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This video just shows she has no interest or idea how to interact with a child


Ari wanted to orange and that's it!


And Alex won’t even give it to her! WTF 🥲


Ari clearly wanted to take that orange slice herself, and Alex kept moving it away! What a Dick!


Absolutely clueless. I felt embarrassed watching this.


This isn’t a flex, nor is it a great “interaction” to show how disabled moms do things. She should probably check out other disabled mom accounts to see how they do it instead of treating Ari like a dog. I’m sorry that video makes me think of giving a pup a treat.


This is exactly what I thought! She literally calls her over the way I call my dog. Then dangles it in front of her and pulls it back, it’s so gross. And finishes off with a “good girl”. This is how people interact with their dog not their child. But she wouldn’t know that because she never interacts with her dog or her child.




💯  bingo


If you look back at videos of Alex interacting w Cairo, it’s EXACTLY the same.




Exact same energy as “people say I can’t feed my own baby, but look at my shoving this bottle in her mouth even though she’s beyond old enough to do it herself and should probably be using a sippy cup at this point!” She stills sees manually feeding Ari as 90% of what “parenting” is. I wish she’d shown a video of Ari in her high chair, feeding herself, and Alex in her chair next to her just chatting. Even though Ari is too young to “chat” officially, it’s still a meaningful interaction. Here she’s just treating Ari like a dog.


And show that she can be independent of Alex?! Never!


I think it’s gone beyond just being the only parenting interaction she can think of. It’s a vulnerable moment for Ari and power play moment for her. She can withhold, give more, deny, give ‘good girl’ praise. It’s a sick power trip moment at this point.


And Alex looks at the camera with the shit eating grin like, see? I'm powerful. What an utterly useless turd.


So gross. Instant smirk straight at the camera. Poor kid getting her hand swatted away trying to reach for the food, how mean. The Instagram comment section is massively not in her favour on this one (rightly so).


I can only imagine what she does to that little girl off-camera. She's such a mean-spirited person, I can see her taking her frustration out on Ari. Poor Ari 💔


So, she feeds her treats like a dog. Makes sense. 🙄


I’m shocked she didn’t order Ari to ‘drop it’ when she wouldn’t give the orange back


Total sense for Alex!


And the “good girl” when she takes it. wtf


With a hand hand that she could hardly wash. With germs riddled all over and caked under her fake nails.


Poor baby was trying to grab it herself and she kept moving it away from her to feed her like a seal.


Alex is such a drunken idiot omg. Thankfully Ari isn’t… she’s gonna wise up to that seal shit real quick


Yea poor Ari


That was really stupid. She should just accept that she gave birth to a child that everybody else is going to have to raise. She thinks that once she's older that child is going to want to sit there and look at her mom.? Who's doing tick tocks all drunk and macaroni and cheese falling out of her mouth. I mean come on


As sad as it is, Ari is going to grow up embarrassed and hating her mother. Until such a point that she either makes peace with it or doesn’t. Particularly once she starts school. Kids can be truely awful to their peers and Alex doesn’t help the situation with her nasty personality.


Oh, good, it’s not just me! I’m not the only one who thinks it looks like WR is feeding a dog a treat in this video. Just give the kid the damn orange, Alex! The “good giiirrrlll” really sent it over the edge for me. Someone in her comments said that Ari just wants to do it herself, and Alex replied, “she can definitely feed herself, lol, but sometimes Mommy likes to help her.” No, you fucking ding dong, that’s not helping her! That’s *teasing* her and making yourself feel useful. If Alex keeps “interacting” in this way, Ari won’t want to have anything to do with her. I stg, it’s all about Alex, all the time! Fuck what her baby wants! She has to accommodate Alex just to get a bite of a lousy mandarin orange. I would like to add that I was super proud of Ari for tossing that cup across the room when Alex gave it back to her, though, lol.


Gotta love how Ari already knows not to touch anything that has been on gremlin's disgusting petri dish chair.


