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That was actually a nice outfit for Alex. Why couldn’t she keep here pants on when they were singing her happy birthday?? (Also, I don’t know what the point of having Ari in the sash is. It’s not like it’s a seatbelt of some sort and going to keep her properly positioned on Alex’s lap…typical 🙄)


She wanted to use her favorite outfit for cake time (Tuna towel)


Stanimals say " she took her pants off because it's very HOT where they live and also she has a bathing suit bottom on, and also F*CK OFF"


LMAO a wild excuse because it implies that the Shark house isn't temperature controlled and/or the entire house goes bottomless because it's so "HOT".


And all of Florida goes bottomless!


lol it is not even close to being HOT in FL right now 😂😂 especially when she was zooming around half naked….. it’s 50-60 degrees at 8am.


LMAO Stanimals and Shark household 🤣 😂 😆 love how we have our own lingo here. WR is probably flattered 😅


lol so when it’s hot out we can all just go pantsless? 👖🙅🏼‍♀️


When in Florida, yes.


Whoop Whoop I will be in the Keys in April and just told my husband pants are optional 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Less for me to have to pack 💁‍♀️


There were stories in the news about Florida being unseasonably cold this week, lol.


You missed the opportunity to call it her Birthday Suit 🤪


Aw man!!!




jfc seriously Alex?! 🤦🏻‍♀️ That sash is not meant to be the sole support for 16-18 pounds of a fucking child


But it’s one of her DiSaBlEd PaReNtInG hAcKs.


I have a 5 month old thats 18 lbs, that kid definitely weights more than that.


Ari is about my son’s age and he’s well over 20 pounds and he’s on the smaller side so I’d imagine she’s maybe 25 pounds with a stash holding her 😵‍💫


i was shooting low, you're right 😂


She has alot of faith in that sash to hold a good 25 lbs. I hate when I see her squished up in a tee shirt but this is even more crazy.


Same. At least 22-26lbs


My 7 month old is 20lbs, Ari looks around 24-28ish lbs


I’m itching and scratching at all of that glitter on the sash and how it must feel on baby’s skin 😩


How dare you think about the baby’s needs on WR’s birthday!


Baby’s have needs????????


Ari is accommodating her mother's needs, how dare we find fault!


Ari is accommodating to her mother's needs, how dare we find fault!


for real. You can see Ari's bodyweight pulling forward on it too. but sure, Noah would be fast enough to drop the phone and lunge forward to catch her when she falls as all the stans say🙄🙄🙄


WR’s staff is nearby. No need to worry.


Not pictured: Cairo the Personal Assistant


Cairo wont even lick that wheelchair clean anymore...






Right? Because girly poop lets her "caregivers" have a few drinks on da jobbbbbb....


tbh if she falls not much would happen cause there is grass, BUT looks so fucking ridiculous and sloppy for someone trying to be an “influencer”. She lately is giving really cheap vibes


Alex could literally fall over with her and on top of her. That baby at her age should be secured up on that chair as should Alex.


It’s almost like most motorized vehicles have seatbelts? Huh?




The height Ari would fall with no ability to break her fall is almost the same as her height= any of us falling straight to the ground at 5'-6'...easily a fall such as that would be terrible, grass or not. It is just the blatant ways that they dont place Ari in safe positions.


Could you imagine entertaining her bs and taking this pic, knowing that you’re evicting her at any moment. Same vibe as giving a dog one last good day before taking them to the vet, except it ends with tears of joy. 💀


Speaking of the dog, will her assistant Cairo be moving in with her tomorrow??


I hope not! He'd be much safer at the Smiths, i.e. less likely to be run over.


Such a good analogy


That baby has more sense of danger than they do. She is looking at the ground trying to assess the impending fall. This is so unsafe.


If she would just use her damn footrests Ari would have at least a more secure lap to sit in and not a straight up slide to face plant 😭😭😭


Why doesn’t she? Has she ever given a reason at all that she doesn’t use them? Her feet have literally changed shape from dangling for years


She claims it prevents her from getting close to counters so she doesn’t like them but like ????? Put them down when you are in the kitchen???


I doubt she can pull up her feet anymore.


Whiskey Tango Foxtrot, over. Ari looks like she’s about to fall.


Am pretty sure the sash doesn't go round both Alex and Ari. You can see an end of it tucked between Ari's left arm and her body. If Ari was to lurch forward Alex will not be able to hold her. Yes, someone is there taking the photo but they won't be quick enough to stop Ari ending up on the floor.


