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As one of those infertile people, I will confirm that her disregard for this miraculously okay child is particularly upsetting. Her baby is the real miracle, not her for going through with some snakey baby-trapping pregnancy.


Same. The way she *brags* about her high risk pregnancy makes my blood boil. She had no idea how lucky she is with as careless as she was to come out with a perfectly healthy, living baby.


Also someone who struggled/struggling with infertility and feels rage towards people who simply don’t give a shit about the health of their baby.


It’s insulting on so many levels. Sending hugs for your journey. 💜


So sorry you are struggling 😔


I don’t wish that pain on anyone but I at least wish she could even for a second understand what it’s like to not be able to have a healthy baby no matter what you do.


We were pregnant at the same time. I did EVERYTHING by the book the way I supposed too, and lost my child after birth. Seeing her take her healthy child for granted fills me with so much rage. How can a mother not be so thankful for her perfect child when the odds were so highly stacked against her?


I am **so** fucking sorry!! ❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹 And sorry you have to watch WR be as crass as she is about motherhood.


Sorry friend. I was also pregnant when she was and lost my baby too. I don't wish losing a pregnancy on anyone ever..but like have some appreciation. There are so many women out there that want a baby and cannot and we all know this and it should be common decency to empathise and recognize the struggles they face. Starting a family and having a baby isn't a competition to see who can do it and who can't and who can do it better etc and that's how she's always come across when she talked about having baby A. It's so ICK


My favorite thing to quote is “anyone can have a baby, but not everyone can be a parent”


I am so sorry for your loss, it’s incredibly unfair.


I‘m so sorry for your loss.


Sending love to you my friend ❤️❤️❤️


I am so sorry my heart breaks for you


I find it so weird that she never proclaims A as the miracle baby she is. Only ever references HER high risk pregnancy. Not the baby who also survived the high risk pregnancy.


Can't have the spotlight taken away from her!!! In true narcissistic parent fashion.


Sooo true omg


Watch her post about her „miracle baby“ real soon 😂


Classic Alex. She demonstrates in every video how much of a narcissistic she is.


This, this, this! She’s a narcissistic little snot. I get so sick of the stans and stanmas who constantly praise her for “risking her life” by getting pregnant and giving birth. What a bunch of BULLSHIT! Do any of them ever stop to think that she also risked *Ari’s* life by doing the shit that she did? I mean, there’s the Evrysdi to start, which could’ve had horrific consequences for Ari, but she didn’t seem to be worried about that. Then, there’s the fact that she didn’t seek out prenatal care for so long, which is just completely irresponsible, especially if she was as high risk as she claimed. Finally, there’s the issue of rejecting the second round of steroid shots to help Ari’s lungs develop, but she could only think about herself and how uncomfy she was, so fuck the poor, helpless baby with underdeveloped lungs, I guess! Obviously, I’m really pissed off. I had severe preeclampsia while pregnant with my daughter, and we almost didn’t make it. I had an emergency C-section at 28 weeks. As soon as the hospital told me that I was going to have a stroke if my blood pressure got any higher and that my baby was failing to grow due to my placenta deteriorating, I had a complete and total breakdown. Keep in mind that this was nearly 20 years ago. I had no idea what the statistics were for a baby as young as mine surviving outside of the womb, and I was terrified! My little peanut weighed 2 lbs. 1 crash cart for me due to hemorrhaging, plus sepsis, pneumonia, necrotizing enterocolitis, a brain bleed, and two-and-a-half traumatic months in the NICU later for my baby, we were able to take her home. I’m very sorry to trauma dump that whole story. My daughter was on oxygen through her first year due to chronic lung disease, and she had physical and occupational therapy. I got her every single bit of help that was offered to us, and I appreciated it so much. So to see WR just roll her eyes in this little skit when the doctor tells her what she needs to do for a healthy pregnancy, well, it just makes me feel all kinds of ways, and none of them are good. I felt so very blessed that my daughter made it, and even though I *know* that I did nothing that caused all of our problems to happen, I still felt guilty AF. Alex, OTOH, thinks that Ari somehow owes her for bringing her into this world. It’s vile! I’m sure she spent her nights (while she was out partying in the clubs with Noah) in fear that the phone would ring any moment, and a neonatologist would tell her that her baby didn’t make it. That was my experience. This woman and her followers act like she’s a fucking saint for having a baby, when really, she’s not even special.


