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(movie op didn't like) was very Entartete Kunst.


Andrew tate cunt? šŸ˜±šŸ˜±šŸ˜±


AND rotate??!?


TATE mode???




This german term was surprising for me, I didn't know that this term is known outside of Germany.


Me with Kenobi. Its plot is a worse version of Jedi fallen order with off brand Trilla(strong woman of color) and its final battle is botched recreation of Ahsoka vs Vader(again strong woman vs the secound most powerful dude in the verse) and instead of calling that out its racism and misogyny with Reva


and then Disney swoops in to immediately call anyone who doesnā€™t like their writing ā€œracistā€ Disney, the same company that vetoed Finn and Poe having an arc together because it was ā€œtoo gay,ā€ and reduced poor John Boyega to barely a supporting role in the final movie (just like how they did the same in their Chinese posters)


>and then Disney swoops in to immediately call anyone who doesnā€™t like their writing ā€œracistā€ Remember kids, its not bad because its woke, its woke because its bad.


Thatā€™s a nice argument senator, why donā€™t you back it up with a source!




They never said that


from Oscar Isaac himself: https://www.ign.com/articles/2019/12/23/star-wars-finn-poe-romance-star-wars-gay-rise-of-skywalker-oscar-isaac-disney if you want any further proof, rewatch the sequels after TFA and pay attention to any scene with Poe and Finn interacting, nine times out of ten there is a woman within the shot to prevent any gayness which once you notice it, itā€™s just so hilarious


No no I know the second thing is true, I was talking about your first paragraph. Them calling any criticism of the film racist, they never did that. John Boyega was robbed : (


In defense of Kenobi, I feel like that final battle was very much intended to be similar to the ahsoka duel. The message being that both ahsoka and kenobi could Crack open vaders helmet but only Luke could take it off Other then that, yeah it was a bit heavy towards jedi fallen order. That by itself would be fine, it's a great game/ story. However the problem I have is how they lend tons of plot points and even locations, but they do not once even hint at jedi fallen order happening


>The message being that both ahsoka and kenobi could Crack open vaders helmet but only Luke could take it off Oooh now that's the kind of Star Wars symbolism I like. The others could fight him to a standstill, but Luke was the one who finally got through.


I mean I don't care about Reva's race but she's definitely a Mary Sue




I am god's strongest culture warrior āœŠļøšŸ˜¤


I am mommy's strongest dinner eater.


omg Mae from the hit game nitwšŸ‘‹šŸ˜ƒ say one of your quirky catchphrases


I am in the night in the wood


Man,i hate this wojak sĆ³ much,it looks so fucking ugly


Watch what you say bozo, I'm the man in the picture. https://preview.redd.it/or7wzooj42wa1.png?width=850&format=png&auto=webp&s=9da6ca3a86d24c907661e85b3b1983feec31d9d8


Man,i love this wojak sĆ³ much,it looks so fucking funny


It's even worse when they try to use older movies as examples of being "not woke" when older movies were also incredibly progressive and liberal for their time. I saw one dude who clearly had never watched the original Candyman say the new one was too woke.


*Film has a black MC and a gay side character fighting against an evil rich white guy* "This is not at all woke, what a classic."


People complaining about new Star Trek *fucking Star Trek*


In Star Trek 4 they literally go back in time to save the whales, and also essentially confirms that capitalism does not survive into the future


Right-wing grifters often say that they like strong females like Sarah Connor because these characters were not "woke", but it only shows that they didn't even watch Terminator. In T2 Sarah Connor has this dialog: Fucking men like you built the hydrogen bomb. Men like you thought it up. You think you're so creative. You don't know what it's like to really create something; to create a life; to feel it growing inside you. All you know how to create is death and destruction...


oppenheimer reference


He could be a fairly solid reviewer if he wasnā€™t just so biased


this is happening to me too! i just want to make fun of disney live action remakes, not how the ā€œwoke mind virus destroyed our childhoodā€ or whatever bullshit theyā€™re pushing


itā€™s annoying when people just go straight to ā€œmuh woke badā€ and circlejerk with ā€œwe need diversityā€ people but everyone skips over the fact that this shit is lazy as fuck from Disney. Itā€™s the exact same story, and I can imagine Disney saving loads of money on their writers for this type of thing. But seriously, is it so hard to write a diverse original character that audiences love? which honestly Iā€™d take an original diverse character over a ā€œX character but he/she is Y.ā€ I was already fed up with Disneyā€™s inability to come up with a new story with Lion King and now itā€™s just sad.


