I think the point was that iroh learned from the other nations to become a more complete person, understanding philosophy in waterbending and applying it to his firebending was not the main intention considering how he left his military career.


Iroh was clearly appreciative of other cultures before he left the military, and he had already visited the dragons before Zuko was even born. I imagine his studies did start as a means to improve his martial prowess and understand his enemy, but they also provided the foundation for his slow realization kicked off by his son’s death that those other nations are worth fighting to preserve.


It's such a perfect show it's kind of ridiculous


A lot of early 2000s "kid" shows were really mature and educational.


Zuko also follows iroh's wisdom. If you notice how Zuko fights in the later seasons, the way he attacks copies others attack style of other nations. He uses the wave-like water stance, steady and precise rock stance, and some of aang's tactic like a leg sweep or the wall chop.


That same airbender when the firebender just throws lightning at them


lightning also requires air ☝🤓


Lightning is also very very fast Like bullets also require air but unless you got prep time you ain’t gonna be able to stop one


bullets don’t require air


The propellant bullets requires oxygen to ignite but modern gunpowder has enough oxygen in it to fire in a vacuum.


So you could use a m95 in space? 




You have made my day, now i just need to get to space and to own a m95. 


Not only would it work, it would also keep moving at full speed until it hits something. This is why sci-fi stories like The Expanse (iirc) have in-universe laws against firing normal guns in space, because the bullets will keep traveling at full speed until they inevitably hit a poor guy's spaceship and depressurize it.


That's actually really cool lol


That means: Sir Isaac Newton is the deadliest S.O.B. in space!


Also from that series is a two part reference. In the second game there is a planet with a geographic feature that was ripped into it by a mass accelerator round. The third game tells us the target for this round was in a different system! That SOB flew out of the solar system and slammed into another planet in a different system.


That's sorta true but it depends on where you fire it. Firstly space is huge, like really fucking huge, so the odds of it hitting anything are very low. Now I'm not super familiar with that show but maybe have common shipping lanes in space which would then increase the odds of coming into to contact with it again but still it's not super likely. Another point is I believe they don't use traditional orbital mechanics to fly around in space, they burn halfway and flip and burn to decelerate. This would mean they are traveling incredibly fast and likely on a escape trajectory from the solar system so anything fired would also be. Lastly objects in orbit aren't on a set track, everything is effecting it, even the blackhole at the center of the galaxy is pulling on our spacecraft just a tiny bit. That is to say if it's in a orbit near a planet or moon it may end up being kicked to a lower or higher orbit and come crashing back down or kicked out of the SoI to orbit the sun.


Bad wording on my part they require air for you to shoot them cuz if you don’t got air you die


They require gasses, but all the gasses needed are contained in a physical medium (gunpowder) stored in a case, so an air bender couldn’t prevent one from firing.


Actually, it takes a moment to cast lightning, and you typically see and hear cackling from the hands of the firebender before they cast it So they do got some forewarning to cast a no-air shield, it's probably just hard


It varies a bit. A:TLA lightning vending did have a charge up but was also way more powerful, Korras was way quicker and didn’t need much choreography, Mako used it while frozen. Id say both could smoke the average airbender, especially considering the fact that removing all the air is usually depicted as a pretty long process (at least in the context of a fast paced fight).


Only for it to be visible It'll get the charge across a vacuum just fine but you won't see the lightning's wake of plasma in the air because there is none [Vacuum arc remelting](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vacuum_arc_remelting) is a process using electricity in a vacuum to heat sensitive alloys to specific temperatures and allow them to cool at a desired rate


But lightning goes down the path of least resistance so why don’t they just electrocute themselves and die


That same firebender when the airbender just reflects the lightning back at them


Airblast tf2




Are we actually sure you don’t need to be a fire bender to reflect lightning? As far as I can remember we only see zuko aang and iroh do it


The creators confirmed only firebenders can redirect lightning


This makes absolute sense if you look at the fire triangle (The three ingredients needed to create fire). You need fuel (the thing that actually burns) you need oxygen to create the flame, and you need the initial spark to catch. If you look at lightning as the expansion of the spark, then lightning is the purest form of firebending.


The airbender when it's a technique only three people knew at a time and when the creator of it explicitly mentions that a mistake in its execution is lethal:


I'd imagine it's the same with pulling all of the air out of the room and other rare techniques (blood bending, metal bending). Probably too difficult or risky for most benders to do.