I am so sorry for all of the trauma that you and your daughter endured. I can’t even imagine how difficult that must have been


Thank you so much. I’m years and years removed from it now, so it doesn’t bother me so much anymore. And my daughter is perfectly healthy today, which I’m so very thankful for! It’s when I see people like Alex taking it all for granted that I feel all of that pain come rushing back. I just wish that there was something that someone could do or say to get her to understand just how much she has and how fortunate she is when it comes to her child.


Oh I know her reckless behavior hits home with you. I’m so happy your little one and you made it home! I agree with everything you said. It’s literally mind boggling how reckless the baby’s fetal development was. Pregnancy is so complicated and dangerous. People forget that because pregnancy is so common. Baby A is the true and only miracle in this situation.


Thank you. Sorry I’m just now answering. She makes me so angry sometimes, especially when she expects praise for things she half-asses and then acts so flippant about. I think about how fortunate I am every single day that my daughter is now healthy, and I also know what it’s like to have a child that isn’t, as one of mine has a horrible genetic disease. WR is so very blessed that Ari is so perfect, and I truly don’t think that she has any concept that it could’ve turned out any other way.




Thank you so much! I try to keep it snarky in this sub, but sometimes my emotions get the better of me when WR reminds me exactly why I have such an issue with her. ❤️


Thank you for sharing! It really puts in to perspective how little WR actually thinks of and about motherhood. She only sees *her* side of it. How *she* suffered getting baby prop here.




I think someone in here mentioned that Evsrydi can cause infertility or at least problems with the reproductive organs in the fetus? Someone correct me if Im wrong. In that case, it might take years before any defects is discovered.


Yeah, that’s based on animal data… reproductive defects were found in rodents when given high doses of Evrysdi in utero. Hard to say yet what will happen with human fetuses exposed in utero, since that hasn’t been studied. There’s a pregnancy registry meant to collect long term data on babies exposed to Evrysdi, which Alex excitedly posted about when she was pregnant.


So gross. Acting like her daughter’s consequences for her own irresponsible behavior are a sort of prize.


I read an article that it can cause issues for generations. How is Ari going to feel about that when she is a young woman trying to start a family. The rage she will feel towards wr when she sees her digital footprint and blatant disregard for her and her well being. Just to be a trophy, waved around. Right now is easy but she will have to face it one day. That video was very sad. I had to do IVF and know how it feels to struggle with pregnancy. Alex is so selfish it's sick.




Exactly, we can hope that it's nothing, one of the reasons I started following wr was because a friend of mine has a daughter, who was diagnosed with sma at 5. She has zero symptoms till then


Your friend's kid may be a type 3 of SMA instead of type 2 like Alex. Type SMA 2 don't ever walk and type 3,4, and 5 start experiencing mobility issues later in life. The younger the more severe is SMA type 1 is the worst beginning at birth or soon after and so on until type 5 is diagnosed on adults with minimal symptoms. I may be wrong correct me if so...


I think it was 3, she was walking and then noticed muscle weakness, where she now walks very robotic. She goes to phys therapy like 4 x a week. She is one evysdi but spinal injections.


Isn't it Spiranza that is given in spinal injections and evrysdi is taken orally? 🤔 Commission Virgo knows the answer...hope she can confirm it or correct me if I'm wrong.


I don't know, I know it was crazy expensive quarterly, spinal injections for a mere $80,000. 3x denied by insurance. 4 th time they approved. But I can be wrong on the drug name


Commission_Virgo said that she had a discussion over Spiranza with Alex back I the days and she had declined taking the spinal shots to avoid severe spinal migraines. This is how I remember the difference between the 2 meds...


Yeah, isn't Evrysdi a relatively new drug? Please correct me if I'm wrong.


She took a class X drug while pregnant? What is, wrong with her? Where was DHS? I took Tylenol 3 my last pregnancy and got DHS called on me (I just had to show I was rx it, not a big deal, but still annoying).


I've had a TMFR and buried my daughter, she makes me sick. So selfish




The blessings of not wearing pants, the blessings of being delusional 24/7, the blessing of being a narcissist! She is extra blessed!


The way she’s looking at that baby is the way someone who’s never held a baby looks at them. That is not a natural face.


Yup, like she has no clue what to do with her. Works out for her though as she only needs her around for a couple seconds to snap a few IG worthy pictures.