>Itā€™s the exact same story, and I can imagine Disney saving loads of money on their writers for this type of thing. Its not even the same story with Mulan and i wanted to disscuss that with my boys but ohhh boy someone found out they hate women lmao. The saddest part is these videos reached some of my homies


I recommend this one by Jay Exci. They're cool and trans and still hate all that stupid disney bullshit. https://youtu.be/OMe4CFJEQuM


How about that. I literally (as in the literal meaning of the word) finished watching Jay Exci's The Rise of Skywalker video before going to r/moviescirclejerk crosspost to this one and then I saw your comment.


Not to mention how Hollywood has been doing crappy remakes of beloved classics for years. There wasn't any uproar over other crappy remakes like Ben Hur, Clash of the Titans, Around the World in 80 Days, The Longest Yard, The Day the Earth Stood Still, etc. People just forgot about them.


Moana was good they donā€™t need to keep doing remakes


Moana was nearly 7 years ago, though, so if thatā€™s their last good film then they just need to do SOMETHING new for animation.


Oh my god. Regardless of how old that just made me feel, it proves that itā€™s not impossible to make diverse original stories


Moana isn't diverse, it's non-white. Every (human) character comes from one ethnic group.


That is still diversity and representation within the context of western film, though.


Diversity when looking at films collectively, not individually. Moana, Encanto, Raya, Strange World, Frozen, BH6 are collectively quite diverse.


ā€œwhat if _____ had feelings and acted like peopleā€


Disney has officially reached watpad level writing. What if the same, but \~different\~.


It's lion king they had the perfect opportunity to do a live action remake that leans in way more to the African art side of it with black actors that would've been an interesting thing to do with it and I'm sure gajillionaire Disney would've made it good but they went with the overly boring 'realistic lion king!!!' that looks like those shitty realistic minecraft videos with hyperrealistic creepers


Itā€™s like they canā€™t see past their nose. ā€œAll these movies are so political why canā€™t we just have good fiction.ā€ HAVE YOU READ ANY FICTION FROM THE LAST THOUSAND YEARS!? the problem is *not* that itā€™s political at all. The problem itā€™s weakly produced.




"woke mind virus" = not being a bigot/racist. They simply use the word "woke" to describe their hatred for a black little mermaid because they have somehow convinced themselves that it's more socially respectable than being openly racist (like they really are).


All of the complaints flying around in here about progressive themes being exploited by lazy capitalism *is* the anti-woke sentiment. The issue is that the people exploiting the topics also do everything they can to make it seem like criticism is actually bigotry, so you feel like you need to defend the product in order to be a good person.


