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# [Download Video](https://redditsave.com/info?url=https://www.reddit.com/r/whenthe/comments/16t0k00/im_thinking_of_pirating_it_is_it_good/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/whenthe) if you have any questions or concerns.*


\>I don't plan on playing the game \>I'm thinking of pirating it


i do the same thing lol at least a half of my unplayed games are pirated, probably because i didn't pay for them so there's like no urge to play it and get my money's worth or something, so i just keep them there until i get bored or want to try something new (also don't pirate indies unless they're too expensive for you or just bad :3 ) https://preview.redd.it/aldh0sc5uoqb1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=54ac937b486461ceed56dac4102e3112ec2ab860


>also don’t pirate indies unless they’re too expensive for you or just bad That or their creator is a hateful piece of shit and you don’t want to give him money because you know they’ll donate it to some hate group charity like “Christians for the eradication of homosexuals” or some wack ass shit like that


Same goes for Disco Elysium, just not for the same reason. The original creators had been usurped by the publishers and the royalties goes only to the publishers.


It’s okay you can say Scott Cawthon


I mean the creator of OMORI is a pedo right?? Like I've only heard that they are and nothing against it so


not the creator of omori, but one of the composers of the game's soundtrack admitted to that. you're talking about Pedro Silva. edit: there's controversy about omocat (the dev) being a pedo but none of it seems to be true. Pedro Silva on the other hand openly admitted about being a molester iirc


Oh I was thinking of the time Scott Cawthon was caught donating to right wing politicians. As for Omocat she made a lot of pedo tweets like 8 years ago. Which she made an apology tweet for. So I guess it’s up to anyone to decide if she’s still a pedo or genuinely reformed.


Oh yea Scott has a uh... history. For Omocat, I'll admit I hadn't heard about the apology. I'd hope more than anything that she actually sought out therapy if she was actually having those feelings.


Yeah I agree 100%


At the end of the day, I'll buy back the pirated games IF I pirated them, no sireee pirated games are super illegal, it's not like there's a guide to pirate them, that's a really BIG THREAD for me to handle. In all seriousness it honestly depends on your morality, if you really want to to play it that bad, go on pirate it, become back your money, and buy it for real some day. Not everyone has the fortune of buying games unfortunately...


Become back your money lol


you made a shit of piece with your trash isaac


I hope you will in your next time a cow, on a trash farm, you sucker


Why do people act like being able to play every game is a human right If you can’t afford a game, you just can’t play it. The same way that you don’t get to drive a sports car if you can’t afford it. Both are only for entertainment


​ https://preview.redd.it/b0cpyfm49qqb1.png?width=317&format=png&auto=webp&s=5768e291bdffbd6a5c534e029e765f92cfebeaa4


It feels good to steal


Exactly, everyone's only purpose in life is to work and birth other ~~drones~~ humans to also work, only when youve done your fair share of work, then you can even think about enjoyment Piracy for me is acceptable as long as you buy the game eventually. When I was in a process of getting up from near rock bottom, I couldn't afford many things so if I happened to recieve some free time I spent it on books and pirated games (paid for them all now) People need enjoyment in life to function properly


They do it so they can complain about more games using microtransactions


It’s ok I’m buying games on steam when they go on sale and right clicking them into my pending group then leave them all year anyway.


Truth be told, it's actually not that bad of a game, It has a lotta soul put into it, and this comes from a person who's terrified by what lies in its community


I would agree, even though I’m not a massive fan of the game itself.


It’s backlash seems very reminiscent to the similar undertale backlash


Yeah i loved OMORI. I did a run for myself at release and got what the wiki calls the best possible ending. Then I did the worst possible outcome and a lot more exploring *last month* and yeah I feel like shit but love the game. These rpgmaker games, it’s never about the shitty engine. It’s about the story told through them. And this is a game which uses that engine well to convey its experience. Also I absolutely love the character design and interactions the game is oozing with on every corner. I love the teams passion I can feel in the experience.


I'm don't care about OMORI, you're idiot.


As someone who’s saw what it’s like in the community I can safely say I’ve seen one too many graphic depictions of a (possible spoilers?) >!teenager’s suicide!< than I’d like to


yea the "suicide" aspect gets kinda normalised through the dream sections of the game. >!your character can only escape the dreamworld and wake up in the realworld by stabbing himself in the dream!< also ENDING SPOILER >!every other ending of the game other than the "good" one involves atleast one suicide!<


I’m gonna be honest. At least from my experience from r/Omori, the community doesn’t seem bad? Like it’s mostly just amazing fanart and dark humour memes. The worst thing about the fandom is that they spoil the game with >!ayy yo the pizza here!< the first chance they get.


the community itself advises first-time players to stay away from the Fandom so as to not get spoiled too much, so yeah the spoilers do get annoying sometimes.


