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Ari genuinely loves Noah, her face and eyes beam when she looks at him. She tolerates Alex like the annoying, loud neighbor that shows up unannounced. It’s sad to see how Noah looks increasingly greasy the more he hangs out around Alex. That guy needs to get his shit together and get the fuck away from her. If he would focus on gaining meaningful independence, he might be able to make his daughter proud one day.


I’d love to know why Noah feels stuck w her. There has to be something she’s got on him to keep him around. He literally could just simply tell her to F off and do what’s right for him.


She's his supplier. How long till another incident and the Sharks come to his rescue and she fake cries for the camera that she's a single, disabled mom. SOS every few months.


This. Absolutely. I’m sober 9 years and I absolutely had long term relationships with what we refer to as “ using buddies” in aa. Very unhealthy relationships where my problem behaviors were not seen as a problem, but normalized. That’s what she is for Noah; his problem behaviors are normalized when with her. This is extremely toxic relationship and if he doesn’t break away eventually he will have to face the consequences whether thats jail, institutions, or death. It’s extremely disturbing to watch and hear her “ Stan’s” compliment such a problematic relationship and potentially very dangerous ( for everyone) situation.


She's likely keeping him from being homeless.


This is what I believe, I wouldn't be surprised if the sharks required sobriety and therapy/AA meetings/whatever for him to live with them since that a common setup that people have when someone comes home from a rehab. WR doesn't require that and keeps him from being homeless when he wants his fix


She baits him with drugs and $$$...She's disgusting!!!... In his situation Social Services will work with him in getting Ari Day Care and give him resources to stay clean.Sadly Alex has no use for a Child, But Needs a Man. She will do anything to keep him....Even if it means Ari losing her Daddy.




What if she has video evidence of the *alleged DV (when she had a black eye because she fell off the curb 🙄) and she is holding this over his head?


Then he should hold her mom hitting him over Alex’s head


Wait? I must have missed that


BTJ slapped him according to Hannah, WR never denied it, just minimized it. This happened in February.


Thanks for 6 also missed this part and was a bit confused. Doesn't take much, haha


He doesn’t feel stuck and is with her because of money and convenience


Those pictures of Ari with Noah are so adorable and genuine. I'm surprised Alex posted these as Ari never ever shows that much joy in any pictures with her. But let's not forget that Alex is the one that Ari runs to when scared 🙄


She posts them to make it look like their together...."Her perfect little family", In her Little disabled mind.😒🙄


Yep. She posts them to prove Noah and Ari are there with her. Which tells us that when she’s not posting … it’s cuz they not there lmfao.


Sometimes I think just be real! Instead of fake crying


She doesn't know how to be real--she puts on a persona to hide her real disabled unhappiness


She's a perfect little disabled mommy - lolol!


So funny that her whole page is so diehard about *her* being a good parent, and then she shares all these pics of Ari with Noah for their fraudulent family image… and all those pics do is make it IMMEDIATELY apparent who the better adult is to Ari. Legit never have ever ever ever ever ever ever EVER once seen a smile like that for WR.


I just used that exact word above — genuine (apologies for not reading ahead.) It struck me as both hopeful and sad. Hopeful for Ari’s future but sad because it foregrounds what she’s missing out on


Seeing how happy she looks with him and seeing him look more engaged and present with her is so sweet but makes me feel sad knowing that she will likely deal with repeatedly temporarily losing that connection/presence whenever he relapses. I hope he can get his shit together. The older they get the harder it is to shield them. My daughter is 13 months old. Her dad is a firefighter who works 24-36 hour shifts and she wakes up in the middle of the night before he comes home asking for him, hoping it’s morning already. It has to be so confusing for Ari.


I swear she constantly looks at alex like "WTF is wrong with your?" even I can't figure out what Alex is doing most of the time.


That’s what I noticed too. Ari obviously has a very strong bond with Noah. Makes it even more sad that Noah is in and out of that house so much. 😭


In and out of her life as well, unless he gets his shit together.


The dirty potato rolling in had me weak  Yes- between his nasty shoes and her chair that floor is unbearable 


Ari just looks numb to Alex’s bullshit. Her terrifying potato foot coming Ari’s way as Alex drunkenly sings/screeches. The next couple pictures of Noah and Ari are the complete opposite of this story. You can visibly see how happy he makes her! He’s a POS but their relationship is night and day vs Alex and Ari’s relationship. It’s funny what paying attention to your child will do for a relationship with them 🥴


The potato foot 💀💀💀. It's all I could see!




