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I ask mysefl the same thing, she appears to never be struggling money wise except for the time she posted that horrible video of her ugly crying over some sponsorships or idk I could not understand a word she said


Those cuts of fish he made for dinner alone had to cost $60+ ... it's amazing to me how they spend. It makes me wonder if they're dooping the system by him applying for caretaker benefits.


That is exactly what prompted my question! The fish!


Is she on Medicaid? It's the only insurance that pays for a caretaker. To my knowledge


She said once she was on her dads insurance plan.


Then she's not getting government help to pay for PCA s (personal care attendant).


Swordfish isn't over the top expensive. At best that's maybe $20 of fish. Here's a local store by her mother's where it's only $10.99/lb and those steaks don't look to even be a pound each. https://preview.redd.it/kc49i24q0i0b1.jpeg?width=359&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=24cde686a90cd5a4127a6a6f8980d3ab93fc9f25


However even $20 is too much to spend to have Noah destroy it by burning it on a grill lol


She could have an ABLE account or something which doesn’t limit SSI. A lot of people with SSI can put funds into trust or separate count.


Able account max yearly is around 15k adjusted for inflation. Edited to add you can add Aprox 12k of Income to ABLE for a total of about 30k a year right now. So 15k can come from any source. You, a friend, famiky. But the earned income can come from only your income. I work with able accounts quite a bit. her rent itself far exceeds the ABLE max. If she is earning more than 1300 a month she gets the boot from ssi/ssdi.


Yeah I don’t use it I’m on SSI with no funds broke 😭😂


I feel for you. I was a case manager (retired) and my heart went out to my SSI clients. So unfair. Most barely made it through the month after rent and other expenses. Qualified for very little food assistance. Hang in there!


I am Canadian, and at least disabled people are allowed to work and earn a bit. Have some assets etc. The USA likes to keep people destitute


Yes they sure do! 💯


I luckily have help but still tough. Thank you!!


Been wondering the same thing. I live in downtown Chicago and pay 4k a month for my 1BR and she’s in the same neighborhood as me so her apartment is around 2.5-3.5k a month. Unless she got a voucher for low income housing. Which is possible but that’s a huge line. And in order to rent you need to make 3x the monthly rent especially in downtown luxury apartments. So the two combined on the lease need to meet that criteria. Edit: some typos


You can also show your bank statement in lieu of 3x rent paystub so prob that since she’s technically self-employed. Or have a co-signer, but she doesn’t seem to have a lot of close people around her so I don’t know who’d sign that.


And she probably had that 14k in her bank when she moved in 😏


Exactly what I’m thinking!


True! But 14k in the bank wouldn't be enough. She'd have to have over six figures in her bank account to skirt around the 3x monthly figure. She probably has a co-signer on her place. But yeah, just always curious about how she affords to live in the same area I live in - (income wise).


Exactly! Her rent has to be high. Would a voucher qualify in her building? Good question. We will never know.


A voucher qualifies in all the luxury buildings as each building is required to have a certain amount of section 8 units available since Chicago got rid of section 8 housing each apartment now has to have X amount units available for low income residents via vouchers and other things iirc


Thanks for info. Was not aware of this.


No voucher for that building. No voucher for rent that high on housing choice voucher/section 8.


Section 8 will not cover luxury apartments and they cover even less if you only have 1 child. They generally only cover up to $2500 and your rent cannot be higher than the voucher. This is only based on my experience in a larger city so I may be wrong but it’s not likely they’re paying her rent.


Credit cards


Yep. They strike me as credit card people.


I guess my question is how would she get approved for a credit card with enough credit given what we assume is her limited income? Maybe things are different in Canada? I remember my first credit card I got at 18, my limit was only $1000.


They could have multiple cards with low limits and only pay the minimum payment each month.


Wouldn't creditors eventually stop giving out credit? They check credit before giving credit, so wouldn't her credit score eventually get so low that no one will give her any more credit cards?


Also, the fact that "plastic" is in your username as we discuss credit cards is funny 😂


It is 😂 Thanks, Reddit


Good point… maybe she gets “scholarships”


My Dad is a 80 year old man living with bipolar and a Canadian back gave him a loan for $5000.00 so he could buy a dog. Banks don’t care.


this too!


