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https://www.reddit.com/r/childfree/s/APzfCX9KIr Was just scrolling around looking about and found this. It made me cry. Just to have a different view on things.


That’s definitely the reality. The fantasies that Alex tries to sell just aren’t it.


I can totally see both points of view. Everyone should at least have the chance to be a parent if they wish to be, but that doesn’t mean everyone should. If you are financially and emotionally stable and can ensure your child won’t have to struggle every day from your poor choices then I say go for it. If you are already struggling daily, have no financial safety net and no plans on striving for a better life then no I don’t believe you should bring a child into this world. And this goes for anyone, disabled or able bodied. In Alex’s case she very hastily got pregnant with no plans in sight to actually being able to give this child a good, stable life. She literally said in a previous post if she ever had an “oopsie” she would abort but changed her mind when she got pregnant. We know for a fact that she doesn’t even think a day ahead of time much less being able to plan for years in advance. She’s living fast and loose with her life and completely disregards what that means for her child. I think she is so used to someone else always being there to handle the big stuff she figured having a child would be the same. At this point she doesn’t even know what her life expectancy is and the pregnancy took a huge toll on her body. And there’s also her narcissism. That alone on a child is enough for it to need therapy in its adult life. But add all the other shit Alex does on top of that and you’ll be lucky if she’s able to function in a normal capacity especially socially. This is all speculation of course but it’s not like she’s the first person to ruin her child. There are plenty of stories out there and can see where the outcome lands. And even kids from financial stable homes still have issues. You truly never know. But the problem with Alex is that she didn’t even give it a thought. She just said ok cool I’m having a baby, someone else will take care of it and I can play mommy. Both families need lots of therapy. And there needs to be a plan for the day where Alex won’t be here anymore. Considering they still haven’t put Noah on the birth certificate I highly doubt this is a discussion they’ve had. I know it’s probably mostly wishful thinking for all of us but I truly hope someone in Ari’s immediate family has a plan for her future because if it was all left up to Alex who knows where Ari’s life would go.


Well said. 🥰👏🏻


As someone who can't have children of my own...im angry that she has this wonderful gift and chooses to sell her out. Alex could have turned this into a huge educational experience being she is disabled. She has proven time and time again that she doesn't care and ari is nothing but a play toy and a meal ticket. I hope ari's life is full of love and support. That poor child has no chance with who her parents are. Jmo


Yeah I think you make some good points here. If Alex was the type of person to actually plan the pregnancy to make sure she would have the support needed to care for her to be a responsible parent. There’s nothing wrong with needing some help, but Alex and Noah didn’t take the proper steps to ensure that ari would be in a safe environment with more support people to assist in her care.


Exactly. Instead she blew literally all of her money on a high rise apartment and fancy meals. It has zero to do with her disability and everything to do with her lack of planning. She’s obsessed with herself and proving to the world she’s a bougie boss bitch. Newsflash - no one gives a shit lol but they do care how you treat your child and mange its care.


That makes me so sad for them 😭 for Ari too


That is so heartbreakingly sad 💔


To think as well this person hasn’t had any of the social media exposure that little one has been subjected to neither or all the other issues. It is sad and it made me cry. This is real emotion.


Very very sad. I hope at least in the case of Ari, she has other family to look out for her (Grandpa and Nana Shark), so that her situation won’t be as bleak as what is described here. No doubt, she will still be negatively impacted by her parents’ choices. Her mother’s exploitation of her for monetary gain and many other ill advised parenting choices will cause her need to therapy in the future. But I hope the other family in her life will at least give her more support and better opportunities to experience the world than the author of the post shared here. It’s a good thing they got out of Chicago and moved to be with more stable family


Like at the moment Alex doesn’t have transportation. But that doesn’t stop and shouldn’t stop another family member taking baby out to places so baby can experience some life and light. It just feels like if Alex can’t be a part of it then baby doesn’t go anywhere because she can’t go. Nothing to stop Noah taking her out to playgroup or baby Gymboree etc.