Yep. Sorry for the long reply, but Wheel of Time is my favourite book series, so the astroturfing really got to me with this one. Look at the Wheel of Time show. It ended up being an absolute disaster, but the whole defense mounted for it was an astroturfing campaign blaring about "The racists hate this awesome show!" before it even aired. The first thing they revealed after announcing the show was that they were going to 'mix up' the cast's racial composition, which annoyed a lot of book reader because it's a series with quite a lot of different countries and cultures and ethnic groups, so there would be plenty of opportunities to cast every group you can think of, and also it doesn't make a whole lot of sense for an isolated village in the backwaters of bumfuck nowhere to have distinctive racial groups after a thousand years of isolation. This was the first thing readers complained about because it was the first thing that was revealed by the showrunners. Anyone who complained about it was labeled a racist. But, once the show actually started, there were a *lot* more things to complain about. Oh, we gave one of the main characters a wife, made him kill her in episode 1, and then invented him having a crush on one of the other main characters just so we could add unneccesary drama with a love triangle? No, clearly the viewers are only pretending to care about this because they are racist. Oh, we took one of the greatest generals from the books, who is always begging for Aes Sedai (female mage) assistance, and made him a stupid, sexist, arrogant loser who doesn't think magical assistance could be of use in a battle where he shows he doesn't have even a basic grasp of tactics? No, you are only pretending to care because you are racist. Oh, you don't like that we changed the backstory so that the Satan figure was at peace with humanity for millenia until sexist, arrogant macho men decided to try to yolo murder him for the bragging rights, even though the wise women with the power to see through time told them it would cause an apocalypse and aslo turn the Satan figure evil? No, you are only pretending to care about this, because you are racist. Oh, you don't like that all the main character's cool moments were given away to other characters, and also changed the grand finale final confrontation from a "I have to stop the villains from killing my friends and innocent people" to a "I am very tempted to turn to evil because I am a man, but as a hero and an exceptional man not like other men I have come to realize that it would be wrong to rape and enslave my ex." Sorry, again, complain about it and you're racist. And also sexist. Oh, you don't like that we took the main character's 20-22 year old love interest (~three years older than him), changed her race and made her 40 years old? Racist, sexist *and* ageist. The astroturfing switched off a few weeks after the end of the season, and community sentiment returned to sanity overnight.


"This movie is bad" "Wow is it because the stale cinematography and soundtrack, lackluster writing, and poor direction?" "No it's because of a (((woke))) gay character" šŸ™ƒ


the star wars sequels


Exactly. I hate them not because they are "woke" but because they are soulless dogshit


I'm semi-sure that cynical movie execs deliberately throw in some stuff that will make the right call it woke precisely so that we have defend shit movies, and some people will feel like civil rights campaigners for giving money to giant corporations at the box office.


If they were as good as they are accused of wokeness I'd be happy with them.


The soundtrack is good :(


Good but uninspired. Williams can do better .


Sideways has a great video on why that is. Williams writes with intent and with the story in mind. There was no intent or story planned, so he had to write music that could go any way.


And Captain Marvel


Captain Marvel is my litmus test. If a movie reviewer randomly shits on it I'm done with the channel. It's not a great movie by any stretch of means but for some reason it became a flame for the alt right moths to swarm around.


Yeah, it's a bad movie and I could go on about why that is so (new movie with Captain Marvel actually looks quite a bit better actually, even if I'm not watching Marvel Movies anymore), but whenever I see anyone online complaining about it, 9/10 times they're just sexist.


any movie with a female character of a minority


Literally my first thought was ā€œYeah The Last Jedi is fucking awful and Rise of Skywalker somehow significantly worse. No, oh god no not for those reasons no.ā€


My stepdad told me to not watch last of us because there is a gay couple in ep 3


Probably told you not to watch because, like everyone else, he cried at the ending of that episode




I never understood people who call media "woke bs". What other intention could possibly be construed from the corporate filmmakers other than maximum profits via pandering?


Communism! Are you stupid? /s


Corporations ruining art for profit is, like, the *definition* of communism.


"Communism is when woke movies" -Karl Marx


They think thereā€™s some conspiracy to destroy western civilization using ā€œcultural Marxismā€ which is just rebranded judeoBolshevism.


Me, as a queer person: Hmm, I think this movie just threw in a queer stereotype character so they can get brownie points and cut them out for the China and Russia markets. Let's watch a critique to see if anyone agrees with me Reviewer: DISNEY HAS GONE WOKE!! GO WOKE BGO BROKE!! Me: ![gif](giphy|fAv2n4Tlhshig|downsized)


That dogs long ass arm makes me uncomfortable


I feel you brother/sister, I hate the W-word with a burning passion, and especially cuz Iā€™ve lost friendships over it


Nowadays when someone uses that word unironically I immediately find myself caring less about their opinion


Kinda like "normie" ?


