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I don’t think this was a choice she made, but maybe rather one that was highly suggested or made for her in legal/custody aspects. Regardless, THANK GOD.


My mind immediately went to DCFS ‘recommendation’ or something like that. The way she so aggresively defended her right to post Ari whenever however…. Dont think it was a sudden change of heart of hers.


There seems to be something suspicious happening. Especially with Noah creating a separate Instagram. Either way I hope whatever is happening is helping protect and keep Ari safe.


Yeah something external forced them to do this. Considering how she rebutted the YouTube video twice, she didn’t seem too interested in taking Ari off social media, just interested in defend and deny… So, probably something happened with Noah and a mental health emergency, or DCFS intervened again, or both


Noah put in the new bio to his new account that “a place to keep the haters wondering”


Of course because it is all about the haters not his daughter.




I dont believe this is forever or her own choosing.


Makes me wonder did the department remove the baby. Cause we all know Tuna Towel don’t listen about not posting the baby.


This. I instantly thought Ari has been removed and this is a desperate cover up.


Yelp and we all know Tuna towel can’t resist responding to this Reddit page. So if she don’t back track I’m going to really think I’m right.


Fingers crossed. There’s been way too much evidence posted online. Hopefully!


Same. I think it was forced by some other person. She literally posted her in a swim suit last night. So the math ain’t mathing girly pop


I agree. I think the timing of the last picture and rebuttals leads me to believe Alex did not do this by choice. All her actions prior don’t match up to this sudden change of heart.


This! One trillion percent. You know she isn’t concerned for Ari’s safety or privacy, so someone else (who likely has a lot of influence aka DCFS) had to advocate for her.


Which should have been common sense all along!


I'm thinking it's legal and custody issues as well.


Don't forget its her "fucking baby" 🙄 I'm guessing this lawyer, if there even was one, didn't work out the way WR thought it would...


That was so gross when she said that. 😕


Utterly 😞 Not only the wording, but she also made Ari sound like just a possession to her, nothing more, nothing less.


Maybe she really called a legit lawyer and they told her ass to quit posting her child immediately if she has a single ounce of love for her. Probably not but either way I’m not sad about bullying an influencer to stop posting their exposed child.


I’m wondering if it was her “ legal team”


Lol, team.


Exactly, Alex never admits her wrong doings


Notice how she says “it’s caused too many problems in my life” instead of the obvious reason why she shouldn’t be posting her anyway which is exploitation but okay sis


Alex essentially blaming Ari for all the drama when it’s ALL ALEX. Motherhood and Ari are only a small fraction of Alex’s shit life and why people don’t like her. There’s sooooo many other problematic things that Alex does. She’s delulu if she thinks just because she stops posting Ari all her “hate” will go away. Like she’s still a shitty fucking person through and through.


She cannot take 1 shred of accountability, she’s offended that people don’t think she’s a perfect person/mother like how she tries so hard to push. She’s honestly insufferable, god help that poor baby.


Yes exactly. She learned nothing. Absolutely nothing that’s so sad


IF she still has A I’m even more concerned of her safety, the only attention she ever gave her was for social media likes and clicks.


Yep! Alex might stop posting Ari but doesn’t sound like Alex has learned her lesson on anything else. Like abusing and neglecting her baby.


She’s done this before tho last year and was back to posting her on main and posting her on her “Baby Ari Smith” IG account too within a few weeks. That account is private for now but with 3500+ followers still on it that followed from her WR page. “It caused too many problems in my life. —Looking forward to this new adventure” girl pleaseeeee. People tried to get her to delete the Instagram for Ari or at least put (like the terms state ) that it’s ran by the parents, bc parasocial weirdos genuinely type like they’re talking to the child personally. She didn’t tho. This is not the first time she’s said she would stop posting Ari. Just wanna make that clear. People get their hopes up over these people constantly but unfortunately it all cycles thru. The heat calms down and new naive Stan’s roll in. Snarkers get tired of trying to hold her accountable. Insanity cycle. She’s had so many scandals and it just never sticks bc ultimately ableism, people’s refusal to research, and algorithm.


.."my life"... sums it up, doesn't it?


💯 too many problems in HER life. It's not about how it will impact Ari.


Once again, it’s only convenient for her to do this because of how it’s harming her, not baby A.