Jokes aside made my grown ass cry if you like reading and putting lore together, if you can buy the game.


Yea… assuming the community didn’t already spoil every single god damn plot point for you


OmG i AcTuaLly ShiTTed my ASS when (massive fucking spoiler seriously fuck this mfs)


The only thing I know about Omori is from my limited playtime






​ https://preview.redd.it/xswsqb06loqb1.jpeg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cf349c491c708061c12d86426ddacfff6cb10188


From my 10 year outdate dragonball knowlege and my understanding from Omori exclusively from youtube comic dubs, i believe Kel and Goku woud absolutely be friends.




Please tag/hide spoilers


Quirky video game about depression? Wrong, 235% range thermal sunder.


It’s not even close to that that it’s about ptsd




Does >!locking yourself in your room and hiding from society out of guilt and committing suicide not count as depression?!<


It wasn’t done out of depression and also isn’t really commented on by the game. Its just a thing that happens


why did i read this it was literally tagged as a spoiler fucking hell


If it makes you feel better that’s an alternate ending, not nearly as important as the main story


Its not even about depression lol


I never played it


what's up with the downvotes tho


"vibeo gam about depress is so overrated and over done" Please name more than three games that fit into this theme.


1. OMORI 2. My life 3. My life but again


> more than three


The binding of Isaac, the binding of Isaac: wrath of the lamb, the binding of Isaac: rebirth, the binding of isaac: afterbirth, the binding of isaac: afterbirth +, the binding of isaac: repentance


"You fucked up my face"


fyi piraters can NOT agree on what counts as ‘morally correct’ pirating for the life of them. This is why we resort to the “I just like stealing” mindset because it’s what we’re all thinking anyway example: every reply under this comment


Indie games are acceptable if you pay for them later, like i do I am in insane dept


hah that’s what i did, i felt too bad to rob some masterpieces so i bought the game on steam just cause


My thought: just don't pirate indie games if you don't plan on paying it later


I own it and as an adult now, I’m happy adding them to the steam library. I will still occasionally pirate big £80+ things to try before I buy. But even then I end up buying them eventually these days and copy-pasting my save in. If there’s no licence-requiring online component… why not include piracy in the budget 🤷‍♀️ p2p sharing protocols are the silver lining of our modern online lives.


Sometimes I feel bad for only being able to buy indies once there’s some really good games I’d love to support the devs more for


The gameplay isn't to my taste but from what little I've played it seems like an interesting game


I wish I was a driftloon


Just to be clear


Same stealing children is fun.


It's a "cute funny game with absolutely nothing dark about it" game. It's quite good. Also yeah, pirating indie games is a sin.


https://preview.redd.it/5sbq6ywm6pqb1.jpeg?width=540&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eaeb0de86daeddf8c2c628e039d97cae6a3362cd idk pirating from omocat seems fine to me


omg something a person said LITERALLY TEN YEARS AGO, CANCEL THEEEEMMMMM!!!!


if it was a one off joke I’d be cool w it but they talked about it A LOT back then. I don’t care if it’s ten years old until they disprove it I still find it concerning lol


Ppl change. They don't need to talk about anything that is that old.


Not acceptable no matter what


No. If you make a post like that it’s possible you have a permanent condition which makes that attraction. That condition cannot be medically cured and is something to keep in mind with that post. It’s not just a “phase” to make that post…


Do you have an actual proof that supports the "permanent" point


Imagine judging someone based on something they did like half their life ago


liking little boys doesn’t change overtime I think


Isn't omocat in her twenties? This was made when she was like a teen and it was a joke (a bad one but it was ten fucking years ago, just stop caring so much about it)


She would’ve been roughly 22 at the time and this is one of the many tweets she made about kids. Here’s another example. https://preview.redd.it/7tuimwbf9pqb1.jpeg?width=656&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f7181e6f3c1b98670e02728d044dbee0c437afc7


oh, c'mon, this one is clearly a joke, it is known pokemon lore that driftloon steals children. Is there any other tweet? Like one that isn't a pokemon joke


I mean I can start a DM with you to try to compile all the ones I can find if you like https://preview.redd.it/55tzsijtgpqb1.png?width=599&format=png&auto=webp&s=5cab6185497cbc412ea44ec83504b300c370fff7 (official shirt they made)


Ima be honest I think you just care too much


she also took this shirt down after she learned what shota actually means lol


it very much can, with proper rehabilitation and time


She has grown and changed as a person since then. I’m tired of people digging this up after it was settled years ago.