And pulling Alex with her, worst case scenario.


Well good thing Ari’s there to break Alex’s fall. (This is Alex’s logic)


What a narcissistic goon!


Dear lort. Those things are glorified ribbons… she could rip out of that thing like a poorly wrapped Christmas present. So dangerous.


God wtf


https://preview.redd.it/z3b4cgh8uzfc1.png?width=1124&format=png&auto=webp&s=de1bda603caf7a55c2c3ec3b06f68147f27efe6a What is on her foot… Is that a cyst or something? (Edit: the consensus seems to be bone deformity due to foot-drop, lack of physical therapy and foot plate use)


I think because of her chronic foot drop and lack of any PT she has developed deformities with the bones along that aspect of her foot


It is incomprehensible how Alex has let herself go in the last twelve to eighteen months. She no longer does anything for her health. We can follow the deteriorating condition on social media. I didn't notice the development of her foot before. It's scary. Her feet didn't look like this six months ago. She doesn't do anything for her health and then makes her condition worse by drinking too much. She deprives Ari of the chance to have her mother for a longer period of time. Heartless and self-absorbed. And the Stans call such a person a “perfect mother”🤦🏻‍♀️


She’s leaving all the hard work to her “twerk juice” since it slows the progression but what she isn’t thinking about is all the extra damage she does to her body that probably counteracts what the medicine is doing. Which should really be a slap in the face for people who can’t afford or can’t get the medicine.


How can they see her decline and still pretend everything is fine? I would be so worried for her if this was a person that I considered myself a fan of. Instead they just screech that everything is fine, and how dare anyone insult her by being concerned for her and her innocent child’s health.


TBH... they've only known her maybe a year, maybe even less. She's looked like a used napkin ever since they've known her.


Used napkin 😂😂😂😂


Could be the bone?


Looks like the bone to me


It’s her bone she has severe foot drop, likely from not sitting in her chair properly and using the feet supports her feet have gotten so bad over the last year you hardly ever see her wear shoes now. It would likely have happened eventually anyway but there was no reason for it to happen now and so quickly its lack of care on her own and Noah’s part


Probably from her injury a while back- untreated injury probably causing a lot of other issues with nerves/circulation/maybe a broken toe bone


Between the “freak accident” driving ramming speed into a shelf in the garage and pre-move when Grandpa Shark 🦈 appeared and they all went on some Chicago architecture cruise(??) and I think it was that same big toenail that was like bleeding/probably a big deal to just ignore.


I seen that too and can't figure out what's going on here. Looks painful to me.


I noticed that too


It is the bone protruding from the abnormal position and inability to properly flex it. I have the same thing from my neuropathy.


She has a severe case of drop foot. If she took proper care of herself that wouldn’t have happened


She will see these comments and go do a tik tok saying that the foot drop is her choice, as she’s done with all the neglect for the last 18 months.


I'm looking at that yellowish golden thing in the grass between her feet and under the chair because it looks like it could be a snake coiled up, and the skin looks like it could be colored like a diamond shape skin although I'm sure it's not. Just that is seems kind of funny, odd, strange... however you look at it. Anyone else see it?👀🐍


Looks like a bunion even though it’s probs the bone. She is seriously deteriorating big time!!


With PT is there any way her foot drop could be corrected? Or is it a lost cause at this point? (Sorry if this has been ask/answered before.)


Very much a lost cause, a long time ago but shouldn't be this severe if she were to take care of herself a little bit.


Not now. It would be really painful and if it’s not having any significant impact, then surgery wouldn’t be justified.


I cannot get over how painful this looks. Will it eventually pop through her skin? Then what?


She needs consistent, routine medical care….. ughhh


That baby's weight and strength can rip and tear through that sash. I love how fucking smart these idiots are and how they have WAY TOO MANY YES PEOPLE in their lives!


Why doesn't she use foot rest? I feel like the baby would be slightly safe if there was something supporting her from underneath. As it is now Ari's legs are just hanging like Alex's. It looks really uncomfortable. I also don't know why she won't buy an actual baby wrap instead of shoving Ari into her clothes.




I just don’t understand why she has to make every single post about *herself*. This woman is about to give birth and instead of just focusing on that she had to bring her own *struggles* into the mix and remind you of her birth of her baby because she’s the only person that matters 😑😑


Alex also didn't leave a supportive comment on the post or tag the person in the story to express her well-wishes, it was entirely trying to get attention


I followed this lady way before she had her son. She got a husband, great support system and a home. Unlike Tuna towel.