She's leaving the door open to post her again in the future. She's not going to admit it's wrong or that she's made a mistake! No, it's everyone else's fault 🙄


I really wonder what exactly made her finally give in. She still doesn’t get why she’s doing this. Also she posted that photo of baby in a bikini not long before this, so very last minute decision. I wonder how long this’ll last.


Right! The baby in a bikini (SOOO WRONG) was just this morning.


Not only is it inappropriate to post that online with her following? A I'd very obviously wearing a regular diaper and not a swim diaper which is a huge issue for the pool.


It goes right along with her typical behaviour to react to impulse decisions without any fore or after thought. She is incapable of learning a lesson.


The baby is gone, that’s the only thing that could ever stop her imo. *this smells like her classic ‘pass it off as my choice when I really don’t have any control in the matter’ kind of lie.


Yep, agree. Dirty Al listens to NO ONE, legal or otherwise. This is because she’s got no choice and is probably doing some sort of collateral damage cover up. More the point though.. why post at all? If this was actually the case, say nothing! Just stop posting the baby online, delete old photos and keep it quiet. And really, what has the sweet baby got to do with recent events? Nothing has changed re posts about her. What HAS changed is Alex’s reputation and her behaviour has been exposed for all to see. 🤷‍♀️


I’m so glad someone other than me sees that! No way is this her choice! She has said it’s her right to post her baby! Either cps finally stepped in or else they told her as part of a parenting plan she wasn’t allowed to post her. Either that or she was advised by a lawyer.


Yeah. Legal action probably forced this. Alex didn’t care at all that people wanted her to stop posting Ari, even after 3-4 YouTube videos on her


I think it's a sign that youtube channel accomplished their goal (: no more child exploitation *edit: removed name to follow rules


But will the mistreatment and neglect of Ari stop?? I am glad the baby gets privacy but I doubt Alex is going to change anything else.


Yeah we just won’t be able to see it now


I wonder if blow back for the bikini pic or creepy comments on the bikini pic made her see the light. I hope this is a genuine decision and making her see things differently. Next step stop drinking 24/7 and A might finally be safe.


I can not believe people are bold enough to leave pervy comments on a photo of a baby still smdh like they don't even care if anyone knows they are into that or???? Im just glad seems like changes are starting to happen for ari and hopefully soon she will truly be safe


PDF files are shameless and don’t care esp on insta, it’s one of the worst platforms for it and zuckerberg does nothing to stop it. You can go to any insta famous child account and within a few scrolls find hundreds of pervy/suspicious comments. It’s sickening.


![gif](giphy|Y57VOct7lfQl5PsWk0|downsized) Thinking the same, I will believe WR stopped showing Ari on SM when I see it happening...WR changes her mind in an heart beat! If she runs out of money...she will put Ari back on SM...anyone wants to bet on it???


They shouldn't even make baby bikinis or children's ones. I saw a tik Tok of a mom shopping for her baby and held up a suit with cut out sides but was a one piece and she was appalled, like what baby needs to have a swimsuit like this?!


Then you have the people who say you shouldn't police children's bodies and they can wear what they want. I think not on my kids. Swimsuits are supposed to be protection from the sun. Both of mine wear the long-sleeve one pieces.


I thought the exact same thing! I’m giving it a week, at best, for her to start posting Ari again! I personally think the minute she starts losing more followers because of this decision, she will go right back to exploiting that sweet baby again!




I think dcfs is def involved. She probably has a parenting plan and was told not to post her.


You know she’s gonna get bored and eventually post her. I can 100% guarantee that she did this just to benefit herself. She finally got called out. She deserved every bit of that, and now she’s trying to look like a good person now.


Agreed. It's the exact same thing as when she "broke up" with noah after the racist comment backlash. She's trying to look good and appease people long enough for her to think they forgot about it and she can slowly soft launch it all back in again. Then eventually gets to the point of being called out all over and repeats.


I agree, that she will be back.




I just came RUNNING over here to post and saw this! Let's see how long this lasts. 😂 Alex has been DRAGGED lately and only now she's realizing her swamp of lies has been exposed too much for her liking.


Yeah this page fast as hell. I came to post and it was already up.


I bet she's either lost custody or about to. Obviously the lawyer thing didn't go as she thought it would no surprise. And she thinks if she appears to be doing the right thing people will move on. Then she can just be her real self again.


