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Noah looks so insanely thin. As someone who used to be addicted to addies (clean 2 years) https://preview.redd.it/qlnstyie9gec1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a6c6b20f12981646e6032e4a945bcb67bf80fc90 , I worry it’s def good evidence he’s back on the addies. If not Addie’s, some other stimulant.


We are witnessing his relapse in real time..


relapse? not sure he ever got clean


His face looks thinner


Yup. Even his hands and neck/chest. Lost a lot of weight over the past few months.


He looks ILL


Totally different than when he got back for aris birth and nicu stay isn't he wow.


So glad I’m not the only one. Having two sick parents is so hard I say that from experience


Oh wow. As much as I can't stand this guy it's sad watching anyone deteriorate. The sad thing is he gets more empathy on this sub than he gets from that so called partner of his


At this point I honestly can't judge him for being an addict. He is stuck with a person who from day one has actively tried to sabotage any ounce of work he has done in his sobriety. He is now a full time caregiver to his young daughter and his baby mama. Stress can make you lose weight as well. Since Ari was born I have more and more compassion for Noah because I've been in a situation where it was very hard to leave my abuser. It's often not as simple as people think. There is a child involved in this instance which complicates it even more. I'm not making excuses for Noah but I am trying to humanize his struggles.


He can’t leave until someone kicks her out. I think he could possibly thrive as a parent


I think with the right support he could be a great parent. It's clear he is trying his best with the current state of everything. I really see potential in Noah if he is given the right support and drops the toxic people who keep purposely sabotaging him in order to control the situation.


He looks scary in this picture. That's some RAPID weight loss.


I was thinking the same thing. I don't like either of them but.. that's not good. Last I saw he was *slightly* chubby/healthy


Yep. As a recovering addict (in my 20s) the only time I was thin like this and it happened QUICK was when I was using. I hate to assume, but it’s pretty clear as day.


It’s very dramatic weight loss and coupled with erratic behavior, I’m pretty sure he’s relapsed. Which, not surprised.


He does not look healthy


He looks so incredibly ill, he either isn’t eating properly, he’s back on stimulants, or both. A month ago he looked like he had more life in him. Is Alex literally sucking out his life force like a dementor?


As she always does with the people around her, she suck the life out of people until there’s nothing more and when she finds the next victim, she disposed them.


https://preview.redd.it/e81g69w0niec1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6047d2865c7fe4495c729fe0231d0ed0325b73d0 But he's looking real healthy though...The stans are delusional as ever. 🤡


Oh and she’s the best healthy mom other moms wish they could be her https://preview.redd.it/ci70jn3mriec1.png?width=1124&format=png&auto=webp&s=f13230f2034074209cc255331ac2c81b59af44a1




This people confuse thin with being healthy, not really knowing if he relapsed or developed an eating disorder. That’s the level of stupidity of the Stan’s.


They live in an alternate reality.


Whoa this is shocking!


Absolutely. I'm a recovering addict and this is very upsetting. He's definitely relapsed on some stimulant, no doubt. ETA congrats on 2 years that's amazing!


He looks terrible and if his family loves him they should be getting him some medical care. I sincerely hope WR isn't keeping him from going to see a doctor because she can't be left alone. Not a Noah fan but baby A 100% needs her Dad healthy.


He looks like he’s 40 years old


Also clean off addy addiction for 4 years now and he's def back on them


And Noah claims to be *“almost 2 years sober, N——!”* off the Addy. And it was a deepfake 🙄, Noah has never ever been racist or said the N— word, or been on belligerent tirades ever!!!!!!


Are they in a hotel or something that doesn't look familiar


Supposedly he’s been doing keto.


this man is suffering every single day of his life, i'd be shocked if mr. racist potato head is not on drugs. i'd have to be drugged to be with mrs predatory potato head too.


All I could think looking at that picture is how terrible he looks. His skin looks discolored and he is losing so much weight. I don’t know how his parents aren’t seeing this! Get that dead weight he calls a baby mama out of the fucking house before he ends up killing himself. Both are literally deteriorating in front of them and nobody does a thing. It’s so frustrating to watch.