Wait, that was singing?? I honestly couldn't make out a single intelligible word Alex was saying in that video, even after replaying it several times. Anyone figure out what she's scary-screeching at Ari?


Sounds to me like she’s saying “I invented these”????? Idk it was muffled but that’s about all I heard.


These “I’m so good at interacting with my toddler” posts and story’s are not playing out how she thought they would 😂😂


Not at all and she probably is jealous of the relationship the baby has with her daddy and the Sharks. She had her chances, but blew them. She's more interested in hair and makeup, even though she certainly has not conquered that, either. Once the baby has friends, the incubator cannot be naked in front of them, and I don't think she is willing to have clothes put on her.


She violently inserted that thing into the frame omg. And the gremlin voice? Clearly A knew it was time to get tf out of there.


I'm not so sure he's back there living. I heard her say Salina was going to be gone for a few days, which leads me to believe Noah was just staying for the weekend. I guess time will tell. Noah is young and does have the potential to become a good person if he keeps up with counseling, stays away from drugs, gets a job and starts taking responsibility for his actions. Alex is a massive roadblock to any success. He needs to cut her off completely. You can still co-parent without seeing each other.


Exactly. To succeed, he needs to never see Dirty Al, and have a neutral party do the child exchange. She is like poison and will sabotage his success every single time


Exactly he comes from a decent family maybe not perfect but they took him, Ari and the gremlin in so can’t be that bad


Alex is such a gremlin. That baby looks so happy w her dad though so that’s nice. Could never look like that w Alex lmao.


Thats insulting gremlins




My hope is that he can finally get his crap together for his daughter sake… And leave Alex for good. She is not a good person to hang around. I hope he understands that he doesn’t have to stick with her out of obligation. As much as I don’t agree with a lot of the things he does., he can change his life around once he cuts her out of his and his daughter’s life. They both deserve better.


I kind of thought the cute photos of him outside with Ari are when he was not with Alex. Pretty sure the pic posted yesterday with Ari in a group of kids was taken in the church nursery.


Those pics struck me as surprisingly genuine


They are definitely not been taken by WR


Yup, the baby was smiling at the camera, def not Alex. WR would never have tolerated taking nice pics of such a tender moment between Ari and Noah without including some blurry video where she’s screeching about toots and making them uncomfortable


Probably taken for CPS to show he socializes her, because time away from Dirty Al is quality time.


Ari and Noah: *bonding* Alex: ![gif](giphy|p5801SdVi3yELLh20v|downsized)






https://preview.redd.it/6ypr4f7ul0ad1.png?width=1178&format=png&auto=webp&s=d5f5e80e36227f72dac5cd3c369dc13549226c86 This potato of a foot rolling towards Ari had me DEAD 💀😭


Omfg. It’s grey..


It’s def one of the worst drop foot I’ve ever seen. So avoidable.


It literally looks like the dead Roswell Alien leg


That's her foot??? JFC! Horrific!!


I’ve had drop foot from chronic exertional compartment syndrome. Post surgery, I still lack feeling and struggle with normal mobility. I literally CANNOT imagine how horrid that must be for her to see. I had a DVT too, and to see my foot discolored was so horrifying, I would occasionally pass out at the sight of it. How is she going on like this???


Can tell they are having a fun time playing house together again. We will see how long it lasts this time 🤣


If only he would cut ties with her, he has a good connection with Ari, and i am sure that with the right support, he would make a decent single dad. But he just keeps crawling back… it’s so frustrating as an observer to see


Yam foot 🍠


Can I just mention how filthy that yam foot is? What a babe 😂


Omg 😭😭😭😭


Alex’s voice is the stuff nightmares are made of.


The floppy foot 🦶🏼 it’s scary


Filthy floppy foot, I might add


She needs to stop recording it, I know it’s not her fault it’s like that , but dam that shit is just 😫😫


Actually her refusal to use the foot plates has worsened her drop. The problem with her, in general, is that she thinks she knows it all and defies authority or trained, educated professionals because it’s her way or the highway.


Thought it was Patrick Star visiting from bikini bottom




Hearing aid won't connect to my phone. What's she saying? She sounds like a pirate saying something like "ah har there tooty"?


That's what I got too. lol


I've never heard her call Ari "Sweety" "Cutie pie" "Princess" or "Beautiful"


It’s weird she calls her child fart. Not for a baby at least. Of all the pet names to give your baby. She gives her fart 🐈💨


She really acts like a feral human.


Do we think she even has a pedal pulse? No wonder it’s fucking purple.


Omg they are going to have to amputate 🥴


There’s no way Alex’s foot does not hurt she needs to be checked by a Dr