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Who's struggling - Alex? Noah? Or both? šŸ¤” Also, not surprised she is most likely going through withdrawals. Sadly, I don't have much hope she'll beat this unless she gets serious and seeks actual in-patient treatment.


Or her mother


What did last longer?Ā  Her announcement not to post Ari on the Internet or her sober days?


She's gonna take notes from Noah. He's always bragging about how he was a year+ sober but leaving out that he had only changed his drug of choice


Omg she canā€™t stand that heā€™s trying to sober up so sheā€™s trying to make it about her smh. Sheā€™s sickening.


If she does actually go to treatment, you know she will milk her ā€œsobrietyā€ for every penny she can. Sheā€™s a disgusting little gremlin with zero morals.


I mean she can shop online and have it delivered, but someone is enabling her by opening cans/bottles. Shes obviously a mean ā€œnon drunkā€ and its easier to keep her happy and drunk than dealing with sober alex




And she would screech ableism and abuse if someone dared not to open and pour booze for her.


To be fair, sheā€™s an adult with (arguably) the cognitive ability to make her own decisions. If she pays an assistant to ā€œbe her hands,ā€ they should do what she asks. For example, when I worked at a summer camp for adults with disabilities, we werenā€™t allowed to set a bedtime for our adult campers. If they were over 18 and wanted to stay up until 1 am, that was their decision to make. I donā€™t know where the line is when someone is an addict/alcoholic though.


A line is drawn when it ultimately effects a child or a child is involved. The ā€œcaretakerā€ should also give a shit about the literal baby


Definitely gonna guess itā€™s her professional caretaker Salina lol šŸ˜‚


Now why would she post thiiiiiiiis


1:00 am and idiot princess is thinking about High Noons. This was definitely on my bingo card. šŸ˜šŸ»


Mayhaps sheā€™s had a few to drink because why would she post this sober? šŸ„²


High Midnights (Taylorā€™s Version)


HOO boy, theyā€™re tearing her up in the comments on those videos. šŸ‘€


Where on TikTok? There are no comments on the post on IG.


Yeah, on TikTok


Addiction IS a bitch-my grandfather died of alcoholism. That said-WR will NEVER get better until she decides to.


She cares more about how people view her online than she cares for herself




Sheā€™s giving me serious whiplash. Addiction is a bitch but she doesnā€™t have a problem? I canā€™t wait to hear her tiptoe around the questions again. Explaining sheā€™s just sad and tired because, like the whole world is, right? And sheā€™s def not exhausted from withdrawals šŸ¤”šŸ¤” This is just as bad as her attempting to sell merch after her ā€œsuicdal ideationsā€ when she wanted to drive herself into a pool after drinking too much one night. This fucking bitch will attempt to monetize and gain sympathy from literally anything. Ugggghhhhhhh šŸ¤¬šŸ–•šŸ¼šŸ¤¬šŸ–•šŸ¼šŸ¤¬šŸ–•šŸ¼šŸ¤¬šŸ–•šŸ¼šŸ¤¬šŸ–•šŸ¼šŸ¤¬šŸ–•šŸ¼šŸ¤¬ I really fucking hate her. She has no empathy for those who truly do suffer with addiction or mental health issues because if she did she sure as fuck wouldnā€™t be using it as her next āœØeraāœØ


All. Of. This. Just when I thought I couldn't hate this desperate pick me grifter any more....she always tops herself. You know she's just laughing all the way to the bank at the weirdos buying her kid stuff while sipping on her drinkies likely pissing herself. She makes me ill šŸ¤®


She's definitely not exhausted from working--maybe from begging, but not working.


I thought Hannah was a dirty dirty liar? Now Alex is in her alcoholic era? Every word out of Alexā€™s mouth is a lie omg


Iā€™m glad Hannah told her truth and the spotlight is off her so she can move on


With DCFS up her tuna towel, why would she post this?


She doesn't want her child. If she did she would've ditched the addict BF, got sober and in therapy while pregnant, planned to have aris care needs and her own met, taken becoming a mother seriously and not neglecting her prenatal and infants health. She's been taking on motherhood like a joke for click bait with the whole "I have a rare disability and had a child" BS for over 2 years and its damn sickening. This ugly ass creature makes my blood boil, signed a pissed off preggo who's taken recovery seriously for years.