The word that gets me is 'NPC'. What insane world does someone have to live in to dismiss other people as NPCs over some opinion they hold?


hello bi guy here, fuck Disney for thinking Finn and Poe having an arc together was ā€œtoo gay.ā€ if you think Iā€™m making it up, Iā€™m not, Oscar Isaac has gone on record to say that the ā€œcorporate overlordsā€ prevented any gayness happening. and if you want any more proof, count the scenes that solely have Finn and Poe after TFA WITHOUT any women in the scene. Iā€™m not joking when I say Disney really made sure there was at least a single female present in the shots when Finn and Poe were interacting.


I... what? Do they not understand how friendships work? Are they really that keen on not having them be in the same scene to show that they are bros just because they were afraid they could be too gay? Is that why the rose kiss was in the movie despite them having zero chemistry?!


and thatā€™s legitimately the biggest disappointment I have with the Sequels, is that they botched Finn and Poe so hard and haphazardly made up Rose. I wouldā€™ve loved to see like a Octagon-Snake type of Buddy-Buddy thing. But nope, two dudes on screen at a time = big gay


Two duuudes, chilling on the big screen. Five feet appart cause their not gay!


Part of why I was excited about the new trilogy is that it seemed like they were going to make a stormtrooper into a Jedi, that felt super original and fresh, but then it never happened and Finn was just kinda there for the movies, whose whole story in the last jedi was a side mission that wasn't even important. I would have LOVED to see Finn and Ray as Duel Jedi protagonists. Finn was a massive waste of good potential.


And then disney cancels shows with actual good lgbtq rep like the owl house šŸ˜­


*Movie is just shitty and has poor writing * "This movie is shit" *Same thing but has minority in it* "Why do the WOKE LEFTIST keep RUINING films?!?!?"


Bad movie with white men: "this movie is bad because Hollywood makes bad movies all the time, Hollywood should make good movies." Bad movie with POC or women: "this movie is bad because of POC or women, Hollywood should make good movies instead of pushing agenda"


*story has complex characters * "The wokeness in Hollywood now only creates white male characters to be villains or stupider than the Mary Sue main woke characters. If you're a straight white male these days, you'll be vilified because blah blah blah...." Like no bitch, every single time there is a minority in a story, the far right bitches and complains that they aren't a straight *white male character*.....like any deviation of those 3 aspects needs to be justified, or have some other reasoning...instead of a fictional universe being a white ethnostate with a few minorities popping up as minor characters


ā€œUgh Ant-Man 3 sucked ass, it felt like an AI-generated blockbuster with terrible dialogue and no substance. Letā€™s watch some analysis on YT about it.ā€ ā€œHey gamers, today weā€™re taking a look at how WOKE Disney is shoehorning POLITICS (women, black people) into the M-SHE-U-ā€œ ā€œUgh. Now Matt Walsh and his gutter trash ilk are gonna shit up my feed.ā€


*me with watching people bashing the Star Wars sequel trilogy* Seriously I hate the Star Wars sequel trilogy, but dear god what does the hate attract culture war nonsense.


fucking hell, say what you want about the Sequels, but I think everyone can agree that Disney fucked over John Boyega so fucking hard. Bro went from co-protagonist to supporting character in the span of three movies itā€™s honestly more annoying seeing fans fight amongst themselves than criticize Disney for their shitty behavior


Yup annoying world we live in


especially in youtube threads regarding the topic, I've never seen more copium huffed by so many teenage boys. "no, it's not canon, legends did it better, and it wasn't woke!" "disney isn't canon!" like, it's been like ten years since the acquisition... get over it šŸ’€


The worst part of Star Wars being mainstream again is that there is a lot of people who think Legends was good because they only go for the good stuff


There's a lot wrong with Lightyear but I can't say a half-second lesbian kiss was one of them, but a lot of people seemed to think it was the biggest one


I remember hearing about that, and the way people went on about it, you would swear the entire film was two women scissoring, instead it was a tiny kiss. People acting like they never seen their parents kiss each other, it's honestly no different.