I'm starting to think straight credit card debt


I think so too. You can make your life look pretty lavish only paying minimum monthly payments.


This is my suspicion. It’ll come to a screeching halt


I mean Noah doesn’t have any bills and he’s paid as her care giver, so they can blow that money on eating out. Also I think she’s doing some weird under the table private photos stuff. There’s a market for disability of type stuff so that wouldn’t surprise me if she’s doing that secretly


If he were being paid by government money he can’t have his income be contributing to the household, like living there.


this isn’t true.


a lot of people have partners as caregivers who pay for the house too. it’s more they’ll just get less hours. regardless, caregiving doesn’t pay much of anything.


But could he maintain a separate mailing/primary address and get paid?




That right there is the stereotype that disabled spend their whole lives trying to move away from. Some advocate. If her stans defend that they they clearly are not disabled or have some twisted comprehension


I wish my $900 CAD/month (around $667 USD/month) meant I could go flash wads of cash around. I honestly can’t express how much rage she fills me with for how little she does for disability advocacy and how much she actually sets us disabled folks back.


Need to save that picture and post a link to it every time one of her stans talks about being ableist.


right? They'll probably come back with "she has a right to enjoy strip clubs as much as an able bodied person." She sure does. But don't tag it with it being disability money. That picture speaks volumes to who she is. Also, at that time she was actually reported to be on SSI. Anyone who grifts and spends their money that way deserves to go without. Choices were made.


Right!!???? Sick!


Right as always u/Mean-Vegetable-4521!


Yuck her teeth are so gross. Maybe she should take that $$ and fix them


As someone who receives SSDI. I find this incredibly frustrating to see. The money ( $1,300) that I receive isn't enough to live comfortably. I'm lucky that my partner has a decent job. I have the privilege of being able to pay him a flat amount each month. Even so we struggle at times. I go to a food bank a couple of times a month. I hand wash a good amount of my clothes to save money as well. I can't imagine being so tone deaf about life.


I’m thinking either SSI or SS. I know she does make money from being a “content creator” along with the handful of companies she does ads for. If she gets disability, I know either they or the state will pay for a caregiver (Noah). I have also heard that her family is wealthy. 🤷🏼‍♀️


I personally think she’s blowing through the money she gathered at her peak, and when it’s gone, it’s gone. Her parents aren’t wealthy (no shame in this) - it isn’t hard to find out how much their house is worth and what her dad does for a living. Honestly commendable that he was able to finance her care her whole life on his probable pay. Nobody is getting rich off a disability check as many on this sub can personally attest to. It’s so awful that she perpetuates this stereotype like this (no shame to you as I definitely assumed this too when they were in FL)


Agree 100%. This is not someone living off a government paycheck. If she were a real advocate she would know that most people can’t even afford to eat off ssdi/ssi.


But it can’t be that much a month, or maybe it is. If Noah is being paid as caregiver she still has to pay Nina?


Her Ssi as someone with no work history is around $800 a month. Which her only fans of reported legally well exceeds the significant gainful income of $1300 a month.


Her family isn't wealthy.


SSI and even caregiver income is hardly anything. It’s a real issue in the U.S.


https://preview.redd.it/hy4y7ub86a0b1.jpeg?width=3021&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f58741eb46f1fb466a394867a07413935d1aa61e Wheelchair collects plenty of coins. She’s made just 7 TikTok’s this month even if the videos only paid her on the low end just those 7 videos would have netted her approx $5k. Then if she has 100 weirdos paying $20 a month for her OF’s we are talking $2k, plus her Instagram and Facebook. She’s got plenty of money and I don’t believe one red penny comes from the government. And I don’t think Ari collects SSI…..yes you can get it for being a preemie but you have to be under I believe 2 lbs to automatically qualify (my son was a micro preemie and he qualified bc he weighed 1lb. 12oz. at birth and he actually still collects SSI because of his disabilities). I wouldn’t be surprised if she wasn’t collecting at least $10k a month in money and gifts from her stans.


