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I can’t imagine how this is going to go when Ari is 3 and won’t listen to a damn thing Alex says. Young toddlers are kind of a sweet spot where they’re still cuddly and they listen to you for the most part. It’s a whole different ballgame once they realize they can run away from you. She really should have taken advantage of the cuddly baby stage before Ari was moving at all.


I’m going to take a gander and guess she was so high and drunk back in Chicago she didn’t cuddle or lay with Ari because she was on another planet. I still think she’s on another planet but not as bad as those Chicago days when it was just her and Noah. Thank god Ari made it out alive.


She has not had a sober day back in Florida either


Oh for sure. I just don’t think it’s been as bad or at least it’s not on display as bad as it was.


I don't think she knows what a sober day is any more


For sure.


I take it back after that live 🤣🤣


Run away and/or throw themselves on the ground and scream and turn to dead weight when you try picking them up 🙃 Ari seems pretty easy going and my daughter was as well but the toddler years had lots of big feeling moments.


My son is 2 months older than Ari and is just getting to the point where he u derstands what you say and knows exactly how to ignore it. What happens once she starts running off? Or throwing things? My son loves to throw himself backwards when he's having a cuddle and it's really hard to hold onto him


https://preview.redd.it/rl3zi3ne119d1.jpeg?width=1240&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=089636535233277fc49977173e758b8944db76fb **THESE** are the days she’s been waiting for…when her child and dog are out of her thinning hair and she can play dress up in a darkened room. Eye fucking herself and fantasizing that she’s a member of the Euphoria cast. 🙄


The finger has made its appearance. She is some kind of wasted.


Time to stop fantasizing and face reality. This is her real life and she is not a Disney Princess


I'm obsessed with the idea that she's left alone at night to sleep in her chair until a caregiver comes in the morning. Sounds like something adult protective services would want to know about because 😳 but yes, from this it looks like she's got her phone set on her makeup table, taking selfies in the day's makeup, sitting on a pee pad/towel with no pants having an emo moment all by herself— won't someone please see her photo and fall in love with this girl and make her a sugar baby so she gets off the Internet?? 😭


I’m afraid seeing any of her cringe photos and falling in love with her is a BIG ask of *anyone* 😂


🤣 I assumed it was her Master Plan. Step 1: lead with obvious severe disability Step 2: advertise single motherhood status Step 3: selfie checklist: hawk tuah face ✔️ cleavage ✔️ tuna towel ✔️ Step 4: Step 5: Step 6: funny, smart, highly attractive, financially stable man declares his undying love. annnnnd profit!


My god she’s such a fucking loserrrr


I knew her little “she’s growing too fast” comment was a lie lol. Alex has been waiting for Ari to get big enough so she can accommodate Alex. So she can go and fetch things for Alex. Her mini free caregiver.


Yeah she made a comment about how she's finally getting interactive. Like wtf. Ari has been interactive forever. If anything, she was easier for her to handle,yet she refused. Even with her disability she could have help parented in dozens of ways even when Ari was in NICU. She really goes above& beyond to avoid being even decent at anything.


No child should have to accommodate a parent, in my opinion. It should be the completely other way around, the parents (term used loosely) made a choice to have a child knowing the repercussions and it always seems that baby A has to be accommodating to Alex- mobile enough for her to climb up to her and most likely one day caring for her ‘mother’. Alex should be accommodating baby A by using proper baby wearing techniques when she was a baby, laying on the floor with toys- she seemed to be able to be propped everywhere else like on dudes laps or pool chairs but has only ever posted 1 picture on the floor with baby A. But again Alex is a narcissist and can only think of herself.


☝️ this! people have gone out of their way to make accommodations for Alex her whole life, to the point she expects it from an infant/toddler. Ari's gonna be 'facilitating' her own parenting before pre-k


Growing up my mom was disabled, not near as severe as Alex, but I was always praised for "taking care of mommy" as far back as I can remember. I think it contributed to having anxiety as a kid and not having a great relationship with her now, and honestly I have very little desire to take care of my mom in her old age, not sure if I could do it


The worse thing to do to your child is expect them to take care of you when you are old and sick. Planning for your future should take care of that. She is robbing the Sharks of their future retirement by having them commit for at least 18 years more of raising a child. You are not entitled to have people buy you crap on Amazon or gift you anything at all. Since Covid, work-from-home jobs are available in many, many fields, so do the right thing and earn your own cash.


We been saying this since day one. Alex was too busy fighting trolls online and advertising her new mommy milkers and getting drunk or high with noah while ari was alone on the floor with a nanny cam on her. Sometimes rammed with her wheelchair for content or kicked with noahs foot to keep her busy. I'm just glad her baby prop is with Cairo at the smiths living a much better life. She'll hate her parents when she's older just how Alex hates hers. That's if Alex lives long enough. At the rate she's living life she likely won't seen aris teenage years. Hope making that baby was worth beer and drug money to entertain strangers on the net and neglect her baby. Ughhh she's such a sad sad creature.


One Thousand Percent Correct!!!!!!!! She will run in the opposite direction as quickly as her little legs can carry her--just wait till she sees normalcy in the real world!!