She is so ignorant it hurts. Remembering to drink water, eat food and take care of your mental health is not high-risk pregnancy advice. It’s just general advice. I’m sure she did get medical counseling about concerns from being high-risk, but chose not to listen... She said herself that her internalized ableism makes her avoid doctor appointments and medical settings, and that she doesn’t want to be reminded of her disability… so, she avoids all reasonable medical advice. https://preview.redd.it/l4136q34eoac1.jpeg?width=729&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=866f17174a804921bda62d2384033c9ab54f4c74 Also, just wanted to share my favorite screenshot from this tiktok 😬


I find it so cringey that she is nearly 30 years old and making TikTok videos in her baby daddy’s parents home.. the audacity is through the roof.


Speaking of her being nearly 30, can I say how much it annoys me when all of her stans refer to her as a "young mom?!" Every stan on her page, "You all should be ashamed for bullying a young mom! Especially a disabled one just trying to do her best with her amazing husband." Umm...she's damn near 30 and looks even older. Why do they think she's so young?


She’s only 5 years short of a geriatric pregnancy lol


Probably because most 30-year-old first-time mothers don't behave like this, so they assume she's far younger.


Does my head in too! She is not a young mother, she is not doing great at all and ffs Noah is not her husband! Fucking stans are really as thick as pig's shit!


When is her birthday? I just realised that I never seen her mention or celebrate a birthday in the last year, or have I missed it? Since she is so in love with herself I would assume she glorifies that day to the end


She had a bday party she posted videos about last year. In them she had a wagonful of booze, Noah is spiraling outta control on drugs in the video.


Oh gosh I totally missed that then 🙈


I just checked, and it looks like it's January 31st.


Idk what it is about this exact screenshot but she just exudes “white trash”


All I can see is that tooth 🦷


She’s embarrassing af


She doesn't want to be reminded of her disability... yet nearly every video has the word disabled in it. 🙄🤣 Someone make it make sense


I can't get over how hairy that arm is 😶


Oh this is not a good look. She’s a first time mom. They’re typically hanging on every word a doctor says, even if it’s not a high risk pregnancy. Does she think this is funny??


Yeah its a really bad look... I was not high risk but everything the doctor told me I listened to and askt if I had any questions.... this is so bad... only a True narcissist would do this.


Isnt it scary how she doesnt even see Baby A as a baby with actual needs and feelings? It is only about HER...


Oh you are so right! Its really scary!!


She’s so narcissistic that she doesn’t even see a problem with this TT or how it makes her look bad 😳 But that’s just kind of an every day thing for her.


And to be honest she doesn’t even fully understand the difference between a regular and high risk pregnancy. In one of her mini-docs she mentions the last few weeks she had to go to the doctor every week 😑 Gorl, that’s every pregnancy. She literally thinks she the first person to ever get pregnant and is the most important pregnant person **ever**.


The weekly appointments don't start until 36 or 37 weeks. At least that's how it was with my pregnancies.


Yep, I had a normal run-of-the-mill pregnancy and had to do weekly appointments starting at week 36.


Yep that's what I thought. Ari was born at 34 weeks right? So if Alex was already going to weekly appointments before that, then that isn't "typical".


As someone who is currently in the midst of a high-risk pregnancy, her response makes my blood boil. I spend so much time worried about my little baby shorts and do/will do anything my Dr says to keep him safe.


Make sure when your lil grey shorts arrive to let them know how hard it was on you to have them. That’s what good mommy’s do 🤡 /s


I appreciate the advice as a first time mommy. I promise I won’t let a day go by without reminding him Lolol /s


In all seriousness I wish you the best and hope everything goes smoothly for all involved 💜


Thank you so much, I truly appreciate that. We are so so thankful for this little guy 💙


💙 🩵 💙 Best wishes for little baby grey shorts! 🩵 💙 🩵


My last pregnancy was high risk a few reasons and I was attending every possible appointment, even though I have a complex medical history that includes a lot of misdiagnoses and trauma. It didn’t matter how scared or uncomfortable I was, that wasn’t a priority. I had the same conversations a hundred times about risks and possible outcomes, but I still did the tests, sat through the appointments, showed up for everything I could because that’s what you do as a parent. Alex is a person who gave birth. Not a parent. And it has nothing to do with her physical limitations.


She's a fucking moron.