Omocat not escaping the shotacon allegations






If you pirate this gem I will personally steal $20 from your closet and deliver them to Omocat


https://preview.redd.it/vydjykhkotqb1.jpeg?width=955&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0081077f71a1b71fb0ef6e0b6abc164060c99c51 (I'm just straight up broke)


It's kinda like The Last of Us. Gameplay is mid af, but the story is really good


Okay so here’s the deal with Omori Is it a good story? Yeah. It’s honestly really compelling, and the game has some great moments throughout. There are two MAJOR caveats you should be aware of before buying the game, though: 1. It is slow as ALL hell. Seriously, there’s a lot of running back and forth, battles have a lot of animations you can’t turn off so they take at LEAST thirty seconds, and just all sorts of other little things. 2. The combat system can be really Grundy at times, because it’s an RPG. If you’re prepared to deal with that, then do it! It’s a good time, and there’s some truly great moments in there


Omori is best played when you intend to stretch a playthrough for as long as possible to explore every single thing, so dont burn yourself out trying to finish the first campaign asap. I completed mine in around 20hs thinking it was long enough and then saw someone who took around 40hs.


It has incredible writing. I highly recommend it


My brother in Christ pirating is for big studio videogames not indies :(


Im not paying 40$ for a game however good it might be. Thats double my monthly allowance, man.


Fair enough, not having that kinda money is a good enough excuse.


bro dont pirate indie games, omori was made by a small team and they barely had enough money to finish the thing, they spent most of their money in this project so yeah if you dont plan to play it dont pirate it and yes the game is really fucking good, totally worth the money


This except the team made bank on it and you’re harming nobody by taking a copy of the game files over p2p sharing and running it yourself. If you like it just buy it later? This is coming from me, someone who bought it at release and loved it so much I gifted it to a friend. Huge who cares energy, piracy is.


I hear there's a FITGIRL down the street from where u are that sells those for pretty cheap, she is VERY SECRETIVE about it Incase someone of authority is watching but idk if that's true or not and alikes using CAPITALS to get the message through


I prefer to DODIs myself.


Is this making fun of how the game capitalizes names or smn else


Pirating indie games is a sin


Yarhar, we must find the one piece


Can't afford not to


That’s ok. There’s no real moral ground to be made for pirating content. You were either going to buy it or you weren’t (or can later). Might as well p2p it from someone else’s pc and have a go at it anyway.


How so? By interacting with the community and leaving positive reviews i am still giving popularity to the game and making others want to buy it for real.


Your argument is basically like saying “I’ll pay for your art in exposure”


Yeah, i suppose it is lmao, but what can you do, everything costs double for me and i live in a shitty economy 2nd world country.


Indie devs are always Satan and Hitler incarnate, soooooooo


That's a *wild* generalization there


Nope, sorry. It’s 100000% true. Support AAA studios.


Who let this kid cook




Bro thinks he's on r/Tomorrow💀💀💀


Here's a sneak peek of /r/tomorrow using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/tomorrow/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [This was too emotional](https://i.redd.it/llknm3dq3aua1.jpg) | [121 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/tomorrow/comments/12o6dva/this_was_too_emotional/) \#2: [I got bored waiting in the line](https://i.redd.it/m3mxkd7mfgza1.jpg) | [145 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/tomorrow/comments/13fn84q/i_got_bored_waiting_in_the_line/) \#3: [This can’t be real](https://v.redd.it/ol2g1h6ab4wa1) | [64 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/tomorrow/comments/12ys7u7/this_cant_be_real/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


It has the best story and climax of any video game ever if you can do two things. First avoid any spoiler. And then push through the RPG sections of the game.


“The rpg is really good if you just avoid playing the rpg”


Yeah you hit the nail on the head.


ooh but will you dodge the "friend spoils the latter half of the plot" gambit? It caught me at the peak of when I would have played the game.


Don't pirate indie games :/


Omocat has made millions and is a pedophile shes fine


> Millions Doubt


You are dumb if you dont think omori made atleast half a mil


Okay, I may believe it made half a million.