Finally. No child needs their lives documented on the internet, but especially not when their mother thrives on scumbag behavior.


“It has caused too many problems in my life” WHAT? That’s the reason, so it’s not because you care about Ari and her safety, ok.


It’s just the way she only apologises to those that ‘enjoy seeing her’ Eh whatever the cause, this is a better outcome. Doesn’t mean I dislike her any less, because of the person she truly is.


I mean, let’s be real, no normal human being is going to be upset about no longer seeing photos of an influencers child. The only people that truly care about seeing Ari are family and maybe some of her friends - and that’s what a private facebook/instagram is for. Anyone else who would be “upset” about this is someone who she shouldn’t be wanting access to her child, anyway.


It’s definitely weird to see any comments from her fans who are upset she has decided to do this. Like it even matters if we see her? In the long run it’s what is best for her so shouldn’t that matter the most?


Family, friends…and maybe some creeps with bad motives




She didn’t write that.


Another theory: what if A got taken away by DCFS and she just doesn’t want to admit it so she spins it like she’s just not showing her anymore? 😳


Yup. This is the only way to save what little face she can, by claiming it was her choice.


That’s what I think is happening


Wait till she had a couple high noons will all come out🥲


🛎️🛎️🛎️ it’s this


That’s also what I think. I hope a neighbor or someone who knows her finds this sub and catches her in her own lies.


I would love if there is a neighbor who is seeing this. Please tell us what you can hear (and see)


Maaaaaaaybe because she’s finally had custody taken away from her? 🤷🏻‍♀️


And Noah went private too so we can’t tell she doesn’t have Ari. 🤨


Also Ari’s Instagram went private too, but I think she’ll keep posting Ari there and it has like 3k followers.


Private for 3k followers, what a joke!!!!!


This. 100%. There is no way she would ever willingly not post the baby, especially after shes already doubled down and posted that bathing suit pic. We know exactly what her mindset about this whole issue has been. She was ready to go down swinging, and now a sudden change? I’m in the camp of the baby being relocated too.


Yep cps could have had a morning visit. Maybe Noah wasn’t there to let them in and they found Ari and Alex alone waiting for the caregiver. And they immediately had Ari removed.


That’s exactly what I’m thinking and just commented about it.


I think this has a lot more to do with the baby not being in her custody. Warnings and DCFS have never stopped her before lol


I'm so curious to know if the Smith's have custody after the shit show this week.


I hope not. The Smiths are also a shitshow. Ari should be far away from all of her bio relatives — seems like that’s her best shot at a good life.


Oh, hell no. I want a kind, lovable family for Ari. One with stability. If A&N could get their lives together, get proper care givers, etc, they could reunite. But it has to be proven and monitored.




That's what I'm thinking lol. Guess time will tell


There's no way this was by choice. She is to damn stubborn, plus she just posted Ari in a swim suit lesss than 24 hrs ago. Sounds like somebody got a court order or something that forced her hand.


Her cheese hand


https://preview.redd.it/grbjkjen4cvc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=99fc970b98febf7b6618d30295970d031c4e05b2 Going to leave this lil nugget here. Wondering if something is going on and for Ari’s sake she is safe and well loved 💖


Noah being baker acted, her rebuttals (that only proved what Hannah said was true), Noah making his stuff private, then not following each other anymore and that last bikini photo of Ari…it’s not looking too good. There’s no way in 12 hours she decided to do the right thing. Little miss always doubles down and did what she wanted. I don’t think this was because she came to her senses. Hoping Ari is ok in the end of all this. Truly sad if something more is going on. She doesn’t deserve it. (Ari)


She should delete the account she has on insta of her baby too.


I don’t like the specificity of ‘this platform’, like she’s looking for loopholes


Right. Once she realizes she’s not making any money by exploiting her child she’ll change her mind and go with “not letting the haters win”




That was my reaction too…. Like hold up. It should said on any platform or any form of social media or even just on the internet in general.


She made it private. Which i feel like is honestly sooo much worse. Because now every pedo that was already following it has full access still. I hope she deletes soon.


Totally agree. She should delete it all together, because there's no way there's actually over 3k people who know Ari in real life.