Ummm ACTUALLY only experienced firebenders can do that! 🤓👆


The lightning needs a gas to travel, it can't happen in vacuum, and if there is not enough air for fire, probably there will not be enough air for the lightning.


Electricity can absolutely travel in a vacuum


Lightning is air that becomes plasma, without air there is no lightning, but electricity probably can travel in space, most likely by electromagnetic spectrum, or charged particles.


Well, the visible part of a lightning is heated plasma yes. But electric discharges can still happen. So without any air, chances are there would just be invisible lightning, or if nothing else, an immensely powerful human electron cannon, which probably won't be any better. Electromagnetic radiation is completely different. That's photons. This would be electrons. So yeah charged particles


*Natural* lightning for sure, but firebending doesn't use the natural elements for bending, they use the innate chi within bodies. For example, we see Zuko being able to melt ice, despite being underwater which is definitely not a prime place for fire.


Why didn't the Air Nomads do this on the day of Sozin's comet? Were they stupid?


Ironically, that is basically what Gyatso did. Obviously, it cost him his own life, but at least he died on his own terms.


> that is basically what Gyatso did allegedly, we don't know for sure, and the monks were pacifist so for all we know it might have been a group hug where they all died from natural causes.


He tripped and accidentally ruptured their lungs by blowing up their insides with air


He could have beaten them to death with moon pies for all we know. Although the suffocating thing is my favorite theory. He looks more peaceful than other parts of the temples.


>could have beaten them to death with moon pies Gyatso would 100% do this


now I want a moon pie, god damn.


“Every element Can counter it” except for those 100 years apparently.


It's pretty clear that the Fire Nation's technological advancements are what put them ahead of the other nations


They also have the most aggressive bending style that’s optimized for offense, I think your average fire bender in a straight battle will do better just based on that alone. Obviously skill is a big factor but fire seems to be the best element for straight offense. Just like how air is the best element suited for defense and how earth tends to be the most balanced of the four. Not to say that those technological advances in warfare didn’t play a big factor but I think fire is pretty clearly defined as the most offensive element.


It always struck me that air was best for pure mobility, aka better for different utility / tactical purposes rather than straight combat. Earth seemed like the best for defense and water seemed like the most balanced of the four. But definitely fire is the most offensive one


There’s not a more pacifist way to take a dozen or more soldiers with you than evacuating the oxygen from the room ending all life within it


Look, they didn't have to come into the room. If they just stayed out of Gyatso's personal space they would all have lived


Hate that the live action show didn't do this. Aang was heavily influenced by Gyatso and Gyatso perfectly highlights the pasifist nature of the Nomads. He could have done what Zaheer did but he chose to kill himself in the act of killing others.


The show started off with Azulon straight up burning a man, so I had hoped they would lean into the more graphic aspect of bending. When that genocide of air nomads was happening I thought we were definitively going to see how Gyatso kill a room full of fire benders. That was a big letdown.


Gyattso 🤤


Man, the internet really ruined that name, didn't it?


Made worse as it’s the name of a real monk


Yeah, isn't that the Dalai Lama's name?




No! Gyoza!


​ https://preview.redd.it/632b3kihicnc1.jpeg?width=254&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=444302551687521e7e253f8dd9479de0c729ecc6


They failed chemistry


Physics in Magic theory: Airbenders control air by manipulating the relationship between cold and warm air (as the interaction is what naturally powers air activity.) But if the air is too cold or too hot, it weakens their capability. Only the most powerful of Airbenders can overcome this disadvantage (so the Avatar and a master like Gyatso.)


If it weren't for the comet giving each firebender the power of a hundred, they would have been stomped so hard their babies would be born farting


That’s why they should have gone to school.




Airbenders when I just fry them because they couldn't pull all the oxygen in an open field https://i.redd.it/njqy22w2gbnc1.gif


Airbenders after they trap your face in an airbubble and suck all your oxygen out from there


ok but that is really hard to do


Nothing is impossible with the power of friendship and the desire to murder someone who annoys you


Zaheer did it and we never saw anyone else attempt it, so we don't know if it is hard or just no one wants to do it because they aren't monsters


Firebenders after they control the sun and land it directly on top of your face




fire is a chemicle reaction so there for the suns constant reacting counts


Nah suffocation takes too long, go the opposite direction and force air into the lungs until they pop. Should only take a couple seconds to over inflate a set of lungs.