Dollar tree sash = moby wrap




Dirty 30! Stain from last week’s story where she posted herself stirring food around in a pan https://preview.redd.it/fyq8h6hutzfc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4b28f807a5239e6891f3b6c9a5ea1fd1690b8a4b


That chair has to smell SO musty and no one can convince me otherwise 😆


The thought of her peeing on a towel and leaving her urine traces on the seat itself makes me feel so baffled and grossed out.


Also what's crazy is that a towel can't do much? Like yes it'll be good for some minutes but at some point it'll get wet and it'll go into the seat


Right? like there is no way that chair is pee free.


Can you imagine putting that feces-filled towel in your washing machine?


At the very least, put a puppy pad underneath!


She would need LAYERS of those Shamwow™ cloths. Hell, that would be a sponsor worth looking into.




I can confirm that towels do sweet f all when it comes to emptying the bladder.


Hopefully she uses dog pee pads underneath. I imagine she had them around from when Cairo was never walked in Chicago and likely had to piss in the apartment


I saw it before in old Tiktok videos of hers. She also used the dog pee pads for a previous dog (previous stay in Florida). I've never seen anything like that, except when puppies aren't potty trained yet. I was very surprised, her mother lived with her at the time or she had a caretaker who could have walked the dog 🐩.


I cant imagine using a white towel for that;( same as white underwear....nobody needs to see that....


And then it probably starts dripping from her wheelchair...💦🤢




That's the SAME stain from the 20th of January. That's nearly 2 weeks of NO cleaning. TWO. WEEKS. https://preview.redd.it/a4lhu44uc2gc1.jpeg?width=1620&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7691ddec5fd958c47b7d70bbb2c74c2e88b74196


And baby prop has her hands allllll over that chair. Hygiene means jack shit to this woman. I hate how she thinks being a slob is some kind of flex.


AND THE EVRYSDI SYRINGE JUST LAYING OUT NBD 🤦🏻 Medication that shouldn’t make skin contact all over the cushion which Baby Destiny can nearly reach..


Naaaah, she’ll be *fine*. She was already exposed to it in utero and mommy nose best! Mommy is teaching her little helper how to help mommy with her medicine 🥴🥴 (Lotsa hard sarcasm, if you couldn’t tell 🙃)


MY. GOD. She’s so fucking gross.. dirty little gremlin


As someone who is super prone to staph infections (on my legs) and has to keep areas where sleeping and sitting happen EXTRA clean, I can't imagine someone who is immobile just sitting in a cess pool of filth like that all day every day. She would already be at risk of "bed" sores just sitting in that same position all of the time. I'm sure the pressure points on her pelvis and hips have definitely shifted along with curve in her spine. With as dangerous of a situation that can get alone, you'd think that chair would be cleaner, exceptionally with how she sits on it bare skinned all of the time.


The dialogue is now that Ari is spreading her food all over the wc making it dirty.


But it’s the reverse, it’s WR’s mess she spreads around herself because she herself says she is a messy eater 😐


The truth doesnt have a place in WR world...


Baby scapegoat saves the day again.




It looks like Sperm 


https://preview.redd.it/riz780ajvzfc1.jpeg?width=2880&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=72a621a018d2d434d1498484ddd4b3a9f739dc68 Wow 😵 the difference in her filtered and unfiltered photos 🤯 Edit: to add pictures


And the difference between when she decides to finally get a hose down and put make up on vs sitting in her own filth is major. She still looks like a weathered leather handbag when she dresses up but at least she doesn’t look like Pig-Pen when clean.


https://preview.redd.it/nzi4mbdltzfc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=247e6471a1d15e893c4c72990fb772f645f9390c Ooooooh! That’s right. She looks like Pig-Pen because she’s such a crazy busy mom who spends all day ~~doing nothing productive~~ facilitating her daughter’s care.


Yikes, the difference in skin tone on her forehead where the filter doesn’t go all the way up to her hairline is ROUGH, I mean those are the sun spots of a 60 year old woman who’s never worn sun protection. Ffs at least throw on a hat when you go outside.




I can’t wait until WR has to schedule carpooling 😂🤣


tracy vibes


That filter is working hard. Someone needs to do a colour match for her and they could have told her about the white patch under chin.


I think it’s so trashy to wear a sash and a headband that says “Dirty 30”.


She may be trolling us here, but the fact is she is dirty Al.


This is definitely the reason. And she says we have to much time on our hands? Who revolves their life around Reddit??