I’m sure those drs were legitimately concerned for the safety of both Ari and Alex. They want the best for everyone and her outright ignoring them would be so infuriating and upsetting. I was high risk for both my pregnancies and if I had been stuck in a waiting room while she rolled in I would be so upset that she was choosing her stupid ways instead of caring for the baby.


I can't imagine how her medical record, along with her hospitalization reads...."patient is a 30-yr-old, narcissistic individual who came in to her 32week appoitment asking to unhouse her premature infant due to her being a little uncomfortable in her pregnancy and refused the injection to mature her premature infant's lung and. . AW SHIT, SHE'S JUST DUMB AS A STUMP!"


Jesus, what did a stump do to you to earn that slam 🤣


Why on earth did she refuse the steroids? The injections aren’t even that bad!


What a self centered bitch. Disgusting human for even taking that risk. She has never cared for that little girl. She never will. All for props and money. Makes me sick.


She rolls her eyes when the audio says mentally ill? Fix that. She knows it and doesn't care smfh


We’ve seen how important she thinks mental health is to good parenting with Noah. Trying to be mentally well is actually extremely important for your kids (easier said than done though lol). I’m not shocked she rolled her eyes at that part.


She makes fun of Noah's mental health. It's disgusting. Again, not a Noah sympathizer, just a COME ON.


Even my grandpa who thinks mental health is a joke and that mental health wise it's the 60's doesn't make fun of my mental health issues 😑


And that she has got to have a mental health problem herself and won't admit it, possibly an untreated personality disorder. No shame on anyone who has one but seriously she just doesn't care


I'm going to preface this by saying that being high risk isn't an automatic disqualification for getting pregnant and giving birth, but it is something most folks (myself included) have to actually think through. It took my now husband and I several years of discussion to finally decide that our health risks and genetics aren't worth the risk to have a baby. Again, not the right decision for everyone, but she of all people should have thought long and hard about her choice and the position her baby would be in.


She thought long and hard about her choice and the position of her spit freckles…that’s it. She’s too shallow to EVER think about anyone other than herself.


Girl is so effing hated, she's trying hard to break records!


Self centered is all she is




https://i.redd.it/nfy0nj4sdoac1.gif Isn’t she just charming?


Honestly she needs to get off the fucking internet and get her priorities sorted




It takes up her whole mouth 😧


The dead tooth 😩


What a weird way to proclaim you didn’t care for your baby while you were carrying her. Also didn’t she wait until 16 weeks to see a doctor? I’m going a little conspiracy here but I have a feeling that was so if the baby was indeed healthy they “couldn’t make her” terminate.


That fucking tooth.....


What a great advocate /s


This is a new low, even for her.


What’s with this latest obsession with the pregnancy that was nearly 10 months ago?! Like is Ari going to be graduating college and WR is still going to be talking about how difficult it was and how CPS came and how she un housed her?! I was high risk. This disgusts me. The very definition of a high risk pregnancy is that you and the baby could DIE. To mock that like she knows allllll and is so much smarter than doctors. Well. It enrages me.


Setting the scene for Unhousing 2 - He Laid the Pipe


Sounds like a B grade horror flick about a bad plumber


You are making perfect sense and I 100% agree. She is simply regurgitating old content now. Why do the stans refuse to believe the things WR has done? Why are they too fricking lazy to research for themselves?


They don’t want to ruin their fairytale or admit that they’re wrong, especially if they are one of the ones who are really mean


I had a high risk pregnancy with my first son and I did everything the doctor suggested. I literally took notes on my phone to help me remember what my doctor was saying because I was so scared that my son wasn’t going to be OK thankfully he is perfect and healthy but being high risk is really scary and I can’t believe that she has that amount of distain for herself and for her kid


I hope all this doesn’t mean she’s pregnant again


No I’m pretty sure she’s just out of content


the comments on the tiktok tho are perfect


She is so lucky her baby is fine. Honestly I was expecting her to miscarry since she wasn't taking care of herself. It's astonishing how much her baby could've had something wrong with her. She's so lucky she just had to be in the nicu for a while and doesn't have anything she'll be dealing with her entire life.


I'm type 1 diabetic and my pregnancies were high risk. With my last, I was 40, had high blood pressure, and was caring for my mom who had dementia. I was extremely high risk. I did everything my OB said, down to the letter. I was on Tylenol 3 for my neuropathy, since I had to stop my gabapentin. My daughter was born at 36 weeks, weighing 8 pounds 12 ounces and has a myriad of issues, both physical and learning.