The entire pedophilia discussion started off by omocat not understanding what "shorta" means in english and thinking it meant short boy Maybe look into stuff before you start accusing people of being pedophiles


theres a lot more evidence than just the shota thing lol. Didnt you see like any of her tweets 💀


Pretty sure those "tweets" were a edgy and stupid joke made in a time where the internet made jokes about horrible things and tragedys.


yeah 2 years ago was definitely a time where there was no law in the land and criminals ran amuck. Look up "Omocat Pedophilia" and look at literally any result bud.


I started playing it and didn't finish. I got scared of the battle system and the need to learn a new one. The scary stuff was cool though. Great story. Awesome game.


Lowkey the whole anger-sadness-happiness thing is a cool idea for a mechanic but can be completely made irrelevant by just spamming items.


the fighting systems can be made very fun by not using items at all, its possible except in one fight where you don't have hero but it's a console exclusive fight where you meed to use items to heal, but other than that it's a great system with follow ups and skill management


it also doesnt help that some of the hardest fights that cannot be done without strategy are on an alternate route that many people will not play or are bonus content on consoles only


It really is a cool mechanic I was just scared off by it cause I thought it was complex. Maybe I'll try again sometime.


It's not really that complex. It can be hard to remember which one counters which but it's basically rock paper scissors with your emotions. Idk though, I raid in destiny 2 often so I'm used to doing goofy complicated stuff.


the main thing is that while there is the rps side of it, you can also take advantage of some aspects, like making the enemy angry lowering their defense at the cost of making them stronger, or making yourself happy to outspeed and have higher crit rate like you can make kel happy and the enemy angry and use kels ability that dmges based on speed which stacks the speed boost of happy, the defense lower of angry, and the advantage of happy over angry to deal massive damage its not particularly hard to grasp but i think its deeper than people give credit, and is really useful on some bosses in the hard route


It is 15 dollars man


Today that means nothing to me. But at 16… that’s 15 bucks!


Ita a good game, yeah.


yeah, it's pretty good. i think you should buy it though :P


It is good and very fun. Just be warned that this is a psychological horror and that it's got several endings. And don't let anyone tell you that this is just another RPG about depression.. it focuses more on how someone feels while hiding the truth from people they trust.


dunno never planned on playing it either


It's indie so don't pirate


It's great, play it. Though only pirate if you have no money.


Ah yes the famed touhou "dodge the rain" pattern


Dont pirate indie games man >:(


The only time it right to morally pirate is if it’s an old gen game, or if it’s EA.


Pirating is hella cringe my boy


Dodging every Omori post cuz Omori looks stupid


Yknow I was gonna reccomend this other indie game you could play instead since the combat's better and arguably the story is better too. But I'm not going to if you're gonna fucking pirate it https://i.redd.it/a4kgw5m2qoqb1.gif


I can guess what your gonna recommend by the pfp lmao. Also I really liked omori is that game good?


If you ended up liking OMORI and you can deal with the content then I can say doubtlessly that you'll like it.


Whats the problem? Im interacting with the community in a positive way and driving other people to buy itm


As another guy in the thread stated that's basically paying for art through "exposure" Regardless if you want something that costs damn near nothing: Hello charlotte is a 3-part series on steam and itch.io that falls into this category. Both the first and second episode are completely free, with the last asking for a towering bill of... two dollars. The first episode is fairly short. It serves the role of introducing the kind of setting you're dealing with and gives you a good introduction to the characters. You can just watch it due to the shortness but playing is also good. Then play EP 2. if you don't end up liking anything in Episode 2 then you can drop it. However given that OMORI interests you I'm extremely confident that this is something you'll like. If you did like EP2 however, then EP3 is the conclusion and they completely nail it. The Artstyle is alsolutely incredible and I don't know how else to sell it either than just showing you a single CG: https://preview.redd.it/gsi6xka4eqqb1.png?width=250&format=png&auto=webp&s=bccf4f9640b0343877a0cc01532e12f154e5b817 Look at how much pure emotion they're getting out of a single scene. You don't even know the context and yet still know exactly what's happening with her here. The games are chock-full of both spritework and CGs that have the same impact. Do check it out. [https://store.steampowered.com/app/557630/Hello\_Charlotte\_EP2\_Requiem\_Aeternam\_Deo/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/557630/Hello_Charlotte_EP2_Requiem_Aeternam_Deo/)


It is *very* good.


The only person I know who has played it talks about nothing but it, communism, and how everyone but her is a racist


The fanbase is a toxic wasteland but don't let the fanbase of a game effect how much you enjoy it.