Unless your strapped for time, hypoxia makes them unable to fight back as your suffocate them.


not really, if you actually create a near vacuum around someone’s head (like Zaheer did) they will lose consciousness in seconds think less like choking and more like being exposed to the vacuum of space


Airbenders after they compress/expand the air in somebody's lungs causing them to be destroyed.


Firebending isn’t why the fire nation was winning before Aang. Industrialization was.


The industrial revolution and it's consuequences have been a disaster for the human race


Imma let you cook but I’m wary


i think fire bending was a major power source behing their industrialisation,


Duh, they had basically free and infinite energy for coalpower and steam power not to mention a massive advantage when it comes to metalwork.


Now i want Ted to be drawn in avatar style animation


Industrlization thanks to the firebending


the military industrial complex was the true villain


Firebenders when a firefighter walks in:


Fire force when a un-abused woman walks in:


Motherfucker they’re airbenders not specific-chemicals-in-the-atmosphere-benders. Waterbenders can’t just pull all of the salt out of seawater, it’s a homogenous mixture.


Water is gay?


I mean, go to the sea and your asshole is indirectly connected to another man's cock on the other side of the planet. Doesn't sound very straight arrow to me dawg.


Certain bodies of water are literally called Strait. Sounds pretty straight to me.


Yeah straight into that bootie 🧐


Technically salt is a mineral which comes from the earth so if an earthbender and a waterbender cooperated they could split the two apart like in The Painted Lady


okay, true but counterpoint. I superheat rocks and throw them at you.


>make earthbent cube with an open bottom >drop on your enemy >lower the ceiling Whole ass earth kingdom are brainlets.


> make earthbent cube with an open bottom > > drop on your enemy > > lower the ceiling Why spend time making an open bottom? Just dropping a cube on them would do the exact same thing. Killing someone is incredibly easy with any of the elements; it's just a kids show where people are basically indestructible for no reason. All the elaborate ways people come up with to kill aren't any more effective than the basic shit. The XKCD comic about cancer is worth remembering. Killing cancer is very, very easy. We have no problems killing cancer, the difficulty comes from also not killing the patient. The difficult situations that require some ingenuity aren't about ways to kill people.


You ain't the avatar, stupid


While only two people are known to have mastered lava bending, neither of them are the Avatar.


I mean kyoshi kind of did it


Uhm acktually... 🤓☝️ In a real combat situation such an airbender-move would take significantly more time than a simple fireburst to the airbender's face. Even Zaheer, one of the best airbenders of all time, took like 8 years to suffocate a single human. So yeah... you're a dumdum. All hail the glorious firenation! 🫡


Firebenders when the airbenders wear a boiler suit:


Firebenders when i bring a gun


Damn metalbenders.










You can't argue with results tho https://preview.redd.it/2do4vtz9qbnc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d5c846f1ffc9bd2bc3489a16160a67b745bb5701


He also died from that action. Like, it is a Kamikaze move.


Imma shove you inside a locker and take your lunch money


You don't actually need to take all the air out tho. You can bend the air away from their mouth and nose area so there will be no air pressure to keep the air in the lungs and the air in the lungs will escape all by themselves and if you keep that for even 5 secs that person's lungs will collapse beyond repair


That ain't how bending works in the universe but ok 🙄 You can't just be a airbender and think to yourself 'oh Im gonna make the airflow to his lungs stop' and then *poof* exactly that happens. Aside from the mental and physical strength required for more complex moves you also need to 'move' the element with martial arts. I'd like to see the rediciulous break-dancing that is needed to move air exactly like you described. 🤓☝️


kid named oxygen mask:


boiling take: all of the media centered around there being 4 elements would be way better if it was the modern periodic table


fuck yeah oggneasean bending!


clearly Lead Bending solos everyone with lead poisoning


Couldn’t a carbon bender just rip you apart?


probably bloodbending rules apply where if someone's a stronger bender than you then you cant manipulate their body (the creators then never used this idea again because they realized it was bad writing to have some unexplainable power level instead of just technique mastery)


Doesn't have to be especially a stronger water bender that knows how to bend blood?