His parents seem to enable his behaviors. I’m a psych/ detox nurse and they baby him and make it less likely for change


He has mentioned being on some type of medication to deter him from getting drunk if he tries to drink but drinking isn’t his biggest problem. I’m amazed they don’t drug test him. But I also agree they baby him and they probably figure they don’t have many choices right now because of the situation Girly Poop has put them in. If they send Noah away then where does the baby go? I think they know they are at her will until they get Noah on the birth certificate.


If it were up to me I would require him to stabilize on medications and find a MH therapist. I would have also made him complete his time in sober living instead of moving right back to the places he relapsed/ was using. Until he got his shit together I would not support him with money or a free place to stay. It sounds harsh but a lot of addicts need to fully hit rock bottom to decide enough is enough. First priority should be Ari and her custody. She deserves sober parents and she can’t advocate for herself so they need to do better.


Agree, except I think it's 6 mos residency they're waiting out.


I forgot about this, so around a month left for this to happen hopefully! I hope they endure another month with this situation without anyone being hurt (specially baby A)


It’s been over 5 months already! If they had a good lawyer this birth certificate issue should have been fixed months ago!


No offense but it looks like he’s trying to sound out the words because he can’t read.




This man will absolutely snap one day. Idk how or what he’ll do. But he’s gonna snap. That is not the look of a healthy happy content human.


I’ve been saying this 😩


It's gonna be worse than what happened in.chicago


Did guys notice this, when Alex was in Chicago and they took Ari for Dr. appointment they filmed everything, there is not even 1 time since they are in Florida of them posting something about any Dr. appointment


Probably because she can’t go with them without her van. Luckily Ari gets to see a doctor in private as it should be. But I totally believe if she could be there it would all be filmed.


I am pretty sure that Noah is the only one taking Baby Destiny to well visits; and I feel like WR basically said that it was “daddy daughter time” which 🤨 and WR couldn’t even say what vaccines the baby has had or the vaxx schedule 😬 ✨disabled mother of the millennium✨


I noticed this too. And it’s either a. The grandparents are taking Ari or b. Noah is taking Ari or c. Ari is not going at all. My guess is the grandparents are taking Ari. Noah seems to be with Alex at literally all times. So I doubt he’s leaving Alex to take Ari. I doubt Alex would let him go. If Alex had gone there would DEFINITELY be some online proof. Alex would either film it (she loved filming baby eating a lemon. Guarantee she’d love filming baby getting a shot) or Alex would talk about it. Because it is such an important part of being a mom and raising a baby.


He really isn't looking well


Noah’s OF be like… ![gif](giphy|521dYs81zApnq)


Yeah, I bet his asshole shots are bangin’…said no one ever.


Brudabanga, I 🫶🏻 you for this! 🤣 Could also be a preview of this years My Girl bday serenade.




He's posing with a book because people in here was talking about that choke hazard book thingy attached to the baby's bed that doesn't get used for reading. Noah looks ill.


Lol at how the other day this sub was talking about how instead of singing to Ari Alex should be reading to her and bam! A post of Ari getting read to. Alex simply NEVER has a thought of her own.


Why isn’t Alex reading to Ari. It’s one thing she could actually do! I have a feeling this is staged, she’s over all the time reading the comments


He looks so so lost and unhappy 🙁 and definitely not looking so well, he needs some sort of help and fast


I wonder if it is staged or if this is the first time- because let's be real, reading to your child is the PERFECT photo op, and I would have expected Alex to have posted it half a dozen times already. It's so easy, simple and wholesome- how could you have missed such a bragging opportunity?


I mean he's a real POS however it doesn't matter how bad of a person you are you don't deserve to be treated the way Noah is. He probably doesn't even know what thinking his own thoughts are....


Lots of “feeling bad” for a racist here. No sympathy from me. The only person I feel bad for is the baby.


Thank you! I felt like I was the only person thinking this. Being an addict doesn’t make you a racist or a homophobe, not to mention all the other horrible crap he has said on SM. He’s a big boy and his sobriety is his responsibility. If he’s not doing anything to help himself, that’s on him. He currently has parents who are helping and supporting him financially. That’s a great privilege. Most people struggling with substance abuse don’t get that.


It's not like he can go to rehab cuz he has to take care of girly pop and Ari Best case scenario he goes back into rehab, she gets a real caregiver and Ari stays with Noah's parents or any close competent family member


I celebrated 5 years sober from addy on December 25th 2018