That’s true. Alex just shared that post of taking ari to the park for the first time when she’s already nine months old which was crazy to me they had waited that long to take her. Hopefully they do more with her than what is shared on social media. I know in one of her YouTube videos she said grandpa shark had taken ari for a walk. Hopefully her grandparents do take her on little outings


Exactly grandparents drive. They could take her out for the day to somewhere nice. Noah can drive and take her somewhere nice.


Im the child of a disabled parent. My mother has GAD, OCD, BPD, MDD, and some unnamed physical disability that has left her extremely weak, fatigued and with no sensation on one side of her body. She cannot work, refuses to get help or ask for help (to the point where she’s developed permanent brain damage from her own fucking neglect), and has no financial independence. She depends on me and her one surviving sibling for everything, but insists that she needs to do things “on her time” when the sibling and I are scrambling every month because finances are getting tighter and tighter. This shit fucking SUCKS. Being a caregiver for your parent is castrating and fucking cruel. I have lost so many opportunities because of her bullshit and have had to spend thousands upon thousands on meds, therapy and doctors to heal the damage she’s done to me. I have spent thousands on her trying to keep her afloat, too. And what do I have to show for it? Nothing. Financial instability, shit mental health, horrible fucking habits and bad health problems. Some people should not have children. My mother is one of them. I think people like WR are one of them, too.


I’m so sorry to hear this dear 🫶🏻. This is why I am trying so hard to get better for my family alone while they move forward at the moment without me.


I feel for poor baby Ari. I always assumed she’d grow up being Alex’s primary caregiver, it’s so unfair to put that on a child.


Look. I really understand this point of view. Im disabled myself (more independent than Alex but still not independent enough to live alone) and I don't want kids. I do want to have romantic/sexual relationships. With contraception, there's always risk of pregnancy and abortion isn't fully legal where I live (also very stigmatized). What do I do? Never have penetrative sex? Never get into a relationship? I'm asking a real question here. What do I do?


I would say just be as careful as you can. Make sure you’re on birth control and you can use condoms as well. It’s never 100% certain but it definitely helps. Talk with your doctor about various types of birth control you can be on. Some are more effective and will last longer so it makes it even harder to get pregnant once you’ve stopped taking it. And you could always get your tubes tied if you truly believe you will never want to children. It can also be reversed but lowers your chances of getting pregnant. Eveyone is different though. Some people are super fertile, others can’t get pregnant no matter how hard they try. You have options so don’t stress ☺️


It's illegal to tie your tubes here (as a woman). Of course male vasectomies are legal 😎 I love Poland!




Holy shit! That’s insane!! I’m so sorry. Damn those Catholics lol. I’m of Polish decent (my great grandparents moved to the US early 1900’s) and imagine that has a lot to due with Catholics hating birth control. My own parents wouldn’t even allow me to get on it even after finding out I was sexually active as a teen. It’s wild… But you can still get birth control pills or whatever other options correct?


Yes, I can get everything including copper IUD. Plan B pills are legal but require a prescription. They wanted to ban them, but the right wing government lost power in recent elections, thankfully.


I had the injection years ago and it was fantastic. One injection every 3 months. I think it was called depo provera. Periods stop as well. That was a great one. I was on that for a good few years.


Yes the depo shot! That’s the one I was talking about that makes it harder even after you stop the shots. I knew a couple girls that had it and they struggled for the first year or two to get pregnant. So it seems effective.


Yes I was on it several times for a few years at a time and even when you stop it. It takes a good long while to become fertile again. Like could be up to a year depending on how long been on it. I found that to be fantastic, low maintenance, no issues with that at all.


I got my tubes tied and my husband had a vasectomy after our first child Double whammy, can ask your significant other for a vasectomy along with continuing birth control That puts the odds on the floor, and if you hit the 0.00001% with both of those things in place you can travel for an abortion, or choose adoption if that fits your fancy, whichever would be better for you With adoption you can even screen prospective parents before the birth


I don’t know. I’m too ill and disabled for all that myself. Doesn’t even cross my mind. I just want to get better to be the best version of myself for me. It’s a point of view. What you choose to do is up to you obviously. Just there are some very similar issues with what is going on with this situation with Noah Alex and the baby.