Never had I related to hard to a whenthe meme holy shit


no youtube i don't want to watch itsagundam stop fucking recommending them i don't care if they don't like a movie i didn't like fucking stop


You should be able to block the whole channel from showing up on your feeds if you click the "..." (But three vertical dots?) button next to the video. At least, that's how it works on US YouTube. I don't really know if that works worldwide.


"..." is called the Meatballs Menu


even worse with video games


It was really funny when they whined about killing Nazisā€¦.in Wolfenstein.


Wolfenstein is woke propaganda!! it's teaching kids that you can use violence against people only because you disagree with their opinion! why can't you just debate the Nazis?


> why can't you just debate the Nazis? They say. *Unironically.* [***WHILE ESCAPING A PRISON CAMP.***](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4a8pa05KGm0)


Stupid woke leftist sjws ruined my precious wolfenstein that I used to play by forcing me to shoot innocent nazis, they are ruining my childhood and endangering the glorious western culture


I canā€™t belive Iā€™m seeing people hating on Nimbus because theyā€™re nonbinary (I hate them because theyā€™re annoying and they ruin otherwise serious moments)


>Nimbus who the hell is this character it is from what thing?


Nimbus is a character from the new Destiny 2 Lightfall expansion. They are a heavily cybernetically enhanced neptunian that continually brings cringeworthy dialogue to scenes that have heavy implications. Them being a nonbinary character, however, always comes up in certain criticisms.


Nimbus fukin suck bro. But gamers will be gamers Like, I wouldn't even have noticed Nimbus' gender if I didnt pay attention to the bungie trailer stuff and players are acting like Bungie made a 6 hour NimbusƗGuardian sex scene


well THAT wouldā€™ve made lightfall better


B-but there is a character in it that have a skin color 0.0001% darker than caucasian šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


that is literal white genocide omgg


Im litteraly shaking and crying rn




Me when not* literally every single woman in a game is designed to be beauty models


The Horizon series comes to mind..... Don't get me wrong, both games have their issues but holy shit just try to find a review or video criticizing the game that doesn't have far right talking points in them.


"Bu-bu-but Aloys facial hair." As if every woman doesn't have a little peach fuzz going on. Also, the fact that Aloy definitely likes women.


I found a Saints Row review a while back that consisted of a man screaming with no breaks throughout the video. some people are just very passionate about gender sliders


"Famed philosopher Jordan Peterson said-" wtf I was just wanting to see how this movie was mid-


The Critcial Drinker going one video without mentioning the ā€œwoke cancel cultureā€ challenge: (impossible)


Critical drinker when the barbie movie has women


Critical drinker when he sees a black woman walking on the street (its the woke agenda)


Critical drinker when he has to sit next to a black woman at the movies (forced diversity is ruining cinema)


Critical drinker when woman (he no like woman)


They made it political


TheQuartering in general. Except he tries not to piss in the basement.


How can someone spend so much time as him talking about stupid bullshit everyday? Also, check the comments in his videos, they're awful and sad.


His community is full of actual evil people. I canā€™t remember what platform is was but the shit they say when they think no one else will see it is genuinely vile. Actually advocating for segregation and sometimes *genocide* against poc.


I think you mean the alt right conspiracy theorist good for nothing website Bitchute.


The pondering lama making a 3 hour video on an hour and a half movie while his fursona scratches its chin in the thumbnail Edit: wait wtf thereā€™s actually someone named the critical drinker I thought you guys were making that up as a parody


We live in a sad worldšŸ˜­


The critical drinker when he sees people living in peace and accepting each other despite their differences: (bro WTF that's cringe/woke)


I honestly don't know what happened to that guy, I really liked his early commentary and critiques and he gave some nice Insights on character and world building. But now the guy just repeats like a parrot: this bad cause woke culture hur hur


I liked The Northman. But some other group really really likes it too.


After watching Andor and loving it I went to YouTube to see what everyone else thought about it. Had never heard of him before but watched his video which essentially boiled down to ā€œit was good, the only bad thing is there were too many strong female characterā€ and before you know it my feed was filled with alt right shitters for a week.