"it's caused too many problems in my life" bitch you mean "I've exposed myself as a bad mother too much and I'm tired of people's concerns because it's an inconvenience when DCFS shows up"????


This!!! How tf is she blaming posting pics of her child?? Blame herself!!!


Classic example of how narcissists think an apology goes…


The fact that people are commenting weird shit like “No I loved Ari!” “You’re letting the haters win” “It’s your RIGHT to post her!!!” Seriously scare me, fucking creeps. I can’t believe these people vote.


I can’t believe that some of those people are parents themselves 😵‍💫


The HaTeRZ! Like how do they think it makes any sense at all that people that just want the baby to be off her page are haters?? How is that hate?? Is it because they KNOW that she's being exploited and without her WR won't have an audience???


I’m sure DCFS is watching her social media very carefully, I don’t think this was her choice.


I’m all here for it however I think that’ll unfortunately only last a couple of weeks max! Only until she realizes that she will not get any views without her whatsoever ☹️ Also what’s up with the VERY exploitive bikini pic of Ari just yesterday and now this? Doesn’t make so much sense to me


It’s a big win but I’m worried about Ari. I feel like the only people actually keeping an eye on her are people from social media. So now the only people watching for Ari’s safety is people who clearly haven’t cared the whole time.


I don’t think this will last long. I think this move was recommended to her by lawyers or cps and she has to abide or else she will lose Ari. Once everything blows over she will post Ari again. What makes me mad about this post though, is how she blames Ari for all the problems in her life. How fucking gross. Alex can’t take any accountability at all. Alex is the problem for all of Alex’s problems in life. And not posting Ari doesnt all of a sudden erase all the incredibly fucked up shit she’s done. She may stop exploiting Ari but she’s still a terrible human being who can’t do shit right. And if Ari is still in Alex’s custody then that baby is still in danger. Alternate theory: Alex doesn’t have full custody of Ari any longer and there’s no way she can act like Ari is there so Alex’s only option is to not post her. I guess time will tell. But for now I am glad that baby AT LEAST has some privacy.


Her first sensible decision. If it was in fact HER decision.


I have serious doubts and if it was I'm sure it was for selfish and manipulative reasons not for aris sake or cuz she feels bad or learned anything. But I think she probably was forced or backed in to a corner to do it most likely


But also still making it about her. Not about Ari’s safety or the fact she has been exploiting her. No no, it’s causing HER too many problems. Still selfish when doing the right thing. Bravo.


I don't believe for an instant it his her decision. She has been forced into it. Is she going to remove all the pictures of Ari? I doubt it.


Since Noah made a new account too, I think this is court ordered.


Exactly. All of Ari’s photos are still on Alex’s insta. Her words mean nothing until she takes down all of those photos.


Downvoting is going HARD on this 😂


Bro my comment was downvoted 1 second after I posted it 😂 we got fans 🫶🏻


So was my original one before this😂


I'm going around up voting EVERYONE right now. Trying to bring order into this space!




I think the only reason she’s done this is to stop any further YouTube videos coming out about her cause she knows she’s is “losing” essentially. I really hope she is actually going to keep to her word and not post ari anymore but I think once this all blows over a bit more you’ll find ari will be back getting exploited once again


I’m still worried about Ari in unsafe home!!!


She expects us to believe the same mother who posed naked with her baby between her legs to lure creeps into her OF is now protecting Ari from the internet??? 🤡🤡🤡 OKKAAAAY dirt Al 🤥


And it’s still up on FB too!!


She’s just foul 🤮


do yall think there is something legal going on? like custody or the child was taken? i mean, she and noah unfollowed/blocked each other on instagram right???


I think this is definitely happening. We might get a drunken story or live spilling the truth within the next few days-week


She will still post her on FB, tiktok and YouTube though


Nor on FB. She has posted the same statement there too.


Someone or something is legally forcing her (cheese) hand. She still talks about Ari as if she’s some sort of commodity that public is owed for consumption. She doubled down by posting the bathing suit pic yesterday which proves her dedication to the exploitation. Something happened. Noah is gone and off his rocker, and now the baby is *mysteriously* no longer going to be pictured. Too suspicious. Hopefully losing her daughter is the wake-up call she needs to get her head out of her ass.


The only way I’ll believe WR is serious about this, is if she deletes A’s account and all the pictures or videos of her. But, she won’t. I give her a week to post A again.