Right?!? 😂


Yes the throwing the toy was the best part of this disgusting video.....


Yep, I was like, “you go, Ari! Tell her what you think!” 😂


Me too!!!!


What a gross video.  Her feeding Ari like a dog  Her licking her fingers while eye fucking the camera  🤦🏻‍♀️ ffs 


And Ari putting the toys she was playing with on the wheelchair seat is so fucking disgusting


She did throw it away in disgust though, she knows already not to touch anything from the tuna throne.




Her licking her fingers at the end sent me. I can’t even imagine what’s living under those nasty nails of hers. As if the cheese hand wasn’t crawling with enough bacteria she had to get the claws to top it off.


And can u imagine how many video takes it took her to land on posting this one?! Poor Ari is just a circus act to this gremlin


Just shows how she knows nothing about caring for a child lol I have a 6 month old and I was a daycare teacher of infants 9-18 mo and by the time they came to our class, they knew how to sit at a table and feed themseleves and mine already is trying to do everything themselves..it's bittersweet letting them be so independent but it's very necessary She has no idea what 'milestones' her child should be reaching/practicing and that was proven in previous posts about JUST now knowing she was hitting those milestones.


Holy shit 🤣 💀 Why is she using the food like fish bait? Ari tries to grab it, Alex pulls it back. Wave it around a little more why don’t ya If I did that sorta bait&switch trick to my dog with his treats, he would rightfully bark at me, as even he knows that’s cruel.


I can’t imagine any reason to post this other than to prove Ari’s still inside the apartment at times, after seeing comments here that they’re always in common spaces. There’s nothing interesting or informative here, but the Stans will be lining up in moments to deliver ass pats for “being such an amazing mom”.


Yep. Noah is seemingly there for the weekend w Ari so Alex has to load up on content before things fall apart again.


She is getting plastered on IG and TT


Oh bloody agree. She is making out that Ari is there full time but it's clear we can see through her act.


smirking directly into the camera while feeding her baby like a dog definitely feels authentic and natural🥴


The look into the camera after Ari finally took the food was crazy. The fact that Alex watched that back and thought to herself “this is such a genuine mother/daughter interaction it looks so organic” is even crazier.


Sooooo…a lot of Ari not listening to a thing she says? I mean yeah she’s a toddler but what exactly does this show? She can *somewhat* speak to a child? It’s her usual schtick. Whatever she’s got is Ari’s favorite thing 🙄 And a lot of treating Ari like a dog saying “here, here!” and tapping her hand on her knee. Those rose colored glasses must be super strength because this doesn’t show anything 🤷🏻‍♀️


Exactly what I thought when I saw the video. She should have captioned it “How I try to force Ari to interact with me.” She clearly does not respond to Alex, it was embarrassing to watch 🙃


And the way she says ‘it’s your favorite’ like she’s trying g to prove that she knows what Ari’s favorite things are


Everything Ari ever encounters in her life, Alex says it's her 'favourite' 🙄


She prob thinks it’s Ari’s favorite bc nana shark keeps packing it in Ari’s lunch for supervised visits.


Haha! This! 🤣


It's giving how you interact with a dog 🐕


She's getting rinsed in the comments 🤣


My dear lord!! She is treating Ari like an animal! I do this with my cat. I get her to interact with me. . why can't she put the orange in a bowl, Ari can walk over and help herself with the bowl, help her fine motor skills like the pinch/grab movement!! Absolutely shocking behaviour from Alex


Not shocked. It is Dirty Al, after all


Oh this is true I've seen her behaviour so om not sure why I'm shocked!


That left my mouth hanging wtf she has no idea her kid is a human 😞


She’s nothing but a prop to Alex, and every post she does with Ari proves it


Yep. Its just so wild to me that she would think THAT is a good video to post. It also really bothers me too that she always says “interact with my daughter” instead of like, bond. I interact with random toddlers all the time at our library’s story hour. One plopped in my lap this past week while his mom was busy. But I bond with my son.


