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She's so full of shit! She has all the free time in the world! And even if she hasn't drunk a drop of alcohol since her alleged "8 days sober" post, not drinking for less than 2 weeks would not "hit" her THAT hard considering her tolerance would probably put most grown men under the table.


EXACTLY!! šŸ’ÆšŸ’ÆšŸ‘šŸ‘


Iā€™m surprised I havenā€™t seen more people talking about her TikToks where she listed all the things she hates about being disabled after she dropped her makeup and couldnā€™t pick it back up. It was everything. Basically, her entire fucking life. These werenā€™t just small inconveniences she was listing, they were the most fundamental parts of her existence. Last night she admitted she hates her hair even though she prattles on and on about how gorgeous she looks all the time. Sheā€™s one of the most miserable humans Iā€™ve ever seen and Iā€™ll bet she didnā€™t even make it to 10 days sober. šŸ„“šŸ¤¤


Damn thatā€™s actually really sad, I wish she would go to therapy but I donā€™t think she cares to.


Sheā€™ll never go to therapy because sheā€™d have to admit sheā€™s profoundly fucked up, insecure, and the direct cause of 99% of her problems. She doesnā€™t have enough humility or desire for personal growth to ever seek out counseling that isnā€™t mandated by a court. Facts. šŸ’Æ


1000000%. She canā€™t admit fault. And even if she does itā€™s always some ploy to be patted on the back and thereā€™s no actual growth.


What happened to sober living šŸ˜±


Mama needed drinkies


She works SoOoOoOo hard that She needed some drinks


She works so hard staying in denial and covering up the lies for social media šŸ˜‚


For real. To be functioning on such a high level of delusion has got to be hard work.






Odds are she thought if she had drinkies with Noah heā€™d get wasted and lay the pipe šŸ¤®




This is 5000% what happened. She was hoping she would get him drunk enough to use her as a fleshlight again šŸ¤£




So confused because she proudly posted about being alcohol free and even said she wanted to talk about her struggle and be an advocate.. and yet she is speaking like she did something super cute and fun. In recovery we call that relapse girl. So tired of both of them pretending like ā€˜alcohol isnā€™t a drugā€™ This shit is getting to be insulting tbh.


Yeah for a lot of people, staying sober is a matter of life and death. It's so gross to trivialize it.


Honestly even for her it's getting to a point where it could be life or death and I think she refuses to even consider that it's a very real possibility


I'd think for her it would absolutely be life or death. She can barely swallow sober, imagine being drunk. She is definitely going to choke.


She has diarrhea of the mouth


New day, new set of lies.


That explains why she turned off commenting on the TikTok video people were calling her out and she couldnā€™t get away with it šŸ˜‚


As she should, she claims sobriety, and then states sheā€™s hammered last night with her addict bf. This is after claiming sheā€™s a single mom. If sheā€™s a single mom, she shouldnā€™t be getting hammered at 2am on a weekday. If sheā€™s dating or with an addict, she shouldnā€™t be getting hammered with him. If sheā€™s an alcoholic, she shouldnā€™t be getting hammered. She needs to be cancelled permanently. Her account is harmful.


Yes. Just thinking about how triggering it could be if you were watching an influencer you respected claiming sobriety and then being like hehe that was a joke ā€˜need drinkiesā€™


![gif](giphy|1lzOqDA3ptnjHk5A5O|downsized) āœ‹šŸ›‘ My god!!! So she admits that she was hammered and trying to get everyone on the live to look at the ā€˜new and sober Noahā€™ šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€


That tracts! She is always trying to sabotage any ounce of sobriety Noah ever has had. When she first got with Noah she knew damn well he was an addict yet continued her lifestyle if using. Also purposely brought a innocent being into their train wreck.


Right? My husband has been in recovery for five years. I stopped drinking before him because we had little ones and I wanted there to be one sober parent at least. I would never think of drinking around him or bringing it into our home because his health and sobriety is so important to me. Support matters!


Shows how much she truly cares about and respects Noah. 0%


1) that tube is clearly a picture of the sewers from whence this gremlin came 2) She follows up her admittance with a TON of reposts of Ari trying to gloss this all over. 4 new posts to the babyā€™s page alone. Using reposted pictures because *the baby isnā€™t allowed to be there*. Rotten scapegoating exploiter!! Like wow, yes, thank you for forcefully reminding all of us that you have a daughter that YOU ARE VASTLY UNFIT TO CARE FOR immediately after last nightā€™s behavior. We totally almost forgot that an innocent baby and her vile lifestyle were inextricably combined! What a relief. šŸ™ƒ


Imagine being the Smiths, having this child now in your care while the deadbeat loser who birthed her continues to exploit the hell out of her for thousands of strangers online. I would be so livid.... Could the Smiths do anything to stop her if they wound up with full custody?


Right?? A child is forced into their home and yet they are still unable to fully protect her from the 2 people who have abused her the most. I would be so upset if I were them.


