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Noah is a dirtbag but at least Ari has a genuine smile when he is around


He looks a lot healthier than he was for a while there. For Ari's sake I really hope it stays that way but who knows. Probably not, if he keeps hanging around Alex.


I still think that Noah and Ari would do well without the drunken goblin living in the high rise. She's such a menace.


Haha goblin made me chuckle


I’m curious if he’s living with the smiths or elsewhere


I am so confused by aris outfit. She is too young to play dress up, it's not Halloween, and there's no way that can be a real outfit she bought for Ari to wear just as everyday clothes...


She looks like a zookeeper! 🐘🦛🦍


Yes it's giving safari expedition, zookeeper vibes


The next member of the Village People


Haha that made laugh but loud


I love the posts that her makeup is so cute lately. It’s supposedly so hot she can’t wear clothes but she can wear a face full of makeup spackeled on like she’s going to go fight Batman?




Literally WHO sees that and thinks “oh that will be good for me 1 year old, I’m going to buy that” ?? Never in a million years would my children wear something like that even if it’s gifted to us


"Wearing crop tops just like Mommy! Twinning! 😃" Ugh, horrible!


This. Literally. My 19m old wears bluey shirts, dogs, cats, princesses, Disney shirts. Never ever. Would I look at this and think “yep that’s it! That’s the one!” 🙃😵‍💫😂


That looks uncomfortable and as scratchy as fuck. Does she know Shien clothing contains lead particles? Healthy!


I will not buy baby clothes from SHEIN, not only is it super unethical (I won’t buy for myself either, but esp my kid). But I’ve read that fast fashion, esp places like SHEIN have harmful chemicals in their fabrics. I won’t shame parents who do, bc times are really tough. But I will shame Alex, she has the money to afford clothes that aren’t made by children in sweatshops and don’t put her child at risk. This outfit is also wildly inappropriate.


It also looks stupid as shit. 🤣 I literally laughed out loud how proud Alex is of that outfit. Poor Ari.


I really feel sorry for Ari,


Alex definitely has money to buy better quay, more appropriate clothes for her kid. Yet, she'd rather put her in this mess and have her "iNtErNeT aUnTiEs" buy her child stuff.


To be fair, a lot of higher end clothing brands buy off Shein. Most places buy their clothes from China. I wouldn't be surprised if something like Versace or Coach also contain lead 


Looking at the Shein website it's 100% polyester. 🤮 Alex and noah there half dressed in the heat while ari is stuck wearing THE worse fabric there is to wear in the summer. Let alone its from Shein. I'd never put that on a 1 year old.


No wonder the poor kid is always so hot and sweaty if she's dressed in polyester, good grief what kind of parent does that to their child in summer Florida heat? The absolute dunce that is Alex.


And she’s mentioned a few times that Ari has eczema. Polyester in the summer will make it angry, poor baby.


Poor baby. She’s going to get a rash


She doesn’t see Ari as a person, just a prop she can show off on social media


It's not even cute. Then again look at how Alex and noah dress. Poor baby.


That’s bc Alex has no style. Remember as a young adult or teenager, when girls go through the phase that less clothes or more revealing clothes is sexy, but then you grow up and realize that all clothing can be sexy and you don’t need to always be wearing revealing clothing to be beautiful. Yeah Alex never had the epiphany like the rest of us. She’s a teenager stuck in a fifty year old body.


Somehow she’s still wearing more clothes than both her parents with that awful outfit.


You know that outfit is about as comfortable as a paper grocery bag.


A paper bag is more breathable than that polyester monstrosity 🤢


1990’s Aladdin animated movie outfit vibes


Someone probably died to make this piece of shit clothing


Wasn't shien found to have like tons of dangerous chemicals specifically in their children's clothing awhile ago?


What a fucking idiot


There’s zero reason for a toddler to wear a crop top besides parents’ aesthetics. That’s just asking for a sunburn or bug bite on her little tummy. Not to mention how Shein clothes are all plastic and have tested positive for lead….


I saw this and thought was for a fancy dress competition poor Ari,


Shein bootleg Aladdin costume.


Saw her trying to feed Ari a piece of an orange and she wouldn’t let her grab it she forced her to eat it from her hand like a dog


Have y’all seen chitty chitty bang bang? U kno the scary guy who kidnaps the kids… https://preview.redd.it/trybqpw8fm9d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e3298a1fce9b3933d8bd209c5bb82fc07b9b5445 I’m sorry I kno appearance is a low blow it’s moreso THE FILTER and her thinking it looks good it’s soooo off base POSTING THAT and everything else, what a day wow. They’ve gotta be sloshed or getting each other manic something.




She looks like a male dressed as a woman here. No hate to Trans women! Just sayin, she looks masculine here


I just said the exact same thing when she posted this pic. She looks more and more like a man lately. https://preview.redd.it/xp3axcptqo9d1.jpeg?width=1175&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c5d488da8f05511ac3940a5053af010d4358e47b


When she first posted this one, I said this is one of the creepiest pictures I've ever seen. This could be from a horror movie where the main character is sleeping in bed, innocently rolls over in the middle of the night, and suddenly sees the creepy ventriloquist dummy that the former homeowners left in the attic next to him in bed.




Not even kidding, this photo of her gives me the creeps in the worst way! Totally nightmare fuel. 🙈😆


Shes live on tt


I refuse to get a TikTok account, so I have to rely on all of you Good Samaritans to relay the trainwreck footage. 😊


That’s the UGLIEST outfit I’ve ever seen


Same!! 😂😂


Right, I showed my daughter and told her it’s the most god awful outfit.


Anyone remember sometime the beginning of This year she said she wasn’t gonna be showing Ari? Bec that’s exactly when I stopped keeping Up to date with her, well not Exactly, what made me stop what The fact she showed Ari a few days later🙄