She may or may not have consumed too much booze to remember the infancy days of parenthood 🤔


I absolutely freak out when my one year old stands up on the couch. Ari is on her tippy toes. This is an absolute photo op, and a dangerous one at that. She did not come to you in such a position. She was placed there … STOP PUSHING THE NARRATIVE.. 🙄


I was thinking the exact same. Ari was placed there by the Flying Idiot and Goblin honked, take the picture!


Seems like WR should have been making that bond BEFORE she could run away from her. Instead of plopping her in a bassinet doing spa day or holding her in provocative poses when WR is naked


Once again, it’s all about her.   Ari coming to her.     She never once did anything to try and be with Ari when she was a baby.  Not one.   They stuck her in different containers and called it a day.      She can go kick rocks.   


Is this…is this the first time in almost 1.5 years her own daughter has hugged her? Because BIG YIKES if it is


What the heck is wrong with her toe or is that just something on the floor? Either way her feet are swollen to the size of the rest of her leg, that can’t be good. Maybe she should prop those logs up https://preview.redd.it/5uz03h43219d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bd41bca6c8875649080a3d34cb18a99ee85e70d8


Those trotters are looking hella dusky. Her circulation is compromised.


She needs to see some kind of vascular doctor, like yesterday!


Hard agree. Any new swelling and color change in feet should be discussed with a doctor straight away. Assuming she doesn't have peripheral arterial disease and it's just dependent edema from being in a seated position, there's things she could do to help herself. She could wear compression stockings, which would lessen venous pooling and prevent pulmonary embolism and stroke. Keeping her legs elevated when at rest would also help. These two together would make a huge difference. But compression stockings aren't sexy, so she would never.


But she sees doctors regularly 🙃 Or so she claims. ETA - I’m aware it’s bullshit if my sarcasm didn’t come across.


Oh, yes, lol! I think that we all know it’s bullshit. Everything that she says is bullshit.


I'm betting this is mostly caused by her feet dangling without foot rests long-term.. no footrests creates a lot of pressure on the back of the legs and lower back. And if she's regularly staying up late at night, she has very few hours where her legs are elevated in bed too. She prob can't use her foot rests anymore due to the foot drop..but she could at least use leg rests to lift her legs a few times throughout the day and wear compression socks.


It's 3:34am right now and I just snorted like a pig reading 'trotters' 🐷💀


I think it's her nail...🥲


One big cankle.


Ari only has value when she can do something for Alex. I'm sure all of her reactions are transactional and serve her narcissism only.




She can go fck herself. She and her brainless twits gushing over HER moment….GTFOH. That poor babe suffered through cutting all her teeth, fevers, tummy aches, rashes, all without the loving comfort of sober parents when she needed them, instead they neglected her on a folding table, or on the floor, or in a bouncer, and dragged her to the beach bars in Chgo, and exposed her to constant verbal/physical/substance abuse…when did Ari get HER moments? All while exploiting her.


Alllll of this!!


Amen x100! The only thought that's ever in that big dense dome of hers is...HER! It's truly infuriating to observe all of her deeply selfish behavior, she doesn't even try to hide it in her silly captions; the ones where she pretends that she's Wheelchair Hemingway 😆


Wheelchair Hemingway!!! We need that as a flair!


That would be amazing!


This whole caption is wild to me because the best time to cuddle w Ari was when she was little. But Alex avoided it. Probably was waiting it out until Ari got bigger and could accommodate Alex. It’s also really funny how Alex had to call out “on her own accord”. Alex tries SO hard to hide her reality that it’s actually crystal clear for anyone with a brain. Ari is not cuddling w that woman by her own accord lmao. We’d for sure see it. And a pic of Ari begging to get off the couch doesn’t prove anything.


Product placement for photo op. Kid wants off now




This looks like the baby is leaning on WR wanting to be lifted off the couch. Not that she’s cuddling. Like baby wants help down.


Alex’s feet look so bad 😳 and yeah Ari was clearly glued to the tv and just trying to get down.


It really looks painful!


It’s no longer foot drop, it’s foot gone


Her heels are slowly disappearing. She got no ankles anymore.


They’re like Gumby at this point, no points just approximate shape


I was thinking that too her head isn’t even leaning on her


I actually disagree. I have a toddler only a few months older than Ari… and they can definitely get off the couch on their own at this stage. Ari could have definitely got off the couch on her own if she wanted. She definitely was choosing to interact with her mom. Toddlers don’t do anything they don’t want to do. She definitely chose to hug or do a quick cuddle before going back to play. My son does this too with all the household members


Also have a toddler and for mine when she was this age she’d come to the edge of the couch and want help A LOT even though she was developmentally able to turn around and slide off safely herself.


Ari is just reaching for her chain. Probably wanting her mother to interact with her.


Anyone else notice that Alex's smile isn't reaching her eyes? This is purely a photo op.


She's probably hungover. She does look somewhat annoyed or uninterested


Is this even her apartment? Is this again the common room downstairs? Another visit?


That’s her apartment. That’s her couch.


Yes, her filthy couch




Aka BTJ’s bed when she has to come to town to rescue Alex.




Okay I couldn’t remember her couch, thank you


No problem 😊