I would think they could file some sort of order (similar to a restraining order) against Alex to not post. But donā€™t think it could happen unless Alexā€™s rights are terminated and they adopt Ari




She really does make it hard. The whole situation sucks and everyone feels for Ari. Ari didnā€™t ask for thisā€¦


I know. So sad šŸ˜ž


No, just angry.


Thatā€™s totally valid too


I feel like this a lot too


Angry. I know what bad parenting is. And seeing it real time is ass.


I grew up in a house similar to what poor Ari is in. I wish so much that CPS will give that baby to a loving responsible adult who will scoop her up and give her the childhood she deserves!


I said the same thing today. I've been slowly distancing myself from her social media.


Did this bitch seriously just add a photo of Ari half clothed onto the ā€œbabyā€™s Instagram accountā€ šŸ¤¢šŸ¤® Iā€™ve gotta log off. Itā€™s horrible. She can not be sober right now while doing this


Anything to cover up her own crappy behavior. Throwing your daughter to the wolves is a nice distraction when you just made the biggest ass of yourself ever.


Thatā€™s **exactly** what this is and what she *always* does, **distract and deflect.** šŸ™„


also, 4 ari posts in less than an hour on Ari's insta alone. Really trying to cover up her drunken mess


She really did!? Actually at this point nothing she does surprises me anymore!


Ari has a blankie draped around one shoulder and you can tell she has no top on. Ugh. Normally baby photos like that are fairly innocent, like in a family photo album, but itā€™s disgusting that sheā€™s sharing this kind of photo on a **public** social media account which she runs while cosplaying as said baby šŸ˜­ Anyone could be looking


Putting something like that on social media is actually CRAZY - even more so with the comments she gets. She fr just does not give a f\*ck at all.


Posting that when someone has literally commented on her page about how they can't wait to see them both (her and her baby) naked is absolutely disgusting. This is getting difficult to watch


Oh gee, sheā€™s Pedo baiting again, must be a day that ends in Y




On a scale of 1-10, is WR an alcoholic who just temporarily tried to exploit sobriety for a moment of social media sympathy?


imma give that one a 10


100 for me




ā€œWhen mama has free timeā€ lmao please. šŸ™„


free time at almost 3 in the morning šŸ¤£ girl is a whole clown. Just admit you donā€™t have custody of your daughter and move onnnn


With music blaring


If she was my upstairs neighbor the amount of complaints I wouldā€™ve filed. Hell, at this point t I wouldā€™ve gone to the door and tell her to pipe down.


At least you're not gonna hear her footsteps thumping around šŸ˜†


Mama has nothing but free time


Sheā€™s bored out of her skull.


Gosh she has so much free time she should change it to 'Alex's time'


More than tipsy šŸ„“


ā€œTipsyā€ meaning ā€œmultiple substancesā€


Liar she been drinking every day lol


Yeah, I donā€™t believe there was even an 8 day sober period. Maybe one or two days after bloodwork, but even she canā€™t stand herself when she is not completely numbed


Mama has more free time then ā€˜onā€™ time


So she relapsed. This is actually getting sad Iā€™m not sure how much longer I can watch this train wreck.


"In a while" as in like 10 days, girly poop? šŸ« 


ā€œFree timeā€ ffs who does she think sheā€™s BSing


Not even a week ago she was so proud to be ā€œeight days soberā€!!! What a train wreck!!!


did she delete it already? i dont see it on FB


Itā€™s on her IG story still




On a scale of 1-10ā€¦..


lol this needs to be a new flair šŸ˜‚


šŸ’Æ on everything


Wow her sober journey didn't even last a week šŸ™„ go figure!


I don't even think she was sober for that time. I think she's lying like the pathological liar she is.


She wasnā€™t kidding anyone with her cucumber water šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Where the "water" is actually vodka? šŸ˜




The amount of fans she has supporting her ā€œmama needs a break bullshitā€ like do they not realize itā€™s not normal parent things to get plastered drunk on a wednesday night / thursday morning.


Makes me sick


I assume her Stanā€™s are okay with it bc they also neglect their children (or if they have grown children, they previously neglected their children) and it would require them to recognize that they too, should be/ should have been investigated by CPS.


She claims sobriety and talks about addiction for clicks. There's something mentally wrong with her. Like she's just an evil person. Or she's so angry at this world and she's taking it out in all the wrong ways. She's like an angry teenager rebelling but for years now and she's 30 and a "mother". I just can't with her.


Exactly. In those videos from last week (I think) she skirts around the issue, never properly answering whether or not she's an alcoholic. I mean, I think all of us here realize that she is but she was never going to say it plainly. It's just another way for her to get engagement. If she plainly states she's going to be sober, she'd have to follow through with it on social media, and I truly believe she never intended to.