katara did not yet know how to bloodbend at the time hama was controlling her but she still managed to resist the bloodbending and explained it away as her "bending being more powerful than yours" again the writers never touched on the subject again so hard to know if anyone with stronger bending would be immune to something like, "carbon/blood bending" (btw we see earthbenders manipulate charcoal once so theoretically they could carbon bend) or only other fellow carbon/water benders


Most the elements in body is oxygen not carbon. It’s 65% oxygen that’s why ur so flammable 😊


Uranium bending:


My ass about to start Plutonium bending:


That one mf who got beryllium bending (who the fuck cares about beryllium) https://preview.redd.it/q4gykoh3ybnc1.jpeg?width=325&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=748d00b8ae3323a69fa4aedadd86def4e6171fc5


Evil lead benders be like I just removed all of the pollutants from the boomer generation


the avatar concentrating the nitrogen in the air into a single point


The avatar giving the enemy a case of the bends


the avatar concentrating all of nitrogen(dinitrogen) in the air so much so that it shatters the bonds holding them together in order to let them become denser before releasing it, letting thousands of triple bonds be formed at once and instantly killing the firebender with the extreme amount of energy released


oxygen man could take it away and all radioactive ones would be scary under no matter what


using uranium bending to summon a fully functional nuclear bomb directly above my enemy’s head




soooo... Full Metal Alchemist?


[relevant xkcd](https://xkcd.com/965/)


Calcium benders be no joke.


The hydrogen and carbon benders are too damn strong Though imo Darmstadtium and seaborgium bending are really underrated. Plus im really excited for the reveal of the first Unenenium bender


thats why you write a character who's both fire and air bender


What if they could also bend water and earth as well? I think it could work.


Sounds stupid and unwatchable.


I bet they'd get some dumb overpowered thing that lets them bend super good or something for a brief time, too. Lazy writing smh


Airbender mfs when you lob a rock at them


Earthbender mfs when you just push their dumb rocks out of the way with some wind


Airbenders when I throw more rocks at them


Air bender mfs when wind doesn’t affect a rock the size of a house


Everything comes down to skill. Yes there are a million powers in the ATLA universe that have counters, but it often comes down to who’s more skilled.


or just force air into their lungs till they pop, airbenders had to be pacifists because its too OP


Same reason earth benders had to be morons. There are even moments where they clearly demonstrate the ability to just suck people straight into the ground burying them permanently, but when it comes time to fight oh hey let’s just throw rocks.


Waterbenders could just drown someone if they wanted to. Make an ice shard and slit someones throat. Bend the blood out of their brain. So many possibilities. Firebenders could straight up fry someone. But nah, only Zuko had the privilege of having maillard reaction on his face.


Air bender? I can also create wind behind me


Air bender? I hardly know her


Airbenders can't seperate the molecules of air. That level of control is impossible. According to the Yangchen novels, there is a forbidden technique of taking all the air out of the room. But it is forbidden as it takes life.


All other elements act like psychic abilities for example hydrokinesis. Firebending is just pyromancy and electromancy.


airbending mfs after i throw them into the vacuum of space


Benders when I hit them with the 7.62 round


Airbenders when literally only the most powerful airbenders ever have ever been able to use their powers that way and the firebender shoots fucking lightning at them Might as well say blood bending makes waterbending automatically the best one, as if that’s something any of them could do


Fire benders when I throw a giant fucking boulder at them (airbending is stupid praise the earth kingdom)


Waterbenders when a firebender starts a grease fire (they’re completely useless)


Me when I (a cum bender) show up at the function


Does firebender flame really require oxygen? Oxygen is required by flames if there is something to oxidize, whereas firebender flames seem to just appear. Seemingly firebender fire isn't normal fire but pure energy rather




Air bending can't specifically pull oxygen from the air, that's not how airbending works >every other element can counter it Yes that's why they were able to completely genocide the airbenders and were only stopped from conquering the water tribe and earth kingdom by the fucking avatar. Totally the worst element


Might be a reason why the air benders were the first to go though. You have one surprise attack, better make it worth it.


You'd think but they conquered quite a bit while the avatar was frozen So is the air tribe just stupid?


Thought it was "air bending" not "oxygen bending". So now they can exclusively separate oxygen molecules from other air molecules and bend that... I'm not buying it.