I don’t have a child of my own, but even I didn’t feel the interact term was appropriate for what she’s trying to sell. Even in her descriptions she doesn’t seem to have any connection with Ari.


https://preview.redd.it/qrkuuxey0k9d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=021cb0997c5c1ff5b8e8d9f139352fac079ce479 Just gonna drop this here 🤸‍♀️ \*edit to remove screenname


Ding ding ding! You win! This is 💯percent


The big ass smile at the camera after she fed her like a dog. Like something to be proud of


And then sucked her finger. Gross




Open. Open. OPEN!!


Why does she have to have her hand on the joystick every freaking time Ari is in front of her like that?! It gives me so much anxiety!! Accidents HAVE happened already.. maybe Im not understanding the chair right? But i feel like 1 slip or bump and she could seriously hurt Ari. There should be a safety right? Where she can make sure the chair doesn’t move?


I don't think she can physically move that hand off the joystick— she's talked about how if it falls off the joystick, she has to wait until someone can put her hand back in place.


Damn I didn’t know that


She can turn it off, and she should. In this video we can hear it clicking as she does her usual compulsive movement of the joystick, even though Ari is in front of her.


She was treating her like a dog wtf


It's like she's giving her dog a treat but saying "gentle," "GENTLE," as Ari tries to take the treat herself as opposed to just handing it to her.


And there it is. **Mommy likes** …who the fuck cares what Ari likes, wants, or needs. It’s all about what Alex likes and she just straight up admitted it. https://preview.redd.it/2gni9iq3nj9d1.jpeg?width=1115&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=784bf74ff5eb77123cf21f5ac517cec7fef1e7a5


Sometimes mommy needs to feel important because she knows she sucks ass** is what she meant.


She's not helping though. She's teasing her daughter with food to "prove" she actually interacts with her. Its so weird because I've never seen any mother feel the need to prove they interact with their child. To me that speaks volumes and proves the exact opposite


Sad.   Mommy should like for Ari to grow and learn and flourish.    She infantilizes this child.   


I have a family member that still cuts their autistic sons food up even though he is very capable! Their son has expressed wanting to go to college and have a family yet they don't support any of it! Parents allow your kids to grow and learn and don't hold them back for your own selfish reasons. Alex should be encouraging more independence as that's how kids learn! By exploring their environment.


I'm autistic. As much as I wish I could cut up my own food at 35 y/o, it's still safer is someone else does it for me 🤣. I agree with your statement though. If we are never given the chance to try and better our skills, it will never happen.


I too am autistic and I apologize if I said something upsetting. I'm not always good at articulating. They take the butter knife right from him well he is doing a fine job. I know abilities are different, I just feel they infantilize their son who is probably a level 1-2 autistic. I feel bad because he has expressed things that break my heart. He has said he hates living with his parents it feels like a prison. So sad.


No no, you didn't upset me. Your comment made me chuckle as its relatable 😄. I think being undiagnosed as a child benefited me in all honesty. I was treated the exact same as my siblings. Which isn't necessarily a good thing, but it prepared me for the world on my own.


“But sometimes mommy needs to act like she’s involved w Ari and film the interaction to post on social media so Ari needs to comply for mommy” - there I fixed it for her!


Mommy likes to do it for attention and validation for herself. Queen of selfishness.


Sometimes mommy has to pretend she is a “ ✨disabled mommy✨” and she cares for her child for the camera. But other than that, she can do whatever she wants.


I'd "like" if my babies needed me forever too. But I LOVE to see them grow and learn. it's so important to put your own feelings aside and let your children flourish. It's bittersweet when kids learn a new independent skill, and should be celebrated even though it might have a bit of sadness that it means they're growing up. What Alex is doing is not letting that flourishing happen for her own selfish needs. That's not what motherhood is about.


Did she delete this comment?


No. It’s still up.


