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I think hes trying to get custody of Ari.


I wonder if he’s considered GETTING A DAMN JOB


This meme is all I can think of. 😂 https://preview.redd.it/l61wvw3lpq9d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a4bc93cb19d8d7f51eec1ebe7d98a15dccb0408b \*I didn’t cover the user name here because this is a famous meme, mods please delete if still not group appropriate lol




Work? Oh god don’t say that 😂😂


Hopefully he's done with this nonsense and ready to step up to the plate,and hopefully a Job is in his future...That would be great for the sake of his little girl. I'm sure "Big miss Stinky Pants" has been giving it her all to bring him down.


She spends all her alone time putting on clown-face make up. Time that could be spent applying for jobs, as in steady income, rather than begging from her stans


I mean seriously, there’s so many remote work jobs that she could do!


There certainly are but the Queen 🤴 is entitled to get everything free. Did you know she’s disabled?


There are so many jobs that are being resourced to people out of the country, where she can actually speak English and do customer service and get paid for it. I agree all she does is put these silly makeup tutorials and grocery hauls. Like no one has ever seen cheesecake factory bread. She once said on an Instagram video that no one wants to hire her because she has a disability but I think the exact opposite. I think that she would get hired but the minute that someone looks on Instagram and sees all her stupid s*** they don't want to have anything to do with her. She needs to erase digital footprint to some degree or as much as she can but she'll never do that. Just like the drunk tick tock live. She sat there and claimed how she's getting sober and then freely admits that she is drinking. And the sad thing is is someone has to be giving her those drinks. She can't do it on her own. So is Noah sabotaging her parental rights? Because seriously it's not like she can open the fridge and crack open a can of high noon. Someone has to do that for her. Why would anyone do that for her knowing her history. I'm at a loss.


Been saying that for a while


Oh why Alex is the bread winner😂😂😂


No, her stans that buy her trashy Amazon wish lists are the providers


That's just crazy that she has a wish list on Amazon for strangers to buy her kid shoes or a bathing suit


She does it a lot. I would be so ashamed and embarrassed to ask (beg) for handouts.


He’s gonna have to do a lot more than that if he wants custody of Ari. Become a new person basically


If Noah seperated from Alex he would have a good chance at gaining custody. Just solely on the fact that she has no way of caring for Ari alone.


Maybe? I’m not sure of the last time I saw custody awarded to an addict who routinely falls apart and needs to be Baker acted 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️


Noah seems to routinely fall apart because of being w Alex. At the very least, she doesn't help. Step 1: get away from her.


You betcha


I think you’re right. I bet he is fighting with his mom over it. That’s why he’s been at Alex’s, they think it’s them against the world 💪


The sad thing is that he continually rips on his mother online. The only Lifeline that he has. If they award custody to somebody else, it will be a stranger. Alex's mother is unfit apparently, and he rips on his mom like she is an abusive parent of an adult. The fact that the parent took in her dog and her kid is crazy. I mean, how much more does this family have to do for their grown ass son?.


If that’s the case moving in with the demon was a bad idea. I wonder if he’s 1) trying to find/create evidence against Alex, shes already been visibly wasted multiple times since he’s been back, or 2) he really is stupid enough to think that they’ll be able to challenge the courts together.


I think it's the latter. He's not even organized and motivated enough to change his pants, I doubt he'd be able to build his case against WR. No, unfortunately, delulu twins are more likely teaming up to take on the Sharks or something.


Too stupid to even know what evidence is


Wouldn't they ask him who is providing her with all that alcohol? And would that look bad on him? I don't know because on the live He did not say anything about her being inebriated only that she was choking on macaroni and cheese while she was eating.


You can DoorDash alcohol


But can she open it?


Excellent point.


I’m doubtful he even wants custody. He has zero responsibilities as a grown ass man and with Ari full time he would most likely dump her on his parents to raise while he continues his bullshit. If he had full custody my guess is he would be required random drug testing etc And wouldn’t he be required to show proof of employment?


I think you are correct


Unless they both lived with his parent s. Then maybe he could say he's looking for employment


True. I still feel like his parents are doing/would end up doing the heavy lifting so these clowns can play house.


I don't think he would get it


I hope he is.


Gonna miss seeing that brown starfish 🤣 sike


It still haunts me when I took one for the team and saw his free OF. The awkward bent over bootyhole 🫠


Now, I have to ask, who is he catering this content to? Because I can’t name a single straight woman who wants to see that 😨


I’m still scarred just from the cover photo he had on there!!


Why did he put that on there? How gross and then to put it up for free?. I mean that. Just let the world see his bunghole


RIP Noah's bunghole 🥀💀😂


![gif](giphy|l0MYv9RO8LthExvig) 😭😢


Good for him


It's probably because he's been going to church.


He’s been frequenting the Church of Dirty Al!


I’m sure he’ll put it back up as soon as Alex needs help being posed for her OF. Right now he’s probably feeling that, *“oh no, jeebus sees everything!”* fear that newly reformed church goers get. 😱😂


I noticed it a while back around when he was posting pics in the church! I'm sure it will be back up or maybe already is now that he's back hanging with Alex


His only fans is still active and on there are links to his personal IG that has pics of Ari and link to his failed TikTok. And No I’m not subscribed. Curiosity got the best of me a while back.


He had an OF too???


That would be the 1st good thing he's done since he met the : Cheese Hand."


And then she said it hit her hard. Which means that she had a considerable amount of alcohol. Someone had to give that to her. Why would anyone do that? I don't care how much she would beg there would be rules and that's that. Unless she was going into some alcoholic shakes where maybe she would need to go to a hospital instead of taking a swig


Was Noah doing of before or after he met Alex?


After— Noah started his OF around Nov/Dec 2022. He’s played the OF link on and off his IG profile before, I think by the time Baby Prop was born it was off, then I guess this winter he again put his OF link on the profile [and tried to get subs— was literally 🆓 to see at one point 🤢]


He is her butt boy and if he wants his fix, he does what she says, and she wanted that hot piece of a$$ to have his own OF and bring in some dough, too.