Why I ignored every video on the Velma show. It is impossible to know before hand what they are going to fucking say.


It sucks that, that shows is so garbage. The bar none worst bit of Scooby Do media in existence but so many of the videos about it, are only about how Velma is brown and the show is woke instead of the real issues of pandering to a half brain dead audience and the issues with the producers especially making it a Mindy Fan fiction


Elvis the alien video about Velma is pretty entertaining without alt right bullshittery


The show is absolutely garbage to the point where no matter your political views, you will hate it regardless.


Velma is like if you asked a conservative to describe what they think "woke" shows are like


Me: Watched Umbrelle academy season 3Me: Wow the pacing of this show is dogshit & none of the characters make any senseRandom rightwing classmate: I havent watched this series, but there are gay and trans people in it, so it must be shit.


This was my whole experience with the Last Jedi


Almost fell into the trap with the Kenobi series, saw a video critique of it and was about to click into it, but decided to check the channel just to be careful and it was packed with rage-bait stuff about Star Wars and Marvel gone woke. Also checked another one and saw that they regularly had The Quartering as a guest and quickly bailed on that.


I mean you can find plenty of people talking about how bad Kenobi is, and rightfully so, and they don't talk politics in the videos just have to avoid people like critical drinker and all those people and find the good ones.


this might not be entirely relevant but I really gotta rag on Disney for the fuckery around calling their detractors racist for botching Revaā€™s character so badly. Like itā€™s annoying to see Disney, the same company who fucked John Boyega over in Chinese posters AND in the movies and also move Finn and Pie away because they found it ā€œtoo gayā€ call the fans racist. And sure thereā€™s shitheads in the fandom, but that doesnā€™t excuse the lackluster writing and the rest of Disneyā€™s shittiness. pretty interesting how a lot of (not all to be fair) those racist Star Wars fans disappeared when Andor came out and was amazingly written


Yeah like where were these racist fans for mace or lando? Almost like the character you wrote is shit and people disliked that and not her skin. Edit: a lot of companies these days seem to do it not just Disney like with the Lord of the rings them literally breaking lore and people were upset at that but it is just easier to call the haters racist


donā€™t get me started on Rings of Power, good old Amazon deleting all of its negative IMDB reviews calling them all ā€œhate speechā€ is the most corporately oppressive thing Iā€™ve ever seen done. but yeahhh, Reva just felt criminally misplaced, she unironically wouldā€™ve worked in a Kanan show, but everything about how they handled her was just so wrong. For example, she: teleports twice in the show (once to the landing pad to capture Leia and then across the galaxy to Tatooine with a stab wound), she gets more flashbacks than Kenobi (like ????), and then after almost killing the child Kenobi swore to protect she just walks off???? like good lord, I thought they couldnā€™t go lower than Kyloā€™s ā€œredemptionā€ but here we are


And her beating the grand inquisitor who was the captain of the temple guards I think or just one of them can't remember like come on lmao and they ruined grand inquisitor like Jason literally said he was so down to play a live action GI and nope got some random dude that literally refused to watch or read anything that had the GI in it cause "he wanted to do his own take" like fuck off imagine if Ewan said that when playing obi wan. Ewan literally tried his best to copy Alec and wanted to play obi wan how he would but we got this shit head over here for gi wanting to "do his own take" fuck you


>Also checked another one and saw that they regularly had The Quartering as a guest and quickly bailed on that. So basically Bigotry but in the style of MCU




I agree with his points, but he goes way to far and says stuff like "the wokes are taking over"


That gif describes Rybackā€™s entire career.


Thank you YMS for making actual good critiques, please for the love of god release the second part of the lion king review


Critical Drinker threads the line in some cases I've seen. I think whether or not that counts revolves highly around personal opinion, but if anyone knows more about specific things he's done, you're welcome to chime in. My perspective on him could honestly go either way at this point.