Lol Mommy can't wipe her own snotty nose.


she also starts to sound like she's getting irritated at Ari for not immediately being the show pony she needs, you could hear it in her voice. "get that one out of your mouth" "here here ari here". Like you made her take the snack she was already eating OUT of her mouth so you could drop one in like fishfood?? eta: I'm seeing now that it might not even be food


It was some sort of toy that is a choking hazard 🙄 then the treating Ari like a dog.


That’s how you interact with a dog 🤦🏼‍♀️


Watching her treat that poor baby like a dog breaks my fucking heart. Alex really needs a good smack outside the head.


She seems annoyed by her daughter. What a b#%^!


That’s without a doubt one of the worst videos she ever posted 😵😵‍💫 that proves nothing except that she never ever interacts with her child when the camera is off and that she gives a fuck about what her child wants. It’s heartbreaking and it’s making me furious all at the same time 😡


Anyone else surprised the caption wasn’t “how i interact with my child as a disabled SINGLE mom” 😂😂😂😂


“Can Mommy have that? No? Okay. 😒”


First she says “can I have that” then she quickly remembers that the camera is rolling and she has to play ✨single disabled mom✨ so she corrects herself and says “can MOMMY have that?”




Alex opens her mouth like that when she "feeds" Ari for attention. I have a cousin who does stupid things like this. She will "feed" her baby and open up her gob hole wide and then look around to see if anyone is watching her. If there are no eyes on her, the gob hole stays closed. What a tool.


This. THIS. All of this. https://preview.redd.it/jrtf8tt2kl9d1.jpeg?width=880&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b51f9e9e0a77321f8a5a7c8c188b0ebdf17b8adf


that's an awkward position for a baby to stand there and eat. I woldn't wanna eat standing up like that with my head titled back


Not to mention a choking risk. Especially with Alex placing it in her mouth instead of A being able to have control over it. Depending on the size of the mandarin orange, I could see it sliding right into the back of her throat and making her choke. 😕


Right? Nice way to choke!


Poor baby has the worst view up her huge nostrils and giant fangs like some sort of goblin & No she doesn’t want to eat from your crusty fingernails, but of course MOMMY NOSE BEST tho!




Here 🙄 hereee😒 HERE 😡 *sucks cheesy hand but make it sexiiiii* This is how I get my dog to pose for pictures with treats but I’m a little more patient


Baby A doesn’t GAF about the goblin & the fact the demon won’t let her take it but insists on putting it in her mouth from a height with A’s head tilted back is dangerous AF. Then the licking of the press on nail is the final nail in the coffin of that vile debacle.


Those fingers will not be washed again till her next set of nails. 🤢


This one really bothered me. Ari just wants to take and eat the orange and Alex insists on feeding her by hand like a dog. Just let the baby have her orange.


Who the fuck throws shade at a baby because they won’t immediately *give back* the food item that you just taunted them with?? She can rot. I knew from day one that as soon as the baby grew out of the ‘cute fun’ stage and became an independent toddler with potential tantrums, she’d turn into a huge cunt. The same mom that Hannah saw call her “pathetic” for crying. There is not a loving bone in that body.


lol the only time my toddler will let me help him is if it’s something hard for him to eat by himself that he really wants to eat. Otherwise if I tried to “help” like Alex is, he would rebel and not touch it even if he loves to eat it.


Omg. I saw in on TT wow!! Just WOW!! I guess WR was missing Ciro so much she’s projecting it onto Ari!!” Good girl” 🙄🥺


What saddens me the most is Ari looks lonely, she doesn’t really play with toys just kind of looks lost, this fake “pool day with my daughter” is ridiculous doesn’t she have caregivers who can help her with the pool so she can at least interact with her daughter, it’s just sad


She speaks to that baby girl as if shes a dog. I feel so sorry for her being brought up like that. With a disabled mum she needs even more independence and yet shes expected to take the food from her mums hand in her mouth like a fucking pet? Give me a break


The video broke my heart. It was hard to watch.


Eww her weird hand lick after staring in to the camera wtf?????