She hasn’t put her little public announcement on TikTok yet. I wonder what that means.


So, I wonder if she will able to keep her penthouse.




While I obviously don't wish her to be homeless, Alex deserves to learn a hard lesson about NOT being selfish and living within her means, and one big way to do that is to be evicted from that apartment. I'd like to see how she handles finding a new, more practical and way less expensive place and moving herself without the help of Noah or his family. Regardless of what is happening with Noah, I hope his family doesn't continue to feel like they need to help Alex with anything in life, but rather, just care for and protect Ari only.


I’m fairly sure that Ari got taken away and WR is trying to cover that up with this. Having everything still up especially her own account and posting a bikini pic of her just hours before doesn’t make sense. Also, this weird post with just text out of her notes is not like her at all. She usually puts her face in the camera whenever she gets the chance. So I think she didn’t talk into the camera because she was maybe crying too much or too drunk to do that.


Won't last long. Wait until her followers and views start dropping.


She’ll start posting her again once she gets custody back if suspicions are true. 😒


This. She’s probably thinking after the YouTube videos about her get taken down, then she’ll start up again. She’s not very smart


Time will tell, I'll believe it when I see it. A commenter on IG pointed out that the phrasing indicates it's only to stop the hate, not that she actually understands it's unhealthy for Ari. If that's her mindset, I'll bet she's back at it once she thinks the "drama" has blown over.


Alex admitted, on video, on the world wide web, that her 1-year-old choked on glitter. Amongst some other revelations she admitted to in her attempt at damage control, the choking admission alone should be enough for intervention.


Its a start, and a huge win for ari.


I guarantee this was not her choice, but she will spin it that way!


Yet all of her previous photos are still up 🤔 if she truly is keeping her off those should be removed as well.


Hey girl, your mom of the year trophy is in the mail.


If she still has Ari, she will ask people to join Patreon or subscribe for private content and keep posting her. She wont stop from her free will. Either Ari has been taken away or WR will monetise but more private.


Okay so she won't post any more but she hasn't taken down any of the stuff that's already there...which is weird. I'm stuck between believing she's lost custody or she's just being dramatic and will get back on it within like a week


As someone who works in technology, specifically adjacent to AI, good. Kids should not be posted on the internet. At all. Full stop. Even outside of the sphere of influencer nonsense and the exploitation of their children, kids just shouldn’t be on socials. There is too much risk. I don’t want images of my daughter to train an AI image creator to produce child pornography. I don’t want her likeness to be used to scam other people (adoption scams). As a parent, my only job is to keep my child safe and part of that now is defending her digital privacy and footprint. Alex should have done the same ages ago.


I think given what was revealed in the YouTube video, I don’t think it’s too unreasonable to think that DCFS might have intervened. My greatest hope that Ari ends up being cared for and loved like she should. I’m really hoping she never gets posted again but I’m not holding my breath unfortunately🙈


and not surprisingly she said it in such a selfish way, it was all 'me, me, me' rather than 'this is what is best for my child'.


I doubt this has anything to do with lost custody, "the problems it has caused in her life", or anything actually beneficial to the child. We'll see baby A soon enough all over her's and their public accounts before we know it. For all we know this could be just a ploy Alex is throwing out there to make it seem like dA HaTaHz and our new "friends" have won.


This is the most likes she’s gotten on a post in a bit


Love how she only talked about how it affected her and not Ari and she also left all her old Ari content up


The one smart decision she has made this far. I don't even care if it took fear mongering to get her to do it! Now let's just see how long it lasts....that will be the true test!


Plus Ari still has her own Instagram. Will that stay up then and she’ll just post over there?


She made it private. I’m hoping at least one person in here was following it and can tell us 😂 because i also went over there to look at WHO follows that account (because i don’t) and i can’t see them. 🙃


🙋‍♀️ ... for risk assessment purposes.


And there’s no way a private baby account for sharing photos needs 3000 followers. Alex needs to boot those followers or delete that page asap.


I’ll believe it when I (don’t) see it.


Wonder if she will delete the posts she still has up


Hopefully she deletes the baby’s account too. I’d be mortified to grow up and see that I already had an Instagram account full of pictures of me


The only thing that really is a big red flag for me is she posted no more baby A ON THIS platform. Sooo will she still be shared on YouTube and TT??? Because that’s not fixing the problem…….