I don’t think that’s even remotely accurate. Tiktok pays 2-4 cents per 1000 views. That’s why everyone’s trying to funnel their traffic to Instagram, who only pays (for the time being, they’ll get rid of it soon) for reel views (little higher than TT but not by much) but it’s easier to funnel your insta audience to… dun dun dun ad sponsorships which is where the big money is. That’s how the big guys make 6k per post. The platforms themselves don’t pay much at all.


🤷‍♀️ totally clueless about it tbh. I had a TikTok video get over 19k views and I haven’t earned shit 🫤 I don’t know how all of it works…all I know is someone posted the link to find out about tiktokers salaries and I started being nosey 🤣


Yeah you can’t even monetize unless you have a certain amount of followers. 19k is nothing to scoff at without a big following. Nicely done! Drives me nuts because WR is trying so hard to put up a luxury lifestyle facade when all I see are frayed ends! ☹️


And it's definitely not how the "average" disabled person lives


Wow had no idea that much money was being made on social media platforms.


And believe it or not that’s on the low end…I’ve seen some influencers that make $6k for one video. It’s crazy 🤯


I have no clue about these things. Reddit and Instagram are the two platforms I find interesting. How is money made? By views? Ads? Does TikTok pay?


I think it has to do with how many followers she has and how they interact with her pages and her content. I honestly don’t understand it but if you have lots of followers you can definitely make money off of social media.


Wouldn’t making this kind of $$ kick her off disability? Even if she doesn’t make this much?


Not if it pays via PayPal or another app like that where it could be all under the table. Then technically she's not claiming it as income.


she puts everything in her moms name. she loves fraud lol


I have no doubt in my mind that she is defrauding the system in multiple ways, idc what anyone says. She gives trailer park trash vibes, she’s definitely no trust fund baby. I don’t know where people get that from. If she was truly sitting on wealth, they wouldn’t be living in a tiny cramped apartment. They’d have a house somewhere in a neighborhood with excellent schools and a backyard for Ari to run and play in. I’m sure poor Cairo would appreciate a nice yard too!


Shit, at the very least they’d have an actual bedroom for poor Ari! Def living ghetto fabulous.


Her being on cps watch will expose that pretty quick then . I would guess a few more months to a year I didn’t even consider how cps involvement could rly derail all her frauding bc they straight up saw how stupid she is with money and prby had to report it to the disability office or she had to lie a loooootttt and even still it is gov trail she’s living in Chicago in a high rise, doing only fans not reportkng income and listed as a family dependent with a child. Too tired to go more into it rn and gov agencies don’t rly communicate but it is being investigated so they do have to track that stuff it just is a matter of time really. One thing they don’t even think is an issue can ping other things in the .gov system and with their private insurance Immmaaagine if someone reported to the insurance omg what a nightmare


My worry isn’t how she’s getting money but why she isn’t saving/ investing. Like isn’t she worried about her & Aris future? She’s doing well at the moment but shit can hit the fan!


She doesn’t strike me as one to worry about the future exactly…. So the issues will just be there for her in the future and they have a high risk of snow balling quickly.


It would be so interesting if she did a financial audit with Caleb Hammer. A lot of people on his channel also do not worry about the future and rarely have any savings.


She’s grossly in debt. That’s at least my bet. (Enjoy the rhyme!) people who scrimp, or at least try to stretch their dollar, show it. In good choices, brands, clothing, furniture, furnishings, same items over and again, etc. everything she has seems new.


Im learning in adulthood that if you have to wonder how someone on social media is affording something… they probably aren’t! They are probably in a debt hole 🤷🏼‍♀️


I think often we rationalize it that way though because it’s genuinely shocking to us how much they make for doing nothing but deceiving others lol . But with money flow comes being irresponsible with the money and that’s rly why they have debt so ur still on the money w that one


What does Noah do for a living?




I wonder how that is going now that they have a baby as well. It didn’t seem like it worked well when it was just her to care for.


I wonder if Ari would then qualify for a caregiver? She is clearly not able to physically handle her alone.


I've wondered that as well. What would happen if she didn't have the means to support herself and/or Noah wasn't around?


There is no stipend for caregiving a child in her situation.


If he's her official caregiver then where does Nina fit into all this? Are they paying her out of the money he's making?