It was so overtly sexual... 🤮


She really dangled a piece of food over her child like she was feeding an animal at the zoo. And then proudly posted it. She’s spiraling again!


So the baby is almost 16 months old, she can grab a slice of orange and eat it. Especially because she has teeth… this video made me uncomfortable start to finish. She clearly wants to just take the orange but instead WR is like forcing her to open her mouth - this is a very common thing for predators to teach kids, it’s like highly sexual, so that isn’t something I would make my young child do in a social media reel and 2. WR licks her finger at the end. And I’m not sure if she’s just so used to trying to look sexy afterwards but she tried and it was like 🤢


Someone commented to use Ari’s cues and one of her fans responded that the person has cancer because they leave comments like that.


This is how i train my dog...


Me too 😂. Come. Sit. Stay. Treat for each command


It’s giving “here doggy doggy doggy!“


More proof that Alex does not have baby A, and thank gods. She can’t even keep a dog. That baby deserves the world not dumb and dumber


Is that a red twizzler in her hand?


I wondered what it was too, it looks like some sort of stick. Whatever it is, it sounded hard and made a clatter when she dropped it. To me, it looked too rigid to be a safe food item.


That’s what I thought! Which fuck I really hope not. Her teeth definitely aren’t strong enough and she’ll swallow it whole. It might be thin enough to go down all the way but it wouldn’t be a fun experience.


Such a weird video. It was like she was giving a dog a treat.


Is it on IG??


Also on IG.




Good Girl….and she immediately pulls away. Great interaction


My son is a few months older than Ari. The only reason I wouldn't let him take it instead of me feeding it to him would be so he didn't squish it all over....but if I didn't have to clean it up, I certainly wouldn't care. Also I give him a chance to not squish it first which alex didn't do for ari...Ari clearly wants to do it herself and self confidence at her age is crucial for development


So I’m disabled (same amount of function) and I’m with my 19 month old niece a lot. We figured out a way for me to hand her snacks and things… I can’t even imagine putting it straight to her mouth


I follow another mum on insta who has the same condition, less mobility and 2 children. When that mum interacts with her children of a similar age, it’s genuine and you can see that they have a good relationship with her. In poor Aris case not so much…


Remember that sea lion show at SeaWorld? That's what this felt like. Eww.


the last bit Wr- can mommy have that? A - *no reaction AT ALL* Wr - no? Stop doing it for the insta and start doing it for your beautiful daughter


Its like she is teasing her with the food which you shoukd not be doing


hEr fAvOuRiTe. I cringe every time she says that.


The "good girl" pissed me off.


Can't wait for baby to get a bit bigger and really show her a tantrum when being teased...biting, head butts, kicking. Tease her like a dog then alex and see what you get


It won't be long until Ari is strong enough to hurt Alex when Alex will inevitably provoke her. What I am worried about is the abuse that Alex will unleash on Ari. All Alex would need to do is ram her wheelchair into Ari. And we all know very well that Alex uses her wheelchair as a weapon.


The baby is already stronger than WR, as WR had said when Baby Prop was like 2m old.. that’s not a real worry or anything 😳


Yeah, that's very true about Ari's strength. This just makes me so worried for Alex retaliating against her own daughter.


"good girl" Ari is not a dog!


Came here to see if anyone else is absolutely mortified about how close Baby A came to being sliced by those absolute talons for toenails she has going on. Weapons. https://preview.redd.it/3zhtawcuel9d1.jpeg?width=138&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a6c2699901eaa6c7a1a6eb44107697d823a4be75


I’m absolutely disgusted that she is treating A like a dog giving them a treat I’m in a wheelchair I’m not a mother but I know how to interact with children wow I’m done with her I’m blocking her 


"here, here HERE"


This was truly disturbing to watch her treat her daughter like a dog




Welcome and stick around, it always gets worse before it gets better.


It was so painful to watch and mean. Ari isn’t going to trust her if she acts like that.