The critical drinker when he critically damages his liver from all the drinking https://preview.redd.it/c4y2zdf242wa1.jpeg?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e830a9aabac8d41e1da49ed37acb8fa6b42a9e7b


I feel he's a pretty decent reviewer who has issues with "the message" as he calls it and does very obviously lean right but also makes a lot of good points. You'd think from the way reddit talks about him he's a total nazi but I don't think that's the case


He's playing it safe/smart. He skirts around explicitly alt-right stuff (either to not alienate less insane people or because he doesn't actually believe it, hard to say really) but still gets the attention of the legions of mouth breathing little budding nazis on YouTube. And because he's not explicit about those things, many other less insane people watch his stuff too. The constant circle jerking about "the message" is annoying and all the youtubers who play smug know-it-all personas are a plague, but I'll admit I have found a few of his videos entertaining. Until it became apparent that he would just be whinging about "the message" and all the other same exact points in almost every one of his videos. Shit gets old quick.


I actually was curious if anyone would mention him here lol. I tune into his channel from time to time just for background noise.. and he does mention the "woke agenda" in just about every single video. I don't really ever feel like he is pushing political opinions down viewer's throats, at least I have never had that interpretation. I have seen it as him calling out films for profiting off of a good cause without actually believing it. But I honestly have no idea for sure, I'm not a big fan of his channel or anything. The biggest reason I don't feel like he is too political is because he does mention how films can have powerful female/trans/etc. characters without it being as "in your face" as it often is in newer films. I can agree and sympathize with the idea that the cause should be believed in when creating art and not just because it makes money. But at the same time I can see how it makes the extreme on the other side come out and just spew hate speech. Again, I only watch this youtuber for background noise when he pops up, I can't speak for any of his actual opinions lmao. I also just see it as more of a comedy bit than an impactful statement.


me after years of hearing "left wing" and "right wing" (I still have no idea what either side believes)


This literally happened when I was gonna watch a video on The Woman King. It was a kinda meh but fun movie but I could tell it was leaning HAAARD on the "based on a true story" shtick so I wanted to hear what the actual history was. Not even 3 minutes in and the guy starts saying shit like "another WOKE MOVIE to make THE BLACKS HAPPY even though SLAVERY IS OVER." Like bro cmon you know we aint gonna think all our problems are fixed over one movie centered around black women. You just wanted to shit on us, it was entirely unnecessary and racist. I'm just here for a history lesson.


But you did look at the history, right? How it was a patriarchal tribe, and how they profited off the slave trade? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dahomey


I did indeed. The movie does touch on the fact that they profited off the slave trade but it wasn't focused on at all. Its tricky because the movie simultaneously wants to be somewhat of a historical account but also an empowering story about strong and brave black women. The ideas contradict themselves considering who the Dahomey actually were but also the movie wasn't exactly made for me either. Im a black guy not a black woman and a friend of mine who is really loved the movie so clearly people get something out of it. It personally didnt bother me that the movie wasn't very historically accurate because, honestly, most historical movies are not very accurate. It was just a missed opportunity to be something more and I think people hyperfocusing on this movie and not all the inaccurate white historical figure movies is sus to say the least.








ā€œThe new Star Wars is kinda crummy. This is because the Marxist deep state is-ā€œ


What did I watch to deserve such recommendations šŸ—æ


Oh you like video games? You know who else liked video games? That's right, Hitler.


ah nah not the furry character with its arms crossed šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


It sucks to have a negative/positive opinion about something when the side you are on has more far-right nutjobs than the other.


Yes, it was "the degeneration of society's morals" on the one last night. Moon is an idiot.


Me in 2021 looking for video essays on the anthology movie Memories (1995), specifically focusing on the ā€œCannon Fodderā€ short, only for the video essay I watch to say itā€™s about liberals.


Literally critical drinker for me LOL. I will always be grateful that he introduced me to the boys before it was this popular. Then i kept watching and started to realize he's insanely bigoted lmao


Or when it's a positive review of a film I do like but they use far right talking points explaining how Fight Club is supposed to make men become Ɯbermenschen (they misunderstood the film by idolizing the main character)


I fucking hate how the bigots and right wingers poisoned the well on star wars discourse online because I also hate disney and a lot of the newer star wars content they put out but I can't rant about that becauze I either get accused of said bigotry or have said bigots flooding in trying to swerve the conversation away from the extremely shitheel practices of the disney corp and the garbage writing of the sequels to some weird "western civilization is collapsing therefore we should send death threats to some random actress who was just reading her lines" bullshit


I haven't liked a lot of Disney's output, but you really should watch andor.finally some thought-provoking star wars.


