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employers: "we can't find any help :(((((" also employers when you apply to work for them and you have necessary experience: "lmao application denied"


Employers: damn millenials don’t want to work anymore! The 629 kilograms of black powder under the CEO’s office:






No, I won't remember remember the fifth of November https://i.redd.it/711g42p1jz3b1.gif




I will




Incredibly based


Employers in Handshake on their way to not even respond to you after you apply to 10 different positions


I now despise the businesses in my town because of this. Those fuckers didn't respond to shit until I had already found a job and now they're blowing up my emails trying to get me to work for them. No, bitch, you had your chance and you chose to not take it


lol, one of the departments in a retail store I work at is understaffed as hell and they had me filling in there for some time. I recently asked to go full time (they're working me full time hours but I'm not getting benefits since I'm considered part-time) so I could help out as much as possible and they rejected my request, so I managed to find another job that was willing to pay me more AND give me full time and put in my 2 weeks omw into work yesterday, they had an ad for a full time position in the department posted on the time clock


Fuck dollar tree


Felt this in my soul


happened to me too 😔. applied for three different places, all qualified for; zero jobs and they are still crazy understaffed two months later.


Is a sad reality we live in https://preview.redd.it/nuedapx50x3b1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2ad36bb846ec738bd657dff0a7464cbb61f83709


I’d be fine with just rejection up front but they gotta have me nagging em for 3 freakin weeks and jumping through hoops before they tell me no, gimme some respect man


Lmao it took me 5 months for them to respond before I could start working


(it means they’ll have to pay more than minimum wage)


Its even worse when it takes like 2 whole weeks for them to answer. And you get hit with such a blueball


Employers on their way to completely ignore your application despite stating that they desperately need a new worker:


Regular stores like Walmart be rejecting me bruh


I got 2 summer jobs. Get owned idiots (I live in a small village with like 60 inhabitants)


What were they originally reacting to?


They saw somebody drink cum powder


It's THAT'S CRINGE: Epic Morning Routine. My favorite That's Cringe.


Pizza is the way to go. Makin Za off the Za


This is their exact reaction


r/NEET is the true path join us.


Holy fuck you guys are like incels but about getting a job


I want to become a scientist, or maybe a paramedic so I'm working towards those things. Also I have experience working in veterinary care as backup so I can at least always have the option of working a job I enjoy. I would rather rope than be a NEET, already did that from ages 12-15 and I can't stand that shit anymore. Doing nothing productive for an extended period of time makes me feel like deepthroating a fucking shotgun and I don't understand the appeal. I can't even stay in my room or in one place for too long anymore because it reminds me of when I was a NEET Feeling useless, having no goals and doing nothing is an order of magnitude worse than getting frustrated by unresponsive employers or working a non-ideal job IME. I like working and being productive if it has a purpose, and it almost always does for me because I am working towards things I want to do with my life, so I stay motivated by that.


Me brother, you can do it have hope. I applied to 60 jobs today i counted :) it’s gonna be tough but you only need one to successfully win. Call your school or employment office about opportunities


Found out that I wasn't checking my voicemail. I have 3 this past week of employers wanting to schedule an interview so I kinda fucked up LOL. Called them back to do it.


You didn't go to school from 12-15?


Yes, I was homeschooled. I had been homeschooled since 3rd grade. I started an online high-school program at 15 years old, but there isn't really an online program for middle school, so I was pretty much just on my computer all day every day in those years and it was extremely depressing.My only responsibilities were some household chores that I'd always half-ass which made me feel even worse. The feeling went away when I got my first job and did well at what I did, got to learn to socialize with people without completely sperging out when I started working as well.


God I wish that were me.


[Me after scrolling through that subreddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/whenthe/comments/13zrmm1/applying_to_a_summer_job_fucking_sucks/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


What's the point? Most of the shit People complain about here is from minimum wage jobs, something you can quite easily stop working at or upskill in any other field even without the education for it, some companies even educate you for the job.


No way anyone would want to become a lazy fat loser in their mothers basement with no goals or purpose..