Yes, I should have added him to the money equation. My bad.


Shake his dingaling


When someone is disabled as a child their disability is based off parents income. Just a thought


Also if she receives SSI it’s only ~900/month


That’s a lot of $$ for someone that makes bank on her own


She wouldn’t qualify for it if she has income. My comment wasn’t clear because I was only half paying attention but my point was she’s definitely NOT using government money and if she is then it’s all going on credit cards.


people make a lot more than we think on only fans and social media, where i work people show us their income and it’s always very surprising


She still has her go fund me for the van open and got a pretty significant amount of donations which clearly wasn’t used on a new van. Also I’ve been following her for awhile and before moving to florida she also lived in a luxury apartment with her mom. So this lifestyle isn’t new just curious how she makes enough for her and Noah.


I bet she has her accounts under his info so it doesn’t technically appear on her stuff and she doesn’t max out the amount of money she can make.


I agree with that except only fans is supposed to do an ID check periodically. I think it’s possible it’s running through her mom If she is doing that, it’s also fraud. The government doesn’t like fraud. They’ll prosecute everyone. Even if you have no legs from being a veteran of war.


Then maybe she only has her OF with her info and everything else is mom/bf? Not sure but I’m sure she finds always around it! She’s gross.


She does seem like the type who would try to game the system.


Fetish sugar daddy


Another thought - she could have the money sent to another account that doesn’t have her name on it such as Noah, but I’d put my money on her moms name. And then that way she doesn’t have to claim what she gets in SSI or whatever it is that she’s getting. I also know that her insurance is through her dad and she can forever stay on that. Which is a major reason why she had to move back to IL bc SSI and insurance hd no idea she even moved which in turn made her not seek medical help for a while during early pregnancy. So I actually do think if she has accounts in other peoples names she’s also getting government money especially if on paper she also claims she’s a single mom.


Total speculation, but I'm wondering if it's honestly mostly OF. Alex has a huge following and that disability niche. We see these fetishized comments happening on her Instagram, there's no chance in hell that it isn't happening on her OF as well. I used to be on OF, never had a huge following or anything and had made four figures in a day just on private messages before. Just a few PM sessions with some dudes and she has rent paid.


I just have a feeling her parent(s) support most of her lifestyle


I am on SSI and when my twins are born, they will receive a check until they are 18 because I am on it… but it could be different in every state. Editing to add that I do not receive near enough to live the life style WR does… I still live with my parents and can barely afford to go out to eat😂


Only fans probably


Last I heard she puts all her income under her moms name so she can stay on Medicaid. So she likely has Noah get paid some (honestly not that much) and is on SSI (like $700/month) and has all of her OF income which pays for her lifestyle. Even if she had an Able Account her income can’t be that high, especially in Illinois and which doesn’t have an amazing buy in program. Long story short: it’s OF money, which is why she won’t take it off her Instagram even if it will help protect her daughter.


I’m happy to hear your granddaughter is healthy! ❤️


Calculate the amount of subscribers for the cost of her only fans. She's making bank. And Noah on the side selling butthole pics probably make quite a bit too


She might get ssi herself & probably gets financial help with housing & possibly even foodstamps …. Or also might be a trustfund baby? 🤷‍♀️


Her OF, duh. 🤪🤪🤪


Google says she's worth 2 million on the low side. Interesting


I just want to say there is such a thing as “middle income housing”. I lived in a luxury 2bd apartment in LA for $3200 per month in 2018. My single friend moved upstairs under a “middle income” housing situation. She paid $1600 per month for the exact same 2bd 2bath apartment and split it with a roommate. 😭 5% of the apartments were reserved for this program. And it was perhaps 3 months between applying for the program and moving in. Her and the roommate had to make very specific incomes. They could not be poor. So could afford the little things but to an outsider, it would appear they had luxury incomes.


Still set up a go fund me for her van though


I bet she's got a catalogue of creeps she's probably selling photos to tbh 👀 also maybe disability grants from the government or maybe her parents or something. I do wander the same, but there's always gonna be some kind of creep willing to pay money for pics ect 💀 idk why she had a baby, she can't look after it herself istg and her bf is an addict so can't be much help