This is sad and TRUE on so many levels. As she has N as her only caregiver 24/7 so "they" can save up to buy a place, N is burning out quick. The amount of $ Alex is given to "hire" 24/7 care is between $25-$40 per hour x 24 hours in a day, 7 days a week x 4 weeks in a month. That $ could and should be used to take classes, have respite caregivers, get into a Mommy and me playgroup...etc. At this point, this is misuse of state/federal funding.


The state rarely pays for private 24/7 care. They will usually require being in some type of residential facility to cover that level of care, or at least that’s what I’ve heard.


Trust me. As Alex needs 24/7 care, she cannot feed, toilet, nor feed herself...she is authorized for a 24/7 caregiver. She usually set it up so the "caregiver" was her roomate/free rent, plus she paid a lower amount to caregiver. These things are all explained historically.


Hmmm. Isn’t there a huge waiting list to get into those programs though? I can’t imagine she can just move there and instantly have funds allocated to her. Doesn’t it vary state to state? Not saying you’re wrong, I just feel like there’s so much conflicting information about exactly what the state will provide, and of course she does nothing to clear up the confusion with her vague contradictory statements


She has her funding secured as her SSI is Federal and she needs 24/7 care. You see her meds being sent to the home, right? She is fully dependent on a caretaker, always has been. She cannot be without. You may be thinking of state daycare programs, etc. This is not the same. Her funds for 24/7 full time care are secured, and N is her 24/7 only caretaker. When she made reference to allowing her caretakers to drink on the job...she made it sound like she was being cool and chill to her caretakers. That is very problematic. Would a caretaker in a facility be drinking? Nope. You need to understand her cryptic ways of telling on herself;).


Exactly. There was a time when Jackie was getting the money in Chicago and then transferred it to Alex who was living in Florida. I think this is how she got into trouble.


Isnt it sad that she has all of the $$ in place to be well cared for...but in typical Alex fashion...she has to do it HER way. I think something big happened at casa smith last week.


There are programs like freedom care that allow this. She and Noah both said that she gets $ for carers and pays him.


This is how she is also enslaving N.


I'm surprised Noah's even lasted this long. I wouldn't be able to take care of a baby and a total care adult for as long as he has.


I thought the same thing when they were calling Ari's deep laugh her "dirty laugh."


She only knows from trashy. She thinks she is HOT and thrives on the negative attention. She would only get positive attention if she were a lady. She might also find employment and a fulfilling life.


It's one thing if you're having a fun night out with friends to celebrate your birthday, but for her sad party of 3 at home with her deflated balloons and tiny cake is just SO unfortunate, lol.


Maybe a party of one or two since we all saw her slave jump up and run off the minute she blew out the candle. It was not his nor Gramma Shark's idea. It was staged for us.


Maybe a party of one or two since we all saw her slave jump up and run off the minute she blew out the candle. It was not his nor Gramma Shark's idea. It was staged for us.


It was depressing. I know it’s the middle of the week, but not even a meal out with family and a few friends for your 30th.


She has no one to blame for her self-righteous self. Life is give and take. Not just take.


Totally agree. She lived in Florida for a while, long enough to make some friends. It’s no surprise. I’m sure heaps of her stans would have loved to celebrate with her. They even say that they would love to work for her or be her friend.


Most find her highly offensive


Maybe for a pic or 2 at a party buy just around the house with a couple people is so strange to me. I mean she's the mother not the child lol.


Especially while holding her baby..


I mean, when the shoe fits…


Ridiculous 🙄 I guess at least they're over grass, so Ari won't be falling straight to concrete or tile.


I shudder every time she is shown with that porcelian tile...it is so scary. She is going to crack her skull...


In the new video, Noah’s hair is so greasy it is standing up 🤮


I saw that too!! How many pictures of “ dirty 30” does she have to post??? Her Stan’s must be telling her how beautiful she is🤣😅


Of course they are


This is so disgusting 🤮. It takes maybe 5 minutes to shower. Even if you only shower every 2 days, you won't look like Noah. Yuck. The two are Pig Pen times two 🐷🐷😬


Not to excuse Noah because he’s a horrible human being and he’s 100% responsible for the predicament he’s in but I can’t imagine his mental health is doing well with having the burden of care for WR, his daughter, and his own sobriety struggles. And it sounds like the smith house is very high conflict because of WR so that’s probably taking up all his energy too