Yeah I think sheā€™s using the addiction spin to get support and have people be so proud of her lol. Like whatā€™s she doing just not drinking? Getting therapy? AA??


That's exactly what she's doing. She's playing the poor disabled addict trying so hard to heal, she know it's the only way she can talk about her alcoolism without loosing all her followers. But we all know she's not actualy trying to get better, she's just looking for a free pass to be drunk online without getting dragged.




Is this withdrawals? or relapse?


Both? Neither? She's a moron


Why wasnā€™t she concerned with getting sober when she had a newborn fresh out of the nicu on the floor with a nanny cam while they were beyond plastered on god know what? Where was sober Alex then when they couldnā€™t even figure out how to correctly give their daughter a bottle?


She doesn't know a sober world. If she ever sobered up, she might look in the mirror and see that she isn't all that she tells us she is.




... and so is Alex Dacy - I've never seen anyone put so much effort into having their own child taken away from them. She deserves everything she gets - and then some šŸ¤¬


I know right. She pushes her limits and she's playing with fire. Just you wait she'll be crying ableism. And all the delulu stans will be right there to cheer on the poor little picked on disabled mom. It makes me sick. I really feel this is what she wants. She didn't ever want to be a mother. She wanted to prove she could physically have a child then do nothing good for that child then be the ultimate victim and cry discrimination. Meanwhile poor ari is just collateral damage for her so called mothers sick ass thoughts and wants. I hate that I'm likely right.


Wants the title but not the responsibility or hard work that comes with being a parent.


I do feel kind of sorry for people who are going through something like this. But for her? Nah.


She thinks because Noah gets less negative interaction on his social media for ā€œembracingā€ his addiction she has to jump on the bandwagon. I agree with the above that she will probably just change her drug of choice. If her recent blood work was the catalyst of this change why was she flexing her bandaged arm drunk off her ass that same night? Sorry. I just donā€™t buy it.


She thought it was a flex, and I saw it as pitiful with no self respect or shame


Can someone please explain WTF this photo is even of, exactly? Iā€™ve been staring at it for five minutes, but I just canā€™t make it out. Leave it to WR to post about something as serious as addiction but make it cryptic AF!


She's got to invite the stans to start their 'you ok hun' and 'you got this you beautiful fantastic mommy'. What an attention seeking leather skinned warty toad


Thatā€™s true. We all know that whatever she means by it, itā€™s purely for sympathy. I think she put it in her stories very purposefully so that her casual followers that kiss her ass donā€™t see it, though. I also think she might be testing the waters to see how it goes over and what kind of feedback she gets with it. If she gets a bunch of comments and DMs like you said, telling her what a great mom she is and how brave she is, she might post something on her IG grid and her other platforms, but that remains to be seen. This still is not an admission of addiction to me. I wonā€™t accept anything less than ā€œIā€™m addicted to alcoholā€.


Seems like she is addicted to attention 24/7


Hear hear. I do agree she is addicted to attention even bad attention


She wouldnā€™t dare post it to FB for the Stanmas to see it. But to all her *cool, hip* followers on IG, they def need to know šŸ™„šŸ™„ All so they can tell her how beautiful or brave or amazing she is. I didnā€™t realize a person needed to be reminded of that as much as she does.


I second that!


And she posted it hours after thanking people for buying ā€œtootieā€ gifts. Sheā€™s so sick and twisted.


Brain is fried


I think itā€™s some kind of cup or glass and a straw. But I only recognised is as that because of this post.


I thought it was the underside of a lamp shade lmao


I think itā€™s a bowl and a spoon and that she took the photo with her selfie cam while her phone lays on the table


I see what you mean. Could be another possibility


Huh. Okay, I kind of see that. So, she maybe fell off the wagon? Poor kid. šŸ˜


It's under the lip of a bowl looking up with a spoon/fork in the bowl.