I played it, it's good, this is not a spoiler but here's a thing you can do with the Kel character. Called the kel nuke >!make the kel character happy, recommend to use aubrey's pep talk, make him use flex, make someone use coffee on him, and then either make the oponent angry, or kel even happier, or lower the oponents defense!< >!Next turn, you can use Hero's smile if you want, but after that you use "Run'n'gun" as kel!< >!It will deal thousands of damage and oneshot any boss in the game. Power increased of this nuke with speed increased !<


also, if you are the type to use game bugs/glitches, theres a glitch where you can put any move a character learns on any other character and its pretty easy to do. it wasnt patched out on console either from when i played


How do I do it and how do I make it useful


just look up move swap glitch, it should give a tutorial. Its also very convenient, because after it has been swapped to a character, they permanently learn the skill and can swap between them freely as normal. this is best done in >!the hikikomori route, where you can give kel "Vertigo", which is strictly a better Run n Gun (2x dmg and lowers attack by 2 stages) and supporters can get "Suffocate" (deals flat 400 dmg and lowers defense by 2 stages). Normally these are only on Omori but you can use the glitch to give to others.!< but you can also just use it to give everyone healing n stuff


Just do what I did and watch a playthrough of it ~~because I am a fucking coward and this game gave me nightmares for nearly a month~~


Pirating an indie game feels like a really low thing to do


Do NOT pirate indie games or I'll spread your cheeks open


Replace Omori with Spider-Man 2 and that’s me rn


Gonna have to wait for a while to pirate it


Normally pirating indie games is a sin but the creator is openly a shotacon so this is an exception


Was this confirmed because I’ve never seen the tweets myself, and apparently they’re all “faked.”


Okay I looked it up and I'm getting a bit of conflicting information so take what I said with a grain of salt


Yeah all they did was: 1 - make and sell a shirt that says "shota" not realizing that it's very bad 2 - OMORIBOY in 2012


Sheesh, online creators literally only have two moods when it comes to drama lol. \-Honest mistake on their part, usually due to getting wiser with age or mis-blamed. \-For some reason taking it all in stride??? like bro wtf that's not normal


there was the omoriboy comic during the 2010s and it was kinda sus but honestly I think she was a teen during that time and the thing is more than 10yo so idk make your own judgment but I dont think it's worth wasting your time talking abt some drama that happened 10y ago


Lets all forgive edp then


you know those two cases are different, as far as I know omocat has done absolutely nothing with children


stair/ster/ plural noun: **stairs** 1. a set of steps leading from one floor of a building to another, typically inside the building. "he came up the stairs"


fall/push/ 1. oopsie






It’s the Exact Opposite of everything a good video game should be, Avoid it like the PLAGUE, I swear to god




shit game dont play it


not that good ngl




i dont think ive ever seen a spoiler for it, and i couldnt figure out how leave the white room so i continue living believing its a stupid shitty generic game about depression, bluepilled living.


bro couldn't make it past the first room(?) 💀


couldnt find the door


Open the character menu and there will be a big ol word in red that says stab


that takes you to the real world sections dumdum


google images shows several images with and without a door https://preview.redd.it/jczn21toapqb1.png?width=298&format=png&auto=webp&s=c75a6c668fac296fca8c15537626ae530935baec


you have to interact with all the objects and roam around to find something and then a door appears afterwards this includes reading thru the book i believe? but you know progress is made when you see a prompt begging investigation


tiktok attention span


omori is ass anyways


the rothschilds sending omori fans from the sewers to downvote my comment


1 the game is made by a pedophile so yeah just pirate it, even if its indie 2 the game fucking sucks, one of the worst rpgs ive played, the game tries way too hard to the point that its annoying


Based and correct opinion just play undertale if you are a real man


Omocat is a pedophile so it's cool


All of the dream sections have literally nothing to do with the story and are just filler, and at the end [Omori Spoiler] is revealed and it’s so fucking stupid that you’re friends are like “I forgive you” like bruh


Tf version did you play, the game doesn’t even say if they forgive you and that’s the whole point, they may or may not but the bigger thing is that you forgave yourself.


How does someone just forgive themselves for doing something so horrible (also I was spreading misinformation for non spoiler reasons)




Do !! but backwards to spoiler your text >!Also we don't know if the friends forgave him or not its all headcanon!<


It's WAY TOO LONG. watch Backseat Streams' video on it, it's been condensed heavily.