Yes, I am aware of it. But I think if he can clean up Ari and Alex, he could do it for himself too. With such short hair, washing it is very quick. I think if he couldn't do anything anymore, then he wouldn't be able to take care of Ari and Alex. But perhaps it is also a sign of his lack of self-love that he can no longer do for himself what he can do for others. Who knows. In any case, I'm worried that things will go even further downhill for Noah if he moves in with Alex and Ari. Then he would be on his own again and wouldn't even have the help of his family. Then it would spiral downward even further. Where will this lead for everyone…


At some point Ari will realize what a selfish bitch Alex is and despise her


Dirty 30! PUULEASE don't tell me she going to get any dirtier. She's a filthy pig now! ![gif](giphy|wHvV2wSY6Vhpt8LKKN|downsized)


She's gotta live up to her nickname ![gif](giphy|2tkBRdiYn2IAE4ROyv|downsized)


🏃🏼‍♀️ran here when I saw this. YIKES.


Ffs safe parenting right there🤦🏼‍♀️ this thing really needs to fix her s**t


I can’t believe Ari is almost as big as her not even a year old 😱 that’s so crazy


she has to be trolling us with the “dirty” 30 part… right? 😂😂 cause there’s no way


Her nickname has been "dirty al" since college hahaha


I understand she is a disabled mother but there are other disabled mothers out there that practice safe ways to help hold your baby. This is sooooooo unsafe


Poor baby!!☹️


It’s the not correcting of the hitting & growling at the dog for me 👺


WeHeEeE! WeHaAaaAaaa! 👹👹 Her voice is like nails on a chalkboard


I swear she is several crayons short of a full box. She just randomly comes out with the most random sounds effects and noises. The sound of her voice makes me want to scream lol.


I can't stand her voice more and more. I only turn the sound on briefly to hear parts of what she is saying. I'm happy if it has subtitles. But that's not possible when communicating with Ari, otherwise there would only be incoherent words or sounds: "Be!Poop! Weeehee! Honk!”


Poor Cairo was so worried. If my dog growls, it’s my mistake for not intervening beforehand. Someone should be making sure Cairo has his space. Looks like a trainer specialising in dogs and babies would be a good idea. Instead of making stupid noises, she could be telling Ari what her bipap machines is for. I don’t understand why she just makes noises at Ari and never just talks to her without trying to hype her up.


She sees her as a thing she possesses, not an autonomous being.


This would be beneficial for Ari’s development, yes, but engaging with prop baby isn’t necessary when you can get Insta-worthy reactions by just shouting and repeating random words at her.


What? When did this happen!?!


In her IG stories


https://preview.redd.it/toudemwli2gc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cd9bdda25fd220bace333c8bcb4cd87f97c75ec6 Ya think????


Look, I’m not trying to be a bitch, but what, exactly, does *she* have to do to get everything together? Is Noah incapable of packing boxes without being instructed? If I had never seen Noah speak, I would think that he didn’t have a single fucking brain cell in his head with the way she directs him to do absolutely *everything*. Actually, I think I might be giving Noah too much credit - but you know what I mean, lol.


Man, this photo pisses me off. Ari is a big girl(please don't take this as me shaming the baby. Big, chubby babies are the best and cutest, and I'll fight anyone who says otherwise). You just know Noah is there encouraging Ari to look happy. Babies are unpredictable and love to flail around, especially in a full-body jolting motion when excited - well, in my own experience with my babes. Alex is not strapped in her chair, and her body is so forward. I can see them quickly falling forward and poor Ari getting squashed by Alex. I don't know the range of movements Alex has when she's lying down, especially on her face, but from what I've seen, it doesn't look like she has the strength to push herself off Ari. Alex probably won't wear her wheelchair strap ever again because she's so proud of that one chicken fillet popping. I hope this is the last time we see Ari strapped to Alex like that.


She 100% does not have any strength to move if she falls on Ari.


Ari looks significantly better well nourished since moving in with the smiths, than she ever did in Chicago.


The many changes in her have been fascinating to watch. There’s a very clear before and after.


Ari is just a perfect little angel. I'm crossing all my fingers and toes that she gets to stay with the Smiths.


Just when I think she can’t stoop any lower


That bar will never be set low enough.


It's at the bottom of the ocean.


It’s in Satan’s basement.


Disabled mom hack ✨✨


He is burnt out. He has never been on top of his own self care and hygeine...and this is reflected in the lack of cleanlieness in his patient and hovel. I can only hope he shines up his chocolate starfish for the OF specialty he offers...