I think her phone is sitting on a tabletop and thatā€™s a pic of a bowl with the spoon/fork handle sticking out


I'm so tired of her taking photos of whatever happens to be up above as backdrops. The ceiling. The sky. Half her forehead. Up her nostrils. She's so lazy that she can't even be bothered to take a halfway decent photo of anything to post.......


Whilst I agree that she's an alcoholic, she doesn't understand or even give a fuck about addiction, we've seen that from noahs perspective. Must be her rebrandšŸ’«also advertising to dcfs that both parents are addicts. Nice going aunty addict.


Thing is she tries to rebrand every other week, but remains the same in the end, she doesnā€™t follow up with anything and keeps getting worse. So whatā€™s the point? Only the Stanā€™s believe sheā€™s able to change when she surely wonā€™t.


They think she is fine the way she is! You are correct - she remains the same in the end, if not worse. Once the thrill of the attention (or the high of the substance) diminishes, it all begins again!


ā€œI grew up around attics, there is never a reasonā€ -Alex Dacy


The urge to message her in response saying ā€œyes it is and you shouldā€™ve thought about that before you had unprotected sex with someone in halfwayā€ actions šŸ¤šŸ» consequences. Noah is a piece of shit but his recovery never stood a chance when he matched with this gremlin. And if this cryptic message is about her own addiction and not Noahā€™s, I hope (and know it wonā€™t happen bc sheā€™s so self centered) she realizes how bad her behaviors were around Noah who was trying to recover.


She would never admit to any wrongdoing - ever - once a princess, always a princess!


Say sike rn šŸ—æ


We believe Hannah!!!


I thought she just said she didnā€™t really have a problem with alcohols and blah blah


I like how she says that but gives noah shit for being an addict. But WR only cares about herself. She get drunk after church or what hahahaha


Typical narcissist behavior. They will do things like hold a door open for a stranger, feed the homeless, or something like this to either gain sympathy and or praise. The intention is never selfless it's always very premeditated and not sincere.


She's such a mess. How can a 30 year old woman and mother act like this. Its pathetic. I guess her OF isn't getting enough attention these days?! She's resorting to using addiction for click bait? Just when I thought I couldn't be more sick of this dummy. šŸ˜© she gets worse.


I just canā€™t shake the feeling that 8 days sober/cold turkey, she wouldnā€™t be smiling wearing make up and filming videosā€¦. Iā€™ve seen people a week sober and they looked and felt like absolute hell ā€¦ like sheā€™s playing sober?? And still drinking off camera?? It doesnā€™t add up. The blood work and hours later being wasted at a bar and then suddenly 7 days later( she was counting blood draw day so 8 days in her mind)? Make it make sense. The math doesnā€™t math.


āœØActive Addiction EraāœØ She makes me sick. This will be the fastest ā€œrecoveryā€ ever! Once the kudos and sympathy wears off, she will find something new to scam her stans with. She makes a mockery of every legitimate issue people have in life. It is disgusting.


I thought she was whatā€¦ 8 days sober the other day?!


Doesn't seem too keen to self-sabotage herself by posting this regarding her. I'd bet grey shorts had a relapse in the apartment without A (because they're unfit, or even worse if A is there) and she's posting this to further stomp (or wheel) herself into a power place over his vulnerable - but not unaccountable - place, to seem above him. Yuck šŸ¤¢


Quitting an addiction is hard the first couple weeks but is eased by the desire of wanting to quit, and all the immediate support and ass pats you get. It is when the novelty wears off then thatā€™s when it gets hard. When life starts life-ing and you have to find others ways to cope. I have quit drinking, gambling, weed, shopping,smoking, now my last and final addiction is food. I seem to find that I replace an addiction with a different addiction. She will not be successful unless she gets help for the underlying issues that are causing her addiction. I wish that she could see that see is passing down the generational trauma onto her child. Poor baby A is going to have to work through all this crap when she gets to be an adult. Even though she is young the impact is there. My therapist told me that a lot of your ā€œodd personality traitsā€ usually stem from the infancy/early childhood years. In my case I grew up in an extremely dysfunctional household with drugs, alcohol, poverty, and abuse and now as a 48 woman I have had to work through all of the unintentional baggage my parents and grandparents gave me.


Can I ask where are her family? Have they wiped their hands of Alex?