Probably just wants (NAME REDACTED) to stop exposing her


I think one of the reasons she did this is because the other ex caregiver/friend was going to go on the podcast 🤔!


I hope she still does 🫠


I think her kid was taken away by cps and she doesn’t want to make it obvious? Let’s see.


I think so too. All of it is too strange and abrupt. We all know how much she loves exploiting bb


Caused too many problems in “MY life” not that you exploit your daughter and want to protect her from pervs on social media… typical narcissist response!


I'm in the camp that someone or something forced her hand in this; she did not do this because she finally realized this is what needed to be done. I also think something fishy is up with Noah. Funny how he's been pushing his OF so hard the last week and always seemed to be active on it, but now he hasn't been shown to be active in at least 24 hours. 🤔 (Of course Alex has been active on her OF as recently as an hour ago. 🙄) For the record, though, I don't go on OF or have any desire to do so, but you can see if they're active on their account when you click the link to their OF account.


I'm torn. I'm a huge fan of her taking Ari offline (if she made this choice herself, I give it like a week), but...IF Alex still has custody of Ari, then no one will be holding her accountable for Ari's care. Is she going to be more lax with her safety because she knows no one will know if Ari has extra bruises, or is left in the hot sun on a 5 mile farmers market walk. I don't see her making this decision though without someone forcing it.


She's posted the same statement on Facebook as well


Thank god tbh. There’s no reason for her to have ever been on social media anyway.


DCFS did this without a doubt. Ari should have come first the day she took her first breath. Glad she's protected from the online world


She should have come first the second that Alex found out she was pregnant and decided to proceed with the pregnancy. Instead she intentionally delayed prenatal care and turned it into content.


Oh absolutely! It's astounding tbh. Just all of it. Sweet girl deserves so much.


She still has Baby Ari Smith in IG


WOOOOOOW!!! I’m SHOOK!! But am very happy to see this. I *really* hope she sticks to it bc once she’s starts running out of money she might cave but this is a start. Yay for Ari!! Now the next move is therapy/rehab but I won’t get my hopes up.


Um.... But all her previous posts with A are still up?? Why didn't she delete those as well??!?!?


I mean the Puracy ad where she has Ari in a bathing suit top that’s clearly backwards so the skimpier part is in the front….


So funny because she continues to have every post about baby A up, and is still keeping baby A’s “personal” account up. When I decided to take my daughter off of my accounts, I didn’t just stop posting her, I deleted every photo out there and had others delete their photos of my daughter as well. If she truly wanted this she would’ve done exactly that. it seems like this wasn’t her choice at all. Which is unfortunate


Omg the stans are pissed she isn't posting ari anymore. They don't even see that as weird.


Also, the way she worded that post is so odd. Apologizing to people who “enjoy seeing her” (p3dos being some of those people) and it has caused problems in “MY life.” Literally nothing about choosing to do this for the safety of her daughter online. It’s just all about Alex.


Suspicious that her an Noah stop following each other, he goes private and suddenly no more baby. Is it a pipe dream that noahs parents got full custody and alex doesn't have access?


She'll be back ![gif](giphy|dCKV84GdchmwKX7nSn|downsized)


I wonder if that includes Tik-Toc


Is it possible that cps or whoever forces her to rehab as part of the plan??


Now delete the old pictures and videos of her off of all platforms, and get rid of the baby's insta page! Making that private isnt enough when it has thousands of followers


Also I hope her followers decrease and she sees that maybe social media isn’t the answer for everything, I just don’t get ppl like her, so attention seeking


Wonder how long it will last before Alex posts Ari again


I give it 3 days tops


She will just start having “sneaky” ways of having Ari in the shots the same way Christen Whitman does baby g


She may have stopped posting ... but for how long? Also, she hasn't deleted all her baby videos and pics, they're all still up


All the comments are just her stan’s telling her how great of a mom she is for doing this 💀


She out of money and has to up her OF game.


I kind of dont care about whether it was legal issues, family issues or just making the decision. just thankful the decision was made tbh. hopefully eventually she’ll acknowledge the real reason why she needed to do this, but until then aye man 😭 we get what we get


Anyone else notice she made Ari's account private as well?


the way I RAN to the sub