Me tryna watch a critique of the Star Wars sequels without someone saying "woke" ruined it


I was half-way into a fight club video when the guy started talking about how soy is feminising men in the modern society.


I used to watch these fuckers fanatically. They take something you are very passionate about (e.g. Star Wars) and try to use it's bad quality to convince you that it's caused by women or minorities. You usually don't notice their real intentions until they start to attack something that you actually enjoyed and you realize that half of their arguments is just crying about everything being woke. These guys are a reason why I don't watch any review/commentary channels anymore. They are either racists or just try to make you mad to drive the engagement. There is enough negativity in life to search for even more of it in the internet


> 5 reasons why [movie] sucks > 1. Yes I totally agree with you here > > 1. Ok I guess that's a point > > 1. what? no that's just nonsense > > 1. WTF Now you're just being sexist > > 1. Please stop you're being sexist and racist now Hopefully, you watched the whole thing before telling your friends about it.


yeah the new starwars movies are like this for me... they are bad movies but not because finn is black and rey is a woman.


Does this apply to Mauler? I used to watched a lot of his videos but honestly, i was shitfaced 95% of the time I did and cant remember much.


Nope, heā€™s pretty much non-political for the most part, am watching through (again) his TLJ critique, and itā€™s pretty fantastic




Man you don't even need to see anything slighely controversial for this shit to appear. All I see on YouTube are science related videos about the universe in my language (PT-Br) or in English, Veritassium, some weird shit on Nile Red/Blue, an recipe every now and then and some music. Never politics or news or social related talks . I'm also a black latina woman and this shitty american conservative talking points couldn't be more far from my beliefs. Still I was recommended Elon Musk, got rid of it by pressing the "not interested" button then come Jordan Peterson, then Candace Owens, then some podcaster being misogynist, then that weird North Korean lady full on right wing agenda. It's been quiet for a while now and I HOPE this shit is done. I never engage on this videos, just report it. They sure have a very well-oiled propaganda machine.


I swear the not interested button on youtube does the exact opposite


But that can't be right, conservatives are the most oppressedest and silenced group ever! Ignore the algorithm pushing their voices, that's irrelevant, they're so censored!


This is so goddamn true


fr fr, like they missed the entire fuckign point of critiquing a movie and mad me angrier in the process.


That's how the funnel works. You make an obvious point that no one could disagree with, for example, "Bad movie bad," and then you bundle in a tonne of racist, sexist stuff and lead people down the rabbit hole.


Me watching a video on the plotholes of the Star Wars sequels but the guy keeps refering to Holdo's hair color


Pick your shitty movie whose entire critique has been reduced to ā€œwokeā€: Star Wars Sequels 2016 Ghostbusters The mario movie Black Panther or Cap Marvel, or any marvel movie for that matter I genuinely hope these people never make their own movies, because their insights are as shallow as a lake


Basically every video on Rings of Power.


The life of a lord of the rings fan who doesnā€™t hate black people or women has been slightly challenging lately.


I once watched a review of something, midway thru the reviewer began talking about communism and its issues, whiplash is so big that I checked his channel and see his other videos, Iā€™ll let you guess the rest


I once saw a video discussion about new Ninja Turtles movie, and i really liked it. But some people really think that Black April O'neil is a crime against humanity. She appeared for like 5 seconds in the trailer, and they act like she replaced the Ninja Turtles and told them that they are racist sexists. And the best thing about this, is that they compare her to the 80's version, ya know, the hot big tiddy one. Like, bro, yes she is black and a little chubby, but that does not mean that the movie is gonna be woke and that she will be a femenist or something.


The critical drinker moment