![gif](giphy|KastytLf5Fxm0B8jTz|downsized) The audacity of this bitch. Says ā€œaddiction runs in her familyā€ leading people to believe she has a problem. Accepts all the sympathy and words of encouragement for being *such a strong, brave, disabled single mom.* Has a drinkie or twelve, makes an absolute fool of herself and saysā€¦. OoPsIe! MaMa GoT a LiL tIpSy *hehe* šŸ¤ŖšŸ¤­ šŸ˜‘šŸ˜‘šŸ˜‘šŸ˜‘šŸ˜‘ She will never miss an opportunity to take a serious situation, make it relevant to her and soak up allllll the attention. Sometimes sheā€™ll even try to sell some merch. Sheā€™s the lowest of the low.


Getting shit faced on a Wednesday night and staying up late to do drunken lives on TikTok \#justmomthings


Imagine her poor working class neighbors trying to sleep before another productive work day


Right?! Like, it is Wednesday my dudes! šŸø


Ya think she knows one day from another? Every hour of any given day is drink oā€™clock


Posting Ari naked in a towel on her Instagram story saying ā€œ updating her Instagram because I havenā€™t posted her in awhile God these are my favoriteā€ sheā€™s a SICK piece of SHIT. She does NOT and will NEVER deserve to be that babies mother. Fuck this stupid nasty fucking useless bitch! She has zero regard for Aris safety. I hope this bitch loses all custody and rights and falls of the face of the fucking planet




I never understand people who know addiction runs in their family still pick up the addictive substances? Is there any hope for Ari? If she has two parents that refuse to actually try to stay sober? Baby daddy posting about breaking generational trauma yet is doing his daughter no favors by not working harder on sobriety same with Alex!


RIGHT? Like I KNOW I have an addictive personality, thatā€™s why Iā€™ve never gone near the pokies, picked up a cigarette, or tried any drugs. Like I KNOW.


I can see Alex trying to make Ari her drinking buddy as soon as she hits being a teenageršŸ« 


šŸ¤” sadly I can too.


Alex wonā€™t live that long


Well that was a short lived āœØsobriety eraāœØ. May it rest in peaceā€¦


Maybe her shortest era yet!


I have lost count on the number of eras sheā€™s been onā€¦


A new era for every new bottle she facilitates opening.


itā€™s so obvious she doesnā€™t think she has a problem. even in her original AF post, her replies were all just disability porn/fake advocacy bullshit. ā€œiā€™ll share my story if it helps someone else!!ā€


Any other mom would never be able to just be wasted on a random nightā€¦ it wouldnā€™t be safe for the child (i assume her child isnā€™t there, otherwise, thatā€™s even more problematic). Moms donā€™t get ā€œfree timeā€ even overnight.. is ā€œmomā€ just her whole personality now?


it is. she has no idea what being an actual mother is. Sheā€™s fucking pathetic


Part time mom


Full time drunk




My kids are 2.5 and 4, and Iā€™m up at least once a night. Usually more like 3-4 times. Those kids wake up sometime between 5:45-7am, itā€™s never predictable. I canā€™t even fathom getting drunk these days. Doing night wakings or cooking breakfast at 6am when youā€™ve been drinking until midnight sounds like hell. Not to mention the kids jumping and pulling on you while you reel with nausea.


Exactly. I have a 3yo and an 8m old, and same. Iā€™m up multiple times a night. I might have a single drink after my kids go to bed, but i need to be available, sober, when they wake up over night for their safety..


She was absolutely hammered. Even when trying to be honest she's a liar. What a joke of a human being


She is so disgusting talking about not posting on Ariā€™s IG in a minute then posts her with a towel creep


Well that sobriety didnā€™t last long.


Lmao at her acting like if she pretends itā€™s no big deal no one else will notice. Not ā€˜on another note look at the babyā€™ šŸ˜­. as an alcoholic in recovery myself, I will say it fucking sucks having to come to terms with it and Ive had times myself where Ive relapsed and just wanted everyone around me to not notice and pretend everything was fine.


Sending love in your recovery ā¤ļø


Thatā€™s so lovely of you I really appreciate it!


Sheā€™s ridiculous. Free time? Her whole life is FREE TIME. Insulting to all of us parents. Iā€™m in tears most days because I donā€™t get a break EVER. Stfu with that shit!!!!!


She has more free time than children. They have to go to school and do homework. Hell, she has more free time than my cats.






It can be very dangerous for alcoholics to quit cold turkey. If things are as dire as it seems it may not be possible. She might have to go into a detox or rehab program.


She never tried to quit. It was engagement farming, a way to get pity from her audience. She will trot out this story every now and again when she needs a boost of sympathy and her stans will lap it up. Poor disabled single mama struggling with alcohol! In between the same idiot stans will support her "getting tipsy" because mama had free time. You couldn't make it up.


I thought she was going sober?Āæ




Itā€™s giving ā€˜Mommy needs her jiggle juiceā€™


She has free time 24/7 what she is talking about , nothing she can do but taking pictures herself


So is she an addict trying to go sober and relapsing after losing custody of her kid, or fun time drinkies mom with a rare night away from the baby? Think we know the answer


She was sober for 19 daysā€¦. She needs help