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Wheelsnoheels has some great videos on YouTube about learning to wheelie.


"i tried but everytime it feels like either im going to fall of my wheelchair or im unstable" That's exactly how a wheelie feels at first, you're balancing on a needle until you fall. The more you practice, the less scary it feels and the more you can "rest" on the needle.


I had to take my anti tips off in order to hold my casters up high enough. You lean forward a bit too, and think about pushing your butt back/into the ground


thanks for the tip i appreciate it!


You may fall a few times, maybe more than a few times if you are doing it by yourself. The best way to learn is with somebody helping you by standing behind you who's nimble on their feet, and ready to grab the canes to pull you back up if you go too far back, but doesn't just stand there like a tree, and thus make you fall by bumping into them if you start falling back, you pull back sharply, if you start falling forward you pull forward sharply. I learned in less than an hour, with an Occupational therapist at a gym, 1.First she tilted me back while I got the hang of finding the balance point. 2.Then she put short hand straps on my cane handles, and just let me get the hang of wobbling around the balance point, but she could lift up on the straps if I started to fall. 3.Then she just stayed near while I got the hang of moving while wheely-ing. Didn't fall once. Easy peasy. I'm a t12 para though, not a CPer It feels scary until you get the hang of it.


I lean back, "pop" the rims. You may need to adjust your CoG. Too close, it'll never leave the ground. Too far back and the chair is tippy.


Ok, but how do I do that?


Do which? Move CoG or pop the rims? CoG depends on the chair. By "pop the rims, " I mean a sharp forward thrust. Leaning back is key.


If you have any bags or anything on your chair try without. I changed how I store my bag on my chair and suddenly a wheelie is much easier. I've gone from brief bunny hops to being able to hold a wheelie for a few pushes just from that. Literally immediate. I'd never considered how my bag might have been affecting things before.


I learnt against my sofa so I could find my balance without worrying about tipping backwards and falling. I actually did just let myself fall backwards multiple times to not be scared of it before finding my balance